The Importance of Critical Thinking in Moral Behavior Essay Example
It is evidently clear that the primary existence and prosperity of human being is entirely dependable on thinking. As the slogan goes “every man is a product of his thought”. The quality of our well-being (financially, morally, socially, and psychologically) depends entirely on the quality of our thought. Therefore for any human being to have a quality life, he/she needs to think critically. Critical thinking is a rational process of making decisions by both analyzing as well as evaluating the available data (Brookfield 4-6). Thinking critically enables one to employ reasoning in all is undertakings and make sound decisions which are of value.
People ought to behave in an upright manner, facilitated by good moral behavior. Critical thinking plays a major role in empowering the moral behavior of individuals and society at large. Through the valu
...e of logic, one can determine the difference between what should be done and what should not be done in a particular time and situation. Human beings normally have a tendency of making a decision or taking an action without considering the outcome. Critical thinking builds a culture of making informed and structured decisions, acceptance of responsibility and consequences of every action one takes thereby enabling people to live a life of progress (Print and Lange 89).
Critical thinking also plays a major role in setting and upholding sound moral behavior. For instance, it incarnates a culture thinking of how others will be affected by the decisions we take and replaces a selfish mindset with a desire to impact positively on others. Embracing the culture of good for all upgrades the moral behavior of individuals in a society leading to extinction o
vices associated with degraded morality. For instance, cases of rape in a society declines when men through sound reasoning treat all women as their sisters, teenagers lives are guarded properly since all grown up see them as their children, no one sells drugs or alcohol to teenagers because the selfish attitude is no more and the desire of making society a better place is embraced by all. Without exercising critical thinking in moral behavior, people would always tend to do things which only benefit them, regardless of the fact that the result will negatively impact others.
Critical thinking enables one to make sound judgments. By adopting critical thinking values such as reasoning and clarity, individuals do not rush to make decisions or take actions without reasoning. One makes decision after considering all the available alternatives and presented fact. These considerations enable one to make wise decision. Through critical thinking moral judgment is upgraded. Without adequate moral judgment and sound reasoning, people make decisions which makes them seem as though there are worthy in the society other than doing what adds value to their lives (Harpern 71-73).
Critical thinking is an important aspect of improving moral behavior through employing values such as clarity, good reasoning and precision the moral drive is improved. This informs the individual that the quality of life that he or she will have is entirely dependent on the decisions and actions taken. Without incorporating critical thinking in moral behavior, people always turn away from their responsibilities and always adopt a culture of looking for an excuse if anything goes wrong. Critical thinking improves the moral drive of an individual, leading to a culture of
being responsible for one’s action, accepting consequences of the action and always aiming at getting a solution for every situation. This improves the quality of thinking and moral values a combination that improves the quality of life (Halpern 70-73).
Critical thinking is important in moral behavior because it improves individual personality. It liberates the mindset of individuals impacting them with a desire to succeed, regardless of the obstacles their face. For instance, one develops an innate desire to set goals and achieve them without looking for shortcut as well as finding more value in what they do other than what is given to them freely. Through improved personality, students will for instance choose to study hard and increase their chance of succeeding in future other than getting involved in other simple and quick ways of making money, such as peddling of drugs or getting involved in crime gangs.
The quality of thinking is the major determinants of one’s life in that while quality thinking equals quality life, poor thinking equals miserable life. Critical thinking is a major aspect for prosperity in society, hence its values should be taught to each and every one in the society, especially by including critical thinking lessons in the education curriculum (Kohn 430-436).
In conclusion, critical thinking is an essential tool in moral behavior. Through the practice of critical thinking, moral standards are improved. Acceptance of responsibility and consequences are also embraced. The quality of thinking is improved, which enables one to study a problem adequately and make a wise decision. Critical thinking enhances individual personality and impact on them a culture of never giving up regardless of the obstacles they face, a
trait that is valuable in the current changing world. Critical thinking improves the quality of life and prosperity of the society at large by sufficiently molding an upright moral behavior.
Works Cited
- Brookfield, Stephen. "The getting of wisdom: What critically reflective teaching is and Why it’s important." Becoming a critically reflective teacher (1995): 1-28.
- Halpern, Diane F. "Teaching for critical thinking: Helping college students develop the skills and
dispositions of a critical thinker." New directions for teaching and learning 1999.80 (1999): 69 74. - Kohn, Alfie. "How not to teach values: A critical look at character education." Phi Delta Kappan 78.6 (1997): 429-439.
- Print, Murray, and Dirk Lange. Schools, Curriculum and Civic Education for Building Democratic Citizens. Rotterdam: SensePublishers, 2012. Internet resource.