Application of an Anthropological ?oncept Essay Example
Application of an Anthropological ?oncept Essay Example

Application of an Anthropological ?oncept Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1042 words)
  • Published: October 6, 2021
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Anthropology, derived from the Greek words for "human" and "study," is the examination of humanity from its earliest known origins millions of years ago to the present day. This field encompasses all aspects of human existence, leaving no aspect of our species unfamiliar. Unlike other disciplines, anthropology aims to comprehend the complete story of human existence throughout evolutionary time and geographical space.

Defining anthropology is simple, but analyzing it poses a challenge as it encompasses a wide range of topics, from the exotic to the everyday. This field explores both small-scale and large-scale issues, making it of great interest to ethnographers. Within anthropology, various concepts and terms are used to understand human behavior.

Every ethnographer aims to observe, record, and analyze a culture, specifically in interpreting signs to understand their relevant and accurate meanings. This require


s utilizing the concept of thick description to explore all possible interpretations (Geertz, 1994). An example of a behavioral sign is the act of winking. A significant question arises from this behavior: Does winking indicate a playful conspiracy between friends or is it simply due to eyelid contraction? With the ethnographer's clear understanding of such signs, cultures can engage in more meaningful dialogue.

Winking, a human behavior, is a form of deception aimed at others rather than being biological. It holds different interpretations in the language of the body across various cultures that have existed since the discovery of mankind. Essentially, winking involves looking at another person and intentionally closing one eye. While some cultures consider winking to be a friendly gesture, others perceive it as sexual or even vulgar.

Many cultures view winks as being related to sexual matters (Elston, Granje ; Lees

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2009). Both giving and receiving winks is something that many people have experienced. This is why winking is a common behavior seen in many people today. Furthermore, different cultures attach various meanings to different types of winks.

Mainly, people typically use their dominant eye to wink, which means that if their left eye is dominant, they will use it to wink. Although less common, there are individuals who use both eyes when winking. Another type of wink involves making a sound with the tongue. This type of wink is carefully timed and is intended to convey a specific message, rather than being purely biological in nature. Winking accompanied by a tongue sound is considered more advanced than a wink done solely with the eye. Additionally, there is a more advanced style of winking that is particularly prevalent in North America. It involves winking, making a clicking sound with the tongue, and then pointing the middle and index fingers at a recipient, mimicking the shape of a gun.

The text suggests that winks are intentional gestures mainly intended for individuals who are aware that they are non-biological. The various styles of winking contradict the notion that the action is purely a result of eyelid contractions (Miles, 2011). To further demonstrate that winks serve as a means of communication based on the involved cultures, they possess distinct interpretations. Winks are employed as a way to establish shared understanding (Collewijn, Van Der Steen ; Steinman, 2008), deliberately excluding those who are unfamiliar with the specific wink type and its intended meaning. People belonging to the same profession may possess their own unique language, which they utilize among themselves to effectively

communicate with their intended recipients even in the presence of others.

The presence of individuals who possess similar information makes it possible to consider winking as a potential aspect of conspiracy rather than solely a biological function. Doctors and police officers are prime examples of individuals who employ winks based on shared knowledge. In certain cultures, winking is utilized to provide comfort rather than merely indicating a contraction of the eye. The intention behind this gesture is to silently instill encouragement in individuals, assuring them of their capability to accomplish specific tasks.

This is followed by the fact that winks show satisfaction as a quick way to say thank you or congratulate someone for exemplary performance. Some people have used winks for flirting, to express attraction or in a playful manner to share fun with the receiver. The intention behind the flirt is simply to express attractiveness and not to be taken seriously.

The text suggests that winking is often associated with sexual attraction. When someone winks, it signifies their interest in becoming intimate with the other person. However, this type of winking can lead to sexual harassment if the receiver is not willing. Harassment occurs when the recipient consistently receives unwanted winks despite expressing discomfort or disapproval.

The clink is one of my favorite winks because it's really enjoyable to do. It's often associated with satisfaction, comfort, or flirting. While winking is sometimes seen as a secret way to communicate a message, it can also occur naturally due to biological reasons. In many cases, winking happens automatically when someone stares at something for an extended period of time. This action can occur even in the absence of

people around, indicating that it isn't directed at any particular person. Another example of the eye winking involuntarily is when someone closes their eyes while crying.

The act of crying is not specifically aimed at any person; instead, it helps the eyelid contract. When there are issues with the eyes, the eyelid contracts, causing unintentional winking that is not targeted at any specific points. Therefore, it would be incorrect to suggest that all winks are deliberately done to communicate a message to someone else. Anthropology explores the history of human beings from their earliest existence millions of years ago. As people continue to evolve, diverse cultures have emerged, leading to different human behaviors and interpretations.

Thick description in anthropology enables the analysis of various behaviors, including winking. Different cultures attribute different meanings to the various styles of winking. The question of whether winking is a conspiracy or simply the result of eyelid contraction has been a topic of debate. Winking carries significant meaning, as it is often used to convey messages of love, comfort, satisfaction, and shared knowledge. However, there are also instances where winking occurs as a biological function, such as during crying or laughing.

Both sides have weight, but the act of conspiracy in winking carries significant weight.

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