2nd 9 Weeks Test Review – Flashcards
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4. Meaning of Words For months, we watched each degree of improvement in the old house until the renovation was complete. In which sentence does the word degree have the same meaning as in the sentence above?
4. a. After six years of part-time study at the community college, Ellie finally earned her bachelor's degree. b. One British thermal unit, or BTU, is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. c. The pediatrician used a chart to track each degree of the baby's growth. d. The jury found Michael guilty of murder in the first degree.
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5. Use of Transitions My new neighbor, Mrs. Lynch, has three howling dogs, one yowling cat, and six squawking parrots. _______, I have not gotten a good night's sleep since she arrived. Which transition word or phrase would not be a good choice to fill in the blank?
5. a. As a result b. Besides c. Thus d. Consequently
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6. Little Women (excerpt) by Louisa May Alcott Nobody spoke for a minute; then Meg said in an altered tone, "You know the reason Mother proposed not having any presents this Christmas was because it is going to be a hard winter for everyone; and she thinks we ought not to spend money for pleasure, when our men are suffering so in the army. We can't do much, but we can make our little sacrifices, and ought to do it gladly. But I am afraid I don't," and Meg shook her head, as she thought regretfully of all the pretty things she wanted. The passage suggests the mother does not want to buy presents this Christmas because she is ________.
6. A. frugal B. angry C. poor and can't afford gifts for everyone D. concerned about the suffering men at war
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7. The numbered sentences are part of a paragraph, but they are out of order. Choose the arrangement that creates a logical and effective paragraph. 1. On the other hand, horror films are the least popular. 2. Of all the genres that exist, the most popular is the drama. 3. Some of the most common film genres are action, comedy, drama, horror, and science fiction. 4. Filmmakers create many types of films. 5. Regardless of the genre one prefers, watching a film offers an entertaining escape from reality.
7. a. 4, 2, 1, 3, 5 b. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 c. 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 d. 4, 3, 5, 2, 1
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8. The Call of the Wild (excerpt) by Jack London (Main Idea) "For a long time after his rescue, Buck did not like Thornton to get out of his sight. From the moment he left the tent to when he entered it again, Buck would follow at his heels. His transient masters since he had come into the Northland had bred in him a fear that no master could be permanent. He was afraid that Thornton would pass out of his life as Perrault and Francois and the Scotch half-breed had passed out. Even in the night, in his dreams, he was haunted by this fear. At such times he would shake off sleep and creep through the chill to the flap of the tent, where he would stand and listen to the sound of his master's breathing." In the passage, the main idea is ___________.
8. A. ". . . in his dreams, he was haunted by this fear." B. "Buck did not like Thornton to get out of his sight." C. ". . . he would stand and listen to the sound of his master's breathing." D. "He was afraid that Thornton would pass out of his life . . ."
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9. Main Idea The skeptical spinster sat in her shabby suit stricken with sadness. Stress and sluggishness had severed her strength. Sighing sorrowfully, she stated that sleep was the only salve she sought. What is the main idea?
9. A. Otherworldly powers can overwhelm the elderly. B. A depressed and exhausted old woman wanted to rest. C. People should only work as hard as they have to. D. Sleep is a remedy for a wide assortment of ailments.
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10. Main Idea Discussions about politics can become heated. People feel very strongly about certain issues and feel personally attacked if someone disagrees with them. What is the main idea?
10. A. People can get very passionate about their political beliefs. B. Never discuss politics with your friends. C. Talking about politics helps people grasp others' viewpoints. D. Choose friends who share your political views.
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11. Reading for Meaning Read the following sentences. My cousin Roger plays college football and dreams of playing in the NFL. What does NFL mean?
11. A. National Foreign Legion B. Numerous Football Lessons C. National Football League D. Names of Friendly Leagues
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12. Meaning of Words in Context Read the following sentences. Bill had worked very hard on this project for the past eight months, and he was very pleased with the final result. Now that the computers and printers had been installed, the utilities turned on, and the break rooms and bathrooms stocked, this office building was ready to open. Bill loved his job as general contractor for turnkey commercial projects. What does turnkey mean in this context?
12. A. breaking into an encrypted computer with ingenious hacking methods B. a kind of large, domesticated bird that is a popular holiday food C. a building that is protected from theft by advanced security measures D. a structure that is built and turned over in ready-to-use condition
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13. Author's Purpose in Writing Read the passage and then answer the question that follows. Thank you for volunteering at the Mission Heights Animal Rescue Clinic! We are so pleased that you are offering your help to our worthy cause of providing care and finding homes for animals. We believe you will find it a very rewarding experience. Upon arrival at the clinic, it is very important that you check in with Margie, the clinic supervisor, at her office. She needs to know who is in the building and who is available for clinic work at all times. Margie will give you a task list for the day. If you encounter difficulty or are unable to complete all of the tasks, be sure to let Margie know. Remember that many of these animals have been mistreated and may respond to your most gentle and calm movements with aggression. Do not assume that a quiet animal is friendly and approachable. Your safety is a priority. If you feel that an animal is unwell or potentially aggressive, do not approach it and inform Margie right away. Should an animal bite or scratch you, report to Margie immediately and then go to the clinic across the street for emergency treatment. Even if the injury seems very minor, you must let Margie know about it and you must have medical treatment. We keep detailed behavioral accounts of all the animals, and many diseases and infections can be passed by animals through minor bites and scratches. What is the author's purpose for writing this passage?
13. A. to find new volunteers for the Mission Heights Animal Rescue Clinic B. to explain procedures for volunteers at the Mission Heights Animal Rescue Clinic C. to teach veterinary students how to care for mistreated dogs and cats D. to educate the public about the work done at the Mission Heights Animal Rescue Clinic
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14. Support in Text Franklin D. Roosevelt's Address to Congress December 8, 1941 Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, members of the Senate and the House of Representatives: Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And, while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack. It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. Yesterday the Japanese Government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night the Japanese attacked Wake Island. And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island. Japan has therefore undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation. As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense, that always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph. So help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire. Which statement supports the speaker's opinion that Japanese leaders are not to be trusted?
14. A. The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. B. During the intervening time the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. C. As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense, that always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. D. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory.
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15. Read this passage and answer the question that follows it. Huns have often been referred to as a hostile, abominable people. They were a group of nomads whose exact country of origin is unknown. Their warriors traveled ahead of the women, who made their homes in carriages covered with animal skins and furs. The appearance of a Hun warrior would have been quite noticeable. They had oddly-shaped heads because as infants, wooden contraptions were fastened to their heads to change the shape. To reduce or eliminate facial hair, young Hun warriors were subjected to searing hot irons. To the civilized world they were barbarians not far removed from wild animals in both appearance and lifestyle. Huns were driven by an instinctive desire to rampage villages and take whatever they wanted. They used weapons that were considered outlandish even in their own time. Sometimes a region of people would be so terrified of the approach of the Huns that they would leave their villages instead of staying and meeting the wrath of the vicious Huns. The most famous of these warlike people is Attila the Hun. He was born the son of a king in A.D. 395. He first learned to ride a sheep, and later became a skilled horseman. He displayed his strength on numerous hunting expeditions. He grew up to become one of the fiercest leaders the world has known. Where would this paragraph best be placed? On one of his many rampages, Attila was approached by the lovely young daughter of a rebel chieftain who begged Attila not to execute her father. Attila had the man put to death anyway, but he was so enchanted by the woman's beauty that he married her in a lavish ceremony. The day after he was married, Attila's warriors became concerned because Attila did not come out of his chamber. When they broke down the door, they found Attila dead, lying on the floor in a pool of blood.
15. A. between the first and second paragraphs B. between the second and third paragraphs C. between the third and fourth paragraphs D. after the last paragraph
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16. Adding additional information. Read this passage and answer the question that follows it. Huns have often been referred to as a hostile, abominable people. They were a group of nomads whose exact country of origin is unknown. Their warriors traveled ahead of the women, who made their homes in carriages covered with animal skins and furs. The appearance of a Hun warrior would have been quite noticeable. They had oddly-shaped heads because as infants, wooden contraptions were fastened to their heads to change the shape. To reduce or eliminate facial hair, young Hun warriors were subjected to searing hot irons. To the civilized world they were barbarians not far removed from wild animals in both appearance and lifestyle. Huns were driven by an instinctive desire to rampage villages and take whatever they wanted. They used weapons that were considered outlandish even in their own time. Sometimes a region of people would be so terrified of the approach of the Huns that they would leave their villages instead of staying and meeting the wrath of the vicious Huns. The most famous of these warlike people is Attila the Hun. He was born the son of a king in A.D. 395. He first learned to ride a sheep, and later became a skilled horseman. He displayed his strength on numerous hunting expeditions. He grew up to become one of the fiercest leaders the world has known. Which of the following sentences could be added to the second paragraph?
16. A. Huns ate raw meat toughened by having been carried in pouches for many miles. B. Huns were characterized by long arms, large chests, and slanted eyes. C. Attila developed a strong sense of hatred toward people who were weak. D. They drank the milk of horses for nourishment.
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17. Which of the following sentences is correct?
17. A. They are the most smartest people I know. B. She is more tallest than her mother. C. They should be more happier about their win. D. She is the funniest person that I have ever met.
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18. Which of the following sentences is correct?
18. A. In my opinion, Captain Wentworth is one of the best characters in Regency Period literature. B. In my opinion, Captain Wentworth is the best characters in Regency Period literature. C. In my opinion, Captain Wentworth is the better of all characters in Regency Period literature. D. In my opinion, Captain Wentworth is one of the most best character in Regency Period literature.
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19. Which of the following sentences is correct?
19. A. Jay is youngest than Shannon. B. Angelyn is the funnier person I know. C. Mike is older than Katie. D. Amanda is happiest than Anne.
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20. Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?
20. A. My dog is faster than just about any other dog. B. I think tomorrow will be an even more perfect day than today. C. She is one of the prettiest people that I know. D. Mary wants to be the best possible teacher that she can be.
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GRAMMAR SUBJECT AND VERB: Choose the letter of the answer that identifies these parts of speech in each sentence. a. subject b. verb c. none of the above
21. Hasn't the first bus load of tourists left the hotel yet? 22. One sliver of glass had escaped notice and remained on the floor. 23. None of those present at Tuesday's meeting favored the proposal. 24. Out of the limousine stepped a woman muffled in furs. 25. Is the Washington Monument located in Washington, D.C.?
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PARTS OF SPEECH: Choose the letter that best represents all the following parts of speech in each sentence. a. noun b. pronoun c. verb
26. The soloists bowed again to the audience. 27. Laureen is a friendly person, and she seems reliable as well. 28. Whew! I almost dropped that! 29. In the living room hung a portrait of her grandmother. 30. Each of the guests had brought a gift for the host.
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PARTS OF SPEECH: Choose the letter that best represents all the following parts of speech in each sentence.. a. noun b. pronoun c. verb d. adjective e. adverb ab. preposition
31. The soloists bowed again to the audience. 32. Laureen is a friendly person, and she seems reliable as well. 33. Whew! I almost dropped that! 34. In the living room hung a portrait of her grandmother. 45. Each of the guests had brought a gift for the host. 36. To be sure that the answer is correct, she reread her test. 37. In three minutes the debate will begin. 38. After visiting Aunt Elena, we took the subway downtown. 39. Suddenly the leaves stirred it was only a squirrel. 40. A portrait the artists, an easel, and two canvases with brushes.
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41. This Part of Speech names a person, a place a thing, or an idea.
41. A. pronoun B. adjective C. noun D. adverb
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42. This Part of Speech can take the place of a noun.
42. A. noun B. adverb C. adjective D. pronoun
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43. This Part of Speech modifies a noun or a pronoun
43. A. noun B. adverb C. conjunction D. adjective
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44. This Part of Speech express action, an occurrence, or a state of being.
44. A. preposition B. interjection C. verb D. adjective
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45. The Part of Speech modifies, qualifies or describes a noun or pronoun in a sentence.
45. A. adjective B. adverb C. conjunction D. preposition
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46. Time, place, and physical characteristics of where a story takes place.
46. A. Satire B. Setting C. Simile D. Theme
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47. Assigning human qualities to an animal, object, or idea
47. A. Mood B. Personification C. Plot D. Protagonist
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48. Force or character working against the main character
48. A. Exposition B. External C. Conflict D. Flashback
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49. Contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually exists or happens.
49. A. Imagery B. Internal Conflict C. Irony D. Metaphor
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50. Comparison of two things that have some quality in common, without using like or
50. A. Imagery B. Internal Conflict C. Irony D. Metaphor
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ESSAY PORTION OF 1st SEMESTER EXAM Value: 50 Points Please follow the format of the template we have been using all semester. It is included with this packet for your use to follow. Please write the essay on your own paper, but follow the template. You may write on it, but transfer the information to your own essay paper before stapling it to the packet. The purpose is to see if you can deconstruct a prompt, decide what it asking you to write about, come to a decision regarding how it applies to your particular situation, and then write about it in a sequential order. Please use a general opening, state a thesis, transition to a 1st body paragraph with elaborate sentences with two good details well developed. Follow with two more body paragraphs that fully explain your position or ideas. Conclude the essay by summarizing the final ideas and coming to a broad conclusion.
Please use a general opening, state a thesis, transition to a 1st body paragraph with elaborate sentences with two good details well developed. Follow with two more body paragraphs that fully explain your position or ideas. Conclude the essay by summarizing the final ideas and coming to a broad conclusion.
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ENGLISH II PROMPT: Please write according to the Essay Template for strong thesis statement with three parts, topic sentences that match the thesis statement, Transition Words, Clear details, in three body paragraphs, elaborated sentences that put your voice in the essay and brings the reader into the story. English II PROMPT Persuasive Essay: Should student wear uniforms? Peer pressure in today's schools has become so intense that some students have turned to violence in order to obtain shoes, clothing, jewelry, etc. Think about students who want to "fit in" and what some of them will do in order to be "like everyone else". Think of ways schools can devise to help eliminate some of the problems of peer pressure. Now, write an essay which agrees or disagrees with requiring students to wear uniforms to schools. Details and reasons provide support to convince others that your position is reasonable.
ENGLISH III PROMPT: Please write according to the Essay Template for strong thesis statement with three parts, topic sentences that match the thesis statement, Transition Words, Clear details, in three body paragraphs, elaborated sentences that put your voice in the essay and brings the reader into the story. ENGLISH III PROMPT: Persuasive Essay: The Price of Driver's License in Florida: The state of Florida charges $48 for a new driver's license. The state plans to double license fees for drivers under the age of 18. The money will be used to fund driver-education programs. Write an essay supporting or opposing this decision. Use specific reasons and details to argue for or against your position. Details and reasons provide support to convince others that your position is reasonable.
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BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS Reading a Prompt and Developing a Thesis PROMPT: Write the prompt here: What is the main subject of this prompt? --- general subject - not specific to you just yet. 1. What are all the topics you need to address from the prompt? If the prompt is short, there maybe only one. If the prompt is long, there may be several to address. ***** If not, just address the above topic. Read prompt carefully. 2. 3. 4. Now, how does the above general topic pertain to you specifically? What are at least three topics you can write about based on the prompt? All good "5 and 6" essays contain at least 3 well developed 3 topics creatively presented with the writer's personal voice in the text - experiences - input) 1. 2. 3. These three topics become part of your thesis statement -- DO NOT MAKE UP NEW TOPICS! ROUGH DRAFT THESIS: Write your thesis based on the prompt and the three topics you can write about based on the prompt and what they are asking you to address. . Remember, these three topics become your topic sentences and areas they are asking you to address. General Thesis format: Subject, action verb, direct object, three reasons. Please use your action verb list Right now you may write in 1st person and use passive verbs, but please try to move to upper level writing in the future. Action verbs and 3rd person - if you can --- . Subject:________________________ Action Verb: ____________________ Direct Object:___________________ Three reasons: _______________________________________ EXAMPLE: The last trip (subject) created (Action Verbs) a memorable time (direct object )for our family because of the sites we visited, the great restaurants, and the many shopping adventures for us. ( 3 Reasons)
BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS SENTENCE TYPES FOR ESSAY WRITING: FOUR types of sentences: 1. Bare: simples sentences that just list the facts. The girls sat down on the chair. 2. Extended sentences: Bare with few details: The girl sat down on the chair to have her lunch, and she started eating. 3. Layered sentences: The girl sat down on the chair to have her lunch of a sandwich and chips , and she started eating with great gusto. 4. Elaborations sentences: (This is the one they want you to write). The girl sat down to have her lunch of a sandwich and chips, and she started eating with great gusto. I sat down next to her and wondered at the look of contentment on her face as she gulped down the sandwich first and then the broken ruffled chips. It is too bad she did not have a drink to keep her from choking on the dry chips. I personally would have made sure I had a drink before I choked and made a fool of myself. (this is creative and a personal voice is added with details that entertain and have entertained the reader. (put your "self" in the writing for a good "6" score) COMPOUND COMPLEX SENTENCES when you can, use complex sentence structures. Because of the rain, our trip has to canceled on day, but we did not let that delay dampen our spirits. We took the extra time to shop for new clothes, and we found a set of new luggage to put all our souvenirs to bring home. We hope we do not have to pay extra for luggage, but if we do, that will be just fine. ******** THIS NOW BEGINS YOUR ACTUAL ESSAY ******* BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS: Developing Opening Paragraphs OPENING PARAGRAPH: An opening paragraph needs a minimum of 4 sentences: 3 general sentences and your thesis. Be Creative in your opening sentences - be clever and original - use your own voice and your own words or creativity. 1. 2. 3. FINAL Thesis statement : this is your 4th sentence: copy your FINAL thesis statement in ONE SENTENCE: Tell the reader in your own words your position or topics and include your three topics for your paper. Remember, these three topics become your topic sentences from your thesis.
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BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS: Developing Body Paragraphs REMEMBER: These body paragraphs are where higher level vocabulary and strong sentence structure are important. Try to use compound and complex sentences if possible. Remember, aim for at least 4 higher level words in the three body paragraphs. If you begin a sentence with a dependent clause, put a comma after that dependent clause before you begin the independent clause. Watch spelling and too many commas. Be careful of all punctuation and capitalization. You have your thesis and topics for your body paragraphs --- Now, take the 1st topic from your thesis and make it your 1st topic sentences for your 1st body paragraph: BODY PARAGRAPH # 1 then # 2 and then # 3 Use your voice and your word choice on your topic Transition word or sentence to begin the paragraph: continual and controlled flow to paragraphs in your creative voice. Continue with your topic sentence based on your thesis 1st topic from thesis: Transition word or sentence to begin 1st example As as many details to describe this example or your experience as you CREATIVELY write: looks, what you hear, see, smell, hear; taste; feel; touch; think, think you might see, might smell: any details that add to your experiences - your own mental images with your voice - metaphors, similes, anecdotes, and comparatives, etc. Tell WHY this example/experience is important to support 1st topic from thesis. (Because....but...so.... elaborative sentences) aim for those elaborative sentences with extended word choice. Why was this experience relevant to the topic. Some version of this arrangement Transition word or sentence to 2nd example: This creates an embed transition and continual controlled flow. Do the same thing with as many examples for the 1st topic as possible. Make the experience relevant and personal. (You may present a counter argument in your argument in your body paragraph. - you get extra points for this one) (because.....so...that ...) Some version of this arrangement Mental images - personal, creative, elaborations, relevant, and concrete -- go for the "6" description elaborated. ALWAYS PUT THEY WHY to indicate why and support that example for the 1st topic. Use the sentences structure (because... but...so...) to extend and elaborate your topic and create your personal mental image) ) (because.....so...that ...) (Because......but.....so......) Some version of this arrangement Many examples can be put in this paragraph to fully develop the topic and don't forget the WHY (because.....so...that ...) sentence structure created why and an elaborated sentence structure). Makes the description relevant and concrete. WORD TO THE WISE *** MINIMUM of 2 good details with STRONG WHY statement. Three details are good, but 2 will get a good score if higher vocabulary, good sentence structure, and mechanics are followed - (because.....so...that ...) sentence structures. Some version of this arrangement CONCLUDING SENTENCE for this 1st topic sentence only - this can also be a transition sentence to the next topic. Does your word choice reflect your voice and your sentences relate to each other?
BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS: Developing A CLOSING Paragraph CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH FORMAT Minimum of 4 sentences Restate thesis statement in new words - (if need to use same words, then so do) - this is where you come 360' to your original thesis statement. Be clever with original word choice and complex sentence structure. This is where your creative nature will show again. Summarize what was discussed in the paper based on the thesis and three topic sentence body paragraphs: Be creative and be original in word choice and sentence structure. Put your voice in your writing. 360' here too. Summary: Be creative and put your voice in your writing. Come 360' in your writing to the original topic. Show that you have covered the entire topic and have come to a conclusion in a creative manner. Overall concluding sentence bringing back to your overall topic from the very beginning opening sentences. Remember, this is the basic structure for an essay (Basic Essay STYLE). A good essay can follow many forms, but a good "6" usually has 3 well developed topics. This format gives any writer focus and structure in an organizational pattern that is evident to the reader. Supporting details and idea with word choice and sentence structure can be seen by the grader. Use elaborative sentence structure with the because...but...so... sentence structure to fully show why. Variations on the structure with more paragraphs and topics are possible. It is even possible to write on one good topic if the topic expansion has enough supporting details to make the essay interesting. This is where individual creative writing skills come into play. A good essay well organized with higher level word choice, strong mechanics and sentence structure showing command of the language will gain the approval of any grader.
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On the following Rubric -- Grade your essay for proficiency and excellence in writing. Janil Jesnii created this rubric and we appreciate her efforts. 6 + 1 Traits Rubric Essay Writer: ____________________________ Peer Editor of Essay: ______________________________ Trait 6 5/4 3 2 1 Points Earned Comments Ideas Writing is clear and focused. Holds reader's attention. Relevant details and support. Writing has good details; most of the ideas are well- thought out; few need more explanation. Writing needs to focus; development is basic/general. Some details are loosely related. Writing needs to focus on one experience. Most details do not fit the piece. Writing has no clear purpose or theme; missing numerous details and explanations. Organization Organization enhances and showcases the central idea or theme. The order / structure is compelling and moves the reader through the text. Writing is mostly well organized. Most of the transitions are helpful; ideas are somewhat connected. The organizational structure is strong enough to move the reader through the text without too much confusion. The beginning, middle, and ending all run together. The order of events is unclear. The writing needs to be reorganized; lacks a sense of direction. Ideas are strung together. Voice The personal voice creates interest in the writing; voice is individual and compelling. The voice creates interest in the writing; engaging. The voice seems sincere, but not fully engaged or involved. Voice sounds robotic and average. The voice is indifferent or weak; fails to connect to the audience. The voice shows no involvement in the written piece; lacks audience engagement. Word Choice Words convey intended message- writing is precise, interesting and powerful. Creates a clear mental image. Words are engaging and create a somewhat clear picture. Language is functional, but lacks energy. It is easy to figure out the writer's meaning on a general level. General and overused words do not create a clear picture; lacks consistency. Word choice limited; writer has not searched for words to convey specific meaning. Sentence Fluency The writing has an easy flow and rhythm; sentences are strong, well-built and varied. The sentences are varied, and are purposeful; however, some should flow more smoothly. A better variety of sentences is needed. Sentences do not read smoothly; sounds mechanical rather than fluid. Many short or incomplete sentences need to be combined to keep the writing from being choppy. Cadence lulls reader to sleep. Most sentences need to be rewritten; sounds choppy, incomplete and/or awkward. Conventions The writer demonstrates a strong command of the English language. Writing has a few minor errors in punctuation, spelling, or grammar. The writing has several errors in punctuation, spelling, or grammar, but not enough to take away from the overall piece. Writing has some errors that cause confusion and may seem distracting or impair readability. Errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar make the narrative confusing and hard to read. Errors in conventions are repeated, distracting the reader and making the text very difficult to read. Presentation Janil Jesnii 2013 Handwritten text is consistent; letters are clearly formed, spacing is uniform; text is easy to read. Handwriting is mostly consistent; most of the text is clear and easy to read. Handwriting is readable, although there are some discrepancies. Some words are easier to read than others. Some parts are readable, but most of the text is hard to read. Spacing is unbalanced; handwriting is very difficult to read.
Editing Checklist 1. Can you identify the thesis in this essay? Yes / No If so, write the thesis here 2. Is the overall quality of the writing clear and understandable? Yes / No 3. Circle 5 nouns, verbs, and adjectives that you think could be changed for stronger words (use three different colored pens/markers for the nouns, verbs and adjectives). Best part of the writing: (choose a trait and explain why) Area that needs improvement: (choose a trait and explain why) Based on the FCAT Writes Rubric above , what score would you assign this essay and why?
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