19th century revolutions and nationalism – Flashcards

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Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria split his empire in half because of pressure from the Hungarians. Austria and Hungary were then independent states, with himself the ruler of both. The empire was then called Austria-Hungary. Nationalist disputes continued to weaken the empire for more than 40 years, and after World War I the empire broke into several separate nation-states.
The Balkans is a region that includes all or part of present day Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, and the former Yugoslavia. The Ottomans controlled most of The Balkans. The Greeks demanded their independence from the empire in 1821.
Camilo di Cavour
The prime minister of Sardinia under King Emmanuel II. Worked to expand Piedmont-Sardinia's power. Set about gaining control of northern Italy. Provoked a war with the Austrians, Cavour won, and took all of northern Italy except Venetia in 1858. was secretly helping nationalist rebels in southern Italy.
Citizen king
Louis Phillipe known as citizen king because he owned his throne to the people and he would greet French people in the streets.
People who supported the old aristocracy. They fought against the constitutional government. They benefited under the old order and wanted to bring royal families back to the throne. The supported social order in which lower classes respected and obeyed the upper classes. They also backed an established church. They believed that talk about natural rights and constitutional government would lead to chaos and change must come slowly. Wanted to suppress revolutionary ideas and opposed the beliefs of the liberals and nationalists.
Constitutional monarchy
A monarchy in which the ruler exercises their power under the restriction of a constitution, written or unwritten.
Spainards born in Latin America and below penisulares and controlled wealth and power with them in the spanish colonies. Could rise to officer in army.
Czar Alexander ll
Alexander II was the person who decided to move Russia towards modernization and social change. He believed that his reforms would allow Russia to compete with western Europe for world power. His first reform was freeing the serfs in 1861. Political and social reforms stopped when Alexander was assassinated.
Franco-Prussian war
War between Prussia and France that was the final stage in German unification
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Leader of the Red Shirts who united the southern part of Italy with the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. A soldier who led Italian nationalist to capture Sicily in 1860. He and his followers were known as the red shirts. Garibaldi agreed to step aside and allow Emmanuel II to rule all his land.
Jose de San Martin
Helped Argentina win independence from Spain. A creole born in Argentina, but went to Europe for military training. Helped Argentina win independence from Spain. Led an army into Chile and Peru. Worked with Bolivar, but had very different views. Allowed Bolivar to win the final victories against Spain
Jose Maria morelos
A mestizo priest who called for wide-ranging political and social reform including higher standard of living, abolishing slavery, and giving all men the right to vote. Led rebel forces, and was captured and killed in 1815. Call for independence taken up after Hidalgos death.
Very conservative members of Prussia's wealthy landowning class
Kaiser Wilhelm l
Title taken by King Wilhelm of Prussia during the second Reich Started as King of Prussia. Wanted reforms that would strengthen Prussia's. Junkers supported his views. Named Otto von Bismarck his prime minister. Was named kaiser, or emperor of Prussia after the Franco-Prussian war on January 18, 1817 at the palace of Versailles. The German empire was now called the Second Reich.
King Charles x
Inherited the French throne in 1824 when his brother, Louis XVIII died. He suspended the French legislature, limited the right to vote, and restricted the press. Citizens revolted, and rebels controlled Paris within days. Charles X abdicated and fled to England.
King louis- philippe
Louis Philippe was chosen by the Chamber of Deputies as king and was known by the French as the "citizen king" because he owed his throne to the people. In his youth he supported the revolution of of 1789 and he got along well with the liberal bourgeoisie. He was similar to them, dressing the same and liberal politicians and professionals filled his government. Under Louis Philippe, the upper bourgeoisie prospered and he extended suffrage although it was only to France's wealthier citizens. The vast majority of people under his rule could not vote and his policies favored the middle class at the expense of the workers.
King victor Emanuel ll
The king of Sardinia. He met with Garibaldi, who willing agreed to step aside and allow Emmanuel to rule
People who supported natural rights and a republican form of government. Most likely to be something like a lawyer, banker, business owner, politicians and wanted governments to be based on written constitutions and a separation of powers. Inspired by enlightenment ideas and the French Revolution. They opposed divine-right monarchy and the old aristocracy. They also established churches, defended natural rights, and wanted a republican form of government where the responsible rulers were chosen by the people. Liberals supported laissez-faire economics, and the ideas brought forth by Adam Smith and David Ricardo.
Louis napoleon
The president of the National Assembly that won by a large majority of votes was Louis Napoleon, the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte. He attracted the working class by presenting himself as someone who cared about social issues such as poverty. The connection to his name and past French glory helped Napoleon with the conservatives. Louis Napoleon used his position of power to make himself emperor and this ended the Second Republic. Louis then used a plebiscite to win public approval for his seizure of power 90% voted for him. He used this to set up the Second Empire.
Offspring of a Spaniard and an American Indian.
Miguel hidalgo
Mexican priest who began the long revolt against Spanish rule. Gave a speech that called for Mexicans to fight for independence. Had a small army of poor mestizos and native Americans, but Hidalgo's call for an end to slavery and reforms were soon rejected and he was captured and killed.
One white parent, one black European and African
Powerful political idea of the 1800s that upset the balance of power in Europe. Groups of people who had a common heritage, and attempted to win their own states. They were inspired by the fact that many European rulers had gained and lost lands because of several factors over the centuries, resulting in empires that included many nationalities. Nationalist groups tried to untie and win independence for themselves, while giving people a sense of identity and the goal of establishing their own homeland. However, nationalist bread intolerance and persecuted other ethnic groups.
A nation-state is when a nation has its own independent government. It defends the nation's territory and its way of life. It also represents the nation to the rest of the world. In 1815, France, England, and Spain were nation-states and the numbers grew as nationalist movements achieved success.
Otto von Bismarck
Prime minister to Wilhelm I. The master of the realpolitik. Declared that he would rule without the consent of parliament and without a legal budget. Waged war on Denmark and formed an alliance with Austria, leading to increased national pride among Prussians and respect from Germans. Then provoked Austria into declaring war on Prussia, "seven week's war." Created the impression that the French ambassador had insulted the Prussian king to win the support of southerners. A war began between Prussia and France, and the Parisians fell to a German siege. With this, Bismarck unified Germany.
Ottoman Empire
The empire that controlled most of the Balkans for centuries. The first group to declare independence from the Ottomans was the Greeks, followed by the Serbians.
A kingdom under the rule of Victor Emmanuel II and Prime Minister Camillo di Cavour. Cavour gained all of northern Italy, and Garibaldi gained southern Italy. Emmanuel then became the ruler of all this land.
Whites in Latin America from Spain, tiny precentage of population and only them could hold high office in government
A conservative power who had to put down revolts. Frederick William IV was offered to be the crown of a united Germany, but rejected to offer.
People who favored drastic drastic change to extend democracy to all people. Believed that the government should practice all the ideals of the French Revolution.
Term applied to tough power politics with no room for idealism
red shirts
Garibaldi's followers who always wore red shirts in battle
Policy of forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the Russian empire and started by Alexander III. Put into place during the Romanov dynasty. The policy strengthened ethic nationalist feelings and dis unified Russia.
A French colony on the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti) that began as a pirate outpost. The people on the island robbed Spanish galleons, who were persuaded by the French to settle on the island and use their goods to invest in sugar plantations. The island soon became the most valuable colony in the world 40% Europe's sugar 60% coffee and more slaves than anywhere except here.
seven weeks war
War between Austria and Prussia in 1866. Tension purposely stirred up by Bismarck led to Austria declaring war on Prussia in 1866. Prussians won by a landslide, humiliating Austria, who lost the region of Vienna. With this win, Prussia took control of northern Germany, and the eastern and western parts of the Prussian kingdom were joined.
Simon Bolivar
Latin American and educated creole who wanted to win independence from Spain. Used nationalism to gain a following. Led an uprising that established a republic in Venezuela in 1810 after Napoleon occupied Spain, and triggered years of civil wars in Venezuela. Force into exile in Haiti several times. Made an alliances with the llaneros 1811, and led an army to attack the Spanish in modern day Colombia, won. United several nations in to one, called Gran Colombia. Later split into Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. Disappointed when violent civil wars delayed south americas progress. Freed carcas and then moved down to ecador, peru, adn bolivia and joined forces with jose de san martin
toussaant l'ouverture
Haitian leader who led a successful slave revolt and inspired his people to fight for independence
Why did revolutions occur in France in 1830 and 1848?
One cause of the French Revolution of 1830 was Charles X taking the throne. Charles was a strong believer in absolutism and he suspended the legislature, limited the right to vote, and restricted the press. The effect was the forceful way the liberals and radicals responded to this. Citizens threw up barricades on the streets and pelted soldiers with stones and tiles. The rebels controlled Paris within a few days. Charles X abdicated and fled England. One cause of the French Revolution of 1848 was discontent that was heightened by a recession. With the reduced economic activity, factories shut down and people lost their jobs. Poor harvests also contributed to the price of bread rising. The effect was angry crowds taking to the streets. These crowds gathered on the streets because the government took steps to silence critics and prevent public meetings. Items like carts, paving stones, and trees blocked the streets. Women and men sang songs about the revolution and many demonstrators were killed by royal troops. 1830: - Liberals and radicals barricaded streets and fired on soldiers -took control of Paris -charles X abdicated and fled to England 1848: -Louis Phillipe's reforms helped only the rich and workers couldn't vote -poor harvest, bread prices soar, jobs lost - streets barricaded -Louis Phillipe abdicated -bourgeoisie gain power and rights, peasants cry bread or lead and protesters attack -1500 killed -distrust
Why did France's Second Republic fail? What replaced it, and how?
France's Second Republic fell because of the reign of Louis Napoleon. Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, he was elected to be president of the Second Republic after Revolutions in 1848. Once in office, he used his position as a stepping stone to greater power. In 1852, he held a plebiscite that named him emperor, and he k the title of Napoleon III. He replaced the Second republic with the Second Empire through the plebiscite and his election as emperor, as people thought a monarchy would be more stable than a republic and offer more peace, while many hoped he would restore France to the glory days of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Who said "When France sneezes, Europe catches cold," and what did that mean?
Clemens von Metternich said this statement. He was referring to the revolts of 1830 and 1848 in France. These revolts cause many uprisings in other places like Belgium and Poland and, although most were suppressed by military force, some rebels did win changes from conservative governments. France's rebellions started a cycle of other states fighting for independence and more rights, which is why Metternich said this, as when French had revolts, all of Europe dissolved into rebellions. He was also saying that Franc was the most influential power in Europe, as whatever happened in France would affected the whole continent. He uses the metaphor of germs because they are highly contagious and spread quickly. As French revolutions occurred, they spread throughout Europe
Besides France, what European countries experienced revolutions between 1830 and 1848? Why? Were any of those revolutions successful? Explain.
Belgium also had a revolution during 1830 and 1848. Belgium's revolution was sparked by nationalism and France's revolutions. In 1815, the Congress of Vienna united present day Belgium and the Kingdom of Holland under Dutch rule. This angered the Belgians, as Belgians and Dutch had different languages, cultures, religions, and economic interests. After hearing about France's uprisings against Charles X, students and workers revolted for independence. The Dutch King asked the other European powers for help but Britain and France thought they would benefit from the separation of Holland and Belgium and supported Belgium. Austria, Prussia, and Russia were too busy trying to put down their own revolts, so Belgium became an independent state with a liberal constitution. It was the only successful European revolution between this time. Poland also had a revolution in 1830 because they wanted independence, as most of Poland was owned by Russia. Polish students, army officers, and landowners revolted in 1830 against the Russians but failed to gain widespread support and were defeated.
How did nationalism unify new nations and divided old empires? Give examples.
Nationalism sparked an idea of unity and a sense of belonging that created a desire to be united amongst new nations and old empires. Nationalism made countries want to be independent and free of the control of other nations. They wanted to be united as a country and run the country themselves. Nationalism created a passion for unity that, after so many years of mixing boundaries, languages, and cultures, was one of the strongest forces in European society.
What role did nationalism play in the 19th century Latin American revolutions and wars of independence?
Nationalism was the one of the prime motivating factors of the Latin American revolutions. This is because nationalism is independence from a governing state, which was exactly what these wars were. All of the states in Latin America were driven by the spirit of nationalism and wanted to be independent from their European rulers so they could rule themselves.
What did the revolutions in South America, Mexico, and Haiti all have in common? How did they differ?
All of these places were colonies of some greater European power and they were trying to gain independence from Europe. Mexico and South American were also both ruled by Spain, but Haiti was governed by France. All of these revolutions were started by people of the lower class. Slaves revolted in Haiti, poor mestizos and Native Americans followed Father Hidalgo in Mexico, and the Native Americans were the first to revolt in South America. Mexico and South America also had creole leader leading the fight for freedom, but Haiti's revolution was led first by former slave Toussaint L'Ouverture. These revolutions differed in a few ways. Haiti's revolution came in two parts, as they gained independence but then Napoleon reinstated french power and slavery, prompting a second revolution, while the two others were long, continuous battles. Diseases like the yellow fever also greatly helped Haiti win independence, while these diseases did not effect the other revolutions. the South American revolution also had the most obvious failure, as while all the new countries struggled to maintain balance, Gran Columbia was the only country forced to split into three parts- Venezuela, Columbia, and Ecuador.
What was especially different about how Brazil gained its independence?
Brazil's journey to independence was much different from all of the others because Brazil was given independence. Its "revolution" occurred without any violent upheavals or widespread bloodshed. When Napoleon seized control of Spain and Portugal, the Portuguese fled to Brazil and ran their empire from Brazil until Napoleon was defeated and the royal family went back to Brazil, leaving the king's son, Dom Pedro, to rule. King John wanted to make Brazil a Portuguese colony again, but the creoles demanded independence. They asked Dom Pedro to rule and he agreed and, in 1822, he officially declared Brazil's independence.
How and why did revolution spread throughout Europe in the mid-1800s?
-Nationalism became a primary factor. -People wanted independence and to rule themselves. -Unity -France also helped spread revolution, as European countries saw the revolutions in France and rose up against their rulers. -Many revolutions used skilled leader to created armies that could beat their ruling countries and they fought many battles for their independence.
What was the driving force behind modernizing reforms in Russia?
Russia did not move into the modern industrialized world because they were still in a feudal system. Serfs were still bound to the land so the empire was prevented from advancing economically. The czars did not want to free the serfs because it would anger the landowners whose support the czar's power. Russia's lack of development became obvious and when a war was declared, they could not provide supplies for their troops. Alexander the II decided to modernize Russia. His first reform was the abolition of serfdom. Serfs still had debt but they were legally free. When Alexander II was assassinated, Alexander III took over and encouraged industrial development to expand Russia's power. A major force behind the drive toward industrial expansion was nationalism. Nationalism stirred ethnic groups and these groups united into nations. These nations built industries which helped Russia survive among other nation-states. -Russia believed that its lack in modernization held them back economically and developmentally. -Thought modernization would allow Russia to compete with western Europe for power. -To solve this, the czars decided that the end of the feudal system was the only way to modernize Russia, but were reluctant to due so because it would anger the landowners, whose support the czars needed to stay in power.
Explain how the emancipation of serfs in Russia led to the assassination of Czar Alexander ll.
-Alexander freed serfs in 1861. -When his authority was challenged, he was repressive and opposed movements for political reform. -He was assassinated by terrorists because of his work to free slaves, as some resented his reforms. -This greatly set back Russia's political and social reforms.
What role did nationalism play in the European revolutions of 1830 and 1848?
-1830: King Charles X tries to stage an absolute monarchy. He suspended the legislature, limited the right to vote, and restricted the press. Liberals and radicals then revolted for freedom and a constitutional monarchy. -1848: Louis Philippe favored the upper class while limiting the rights of all other classes. The government tried to silence critics and prevent public meetings and angry crowds revolted. The led to the Second Republic and more rights for all citizens.
Why did most revolutions in 1848 fail to achieve their goals? Give at least two examples.
Most of the revolutions of 1848 failed to achieve their goal because of differences between classes and groups. The February days part of the French Revolution was divided by the liberals and socialists. Liberals wanted moderate political reforms while socialists wanted large social and economic change. Socialists ended up getting national workshops to provide jobs for the unemployed. These workshops failed in June when upper and middle class interests won control over the government. This led to workers revolt in the streets and the bourgeois liberals turned against protesters. Peasants feared socialists might take their lands and began attacking rioting workers. The end result was at least 1500 people being killed. The working class and the bourgeoisie distrusted and feared each other. -Military force -Unrest and violence -Lack of support
How did nationalism help to undo the achievement of the Congress of Vienna?
Nationalists undid the achievements of the Congress of Vienna in a few ways. For one, Metternich had placed certain countries over colonies or countries like Germany or Greece that had multiple city states. Nationalism, however, made countries want to be independent and free of the control of other nations. They wanted to be united as a country and run the country themselves. This idea of nationalism threatened the Congress' carefully planned system of power, as more countries wanted to be independent. Metternich was also a conservative, and the ideas of conservatives and nationalists greatly conflicted, which imposed upon the system Metternich was creating, as it resembled the pre-Revolution society while nationalists wanted to build off of the ideas of the French Revolution. The congress of vienna wanted to preserve royalty. The middle class challenged the old monarchies with their liberal ideology
How did Prussia manage to unite German people and become a dominant power in Europe?
-Bismarck and realpolitik -Nationalism from Prussians and support and respect from Germans due to Prussian success in war. -Prussia-Austria alliance to gain control over two of Denmark's border provinces. -Seven-Weeks war -The Franco-Prussian war -Prussia became a dominant power because controlled all of Germany and had defeated France, Austria, and Denmark in wars, showing its military dominance and power.
Discuss the differences between the 1830 revolution in Greece and the 1848 revolution in Italy. What were the fundamental differences between the two? Did the two events have anything in common? Explain and provide examples.
-Greece was part of an empire and wanted independence, while Italy had already become independent and made up of many city-states, not being ruled by one major force. -Greece wanted independence while Italy wanted unification -Greeks rebelled against a higher power while Italians accepted the rule of Piedmont-Sardinia and the conquering of Cavour and Garibaldi. -Yes, they did have some things in common. -Both revolutions were spurred by nationalism. -Didn't want foreign rulers. -Became independent, unified nation-states.
Universal manhood suffrage
Giving all adult men the right to vote
Systems of thought and belief
Jacques Dessalines
Lieutenant of Toussaant during Haitian civil war. Declared the island independent and renamed it Haiti.
Second Republic
While turmoil spread, a group of liberal, radical, and socialist leaders proclaimed the Second Republic. In 1848, the National Assembly issued a constitution for the Second Republic. It created a strong president and one-house legislature. It also gave vote to all adult men which was the widest suffrage in the world at that time. Nine million Frenchmen could now vote when before it was just 200,000.
Second Empire
The second empire was Louis Napoleons move to become an emperor and bring back a monarchy which many people thought was more stable than a republic. Millions of the French hoped Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III) would restore the 'glory days'. This time period was one of rapid economic growth and for the bourgeoisie, the early days of the second empire brought rapid prosperity and contentment.
Agustin de Iturbide
Creole who completed the Mexican fight for independence and declared himself emperor
Dom Pedro
The leader of an independent Brazil
Educated creoles in the 1700s were influenced by
Enlightenment ideas
Mestizos and mulattos were angry at being denied
Status, wealth, and power that was available to whites
Latin American leaders saw Napoleons invasion of Spain as
an oppertunity to reject foreign domination and demand independence from colonial rule
Even though Haiti was still a French colony by 1798
The rebels achieved their goal and enslaved Haitians were free and Toussaints forces controlled most of the island.
In 1820 Haiti became
A republic
In 1830 independence had been won by
Tupac Arman
Demanded government to end the brutal system of forced Indian labor. He organized a Native American revolt that abolished the labor.
Before Latin American independence movements what ruled colonial society and how
1) The crown, regulated business and trade and took 20% of colonial profits 2) The church, controlled daily lives and time 3) The patriarchy, restricted the roles of women and made them subordinate to men
Juana Ines de La Cruz
Said "Aristotle would have written more if he had done any cooking" Was a child prodigy and disgused herself as a boy to attend university, wrote plays, math science, attacked and forced to abandon work
Transculturation or cultural blending examples
African and Native American influences of Christianity new culture emerging
Why was Brasil the last to abolish slavery
without bloodshed, managed to hold on to social hierarchy
Where and when did the movements toward Latin America independence begin?
Mexico Naopleon put brother on throne 1808
Most revolutionary things about independence
Latin American never again under permanent European control Divided into states Multicultarism
Not so revolutionary about independence
rigid social hierarchy patriarchy catholic church
What are radicals and how were they different from liberals?
Radicals are people that favor drastic change to extend democracy to all. They believed that governments should practice the ideals of the French Revolution which are liberty, equality, and brotherhood. Liberals wanted to give more power to elected parliaments but only the educated and landowners could vote. An example is that liberals revolted against the conservative governments while the radicals revolted to demands for a democratic government.
Why might liberals and radicals join together in a nationalist cause?
Nationalists believe that a person's greatest loyalty should be to a nation of people who share a common culture and history. The other group besides liberals and radicals was the conservatives. Conservatives supported traditional monarchies. This places the power to nobility. Conservatives greatest loyalty is to a king or empire. Liberals and radicals are more open because they support parliaments and Democracies. People who supported nationalism were people who wanted to decide how they were governed instead of having monarchs do it for them. The rise of modern nationalism is tied to the spread of democratic ideas and the growth of an educated middle class. Both of these can be found in liberal and radical groups but not in conservative groups.
four classes in San Domingue
-white planter, Grand Blancs, owned plantations and and often absent -wealthy free people of color children of slaves and white fathers, eventually owned land and slaves -petit blancs, poor whites, artisans, laborers -slave, majority
Complaints of the classes in san Domingue
-slaves disliked being slaves -free people of color subject of discrimination -poor whites poor and resentful of wealthy people of color -Grand blancs disliked french trade laws and that the government tried to improve living and working conditions of slaves, didn't want government to regulate business.
Klemens von Metternich
Prince of Austria who supported monarchs in general and very conservative
How did Haiti cause America to get the Louisiana purchase?
Napoleon gave up on American empire
Why do the Haiti revolutions matter?
-Foiled Napoleons attempts at empire -one of the most successful slave revolts ever -Rejection of France and European racism and colonialism
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