World History dictators essay

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intro paragraph
Thesis; The three most relevant dictators in history can be compared and contrasted in the ways of their rise to power, political ideas, economic policies, Achievements, and the way they implemented a totalitarian state.
rise to power
Stalin: -Russian revolution 1917, people want change -Lenin dies Stalin becomes General secretary, Stalin has total power of communist party by 1928 -Exiles Trotsky 1929 -1930s purges to eliminate all who oppose him Mussolini: -Following WWI Italians unhappy -Economy in depression, high unemployment -Government weak, challenged by extremist groups -Mussolini organizes fascist party -1922 Mussolini saw weaknesss and blackshirts March on Rome to make Mussolini prime minister -Mussolini makes himself Il Duce Hitler: -Sever economic problems post WWI -Citizens despised new Weimar republic -Adolf Hitler loudest critic of Weimar Repbulic -Joined small workers group in Munich that develops into Nazi party -1923 Beer Hall Putsch -1929 wall street crash, government in ruins -Change is needed, 1933 Hitler is appointed chancellor by president Hindenburg
political ideas
Stalin;-Communism -Equality of money -No social classes/All people are working class Wanted to spread communism globally Mussolini;Fascism, strongly anti democratic strongly anti communist strongly nationalistic -believe war and violence were necessary -had social classes -wanted Italian empiter Hitler; -Fascist/Nazi - created Third Reich -Highly nationalistic, highly anti democratic highly anti communist -Anti Semitic, Aryanism -had social classes -believed in war and violence
Economic policies
Stalin; -Five years plan, government management of the economy, quota system -Collectivization, small farms merged to create large collective farms -Rapid industrialization Mussolini;- Public works created giving many Italians jobs - Economic policies not very successful - Economy was organized into \"syndicates\" as part of a \"corporate\" state, prices and wages were controlled and free labor unions were abolished Hitler; Public works created giving millions jobs -Government guided economy -Emphasized war production
Stalin; - Builds strong Soviet Union -Eliminates rivals to communist party - Industrializes rapidly and strongly -Modernizes Russia Mussolini; - Unsuccessful economy -Conquers Ethiopia (Empire) -Lateran accord, deal with the catholic church in 1929 Hitler; - Eliminates rivals, 1933 night of the long knives - Builds Third Reich 1938 -Rebuilds economy, rearmament
Totalitarian state, To what degree did each dictator use a totalitarian state?
Stalin; - Gulag/Prisoner camps - Secret police/NKBD - Propaganda - Indoctrination, applied in schools - Censorship -Purges -Cult of personality -Single political party Mussolini; - Prison camps -Secret police -Propaganda -Indoctrination, applied in schools - censorship - purges -Cult of personality - Single political party Hitler; - Prison camps -Secret police, Gestapo -Purges -Nuremburg laws, Jews -Der Fuhrer -censorship -Cult of personality, people swore oath to Hitler not country - single political party
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