Why Smoking is Bad Essay Example
Why Smoking is Bad Essay Example

Why Smoking is Bad Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (510 words)
  • Published: July 28, 2021
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Smoking and vaping are both harmful to health due to the presence of various chemicals. Despite knowing the risks, some individuals stubbornly continue with these habits, claiming addiction as their reason.

There are two options for cigarettes - vape or e-cigarette and regular cigarette. The e-cigarette is a battery-operated tube that produces smoke through the mouth using a mouth-to-mouth technique. On the other hand, traditional cigarettes work by heating tobacco wrapped in paper. Smokers commonly use them and they come in various flavors, including nicotine-free ones. Despite some believing that vaping is safer than smoking regular cigarettes, this is not actually true. While some prefer conventional cigarettes because of their high toxin levels, others opt for vaping due to its variety of flavors and modern features, considering it to be safer.

The Department of Health (DOH) has implemented measures to lim


it the use of vaping and smoking due to their adverse effects on health. Vaping and smoking are linked to illnesses like cancer since they contain harmful chemicals and toxins. Moreover, many young people have developed addictions to these substances. Personally, I believe that banning smoking is the correct choice as it is not a stress reliever but a harmful habit that only leads to more suffering. Additionally, healthcare experts are presently investigating the impact of e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes on lung-related diseases and fatalities.

Reports indicate that both vapes and cigarettes have caused fatalities and illnesses, but they differ in terms of substances, pricing, usage methods, and health impact. The main reason for their dissimilarity lies in the presence of different chemicals. Vapes contain nicotine, aerosols, Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerin, Acetaldehyde, Nitrosamines, and THC found in marijuan

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plants. On the other hand, cigarettes contain nicotine from tobacco plants but consist of distinct chemical compounds such as Hydrogen cyanide, Formaldehyde Lead Arsenic Ammonia Benzene Carbon Monoxide Nitrosamines and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.

The cost and accessibility of vapes compared to regular cigarettes should be taken into account. Vapes are more expensive and less easily obtainable, making them less affordable for all smokers. Another difference is in the way they are used. Vape users inhale by placing it in their mouth and using the mouth-to-mouth technique, whereas traditional cigarettes are held near the lips with two fingers for inhalation. Furthermore, vapes generate denser smoke, allowing users to perform unique tricks that cannot be done with a regular cigarette. Lastly, safety is another factor that needs to be considered.

Many individuals and experts have long asserted that smoking carries substantial health risks and safety concerns. Conversely, there are also apprehensions regarding the safety of vaping. Although vaping is perceived to entail lower health risks and safety concerns, it is not without its own set of issues. The utilization of battery-powered e-cigarettes heightens the risk of explosions, while reports abound about counterfeit e-cigarettes being sold (Exemplification). Should our government persist in permitting citizens to smoke or vape, numerous individuals face the potential for harm, illness, or even fatality.

Currently, a significant number of young individuals, comprising adolescents and children, are acquiring the knowledge of smoking.

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