Unit Six – Flashcard

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How are the factors that contribute to tobacco use related?
The main factors that contribute to tobacco use are self-esteem, peer pressure, role models, and curiosity. Other factors can also contribute to an individual's tobacco use such as rebellion, ease of use, and boredom. A common characteristic among these factors is the idea that the use of tobacco grants an individual some type of status or desirable outcome. Another common attribute of many of these factors is the influence that the opinion of others has on certain individuals to begin tobacco use
Explain how tobacco smoke can be harmful to the body.
Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemicals, many of which are known cancer-causing substances, or carcinogens. Tobacco smoke also contains addictive substances, which cause the body to rely on the very substance that harms it.
Nicotine is an extremely addictive substance.
__________ is a side effect of tobacco use. A. Lightheadedness B. Irritability C. Dizziness D. All of the above
List four cancer-causing substances found in tobacco products.
Answers should include tar, carbon monoxide, arsenic, vinyl chloride, and/or formaldehyde
Tobacco is __________. A. created in laboratories B. obtained from plants C. an animal by-product D. free of harmful components
Explain how an individual's choice to use tobacco can have negative consequences for society.
An individual's choice to use tobacco can negatively impact that individual's own life as well as impacting society. One of the ways in which an individual's choice to use tobacco can negatively impact society is through the introduction of higher taxes that comes from the increased number of individuals requiring medical care due to tobacco-related illnesses. This can also lead to increased healthcare costs as insurance companies raise rates to account for the increased cost of covering individuals suffering from tobacco-related illnesses. The greater likelihood of sickness associated with tobacco use also leads to a decrease in productivity for companies. In addition to the financial ramifications to society of tobacco use, there is the human cost. This cost is not measurable because a human life is invaluable
Summarize the negative impacts that tobacco use can have on families.
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Tobacco use can have a variety of negative impacts on families. Tobacco products are expensive; therefore, the use of tobacco products can lead to difficulties over finances. In addition to conflict about finances, tobacco use can lead to conflict between family members when some use tobacco and others do not. Parents, children, and spouses might disagree with the use of tobacco by a family member, leading to increased conflict and stress. Tobacco use can lead to increased occurrences of illness, which can also add strain to familial relationships
How does tobacco use negatively impact personal finances?
Tobacco use can negatively impact personal finances through the cost of purchased tobacco products, loss of income due to missed work days, and increased healthcare costs due to the increased risk of illness associated with tobacco use.
Tobacco products have little effect on society.
What purpose do warning labels on tobacco products serve?
Warning labels on tobacco products inform people who might use them of the risks associated with that use
In what year were cigarette packages made to include health warning labels that mentioned the Surgeon General? A. 1986 B. 1984 C. 1969 D. 1965
__________ is a short-term risk associated with tobacco use. A. Yellow teeth B. Specific cancers C. Aging of the skin D. Coughing
Explain how choosing not to smoke can be beneficial to an individual's health.
An individual who chooses not to smoke can reduce the likelihood of developing certain smoking-related illnesses. Smoking increases the likelihood of developing conditions such as lung cancer, asthma, and cardiovascular disease. By not smoking, an individual reduces the risk of developing these conditions
Why have certain ingredients used in tobacco products been banned?
Some ingredients, such as flavorings, are not allowed in tobacco products because they make the tobacco product more appealing. The hope is that by banning the use of these ingredients in tobacco products, individuals will be discouraged from smoking or at least discouraged from beginning to smoke
Which of the following statements about the dangers of tobacco use is TRUE? A. Tobacco use is only harmful to those who use it directly. B. Tobacco use has consequences to both smokers and nonsmokers. C. Tobacco use has many short-term consequences, but no long-term consequences. D. Tobacco use has many long-term consequences, but no short-term consequences
Which of the following represents a way in which children and infants can be exposed to tobacco products? A. particles adhering to clothes B. secondhand smoke C. particles lingering on furniture D. all of the above
Explain why smoking has been prohibited in many public places.
Smoking in public places increases exposure to secondhand smoke for nonsmokers. Exposure to secondhand smoke is as dangerous as direct exposure to smoke that smokers experience. Individuals who are in public places where smoking is permitted do not have a choice as to their exposure to damaging secondhand smoke, so many states have chosen to prohibit smoking in public places.
Why should pregnant women refrain from smoking?
Pregnant women should refrain from smoking because of the potential negative effects that smoking can have on a developing fetus. The developing fetus can be exposed to the dangerous chemicals found in cigarette smoke as it receives nourishment from its mother. Pregnant women who smoke are at increased risk of having a miscarriage, early birth, having children with low birth weights, and delivering a stillborn child
All of the following are long-term risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke EXCEPT: A. increased risk of respiratory illness B. increased risk of lung cancer C. change in senses D. increased risk of cardiovascular disease
How could your decision to smoke while pregnant affect your unborn child?
Smoking while pregnant can cause miscarriages, stillborn deaths, premature birth, and low birth weight
Explain three regional resources that an individual can utilize when becoming tobacco-free.
Regional resources that may be utilized in becoming tobacco-free include state phone antismoking/tobacco quitting services, Nicotine Anonymous, local community support groups, the county health department, and various antitobacco health or employee plans
How many young people try smoking for the first time each day? A. 40,000 B. 10,000 C. 4,000 D. 1,000
Give two examples of individual strategies and two examples of group strategies a person could use to help quit smoking.
Individual strategies include creating a list of reasons why you want to quit smoking, confiding in and enlisting support from others, attending counseling, finding a quitting buddy, cutting down on tobacco use slowly, or quitting "cold turkey." Group strategies include participating in group discussions, engaging in multistep programs, focusing on education, celebrating successes, and going to meetings.
Give two examples of practice responses useful for resisting tobacco when offered.
Practice responses for resisting an offer of tobacco can be any phrase that politely indicate refusal: "No I think I will pass. I'd rather not end up with heart disease or cancer"; "No, I have better things to spend my money on"; or "Seventy percent of people who smoke want to quit. Why even start?
Explain how individuals living with a smoker might benefit once he or she quits smoking.
Individuals living with a smoker are at risk of experiencing negative effects of secondhand smoke. Once a smoker stops smoking those around him or her experience some of the same benefits the smoker does, such as better cardiovascular health, reduced risk of cancer, and improved life expectancy. Answer may also include benefits specifically related to infants and children, such as less chance of SIDS, respiratory illness, asthma attacks, and ear infections
Resources to help people stop smoking are very difficult to find.
Stopping tobacco use does little for short-term health problems but reduces long-term risk of disease.
When you stop smoking, __________. A. school homework will get easier B. your life expectancy will decrease C. those close to you will be less likely to develop cancer D. you will be more popular
Briefly describe four important strategies for resisting tobacco.
Being informed is one strategy for resisting tobacco and involves gaining the knowledge as to why it's important to stay tobacco-free. Another strategy involves being aware of the misconceptions presented about tobacco through the media and elsewhere. Being prepared involves practicing refusal responses for when offers of tobacco are presented. Being a leader involves being a good example for others who desire to quit tobacco use.
Cirrhosis of the liver is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by chronic alcohol abuse.
Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between alcohol and fermentation? A. Fermentation refers to how quickly grains, fruits, and yeast break down into liquid substances, which can then be used to make alcohol. B. Fermentation is a process that uses substances such as bacteria or yeast to change the sugars of fruits or grains into alcohol. C. Fermentation is the process in which sugars are extracted from fruits, vegetables, or grains and then transformed into alcohol, using bacteria. D. Fermentation is the process in which fruits and grains are mixed with an alcoholic beverage to produce a new flavor.
Which of the following statements is NOT true about alcoholics? A. Alcoholics have a strong craving for alcohol. B. Alcoholics need increasing amounts of alcohol to feel the effects. C. Alcoholics are able to limit the amount they drink. D. Alcoholics go through withdrawals when they don't drink.
Explain how alcohol can be considered a drug.
A drug refers to any substance, such as alcohol, that causes a change in a person's body and behavior when consumed
A standard drink is equal to 12.7 grams of pure alcohol.
In your opinion, how do alcohol advertisements build pleasant expectations about consuming alcohol? How can this affect the behavior of some adolescent viewers?
Alcohol advertisements often portray drinking alcohol as cool or glamorous. Many advertisements show groups of friends laughing and having fun, which can cause viewers to believe that drinking alcohol is synonymous with having a good time. These pleasant expectations can cause adolescents to consume more alcohol
Which of the following statements BEST describes how the body processes alcohol? A. After alcohol is metabolized in the kidneys, the liver transforms it into fuel for cells. B. After alcohol is metabolized in the bloodstream, it is burned as fuel for the cells. C. After alcohol is metabolized in the liver, it is burned as fuel for the cells. D. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver and then transformed into a cellular toxin.
Which of the following is NOT a legal consequence of driving under the influence? A. school expulsion B. jail time C. community service D. fines
Compare the negative effects that alcohol has on one's academic performance at the high school and college level?
The consumption of alcohol can damage one's intellectual capacity and ability to learn. Studies have shown that high school students who drink alcohol are more likely to earn lower grades and drop out. Similarly, college students who consume alcohol generally earn lower grades than those who abstain. Also, alcohol is implicated in approximately 28% of college dropouts
Thomas is an adolescent who often seeks out potentially harmful situations without thinking about the consequences. Which of the following factors is most likely influencing his decision to drink alcohol? A. hereditary B. environmental C. expectations D. risk-taking
In your own words, define alcoholism and describe two ways in which alcohol contributes to societal problems.
Alcoholism is a disease that afflicts numerous people worldwide. An alcoholic has an uncontrollable need to drink alcohol. Alcohol is related to many societal problems. For example, many alcoholics are unemployed because they can't keep a job. Alcohol is also tied to numerous motor vehicle accidents and numerous domestic violence and child neglect cases. Substance abuse treatments can be costly and a percentage of the costs falls on society and individuals in the form of higher costs for items like health care and car insurance. Also, a percentage of the costs for arrests and incarceration is paid for by taxpayers
Which of the following is NOT a symptom of alcohol poisoning? A. high body temperature B. vomiting C. irregular heartbeat D. severe dehydration
April has only consumed one glass of wine, so her body isn't affected by the alcohol because short-term effects only begin with the second drink.
Explain the short-term and long-term effects that alcohol has on the cardiovascular system and describe two preventative measures people could take if they want to avoid these effects.
The short-term effects that alcohol has on the cardiovascular system depends on how much alcohol is consumed. Low consumption of alcohol increases one's heart rate and blood pressure. However, high consumption decreases one's heart rate and blood pressure and can cause heart rhythms to become irregular. Long-term effects of alcohol include high blood pressure, enlarged heart, and damage to heart muscles. Two preventive measures people could take to avoid these effects are to abstain from drinking alcohol or minimizing the amount of alcohol one drinks
Explain the effects that alcoholism has on school performance and give two suggestions that you would give a student to help them overcome their alcohol problem.
Students with alcohol problems are at risk for numerous academic problems, which include low grades, poor attendance, and behavioral issues. The likelihood of dropping out of school increases, and students may suffer from depression and have thoughts of suicide. To help a student overcome a problem with alcohol, I would suggest the following: talking to a school counselor or trusted adult, calling the local or national drug and alcohol hotline, checking into an alcohol treatment center, or attending an alcohol treatment group, such as Alcoholics Anonymous
When a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, the baby is also drinking alcohol because blood freely passes from the woman's blood stream into the fetus's blood stream.
Which of the following BEST describes the short-term effects that alcohol has on the nervous system? A. Alcohol affects one's movement, speech, and vision and causes one's breathing to speed up and become irregular. B. Alcohol dulls concentration, impairs coordination, and causes one's thought process to be disorganized. C. Alcohol impairs hearing and speech and causes one's memory to be heightened. D. Alcohol affects one's memory, impairs sensory processing, and causes one's blood pressure to increase.
Although Joshua is an alcoholic, he is able to control his drinking when he parties with his friends.
Which of the following BEST describes the effects that fetal alcohol syndrome has on a child's mental abilities? A. Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause parts of the brain to shut down, leading to a learning disability. B. Fetal exposure to alcohol can damage a child's central nervous system, making it physically painful for them to learn fine motor skills. C. Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause parts of the brain to be underdeveloped and can cause mental retardation. D. Fetal exposure to alcohol is the cause of numerous mental abnormalities, such as a smaller cerebrum.
Imagine that you're working in a health department and have been tasked with creating a handout that outlines the effects of alcohol on a fetus. Explain what fetal alcohol syndrome is and explain in detail one harmful effect that you believe parents should know about.
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a group of alcohol-related birth defects that can occur when alcohol is consumed during a pregnancy. Exposure to alcohol can cause the fetus to be born with deformities to the face, eyes, ears, bones, brain, heart, and kidneys. Alcohol can also cause mental retardation and damage parts of the brain and the central nervous system. Children with fetal alcohol syndrome may suffer from behavioral difficulties, such as hyperactivity, impulse control, and control over language outbursts. Children may also have difficulty with memory, language, and communication skills
Underage drinking is __________. A. legal B. safe C. unavoidable D. dangerous
Explain what makes alcoholism a chronic, rather than acute disease.
Acute diseases are those with rapid onsets that can be treated and often cured. Chronic diseases, meanwhile, are long-term diseases and conditions that cannot be treated and forgotten; chronic diseases may or may not have a cure and can require a lifelong commitment to treatment. Since alcoholism has no cure and is a disease that can result in relapses throughout life, it is considered a chronic disease
Explain what distinguishes the alcohol education program Al-Anon from other programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and the American Red Cross addiction programs.
Al-Anon is a nonprofit alcohol education program designed to help support the children and families of alcoholics. This goal is different from programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and the American Red Cross, where the goal is to provide support directly to individuals battling alcohol addiction. Al-Anon is an indirect education and support program meant to help foster a healthier environment, while the others are support programs meant to help people directly
Which of the following is an environmental treatment option for alcoholism? A. zero-tolerance policies B. 12-step programs C. outpatient therapy D. inpatient treatment
Individuals with less severe problems with alcohol are most likely to benefit from __________. A. hospitalization B. 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous C. family therapy D. counseling
Local business are most likely to sponsor alcohol awareness programs __________. A. at the federal level B. in other cities and states C. nationally D. within their local community
Which of the following is a strategy for remaining alcohol-free? A. lie to your parents B. know alcohol-related urban myths C. seek out situations where alcohol is served D. prepare excuses
What distinguishes community-sponsored alcohol awareness programs from government-sponsored programs?
Community-sponsored programs are organized by nongovernmental agencies in a community such as religious institutions, businesses, or clubs. They are not supported by or affiliated with government organizations and thus generally cannot claim to represent official government policies
Explain how lying can be part of a valid strategy for staying alcohol-free.
Lying is generally not considered appropriate, but it can be used to come up with excuses and reasons not to use alcohol. If someone offers you a drink and you do not have a excuse ready to use that happens to be true, it may be better to make up an excuse that is not true rather than give in to peer pressure and drink alcohol.
Why is it important to have a strategy for staying alcohol-free?
A strategy for remaining alcohol-free involves a plan for how to handle situations that will tempt you to give in and use alcohol. By planning a strategy ahead of time, it is more likely that when a situation arises, you will be prepared to face it and refuse alcohol
Explain the concept of withdrawal as it relates to medication.
Withdrawal is a set of symptoms that occur when a person stops taking a medication that they are used to taking. Symptoms can include headache, nausea, insomnia, and nervousness
Which of the following is the legal method for obtaining prescription medicines? A. from a health insurer B. from a pharmacy C. from a friend D. from an Internet website
Generic OTC medicines have the same active ingredients as the brand-name OTC medications.
Which of these is a significant risk with prolonged use of OTC medications? A. OTC medications are easier to become addicted to. B. OTC medication side effects tend to become more pronounced. C. OTC medications may cause prescription medicines to lose effectiveness. D. OTC medications can mask more serious health problems.
What are the major responsibilities of the FDA related to medicine?
In general, the FDA is responsible for the regulation of all aspects of medicine in the United States. This includes medicine approval, manufacturing regulation, packaging regulation, control of distribution, and regulation of the place of sale
Compare and contrast vaccines and antitoxins.
Vaccines contain weakened or dead pathogens of the disease they are trying to prevent. These pathogens build up the body's resistance to the regular disease. Antitoxins are composed of body fluid extracts that bolster the body's ability to fight a specific disease. In general, antitoxins work more quickly than vaccines
What does it mean when you develop a tolerance for a medication? A. The effectiveness of the medicine increases then decreases over time. B. The effectiveness of the medicine decreases then increases over time. C. The effectiveness of the medicine increases over time. D. The effectiveness of the medicine decreases over time.
Describe four types of packaging that prevent tampering with medicine.
Antitampering packaging is designed to clearly indicate that a medication has been previously opened. Some of the packaging includes foil wrappers, plastic seals, sealed packages, and individually wrapped medication
What information is required to be displayed on the labels of OTC medication?
The labels of OTC medicines include important information about when to take the drug, possible side effects, dosage, and intended uses
Explain why it is a bad idea to take a friend's prescription medication.
Taking someone else's medications is against the law. In addition, prescription medicines were given to your friend by a doctor who clearly understood the health issues at hand. Those same medicines can cause harm to other individuals.
A person addicted to crystal meth is using a __________. A. stimulant B. depressant C. narcotic D. hallucinogen
Why are marijuana users stereotypically portrayed as sluggish people with the munchies?
Marijuana has many side effects, such as feelings of general relaxation, distorted time-sense, short-term memory loss, and increased appetite. Together these manifest themselves as a general disregard for time schedules and the inability to remember to perform tasks or chores. The increased appetite also results in marijuana users feeling the munchies
Why does low self-esteem intensify the impact of the various influences on teen decision making?
Teens with high levels of self-esteem are confident and self-assured, so when they face a tough decision such as whether to use illegal drugs, this self-assurance allows them to make decisions independently. Teens with low self-esteem are not confident and often doubt themselves and their decision making. When teens with low self-esteem need to make tough decisions, they will look to outside influence to guide, suggest, or validate their decisions
Prescription drugs become illegal when __________. A. you buy them without a prescription B. they are used with a prescription C. unused medicine is not resold D. they are used to treat an illness
Why are many teens curious about trying illegal drugs? A. The health risks of drug use are not widely known. B. There are few legal consequences to using illegal drugs. C. Drug use is glamorized in popular media. D. all of the above
Explain what distinguishes medicines from drugs and why medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines.
Medicines are drugs used to treat, cure, and prevent disease. This means that all medicines must be drugs. However, since not all drugs are used to treat disease, not all drugs can be considered medicines
Which of the following is a classification of illegal drugs? A. antidepressants B. hallucinogens C. antihistamines D. painkillers
Explain why drug abuse is more common with teens whose family members abuse drugs.
Family is one of the strongest influences on teens and their decision making. Parents, siblings, and other family members are guiding influences throughout a teen's life and often occupy a position of authority or power in the teen's life. As a result, teens can be strongly influenced by the poor decisions of these authority figures in their lives
Which of the following statements BEST describes alcohol? A. It is an illegal drug. B. It is only legal for people age 18 and older. C. It is only legal for people age 21 and older. D. It is always legal to use alcohol
Why might a medical professional prescribe narcotics to a patient?
Narcotics include some of the most powerful pain relievers known. For patients suffering from extreme pain, either acute or chronic, narcotics may be the only drugs able to alleviate the pain.
Drugs of abuse trigger the release of dopamine within our brain, which allows the user to experience a temporary feeling of pleasure.
Impaired brain function as a result of drug use involves all of the following EXCEPT: A. increased confusion B. errors in judgment C. memory loss D. increased concentration
List three examples of poor decision making that result from drug use.
Students may provide any example involving unsafe environmental situations, unprotected intercourse, unsafe driving, negative relationship experiences, school or work performance problems, or criminal behavior.
Provide an example of what a typical day may be like for a child who lives with a drug-addicted parent.
Answers may include any example involving the child experiencing neglect, physical or emotional abuse, exposure to harmful substances, having emotional issues, or fearful reactions to parental behavior
All of the following are symptoms of addiction EXCEPT: A. spending all personal money on the drug B. using the drug several times a year C. needing a constant supply of the drug D. using the drug as a coping mechanism
Briefly explain how drug use, production, and sales pose a threat to public safety.
Drug use, production, and sales pose a threat to public safety because they increase criminal activity as the desire to fulfill the addiction and make money through drug sales expands. Drug use also increases the spread of disease as individuals battling addictions often make poor judgments concerning sexual behavior, sharing needles, etc. Finally, drug distribution also increases the risk of pollution as chemicals needed to make drugs are dangerously mixed or used, creating an environmental hazard
Briefly explain why drug abusers are a high suicide risk.
Drug users are at risk for suicide because most drugs are a depressant and amplify negative emotions. The depressing effects of these drugs often lead to poor judgment and depression. Once an addiction is formed, loss of control over the amount of drug consumed can lead to further despair. When attempting to withdraw from the drug, the side effects can also be too overwhelming for the drug user to tolerate
Which of the following often results from the use of drugs? A. impaired brain function B. unsafe driving C. criminal behavior D. all of the above
Drug use during pregnancy does not affect the unborn baby.
Explain why it is important to remain drug-free during the teenage years.
Teens should not take drugs because they face lifetime risks. These risks include being more susceptible to the drug's effects. A teen's brain is still developing, and teens have a greater risk for addiction. Taking drugs can cause irreversible effects on the brain and could lead to lifelong struggles, including ways to cope with problems or issues in a healthy manner
Which of the following is a possible consequence of drug use? A. receiving a promotion B. improved health C. getting arrested D. improved self-esteem
Why is it beneficial to form partnerships between schools, the government, and law enforcement agencies when addressing illegal drug use prevention?
By approaching illegal drug use from a variety of perspectives, communities hope to improve their drug use prevention programs. Each group has its own resources and consequent advantages. By combining their resources, communities and their partners are approaching the problem from all possible angles. This should yield a higher success rate in the reduction and prevention of drug use
When would walking away be an effective strategy to use when wanting to resist drugs.
Walking away is an effective strategy if someone is continuing to pressure you to use drugs after you have declined. Walking away also may be the only option if you are feeling as if you may give in to the pressure to use. Removing yourself entirely from a tempting situation will most likely help in taking your mind off the pressure, as well
Detoxification is the process of __________. A. receiving counseling for drug addiction B. using medication to build tolerance to addictive drugs C. managing addictive and self-destructive behavior D. weaning a body from an addictive drug
Compare and contrast inpatient drug treatment facilities and residential treatment facilities.
Both are full-time facilities, which means that the patient resides onsite until the treatment is complete. Inpatient treatment facilities are located in hospitals or clinics. This is significant, since inpatient treatment is typically reserved for individuals who are dealing with mental or medical conditions in addition to their substance abuse problem. Their firm structure also makes them beneficial to adolescents with substance abuse problems. Residential treatment facilities are not associated with hospitals. In addition to treating drug addiction, many of them offer educational programs focusing on career or parenting skills to help their patients navigate through life after they finish treatment
Drugs are often taken to __________. A. alter an individual's mood B. increase concentration on problems C. increase depression D. none of the above
All of the following are included in drug treatment programs EXCEPT: A. counseling B. family education C. religion classes D. drug/alcohol testing
Though it may feel awkward, when is walking away the BEST solution to resisting drug use? A. when you find yourself weakening from the pressure B. when you see that it's getting late C. after you have met everyone involved D. after you have politely said good night
Explain why one of the most effective strategies for resisting drug use is to simply avoid situations where drugs and drug users will be present
Though many teens firmly believe that drugs are wrong, they find themselves tempted to try them anyway. The temptation becomes strong when they find themselves in situations where drugs are being used. Perhaps, they feel left out. It may also appear that everyone else is having a lot more fun than they are. Therefore, it is best to avoid all scenarios where drugs may be present. This way, these conflicting feelings will not arise, and the temptation to compromise their values will not become an issue
Describe the steps involved in treating a drug or substance addiction.
The first step involved in treatment is the clinical assessment. Through this process, information concerning the patient's family medical and emotional history is assessed. Information concerning the addict's thoughts and behavior or any issues surrounding the drug abused is also addressed, such as questions about the length of abuse, etc. The type of treatment plan is then determined as goals are discussed as well as strategies to reach those goals. Strategies for treatment often involve determining whether inpatient or outpatient treatment is needed, whether medical or social detox is necessary
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