SRS1110 – Flashcard

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Whos is Paracelsus?
• One of the earliest writers about occult knowledge, he was a genius • Paracelsus is his given name, his real name is "Theophrastus Benbastus Lon Hoenheim" • He got his medical degree when he was 16 years old, People used to call him at that time a Magician or wizard, He lived in the 1500 long before the witch hunt • He got his degree and then started teaching; he got bored so he stopped teaching. He got hired by a noble to do party tricks (reading cards etc) after a while (2 years) he found out the he is not working to h ability and he can do and be much more than a wizard in parties for nobles, he became a traveling doctor after that, he moved from village to another, he did not charge poor people, he used 2 charge rich people though. • His job cased him to travel a lot • He came up with a historical theory which is "looking at the body as a whole" (one part effect the other, your eye hurt then your head hurts, etc) and it was a very good theory, people followed it in the medical occult • He was the person to look at body and sprit as two different things • He wrote about mind and sprit (People with cancer, if they lost hope in getting better they will die faster) • He wrote about how the natural world effect the spiritual world, and how people should care for God and each other • He chose this nickname for himself "Paracelsus" because "celsus" is a name of a really good and well known doctor at that time, and "Para" means a the great or larger than life, so he came up the nickname the great celsus Paracelsus • His Bible of occult magic(k) was "Magical Well" this book was about believing in things and believing that you are capable of doing it (Praying in a group to cure someone) • His writings: 1. As above so below 2. Like attracts like
What is a myth?
is a story or example believed as true from a religion or culture group (usually an origin story) (The Prophet Mohamad PBUH is true for all Muslims) myth comes from the greek word "muthos" which means word: "muthos" are not literal words (they are metaphors) "logos" are literal words
What does muthos mean? What does logos mean?
muthos: not literal words (metaphors) logos: literal words
What is the difference between a myth, a legend and a fairytale?
Myth: origin stories Legends: stories that may or may not be believed Fairytales: stories that starts with "once upon time" (Cinderella, Sleeping beauty, etc.) these have moral part behind it
What is an occult?
it is the hidden knowledge (super natural) like the mark on the chocolate bar or soft drinks (MC Montréal Kosher, COR 34)
What is the difference between magic and magic(k)
There is Magic and Magic(k). The one with the (k) means the magic when you change things or put spell on someone (change your boyfriend to a frog). The person who added the (k) was Aluster (something). Mostly we will be talking about magic(k) in this course. The one without a (k) is the stage magic; the hand is quicker than the eye, entertainment magic (Pull a rabbit out of the hat, cards)
What does taboo mean?
it comes from a Tunisian word. Taboo is something you can not do, or can not say. (You can not sleep with one of your parents) A lot of these taboos come from religion (same sex marriage) and culture
What's the difference between culture and ritual?
Ritual: it is a number of acts done in a group for a purpose (The Pope death, when they chose the new one they hold a cup of wine up to show the blood of Christ, or putting on shoes before another because every time you do that you win the game and the time you did not do that you lost the game, or Muslims can not walk into a mosque if they are not clean "wodo2") - A set of actions always done the same way - A right of passage (to become an insider) Culture: it is what anthropoids do, they study groups of people, it is the proper life and what your culture teach you (you do not marry your mother). Each one of us has one culture at least. (For example: I am Palestinian = culture, I live in Canada = another culture, I study at University of Ottawa = another culture, etc). People are not born with culture but they lean it as they grow. - A nonwritten agreed upon lists of beliefs, acts, and ways of being - Culture defines language and it defines what's good and bad
What's the difference between axiology and cosmology? give an example
Axiology: it is your value system Cosmology: it is the world view, how and why you believe the world is the way it is (Are human treated equally? Are men more important than women?) also it deals with religion and culture. ex. the views of abortion - your views could differ from the world's view
What are the 5 types of witch craft and explain each?
1. Anthropological witch craft do strange things on earth (cursing, spells) witch doctor shaman: one who masters or guides spiris 2. Historical witch craft it is the hunting of witches and burning them ( it starts in 1400's not in the middle ages) the peak of witchunting is in the 1600's and 1700's way past the middle ages. women are called witches and men are called Warlocks (waer loga - oath breakers) 3. Religious witch craft self identified, they practice PreChristianity, walking away from Judaism and Islam. Wicca is the religion, and women and men are called witches a) Goth witch craft it could be a religious statement or style statement (wearing all black) 4. Feminists or Political witch craft it is models of women that are not controlled by men, it has nothing to do with religion. 5. Saintanism witch craft --> this is the 1966 - modern day definition where a witch is someoen who associates with satan
What is the difference between a witch, sorcerer, magician(wizard) and a warlock? Give each genders
• Witch --> Female, they never chose the title; usually people call them that, they get their power from evil. • Sorcerer(ess) --> Male or female, it comes from a Latin word (sorce) and it means fait, these people try to bend and effect fait, they do it through books (easy child birth) • Magician (Wizard) --> Males, study occulted knowledge, they were employed by nobles, they used to read a lot (Chose a good week to have a battle) they usually do more good than bad. They only serve whoever is paying them. They used to advice more than putting and doing spells. • Warlock --> A male witch, he used to break oaths.
What are the three types of cultural models?
1. Huntergatherer: they own what they can pack up and take with them; move erv y 4 to 6 weeks; not about the material possession of stuff; small groups of 10 to 15 people usually related by marriage or blood; they follow the migration of animals and plants; no specific address but rather ranges they have celebrations few times a year (wedding) where they trade feood and handcrafts they do not recognize a hierarchy in the spiritual world (human=tree=bear) shaman: a bridge between the human and nonhuman world 2. agrian/agriculturalist: make their own food and plant their own vegetables; do not travel in order to take care of their crops; the weather is extremely important because their plants and food rely on it begin to have a god or goddess of wind, the river, the rain in order to pray for the right weather you begin to have a hierarchy people begin to specialize and trade 3. urban: large numbers of unrelated people living together people specialize and there is a hierarchy (your job, class, name)
What is the hierarchy order?
1. Elite (kings, queens, royal family) 2. Religion (read stars, priests) 3. Noble 4. Merchant (no control over your life) 5. Poor (no control over your life)
What is the order of the divine universe?
1. 1st pair (the 1st god) 2. Greater (god of a city) 3. Lesser (god and goddesses of city states) 4. Familia (family gods and goddesses) 5. Local (local gods and goddesses)
What is the difference between polytheism, pantheism?
- Polytheism: believe in more than one god, not only your gods but other ppls gods too) - Pantheism: believe in your set of gods (greek gods) - Monotheism: only one god
What is liminality?
• Something that is between or is the edge. The pound of transition to manhood, womanhood "puberty" physical or liminal rituals • It is also the minority; people who are liminal in a community are often considered dangerous/scary/ powerful in a negative way. • It is someone or something, somewhere that is in between, it could be a location • When we talk about Liminal, we have to mention Fear and Power Ex: New Year eve and New Year day, moving from being a girl to a woman, Life and Death, In Africa you do not become a man until you kill your first Lion, you can be in a liminal location (between Kitchen and the living room), being engaged and then married
What is inquisition?
beliefs against the church • The rise of Heresy was in the dark ages because the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church did not make sense. This was because it cured just by prayers (for example they used to pray for not having to face the plague) and was not present in the Middle East (this was because of Saintism) This lead to Christians being prosecuted for acting on being Christians • The they came hunting for homosexuals, then started with the Gypsies • When prayers (church) were not answered, someone had to be blamed because it was considered an evil doing (Devilish) • Start of witchcraft Inquisition went into towns to check if Heresy was present • This period ended because people started thinking differently • The witchcraze ended because of the scientific revolutions and industrial revolution
What is the Malleus Malificarum?
It was a book (Malleus) one of the very first printed books, it was a guide book for hunting witches, it was very faulty
What are lodges?
• Bunch of men (Ethnic, Service based) • Freemason someone who mates, carves stones (historically) they made beautiful stones. Considered "Occult" so were Blacksmiths • Master mason Higher level, considered loyalty, hired by kings and nobles (sort of Architects) Changed nature of stuff * Were not Satanists * Were a prestigious from of lodge
What is Kabbalah?
it is a 12th century Jewish mysticism (German Origins) Play with languages and search for meanings Occult Philosophy
Wha is alchemy?
turn led into gold; dirt into human
What is the difference between high and low magick?
Low Magic(k): wearing the blue eye for protection in the Middle East, is it things drawn from the natural world • High Magic(k): tools and use of words, names of people, putting things in the right order, big production, reading some things, it is very ritualized, there is a God or Goddess for everything. Paracelsus used to practice the high magic(k). People that use this kind of magic(k) should have a very high and strong ego of them selves because in order to change something you got to believe that you are capable of doing so
What is the difference between black and white magick?
People do not use this term any more because it is racist, because usually black meant evil and white mean God or Goddess. So they changed it with Good and Bad Magic(k) Ex: Electricity (is it good or bad?) gives us lights but might cause fires and kill some people. It all depends on how you look at things, and your values.
What is geometry numerology?
fortune telling by numbers
What does HOGD stand for and what does it mean?
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn founded in the early 1800's; a medical doctor whose habit was breaking codes finds a script but couldn't crack it so asks his friend Dr.Winn Wiscott who cracked it. It was an occult HOGD written by a german woman (some people believed that the two men made this whole thing up) it is a men's occult an ancient german occult and it branched out quickly
What does OTO stand for and what does it mean?
The Order of the Temple of the Orient McGregor Mathers and Aleister Crawley took things from the HOGD and published in in the OTO. crawley brought sex magic into religious practice
What is Thelma?
the book of the law of the OTO. This book was written by Crawley's 2nd wife who was spoken to by a spirit Aiwass who gave her the occult wisdom 1st law in Thelma "Do what ye shall be the whole of the law, love is the law; love under will" the last head of the golden dawn was Yaete, a poet
What is the difference between left handed and right handed path?
left hand = indulgence right hand = don't do this don't do that
Who is Aelena Petrouna Blavatsky?
• Her theories were taken from India • She was married to a Russian guy • She is of russian nobility and god married to a Russian duke, left her husband to join the circus • Remarried a retired US civil war cornel - james olcott • Hoot khoomis: an Indian spirit talking to her • She came up with the "Theosaphy" a cross of Christian and hindu philosophy, which is still used until now • She dictated her two massive books (over 2000 pages) to Hooktomi The Secret Divine and Isis Unveiled • Se believes that all humans are created or originally from Atlantis (which Hitler believes)
What is Leibenshon?
• It is the fountain of life • The systematic breeding of pure Aryan children
What is Rune?
• The Alphabet in German • German use the letters as there numbers to, example: A=1, B=2, etc • Used for spells and other occult matter Ex: * --> means danger
What does Tibet in relation to the Nazi movie?
the location the Nazis believes that Aryan super race had gone to after the sinking of Atlantis
What does Blood Flag in relation to the Nazi movie?
the flag which was bathed in the blood of the sacred nazi martyrs
What does Thule Society in relation to the Nazi movie?
occult organization which Hitler joined in the 1920's
What does Night of the Blood Knives in relation to the Nazi movie?
when Hitler executed the SA in one night
Who is Richard Wagner in relation to the Nazi movie?
worldfamous orchestral and operatic composer who greatly inspired hitler with nationalist tales of great mythic heros
Who is Heinrich Himmler in relation to the Nazi movie?
viewed himself as the reincarnation of a 13th century hero king
What does Pendulum Dowsing represent in the Nazi movie?
using a pendulum on a map to know the next moves of your enemy
What does the black propaganda represent in the Nazi movie?
made up prophecies to threaten the enemies (germans used this, and then the british used it)
What does the Sacred nazi martyrs represent in the nazi movie?
16 of hitler's men were killed and are known as the sacred nazi martyrs
What was the nazi movie called?
Nazi Occult Conspiracy
What is the difference between denotation and connotation?
Denotations: a table denotes furniture or a professor denotes a certain types of activity. It is close to a sign (a direct meaning attached) Connotations: meanings brought to the mind through images, they aren't only verbal but also emotional and sensation. Example: a lemon denotes a "fruit" but it connotes "sour" taste
What is geomancy?
A deviation system, it was chosen because it is very easy, can not believe in it because it is abstract and dominant deviation system. It gives us an access to cultural diversity and allows us to figure out how deviations work • Geomancy defined as through the earth • It doesn't interpret things by looking at the birds or the sky but by looking at the pebbles and sticks in order to know what is happening • It started in 500 AED • A result of connection • Mathematics is he most important component of it (binary math) • Astrology is a simple form of geomancy • It helped Babylon's to predict what was happening and to interpret things by looking at the sky • 3000 years ago the world conceived was different; the earth was the center of the universe. Today we have a different view • They sky is divided into 12 houses • Geomancy combines the notion of houses and a definition of the system (example: odd and even objects are given a meaning = 16 figures "4x4") • The person diviner looked at them in numbers • 1 is a number of a God/Goddess • 2 in a union/couple • 3 is a creation • 4isaworld • 2222 is the largest number you can get • Parallel number is fullness (crowd) or in Arabic it means community "jumaa" • 1111 is the way • 1221 is the jail • 2112 is associate (freedom to meet) • 1121 is male (going with action) • 1211 is female
What do the 16 figures stand for?
1. Aquistic --> to gain 2. Amissio --> to lose 3. Fortune Major --> good luck 4. Fortune Minor --> bad luck 5. Laetitia--> joy 6. Tristitia --> sorrow 7. Puella --> female 8. Puer -->male 9. Albus --> white wine, peace 10. Rubeus --> red wine 11. Conjunction --> something good (marriage, building, network) 12. Career --> Jail 13. Via --> the way 14. Populse --> the people 15. Cauda Draconis --> tail of the dragon 16. Caput Draconis --> the head of the dragon
What does W.IT.C.F.H stand for and W.C.C and W.I.C.C.A?
W.I.T.C.F.H Stands for Women International Terror Conspiracy from Hell W.C.C Stand for Wicked Church of Canada W.I.C.C.A stands for Women in Constant Creating Action
What is the difference between a pagan and a neo pagan?
Pagan: May 25th, 2005 • It is originally a Latin word (Paganus) • It means the person that comes or lives in country in the Roman times. • It also means someone that is not stylish, not Muslim, not Jewish, and not Christian. • They could be Hindu or Buddha • Worship based on moon sycles Neo Pagan: • (Neo = New or Born Again) and the origin of this word is Greek • They practice PreChristian religion, coming from Europe, and they go back before our times • No one can make one definition for this word; it is a broad category term. It has no main or central institution, no council of witches and no direct experiences. • They have no book to follow, no rules, no text, no priest, NOTHING (They don't have bible, no one to tell them it's kosher or halal, etc) • It is very different because we are used to have someone telling us what's right and wrong and telling us what to do. • These people have faith but have more than one God or Goddess • They come in different types of flavors • It has a few subsets (Alexandria named after Alex Sanders, Gardenian named after Gerald Gardner)
What are the three types of pagan?
1. Wiccan polutheistic; Most likely to say or call them self a wicca or wiccan, nothing show or say that is it a religion, it started in early 1950 and that when people started to practice it. The first people to talk about it were Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, Alex Sanders. Wiccans don't believe in a devil 2. Asatru really popular in Iceland, pantheistic 3. Druid did not write stuff down so you can not really know what they used to do, or how it started, and how they used to practice it. It was passed by talking. It is really popular in Britain.
Who is Gerald Gardner?
• He traveld with his nanny around Europe and Southeast Asia, and he was self taught by her • The father of modern wicca • He was given a prize for an Indian knife • He finally settled in Malaysia • His interest was mainly on comasons (women and men are equal members) • He wrote a fiction book on (high magic aid) PreChristian times, then he wrote two other books which are nonfiction, first one was Witchcraft today and the second one was Meaning Witches • He worked with Aliester Crowly and took some of his writings • The he meets Doreen Valiente, a brilliant occultist, she read his books and told him that she wants to be a witch, then she starts studying with him • Doreen Valiente rewrote everything that Gerald Gardner wrote including the things he took from Aliester Crowly • He always thought he was RIGHT, scholars say that he created a new religion, he became a celebrity
What is the Witchcraft Act Law?
In Britain, you will be put to death if you call yourself a witch but in 1951 they took this law out and replaced it with another one
Who is Doreen Valiente?
• She met with Gerald Gardner and told him that she wants to be a witch, then she starts studying with him and he trained her to become one • She rewrote everything that Gerald Gardner wrote including the things he took from Aliester Crowly • People used to call her the Mother of witchcraft if Gerald Gardner was the Father
Whos is Alex Sanders?
• He was the King of Witches • He became a witch when he his Grandmother cut a part of his testicle when he saw her naked • He was a Homosexual and he got married to a very young blond girl • He taught Alexandria type of Wicca
What are the Gardner Witches?
are the people that practice Gerald Gardner style; Doreen Valiente did not start her own style in practicing witchcraft
What is a Wicca(n)
• They believe in a God or Goddess They talk about a lady and the lord sometimes) They are polytheist (believing in many Gods) • The practice it at night in small groups (no more than 12 people, if the group becomes more than that it they will divide it) It is a Solar based, it is more oriented towards the moon. • The United Kingdom defines it as a very specific, you are talking about Gardenian or Alexandrian only • United States defines it as all pagans or all neo pagans • Wicca is a type of neo pagan • It is a religion of initiations (consisting of 3 levels) • Gerald Gardner was a nudist in the U.K (Alexandrians and Gardenians worship nudity) • Believe that things are associated with spirits • Many are vegetarians but not all • They have the same concerns as humans • They believe in recantation and Karma (Hindu language), according to them you get what you deserve (karma) • In pagan, what ever you do comes back to you three times. In Wiccan though they believe that it will come back 10 times • Pagans thought no black and white magic; they used magic for good things like healing. They believe that good and bad magic is utterly immoral • It is mostly nature oriented, It is a nature religion Gardner Sander or A for Alex Aclactcs The largest group
Explain the candle spell
Candle Spell: Things you need to do: 1. INTENT: What is the cause? (I WANT FOOD) Chose the color of the candle, make sure it reminds you of something (food or money) 2. TARGET: who is the target? If it's you, then you need to personalize it by a) Put your name b) Date of birth c) Put your sign d) carve a symbol that represents food 3. ACTION: bring the food to me, carve arrows, or a magnet dress the candel: a. Put the oil on your candle, starting from the middle b. Then you need to verbalize it c. Then you light it Do this close to midnight to enlarge something (Food) and close to 1am to shrink it.
Who is Mary Daly?
• She is a scholar and a professor in a Roman Catholic University • She wrote Beyond God the father and The church and the second sex • Her style in writing is religious criticism in poetry • She used to break words down (awsome, awful), she uses the words in a wild sense • She questioned the norms of Christianity • She doesn't call her self a witch for religious reasons
Who is Maria Gimbutas?
• She was Archeologist • She worked with arts • She saw patterns in plates. She looks for a physical meaning of artifacts, it is based on the marking of feminism • She wasn't a witch nor a pagan but all her research had to do with these topics (she was really interested in women studies) • She doesn't call her self a witch for religious reasons • Women's Christianity combined with spiritualism
What is a Dianic witch?
it comes from the Roman Goddess Diana (she's free, wise and married) Feminist witchcraft is what makes it dynamic
Who is Morgan McFarland and Mark Robert?
• They were both partners • They called their religion system Dianic • Believed that women and men equal (very socialist) • They named it after them (McFarland Dianic witch)
Who is Z. Budapest?
• She was Hungarian • Most radical on the women only spectrum • She opened a book store, and card terra reading, she then gets arrested for fraud in Los Angeles, but she wins because it was based on religious beliefs • After she got divorced she identified herself as a lesbian • She was also known as Suzan B. Anthony • They were also called Dianic • Her system doesn't mention God • She believes that men has no spirituality * Not all Feminist Goddess Worshipers hate men * People believe that spells work better if you stole the book that have the spell in
What is Satanism?
Usually it is 16-20 y.o men • They are usually people that do not fit in • They are not paganism or neopaganism • They are grouped into three categories. The scholar's called solitary Satanism, outlaw group, and neosatanic churches • Most of their spells has to do with wish fulfillment (high marks, girlfriends, sex, fame, drugs, money, etc) • Most of them grow out of it, it is like a phase they pass by • Out law satanic group are usually led by a very strong personality male, around 8 people in each group • The usually have big ego, want to miss around with crimes, and they usually get in a lot of trouble • They get media play • They dress in black, listen to hard music (Ozzay Ozborne) they put together what they believe is satanic • Modern Satanism: Anon La Vey (church of Satan), Michael Aquino (temple of set) Zeina Schreck (werewolf order) • Church of Satan was built in 1966 and it was the first church to call itself satanic • Zeina Schreck is Anon La Vey's daughter • Michael Aquino also joins the church but doesn't find it satanic enough, so he opens the temple of set, which is trickster God, he's known to be very bright man • Xeper - comes from Egypt (to become great or expand) which is their goal, they believed they were worshiping an Egyptian God • Zeina Schreck (werewolf order), to wiccan's their cosmology is based on nature and nature which is the world of good. Religious views is to become balanced and harmony with the world itself • NeoSatanist: view the natural world as begin or hostile (floods, volcanoes and eruptions) to them the natural world is dangerous and must be controlled • NeoPagans: are trying to balance with the world
Whos is Charles Arnold?
American Vietnam war veteran requested 2 days off for religious reasons (Halloween and Beltane). He took his case to the Ontario Labour Board and became the 1st Wiccan in canada to get the government to acknowledge his religion.
What is Shamanism and what are the 3 modalities?
one who masters spirits (from the Tungus people) 3 modalities (modes of interaction with the divine) 1. supplication (on your knees praying to a higher power) 2. magical (humans are higher beings and the universe is lesser) 3. shamanic (equality; humans = nonhumans)
What are Allopath(ic)?
Medical doctors; western world doctors
What is the difference between immanent and transcendent?
Immanent: presence of the divine; internal religion Transcendent: above, beyond, removed from the living world; all knowing, all powerful
What is the difference between moral, ethical, eclectic?
Moral: based on your religion Ethical: right way humans should live Eclectic: a little from both
What does NDE , hypnosis, ASC, and EHE stand for?
1. NDE: Near death experience 2. hypnosis: highly activated sense; hands on healing; you cannot hypnotize someone who does not agree to be hypnotized asteral travelling: seeing something without the eyes 3. ASC: altered state of consciousness a. trans state: you remember everything that happened b. Possession state: you remember nothing There are 2 states of possession: 1. Willing (possession is a good thing according to some religions.) The holly spirit comes through you, considered a holly blessing. Glossolalia is speaking in tongues. 2. Unwilling: incarnate (the entity use to have flesh); discarnate (spirits who never walked around in a fleshy body..angels, god); noncarnate (spirit of a natural occurrence) 4. EHE: extraordinary human experience
What are the syncretic religions?
Santaria: Orishas are the divine figures by the Yoruba people; cuba, Miami Voudon: Loa/Lwa are divine figures; Dominican, Haiti it has 2 sects: Petro and Rada; a priest is called Mombo, a priestess is called Hougan, and a ritual for possession is called Peristyle presense in New Orleans and Montreal Macumba/Lucum/Candomble: divine figure is Orixa Shango Cult: the priest is known as the Obeah Man; Trinidad and Tobago
What does Syncretic mean?
a religious system where we have a religion emerge (religion 3) from elements of religion 1 and religion 2
What is Bahai?
a religion that comes come Islam but are not muslim; a syncretic religion. They believe Bahai is the last prophet
What is Saturnalia?
a celebration by the Romans on the 25th of December Jesus was born in April, but Christians celebrate Christmas on Dec.25 because of saturnalia
Polytheistic or pantheistic? (Ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome)
Ancient Egypt: polytheistic; believed in hierarchy of Gods Pharoah has many wives, he is the chief priest and is important religiously and secularly; has many kids with all his wives; he choses which of his sons will follow his position; the "next to be pharaoh" is called Horus In Nest, who must marry on of his halfsisters before becoming pharaoh to keep a divine blood line; a pharaoh is semidivine when alive and is divine (god) once dead Ancient Greece: pantheistic; a human cannot become a God but a God or goddess can turn human and spread their wisdom homosexuality was practiced and a wife was only to keep the name and lineage Ancient Rome: polytheistic; emperor - Ceasar the genius was like a 2nd soul that only men could have it appears only after you are married and have children. The genius is to protect you and your family. the emperor is the father of the people and has the biggest genius the genius of the emperor should be celebrated every year, which became a problem to the jews and Christians who believe there is only 1 god so they were prosecuted for treason
What is the difference between Emic and Etic?
Emic This is when the narrative comes from someone participating within that particular culture of which you are studying. Etic This is when outsiders of the culture describe the religious practice. They have an external voice.
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