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What major problem impact America school ?
Overcrowding schools Source 10 A detailed investigation that was done by the National Center for Education Statistics discovered that 14 percent of schools in America surpass the limit of capacity.
What do people say about children receiving homework?
Source 11 The homework debate A 2006 detailed examination of the effects of homework homework discovered a link between time spent on homework and achievement, but found it was much stronger in secondary school versus elementary school
How much time to children spend on homework?
Source 11 Time on homework Middle school students spend an average time of a 1.5 hours on homework every night. High school students spend roughly about between an 1.2 hours and 2.5 hours on homework every night. • critics say that the parents are the people suffering the consequences for example Erik Entrikin who is a father of three girls often times wakes up earlier than 5:30 a.m to help his daughters finish their homework.
What are the Graduation rates in America?
Source 1 Graduation rates in America In 2012 the graduation of rate of African American students was only 69%. The graduation rate for Hispanic students had a 73% rate. Asian students had a 88% graduation rate and white students was 2% less with 86% graduation rate in 2012.
What is America's Rank in the world
Source 1 Rank in the United States The United States is 36th in the world in education
What percent of students do not have access to the Internet,
Source 1 People assume that everyone has access to the Internet. 97% of low-income students depend on schools for internet access, but 40 million students do not have access toInternet in school.
How many students drop out every year?
Source 1 Dropout rates 1.3 million students did not complete school in 2010. The 1.3 million students who did not finish are deprived of a combined $337 billion In earnings over the course of their lifetimes.
What percent of of schools are overcrowded?
Source 10 Overcrowding of schools A study by the National Center for Education discovered that 14 percent of schools in the U.S surpass the limit of capacity.
What are some of struggles teachers have in schools?
Source 10 Are teachers the one to blame Teachers are unable to give instruction to students who may require some extra attention without giving up time outside of school. The blame needs to be shifted from the teachers to the parents.
What are the role of states?
Source 10 Role of the states states have control to 44 percent of the total education funding in the U.S.
What do schools fail to do?
Source 10 Failure to prepare students for the real world The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)), a test that is given to many students in the United States,) investigated that fewer than 40 percent of graduating seniors have less than average reading and math skills and are inadequately prepared for life beyond high school.
What is an expert opinion on homework?
Source 11 Principal not a fan of homework \"If a child is struggling, homework is not the key to improvement,\" says Dr. Tish Howard who was principal of a elementary school and now a CEO. People must consider the fact that many children do have someone at home who can give extra help if they have problems.
What are the Alternatives to homework?
Source 11 Alternatives to homework Rhonda Lochiatto, is a teacher who has been teaching for 16-years. Currently Lochiatto teaches fourth grade In Volusia County, Florida. Lochiatto thought of an solution that could be an answer to the homework debate. She realized that parents have little time for homework after Activities after school. Lochiatto gives the option of students to do \"interactive activities \"like reading out aloud time and topics to talk about. \"If a child has mastered a skill, there is no reason to waste time drilling it over and over, especially when they are struggling in other areas,\" said Lochiatto.
What is the link between homework and grades?
Source 11 Homework does not mean better grades The Unversity of Virginia conducted a study in 2012 and discovered that homework in grades do not have a direct correlation.
When was high school made permanent?
Source 9 History lesson After World War II state governments decided that high school which was once optional was required to compete in the real world.
How much money does a high school degree earn?
Source 9 Minimum wage A four-year high school degree today only guarantees a $15 an hour future.
What type of jobs require degrees?
Source 9 New jobs require degrees According to projections by the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University, the U.S. economy will create 47-million job openings in the decade ending 2018, but nearly two-thirds of those jobs will require a secondary education. In fact The Center projects that only 36% of American jobs will be filled by people who only have a 4-year high school degree.
What is income segregation?
Source 8 Income segregation School income segregation may cause children from low- and high-income families to experience discrepancies in school resources and contexts; these discrepancies may in cause to economic achievement and attainment gaps.
How do governments assign schools?
Source 8 School assignment Since the 1990s, the focus had been shifted from assigning schools based on racial diversity to income to now focusing on income diversity.
What is the No child left behind act?
Source 2 No child left behind act No Child Left Behind Act passed in 2002 by George W. Bush (NCLB) required yearly testing in all 50 states. Since than there has been a drop in science and minute changes in reading scores. If schools did not show progress schools were in danger of being taken over by the state or even closed.
What is the definition of standardized testing?
Source 2 Definition of standardized testing W. James Popham, previously president of the American Educational Research Association, defines standardized testing as \"any test that's administered, scored, and interpreted in a standard, predetermined manner.
Why did Boston switch to standardize testing?
Source 2 Boston In the 18000's Boston adopted standardize tests to ensure a even playing field to judge students on a single standard.
Who created the standardized test?
Source 2 standardized test is the earliest known published multiple-choice test, was invented by Frederick J. Kelly, a Kansas school director. Simplify \"time and effort\" in administration and scoring.
What do Obama do to help the educational system?
Source 2 Obama on education On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama's Race to the Top program was signed into law, that give states an incentive to compete for $4.35 billion in extra funding based on the strength of their student test scores.
What is the role of the federal government on education?
Source 5 Page 2 In spite of the fact that the Federal government supplies almost 10% to the national education budget, education is mainly the responsibility of state and local government. • in some states like Minnesota the federal government only contributed about 5% from the federal government.
What is the role of the state?
Source 5 Page 2 The state also has influence over what is in the curriculum and the requirements each student needs to meet in order to graduate.
What are the two types of schools available in American education?
Source 5 Page 2 Public &'private school All children in the United States have the opportunity to free public schools. Private schools religious based are available, but parents are responsible to pay annual tuition in order for their children to attend the school.
Who supports public schools?
Source 5 Page 2 Taxes Public schools have also depend a large degree on local property taxes to meet the majority of school costs.
What are the classes available for special needs students?
Source 5 Page 3 Many states and communities offer designed schools or classes for adolescents with special educational needs. Those classes may range with kids with emotional and behavioural problems, to learning or physical disabilities.
What does the United States say about government on education?
Source 5 Page 9 Church and state The US constitution instructs the separation of state and church. Any religious activity in public schools are prevented however in most schools children are Encouraged to participate in the pledge of allegiance to the American flag even though the words 'under God' are optional.
Is there a school who supports no homework?
Source 3 School that has no homework Kino School, a nonprofit k-12 school In Tuscan Arizona, strongly supports a non-homework policy across all grade levels. Mary Jane Cera the academic administrator for the school hopes to resolve stress levels and to is to make sure learning remains a fun for all students.
Why do people say children need homework?
Source 3 Pro homework Advocates for homework argue that homework teaches students self-control , and encourages students to manage their time with school and other extracurricular activities.
Why does Kohn say about homework? someone who is an expert on education
Source 3 Kohn who is an expert on education Alfie Kohn who is an expert on parenting sad education writes In his book The Homework Myth, that \" kids have no choice about homework, they're not really exercising judgment, and are instead losing their sense of autonomy.\"
Why does Kohn say about homework? What does it have to do with standardized test?
Source 2 Expert opinion One of the main reasons that teaches who work in the American education give unbearable amounts of homework is because we are \" obsessed \"with standardized tests. \"
According to the experts how much homework should be given to students?
2 How much homework should be given. The amount of time spent on homework should be no more than 10 to 20 minutes a day for a kindergarten through second grade student according to the National Parent Teacher Association for children. They also suggest that for third through sixth graders the most time that should be spent on homework is 30-60 minutes a day.
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