Research Paper

Farmland Industries Inc. Essay Example

Introduction Today, when we hear the slogans “better farming, better food,” or “proud to be farmer owned” one company comes to mind, Farmland Industries. We may think of this of this fortune 500 company as a leading agricultural powerhouse, which it is, however, it was not always that way. Background Farmland Industries Inc. was founded […]

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A Brief History of Softball Essay Example

Softball is a descendant of baseball mainly played in United States and in some other countries as well. Though there are some differences between baseball and softball former being thrown by lower hand whereas it is just the opposite in the later, softball is thrown by upper hand. Even the dimensions of soft ball court […]

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Strategic Importance of Knowledge Management Essay Example

Abstract Today the world has more and more of free flow of information leading to transfer of knowledge from a person or an organization to others. Whereas this invariably leads to faster development, it also impacts the competitive advantage held by the innovators of processes or technology. It has therefore become strategically important for one […]

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Homeopathic Theraphy Essay Example

Established in 1796 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy is an alternative form of treatment that follows the Law of Cure – ‘Like Cures Like’. It is a natural and groundbreaking medical science that has been experimentally and clinically validated for two centuries. Homeopathy activates the body’s innate healing ability and is a gentle and efficient […]

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Michelangelo: Sistine Chapel Essay Example

The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City. It is one of the most famous and memorable pieces of art in the history of art. This beautiful piece of art history took a little over four years to complete. He started this project in July of 1508 and finished in […]

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Wireless Local Area Networks and Security Mechanisms Essay Example

The enclosed text within the tags is identified as “A”. WLAN stands for Wireless Local Area Network. LAN – Local Area Network IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers WEP – Wired Equivalent Privacy WPA – Wi-Fi Protected Access NIC stands for Network Interface Card. MAC – Media Access Control WAP – Wireless Access […]

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Prison Food Chain Essay Example

The United States has had reform after reform of their prison systems in an attempt to better them and in hopes of making them not only a punishment but a rehabilitating system. The prisons of today are not what these reforms hoped to achieve, they are overpopulated, dangerous, and under-funded. Gangs have taken over the […]

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World History Analysis Example Essay Example

I. The notion of people’s power and political instability A. Progressive and revolutionary notions 1. People’s power: shifting authority to the public a. Most kings claimed the “divine right” to rule b. This claim was contested during the Enlightenment, making rulers accountable to their subjects c. John Locke’s theory of agreement-based governance: power is derived […]

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Types Of Punches In Boxing Essay Example

Punches are one of the most important parts of boxing as a sport. There are many repetitive and forceful punches between the participating boxers. However, there are four broad types of punches in boxing. These are uppercut, the jab, hook and straight right/left hand. The left hand is the lead hand for a right-handed boxer […]

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Civil Engineering Practice Essay Example

The Promoter is searching for appealing alternatives that meet their needs in terms of favorable conditions and efficient operations, in order to expand industrial businesses. To find investment opportunities, a thorough analysis of rental performance and future scenarios is carried out. Once these opportunities are found, the Promoter and their team work together to create […]

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Geographic Impact of Indian Economy Essay Example

The spatial distribution of economic activity within countries and the factors that influence it are crucial to understanding the development potential of subnational regions. This is particularly important for developing countries where economic activity is heavily concentrated in a few growth centers, making regions that do not attract dynamic industries suffer from low productivity, lower […]

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Marijuana Free Essay Example

The Cannabis plant, cultivated for centuries primarily for its hemp fiber, is responsible for producing marijuana. Marijuana consists of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers. Besides its hemp fiber, the plant is also known for its psychoactive and potential medicinal properties. There are many street names used to refer to marijuana such as pot, […]

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The Influence Of The Psychedelic Movement On Essay Example

In an attempt to synthesize my own personal academic area of interest, that is: the history of the psychedelic movement in twentieth century America, with the content of the Asian Religions course, I have elected to study the relationship between the influx of Buddhist philosophy and the psychedelic counter-culture movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s. […]

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Experimental Social Psychology – Strengths and Weaknesses Essay Example

Outline the main features of experimental social psychology and consider the influences that led to its emergence. What do you think are its strengths and weaknesses? Psychology was originally a branch of Philosopy, according to Hollway (2007). As more emphasis was placed on following scientific methods and principles, psychologists began using laboratory experiments to carry […]

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The Effects of Watching Tagalized English Movies in the Philippines Essay Example

Introduction Tagalization is the process of converting foreign language into Filipino language or it is the translating of text into Filipino. Under the 1987 Constitution XIV Section 6, the Filipino national language was settled and the Education department adopted a bilingual program to promote the use of Tagalog, the other official language. The government was […]

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Environmental Engineering – Pollution Prevention Essay Example

Engineering addresses sustainability and pollution prevention through the integration of diverse disciplines that consider the social, cultural, and economic impacts while pursuing objectives. These include managing water supply, disposing of waste, recycling materials, developing community drainage systems, and regulating water quality, soil health, air pollution, and environmental effects resulting from land-based activities. The increasing population […]

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Investigatory Project: Steam-Powered Toy Car Essay Example

This chapter indicates the ideas, also the history, relevant to the experiment to provide information and further elaborate different standpoints that were the foundation of the proposed study, also on the background study of the different methods and concepts used by other researchers that applies to the present study. In order to develop new method […]

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Crowdfunding Scam “Uinvest” Collapsed Essay Example

Some time ago I reported that some supposed Ukrainian crowdfunding website called Uinvest, which in reality is a Ponzi scheme, organized some kind of a conference in the United States on April 29 until May 1st. Among two people who pretended to be the Uinvest CEO and the Uinvest lawyer, the scheme also managed to […]

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Child Soldiers Essay Example

Analysis of Child Soldiers in Liberia and their Impact on Armed Conflict This critical analysis examines the utilization of child soldiers in Liberia and their contribution to the escalation of armed conflict. The study also considers similar conflicts in Africa, including those in the Democratic Republic of Congo where child soldiers are employed. In Liberia, […]

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Investment in Vietnam Essay Example

Viet Nam’s economy has undergone rapid growth in the past two decades through the adoption of the “Doi moi” (Renovation) policy and active participation in the global economy. Viet Nam is making strong progress towards industrialization and modernization thanks to its incredible efforts and determination, as well as its effective cooperation with international partners and […]

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Is There Any Medical Potential For Marijuana? Essay Example

Marijuana is one of the oldest cultivated plants (Nahas 8). Since it became illegal in 1967, there have been questions of whether or not it is good for purposes, such as medicine, other than being a leisure drug. Debates between pro and con groups for the use of marijuana in the medical profession, have been […]

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How Our Body Works Genetics Essay Example

Over the past several years Genetics has become a leading link to understanding how our body works. By mapping out deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, scientists plan to find cures for various diseases, develop better, more efficient drugs, grow new organs, evaluate environment hazards, and eventually build a human being. Inside of every single cell in […]

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