Research Paper

Understanding Leininger’s Culture Care Theory of Diversity and Universality Essay Example

Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care Diversity and Universality theory continues to be one of the oldest and broadest concepts to create understanding of varied and related cultures around the globe (Andrews and Boyle, 2002). The theory has been a dominant way to discern basically unfamiliar information in the field of nursing and various areas in the […]

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Describing a Room after a Big Party Essay Example

The days are passing by, the clock is ticking away, and we are starting to remember these past month’s big news and events. We are starting the countdown from 1 to 10 as the last moment of the year passes by. Yeah, that is New Year. New Year’s Eve is one of the most celebrated […]

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The mining boom that swept the west in the late 1800s Essay Example

The earliest operation of mining of bog iron in Maine began in Newfield but was a small scale operation but it continued for a long period of time. During the mid 1880’s the other enterprises were near Lubac, that was a lead mine and Katahdin Iron Works. There was a mining boom from 1879 to […]

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The main types of ESOP plans and their benefits Essay Example

There are two primary types of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs): a stock bonus plan and a leveraged plan. Both types involve the establishment of an ESOP trust that is tax-exempt according to the Internal Revenue Code. In a stock bonus plan, the company provides either stock or cash to the ESOP funds, which are […]

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Sinkholes – College Essay Example

What are sinkholes? Sinkholes are a cavity in the ground that are formed by water erosion and causes a collapse of the surface layer. Sinkholes can vary in size from 3 feet to 2,000 feet both in diameter and/or depth. Sinkholes depending on their size can swallow up houses, people, and even large parts of […]

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The Perception of Youth Engaged in Vices Essay Example

1. Smoking Suicide in slow motion. According to WHO, 2007 in every Filipino teenagers age 13 to 15 were already smokers despite the existence of RA 9211. Teenagers usually start with a single cigarette or a can of beer, due to peer pressure, to prove himself or to give the impression of being “cool”. This […]

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The Ethics of Job Discrimination Essay Example

This chapter focuses on the Continuing inequalities of income and occupational status discrimination against women and minorities in the workplace and discusses the proposed remedies for this, especially Affirmative Action policies. Affirmative action is one of the most controversial issues in our society as is illustrated by recent controversy about admission policies at the University […]

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Personal Life and Favorite Person Essay Example

Despite her being the most confusing, weird, insane, and strangest person I know, my mother is also the most beautiful, caring, loving, and strongest figure in my life. She loves learning and has been supportive in my ailments. Additionally, she has taught me numerous things about natural lifestyles which I keep in mind on a […]

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The Chinese Fireworks Industry Essay Example

Liuyang, a city in Hunan Province in China, is known as “the home of firecrackers and fireworks”. The fireworks making in Liuyang has a long history and tradition in China, and enjoys a high reputation in the domestic market. It was also the top fireworks exporter in the world, covering 60% of the global production. […]

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Cultural Observation Project Essay Example

During my second visit to Coastal Grand Mall in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, I gained valuable insights. The mall was bustling with young individuals on a rainy Saturday night, presumably seeking indoor activities. I began by observing the food court, which was conveniently situated near the movie theater and drew a significant crowd of young […]

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Pros and cons of living independently from parents Essay Example

Nowadays, more and more youngsters choose the independent life and live far from their parents to take care of themselves. Although there are many advantages of living alone, the disadvantages must be looked into carefully as we should take a general view about this matter. When youngsters live on their own, there will be many […]

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Community Policing Defined Essay Example

Community policing is defined as a ” philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime” according to the U. S. Department of Justice. (U. S. Department […]

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Dental Hygiene Essay Example

In the United States, dental hygienists traditionally receive professional training and licenses but are typically unable to practice independently. They can work under the supervision of dentists who appoint them, as state laws prohibit dental hygienists from establishing their own practices in 49 out of 50 states. Despite this strict system, many hygienists advocate for […]

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Dental Health for Senior Citizens Essay Example

The elderly have a higher susceptibility to dental problems like chronic diseases and increased medication use due to aging, chronic illnesses, and medications. Dentists have observed a growing demand for dental services among older people. Thankfully, the introduction of better dental care, fluoride utilization, and greater awareness of dental health has resulted in lower rates […]

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Corporate Social Responsibility of Dell Essay Example

Introduction In its March 2005 issue, Fortune magazine dubbed Dell, Inc., the “most Admired Company in the US.” A river of ink has been devoted to describing dell’s lightning –fast style of swooping into and rapidly dominating established markets, its famous “zero tolerance” inventory practices, and its involuntary use of the internet to sell direct. […]

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Deja Vu – College Essay Example

Deja vu is a phenomenon that describes the experience of feeling that one had witnessed and/or experienced a new situation previously (BBC News, 2006). A French psychic researcher, Emile Boirac within his book – L’Avenir des sciences psychiques, formed this term. This unusual experience is mostly accompanied by a undeniable sense of familiarity (BBC News, […]

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Decriminalisation of prostitution Essay Example

Decriminalisation of prostitution is vital issue in protecting prostitutes from brutalisation by society. In this paper, emphasis is given to law govern decriminalizing and offering health and legal protection to the prostitutes themselves. Some information is added for decriminalisation of prostitution with reference to society in both economic and humanitarian aspects. It has been included […]

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Deception in Romantic Relationships Essay Example

Communication is vital for healthy relationships, such as heterosexual romantic partnerships. However, differences in communication styles based on gender can create difficulties (Wood & Dindia, 1998). Additionally, dishonesty and deception from either partner can impede honest communication in romantic relationships. There are several reasons for intentional deception, such as individuals wanting to present themselves as […]

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Death without Weeping Essay Example

Chronic child sickness can be classified into two types: chronic and acute. Infants with chronic child sickness exhibit signs of weakness and malnourishment, displaying extreme lethargy and lack of vitality. These infants differ from normal infants as they seldom cry and have a weak sucking reflex. Infants with chronic child sickness may exhibit these behaviors […]

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David’s Style of Leadership Essay Example

David was one of the most successful leaders of Israel and Judah and the one of the few who God commented for being a man after God’s own heart. His style of leadership was unique and is sharply contrasted with the style of leadership of the other leaders of Judah and Israel. His display of […]

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American Collectors, David Hockney Essay Example

Laura Cummings in her 2006 article ‘Facing the Truth About Portraiture’ claims that ‘The desire to look at portraits is absolutely fundamental: to be face to face, eye to eye with our fellow beings.’ How much does this apply to such stylized works as this? Introduction This unusual acrylic on canvas double portrait of Fred […]

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Data Link Layer Essay Example

Computer networking OSI model has seven layers. Data link layer is the second of the seven layers. It is part of the TCP/IP reference model link layer (Bagad & Dhotre, 2009). It is a protocol layer that is involved in data transfer between network nodes, which are adjacent in a wide area network, or between […]

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