Quiz 3: Ch 12, 13, 14 – Flashcards

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Leadership is best defined as ________. A) the ability to merely project one's abilities in the lack of actual accomplishments B) the ability to reduce the dependence of team members on each other C) the ability to induce the team members to focus on individual goals rather than collective goals D) the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals E) the ability to use factors like training and experience to reduce dependence on formal leadership
D) the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals
Which of the following statements regarding leadership is true? A) All managers are leaders. B) Formal rights ensure good leadership. C) Formal appointment is essential in creating leaders. D) All leaders are hierarchically superior to followers. E) Nonsanctioned leadership is as important as formal influence.
E) Nonsanctioned leadership is as important as formal influence
Which of the following is a desirable feature of leadership? A) one-directional influence from the leader to the follower B) coercive power and authority C) lack of freedom D) passivity of followers E) coexistence of leaders and managers
E) coexistence of leaders and managers
Trait theories of leadership focus on ________. A) the special relationship that leaders establish with a small group of their followers B) the personal qualities and characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonleaders C) the way the leader makes decisions D) the extent to which followers are willing and able to accomplish a specific task E) the match between the leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control
B) the personal qualities and characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonleaders
Which of the following Big Five personality traits has been identified as the most important trait in effective leaders? A) conscientiousness B) openness C) extraversion D) agreeableness E) emotional stability
C) extraversion
Emotional intelligence (EI) is critical to effective leadership because one of its core components is ________ which reflects the consideration that leaders must be able to express. A) conscientiousness B) empathy C) optimism D) introversion E) perfectionism
B) empathy
Trait theories most accurately predict ________. A) distinguishing features of an effective leader B) differences between an effective and an ineffective leader C) success of a leader D) roles to be played by the leader E) emergence of a leader
E) emergence of a leader
Tim Wrench was leading the client services division of AmWeb for seven years when he was asked to move to another region where the company was setting up its office. Before moving, Tim was asked to help in finding a successor for him from his team. Tim's most obvious choice was Judy Judge and the management accepted his choice as Judy was a popular person across the company. Judy was known for her vivacious nature, she was often seen speaking to employees from various divisions, and was always excited to take up a new opportunity. Once she became a leader, she continued to give employees freedom and flexibility even if it resulted in deficiencies on the work front like missed deadlines or low quality. Judy's initial weeks as a leader were full of confusion among her team members, but many felt that the situation would come under control. When things did not improve in the next two months and many complaints poured in from clients, the management realized that Judy was not the best candidate to lead the team. Which of the following, if true, would best explain this outcome? A) Judy was a high-performing employee and enjoyed good relationships with everyone on the team. B) Everyone felt Judy was given insufficient time to prove her worth as a leader. C) Research has shown that traits can predict the emergence of a leader, but not his/her efficiency as a leader. D) The client complaints were a common thing encountered by the company. E) Judy demonstrated low levels of consideration and high levels of task-orientation.
C) Research has shown that traits can predict the emergence of a leader, but not his/her efficiency as a leader
The Ohio State Studies narrowed the independent dimensions of leader behavior to two that substantially accounted for most of the leadership behavior described by employees: consideration and ________. A) employee-orientation B) empathy C) constructing vision D) initiating structure E) charisma
D) initiating structure
In the context of behavioral dimensions of leadership identified in the Ohio State Studies, initiating structure refers to the extent to which ________. A) a person's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings B) a leader engages in participative management C) a leader is accepting of and respects individual differences among various team members D) a leader is likely to define and organize his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment E) a leader initiates efforts to communicate personally with employees
D) a leader is likely to define and organize his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment
Adrian Atwood, a senior manager at MNC, spends a lot of his time assigning group members to particular tasks and scheduling their work such that deadlines are achievable. Adrian also sets high expectations for standards of performance, and holds regular meetings to ensure that productivity and quality are up to the mark. In the light of the Ohio State Studies, this indicates that Adrian, as a leader, is ________. A) low in task orientation B) high in consideration C) relationship oriented D) employee oriented E) high in initiating structure
E) high in initiating structure
In the context of behavioral dimensions of leadership identified in the Ohio State Studies, ________ is the extent to which a person's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings. A) consideration B) transaction C) authentication D) task orientation E) identification
A) consideration
Nellie Fritz, the head of client support services at Olson Inc., is very popular among her subordinates. Many believe that Nellie has a knack for getting the work done without making the employees feel pushed into a corner. She is often seen speaking to her subordinates and support staff about their families, helping them with any personal problems they have, and praising employees for their good work. In light of the Ohio State Studies, this indicates that Nellie, as a leader, is ________. A) task oriented B) high in consideration C) low in trust propensity D) low in relationship orientation E) production oriented
B) high in consideration
The two dimensions of leadership behavior identified in the University of Michigan studies are ________. A) absolute leadership and contingency leadership B) transformational leaders and authentic leaders C) employee-oriented leaders and production-oriented leaders D) initiating structure and consideration E) initiation and completion
C) employee-oriented leaders and production-oriented leaders
The University of Michigan studies define a(n) ________ leader as one who takes a personal interest in the needs of his/her subordinates. A) contingency B) task-oriented C) employee-oriented D) production-oriented E) structure initiating
C) employee-orientated
If a leader's main concern is accomplishing his/her group's tasks, the University of Michigan studies label this leader ________. A) employee-oriented B) high in consideration C) relationship-oriented D) low in initiating structure E) production-oriented
E) production-oriented
Norman has been working in the sales division for a large manufacturing company for four months. In this short period of time, Norman has learned that Mr. Hill, his manager, keeps increasing monthly targets significantly, and though each time the target appears unrealistic, Norman has been able to achieve them throughout the last four months. Mr. Lee's approach of leading his employees to work more efficiently by setting successively higher targets is an example of his ________ leadership. A) employee-oriented B) consideration-based C) person-oriented D) production-oriented E) support-oriented
D) production-oriented
Maurice Harper is a friendly and warm manager who starts her day at work by personally greeting her colleagues and subordinates. Maurice is often seen listening sincerely to employees' concerns and problems. She takes the initiative to hold programs to renew and improve the skills of current employees. Most of her employees know that she is accessible for help and information at all times .Maurice is a(n) ________ leader. A) achievement-oriented B) transaction-oriented C) employee-oriented D) production-oriented E) task-oriented
C) employee-oriented
Contingency theories focus on the ________ that impact leadership success. A) personality variables B) leader's abilities to inspire and transform followers C) situational variables D) values and ethics E) features of the followers
C) situational variables
Which of the following theories of leadership is based on situational variables? A) attribution theory B) trait theories C) charismatic leadership theory D) path-goal theory E) behavioral theories
D) path-goal theory
The least preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire is used to measure whether ________. A) the followers are able and willing B) a leader is task or relationship-oriented C) the members are in the in-group or out-group D) employees prefer servant leadership over situational leadership E) the leader is high on the dimension of conscientiousness
B) a leader is task or relationship-oriented
Dora Lee has just completed and scored the LPC questionnaire given to her during an evaluation exercise. She is surprised when she finds out that she described her least preferred co-worker in relatively positive terms because she recalls being particularly annoyed by this difficult co-worker several times in the past. Based on your understanding of Fiedler's model, you explain to Dora that her LPC score makes sense within the model because ________. A) Dora tends to become very dominating when given ambiguous tasks B) Dora is usually much more focused on productivity than on developing relationships C) Dora tends in general to focus on building good relationships with the other employees D) Dora has a spotty work history and has tended to switch jobs every couple of years E) Dora is usually chosen for positions of high responsibility within your organization
C) Dora tends in general to focus on building good relationships with other employees
Fiedler's contingency leadership model assumes that ________. A) an individual's leadership style is essentially fixed B) an individual is constantly striving to develop a more productive style C) an individual's leadership is primarily determined by the the features of the followers D) an individual's leadership style can be altered much like his/her personality traits E) an individual's leadership style must be task oriented to be effective
A) an individual's leadership style is essentially fixed
Fiedler defines the degree of confidence, trust, and respect that subordinates have in their leader as ________. A) leader-member relations B) task structure C) positional power D) follower variables E) path-goal frameworks
A) leader-member relations
Trevor Guerney is a manager who believes that those who are to be affected by a change must be involved in the change. Consequently, he always ensures that his subordinates have the knowledge of what is happening around them and he often holds meetings to obtain employee opinion and suggestions before making any decision that would apply to them. Similarly, Trevor's team proactively approaches him with problems and potential solutions as they know he will not respond by criticizing them. From the information provided in the scenario we can say that ________. A) Trevor's leadership is primarily task-oriented B) Trevor's team has a low degree of trust propensity C) Trevor's team requires more directive leadership D) Trevor's team has positive leader-member relations E) Trevor's team is unsatisfied with his power position
D) Trevor's team has positive leader-member relations
Which of the following situational dimensions identified by Fiedler relates to the degree to which job assignments are procedurized, that is, structured or unstructured? A) task reflexivity B) task significance C) task structure D) task complexity E) task orientation
C) task structure
In the context of Fiedler's model, the situational dimension termed ________ relates to the degree of influence a leader has over important variables such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases. A) task structure B) leader-member exchange C) position power D) initiating structure
C) position power
According to the Fiedler contingency model, high managerial control is characterized by ________. A) high task structure, good leader-member relations, and strong position power B) limited position power, good leader-member relations, and low task structure C) less structured jobs, strong position power, and moderate leader-member relations D) broad employee responsibilities, low position power, and moderate leader-member relations E) good leader-member relations, low position power, unstructured jobs
A) high task structure, good leader-member relations, and strong position power
Which of the following theoretical approaches in the study of leadership focuses on followers' readiness as a determinant of effective leadership? A) Big Five personality model B) behavioral theories C) Fiedler contingency model D) laissez-faire leadership E) situational leadership theory
E) situational leadership theory
According to the situational leadership theory, if followers are unable and unwilling to do a task, then a leader needs to ________. A) follow a supportive style B) engage in participative leadership C) refrain from providing too many inputs D) display high task and relationship orientation E) demonstrate high task and low relationship orientation
D) desplay high task and relationship orientation
According to the situational leadership theory, if employees are unwilling and unable, the appropriate leadership style in this situation would be ________. A) participative B) democratic C) person-oriented D) directive E) supportive
D) directive
According to the situational leadership theory, a follower with the desired ability and willingness is likely to be ________. A) lacking in the area of motivation B) deficient in the specific skills required C) comfortable in his ability to do the job well D) highly skilled in relevant areas but low on experience E) in need of leadership that is highly task oriented
C) comfortable in his ability to do the job well
Maura Ruiz has been working in the e-learning industry for over eight years. She is aware of the fact that in this industry, once an employee has learned his job, the work becomes fairly automatic and competence can be achieved rapidly. She has been noticing how in her team, this competence has come along with a lot of complacency; the employees, though able, are unwilling to work hard. According to the situational leadership theory, to rectify this situation, Maura would benefit the most if she uses the ________ style of leadership. A) task-oriented B) production-oriented C) participative D) directive E) autocratic
C) participative
Which of the following statements is true with regard to the path-goal theory of leadership? A) The theory considers leadership to be a set of attributes ascribed to leaders by followers. B) The theory proposes only a passive and supportive role for leaders. C) The theory considers removing obstacles to be a component of effective leadership. D) The theory proposes that leaders must work closely with followers throughout. E) The path-goal theory represents a laissez-faire approach to leadership.
C) The theory considers removing obstacles to be component of effective leadership
George is a project leader at NSys for five years. George's job description involves scheduling work for his team, coordinating their work with that of the other departments, and providing feedback. George, who has successfully led this team, believes that it is his task-oriented and directive approach that has helped him in the last five years. Which of the following, if true, would weaken his argument supporting a directive leadership? A) The members of the team are resentful with George's directives relating to work. B) George has seen that employees in his team lack initiative and motivation to work hard. C) The team's workload is expected to rise substantially as the company is growing at an unprecedented rate. D) George's team is organized as a wheel network and depends on his ability to coordinate amongst members of the team and between other departments. E) NSys hires only highly qualified and experienced employees.
E) NSys hires only highly qualified and experienced employees
Leslie is a middle-level production manager at the California branch of ALT Corp. ALT Corp. is an automobile manufacturing company that specializes in the manufacture of heavy motor vehicles. Leslie's job is to supervise his assembly line employees. Leslie has worked in this position for over four years and he strongly believes that a supportive leadership style is most suitable in his context. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen Leslie's approach to leadership in this case? A) The company has recently announced its move to diversify into manufacturing light motor vehicles because of high profitability in that line. B) Most of the assembly line employees were highly experienced in their jobs and committed to Leslie. C) With developments in technology, the company was enhancing the role of assembly line employees with new tasks combined into natural work units. D) The company had initiated many changes in the tasks of assembly line workers in its attempts to refine the process of manufacturing. E) A good proportion of the assembly line employees were new employees.
B) Most of the assembly line employees were highly experienced in their jobs and committed to Leslie
Leslie is a middle-level production manager at the California branch of ALT Corp. ALT Corp. is an automobile manufacturing company that specializes in the manufacture of heavy motor vehicles. Leslie's job is to supervise his assembly line employees. Leslie has worked in this position for over four years and he strongly believes that a supportive leadership style is most suitable in his context. Which of the following, if true, would weaken Leslie's approach to leadership in this case? A) The company is planning to lay off some employees in the near future. B) The company has stopped the production of most of its older models as it wants to focus on the most profitable models. C) The assembly line jobs are routine and highly structured by nature. D) The recent round of OSHA inspections revealed that many assembly line employees were not complying with stipulated safety measures. E) The company's workforce is comprised primarily of employees of the baby boomer generation.
D) The recent round of OSHA inspections revealed that many assembly line employees were not complying with stipulated safety measures
Max Hiller was recently hired by Sync, a consumer goods company. During his first meeting with the sales team, Max impressed upon his team that work performance is the only criterion he would use to evaluate them. To help them perform well and meet their targets, he pushed his team to work extra hours. He also gave very clear instructions to each member regarding their job responsibilities and continually verified if they were meeting their targets. Which of the following, if true, would weaken Max's approach? A) Max is leading many new employees who have joined his team directly after training. B) Max's team functions in a sluggish manner and picks up pace only a week or so before the monthly operations cycle meetings. C) Max's sales team is comprised of independent and experienced employees who are committed to their jobs. D) Max's team does not display high levels of cohesiveness and members fail to coordinate with each other. E) Sales figures for the region that Max's team is responsible for have improved in the last quarter.
C) Max's sales team is comprised of independent and experienced employees who are committed to their jobs
________ is defined as a process that begins when one party perceives another party has or is about to negatively affect something the first party cares about. A) Problem solving B) Assessment C) Conflict D) Negotiation E) Collective bargaining
C) Conflict
Conservationists have had a perpetual conflict with the government of the United States over the fast and rampant depletion of the earth's natural resources. They argue that the United States must reduce its consumption level significantly to rectify this problem. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conservationists' argument? A) The United States has been conserving forests for several years. B) Most countries have not taken any measures to reduce their consumption levels of natural resources. C) There are several countries that have more requirements for resources than the United States. D) The United States accounts for one-third of the total world resource consumption. E) New resource deposits are constantly being discovered.
D) The United States accounts for one-third of the total world resource consumption
According to the traditional view of conflict, all conflict is ________. A) harmful and must be avoided B) natural and helps generate discussion C) necessary and improves creativity of a group D) healthy and improves productivity E) rational and cannot be avoided
A) harmful and must avoided
According to the ________ view of conflict, conflict can be a positive force in a group and some conflict is absolutely necessary for a group to perform effectively. A) resolution focused B) traditional C) managed D) interactionist E) transactional
D) interactionist
According to the interactionist's perspective, a group that functions without conflict is ________. A) living up to behavioral standards B) prone to becoming static and apathetic C) the most productive D) most likely to be responsive to the need for change and innovation E) a rare phenomenon
B) prone to becoming static and apathetic
According to the interactionist view, ________ conflicts support the goals of the group and improve its performance. A) formal B) informal C) functional D) evaluative E) reactive
C) functional
With reference to the interactionist view of conflict, conflict that relates to the content and goals of work is called ________ conflict. A) job B) task C) relationship D) process E) communication
B) task
Conflicts related to how the work gets done are called ________ conflicts. A) communication B) task C) job D) relationship E) process
E) process
Which of the following statements is true regarding task conflicts? A) Task conflicts relate to how the work gets done. B) Task conflicts are almost always dysfunctional. C) Task conflict focuses on interpersonal relationships. D) Task conflict won't benefit groups performing routine tasks. E) Task conflicts hinder creativity and innovation.
D) Task conflict won't benefit groups performing routine tasks
For process conflict to be productive, it must be ________. A) kept high B) kept low C) kept at moderate-to-high levels D) kept at moderate levels E) subject to managerial control
B) kept low
A collectivist Chinese manager is most likely to use which of the following techniques for conflict management? A) direct confrontation B) authoritative command C) avoiding D) pressurizing E) competing tactics
C) avoiding
Which of the following terms best describes the process that occurs when two or more parties decide how to allocate scarce resources? A) integration B) association C) negotiation D) unionization E) differentiation
C) negotiation
The terms "negotiation" and "________" are used interchangeably. A) win-lose B) bargaining C) collaboration D) accommodation E) compromise
B) bargaining
The two general approaches to negotiation are ________ bargaining and ________ bargaining. A) emotional; rational B) affective; reflective C) distributive; integrative D) formal; informal E) legal; restrictive
C) distributive; integrative
Porco Rosso, an aircraft manufacturer, develops a new engine model, PR-4, with safety features lacking in the earlier model, PR-3, which is still being manufactured. During the first year that both were sold, the PR-3 far outsold the PR-4, even after rigorous presentations and negotiations with potential customers for PR-4. Porco Rosso thus concluded that safety was not the customers' primary consideration. Which of the following, if true, would weaken Porco Rosso's conclusion? A) Both private plane owners and commercial airlines buy engines from Porco Rosso. B) Several customers of Porco Rosso also bought engines from other manufacturers who did not provide additional safety features in their newer models. C) The PR-4 model can be used in all planes in which the PR-3 model can be used. D) There was no significant difference in price between the PR-3 and PR-4. E) Customers prefer and find safer, earlier engine models that have been tried and tested to newer engine models.
E) custyomers prefer and find safer, earlier engine models that have been tried and tested to newer engine models
________ bargaining is negotiation that seeks to divide a fixed amount of goods or services. A) Distributive B) Integrative C) Reflective D) Affective E) Conjunctive
A) Distributive
Karl is the labor union negotiator. Today, he is meeting with the top management to discuss the new five-year contract, including wages and benefits. This labor-management negotiation over wages is most likely to use ________ bargaining. A) integrative B) reflective C) distributive D) evaluative E) associative
C) distributive
In the case of a distributive bargaining, the ________ point indicates what a person would like to achieve out of the negotiation. A) resistance B) distribution C) target D) bargaining E) focus
C) target
In case of distributive bargaining, the ________ point marks the lowest outcome that is acceptable—the point below which the party would break off negotiations rather than accept a less favorable settlement. A) resistance B) tolerance C) target D) focal E) distribution
A) resistance
Which of the following statements is true regarding distributive bargaining? A) It operates under zero-sum conditions. B) It focuses on long-term relationships. C) It involves high information sharing. D) It attempts to create a win-win solution. E) It is rarely used in labor-management negotiations.
A) It operates under zero-sum conditions
During a negotiation, making an initial offer leads to the ________ bias. A) self-serving B) framing C) attributional D) anchoring E) belief
D) anchoring
Which of the following statements is true regarding integrative bargaining? A) Integrative bargaining leaves one party a loser. B) Integrative bargaining is used in labor-management negotiations most of the time. C) Integrative bargaining focuses on long-term relationships. D) Integrative bargaining operates under zero-sum conditions. E) Integrative bargaining involves low information sharing.
C) Integrative bargaining focuses on long-term relationships
Labor and management at Leo Trucking cannot seem to agree upon a contract for the truck drivers. As each side contends that they are bargaining fairly, no agreement seems to be possible. The drivers are threatening to go on strike, and management knows that such a strike would prove to be costly. As both sides agree that they are competing over a fixed amount of resources, each side feels that what one side wins, the other loses. Based on this information, we can say that the two sides are engaged in ________. A) conciliation B) distributive bargaining C) mediation D) integrative bargaining E) arbitration
B) distributive bargaining
None of the parties involved in the dispute wants to reach a win-win agreement. They are each highly focused on their demands which they would like to achieve, otherwise known as their ________ points. A) focal B) distribution C) resistance D) tolerance E) target
E) target
The management has decided to try to find a win-win solution to help both parties resolve their differences. Management is attempting to engage in ________ bargaining. A) integrative B) reflective C) surface D) distributive E) reformatory
A) integrative
Which of the following is the first step in the negotiation process? A) definition of ground rules B) clarification and justification C) preparation and planning D) bargaining and problem solving E) closure and implementation
C) preparation and planning
Your ________ determines the lowest value acceptable to you for a negotiated agreement. A) BATNA B) margin of error C) bid price D) asking price E) hidden value
In a negotiation process, which of the following activities is most likely to be included in the "preparation and planning" step? A) justifying your original demands B) determining your best alternative to a negotiated agreement C) determining where will the negotiation take place D) designing procedures for implementing the agreement that has been worked out E) exchange of the initial proposals or demands
B) determining your best alternative to a negotiation take place
During which phase of the negotiation process do the parties exchange their initial proposals or demands? A) preparation and planning B) definition of ground rules C) clarification and justification D) bargaining and problem solving E) integration of preferences
B) definition of ground rules
In a negotiation process, which of the following activities is most likely to be included in the "definition of ground rules" step? A) determining your best alternative to a negotiated agreement B) determining time constraints, if any, applicable to negotiation C) justifying your original demands D) formalizing the agreement that has been worked out E) determining the history leading up to the negotiation
B) determining time constraints, if any, applicable to negotiation
Bill is negotiating for the labor union. Today, he is presenting the evidence and papers that demonstrate the average wages in the area, the cost of health care for the average worker, and a pie graph demonstrating how these costs affect the new salary request. Which phase of the negotiation process is Bill currently in? A) preparation and planning B) definition of ground rules C) clarification and justification D) bargaining and problem solving E) closure and implementation
C) clarification and justification
During which phase of the negotiation process do the parties have the actual discussion to hash out an agreement? A) preparation and planning B) definition of ground rules C) closure and implementation D) bargaining and problem-solving E) integration of preferences
D) bargaining and problem-solving
In a negotiation process, which of the following activities is included in the "closure and implementation" step? A) determining your best alternative to a negotiated agreement B) justifying your original demands C) formalizing the agreement that has been worked out D) determining time constraints, if any, applicable to negotiation E) exchange of the initial proposals or demands
C) formalizing the agreement that has been worked out
Which of the following statements is true regarding the effects of personality traits on negotiation? A) Individuals who score high on agreeableness dimension tend to be very successful in distributive bargaining. B) Extraverts tend to be very successful in distributive bargaining. C) People who are highly interested in having positive relationships with other people are great negotiators. D) Negotiation outcomes are never related to personality traits. E) Disagreeable introverts are the best distributive bargainers.
E) disagreeable introverts are the best distributive bargainers
Stratford Inc. is a company that hires culturally diverse people to perform Shakespearean plays for high school students. The company employs actors and actresses from all over the world. The actors and actresses have joined together to ask the company for higher salaries. The employees are struggling over deciding who will negotiate for them.Which of the following statements is true pertaining to the effect of individual differences on negotiations? A) Women tend to negotiate better outcomes than men. B) Extraverts tend to be very successful in distributive bargaining. C) People who are highly interested in having positive relationships with other people are poor negotiators. D) Individuals who score high on agreeableness dimension tend to be very successful in distributive bargaining. E) Positive moods and emotions negatively affect integrative bargaining.
C) People who are highly interested in having positive relationships with other people are poor negotiators
Xanadu Industries manufactures and sells the same calipers as Utopia Industries. Employee wages account for thirty-five percent of the cost of manufacturing calipers at both Xanadu Industries and Utopia Industries. Xanadu Industries is seeking a competitive advantage over Utopia Industries. Richard, the manager put in charge of devising a strategy to meet this end, suggests lowering employee wages. This leads to a grave conflict between Richard and the labor union. Which of the following, if true, would suggest that the labor union will accept Richard's suggestion to lower the wages? A) As they make a large number of precision instruments, caliper manufacturers receive huge volume discounts on raw materials. B) Utopia Industries recently set up a new manufacturing facility in the vicinity. C) Xanadu Industries has taken away twenty percent of Utopia Industries' business over the last year. D) Utopia Industries pays its employees, on average, ten percent more than does Xanadu Industries. E) Many people who work for manufacturing plants live in areas in which the manufacturing plant is the only source of employment.
E) Many people who work for manufacturing plants live in areas in which the manufacturing plant is the only source of employment
) A(n) ________ is a neutral third party who facilitates a negotiated solution by using reasoning, persuasion, and suggestions for alternatives. A) plaintiff B) mediator C) agent D) consultant E) executor
B) mediator
In which of the following situations is mediation most likely to be effective? A) The conflict between the parties involved in mediation is at a moderate level. B) One of the parties involved in the negotiation perceives the mediator as biased. C) There is a large gap between the target points of both the parties. D) One of the parties involved in the negotiation perceives the mediator as coercive. E) None of the parties is willing to disclose its BATNA.
A) The conlfict between the parties involved in mediation is at a moderate level
Which of the following methods of third-party negotiation always results in a settlement? A) mediation B) consultancy C) arbitration D) conciliation E) execution
C) arbitration
What factor would most likely increase the negative impact of an arbitration session? A) limited options of the arbitrator B) heavy-handedness of the arbitrator C) compulsory nature of the arbitration D) voluntary nature of the arbitration E) establishment of an agreement that is nonbinding
B) heavy-handedness of the arbitrator
In third-party negotiations, a third party who provides an informal communication link between the negotiator and the opponent is known as a(n) ________. A) plaintiff B) arbitrator C) consultant D) conciliator E) executor
D) conciliator
Megatron Construction is having a dispute with a home buyer about some of the terms of their building contract. Both the company and the home buyer want to avoid the expenses and trouble of going to court, but they cannot agree on how to settle their disagreement. 73) Megatron wants to bring in a neutral third party who will facilitate a negotiated solution by using reasoning, persuasion, suggesting alternatives, and the like. This person is known as a(n) ________. A) mediator B) arbitrator C) plaintiff D) consultant E) bailor
A) mediator
The home buyer wants to bring in a third party who will have the authority to dictate an agreement. This person will be a(n) ________. A) mediator B) arbitrator C) conciliator D) consultant E) plaintiff
B) arbitrator
The two parties eventually agree to ask Sam Spade, an attorney and trusted friend, to help them informally to solve their problem. Sam's role is that of a(n) ________. A) mediator B) arbitrator C) conciliator D) consultant E) plaintiff
C) conciliator
Power is a function of ________. A) goal congruency B) realization C) inheritance D) dependence E) altruism
D) dependence
Which of the following statements is true regarding power? A) A is said to have power over B if B controls something that A desires. B) The greater A's dependence on B, the greater A's power in the relationship. C) If A has the capacity to influence the behavior of B, then A is said to have power over B. D) A can have power over B only if A is B's leader. E) A can have power over B only when A and B have similar goals.
C) If A has the capacity to influence the behavior of B, then A is said to have power over B.
Which of the following is a differentiating factor between power and leadership? A) control B) influence C) ability D) goal compatibility E) negative affect
D) goal compatibility
Which of the following is a feature of power? A) lack of dependence of followers B) use of positive styles over negative tactics C) downward influence of leader on followers D) lack of goal compatibility between leaders and followers E) lack of control on behavior of followers
D) lack of goal compatibility between leaders and followers
Which of the following is true with regard to leadership? A) It maximizes the importance of lateral and upward influence patterns. B) It eliminates the requirement of goal compatibility. C) It stimulates research in the area of tactics of influence. D) It focuses on downward influence on followers. E) It encourages dependence of followers on leaders.
D) It focuses on downward influence on followers
Research on power is likely to provide information on the most effective ________. A) leadership styles for motivating followers B) methods to reduce dependence on leaders C) tactics for gaining compliance of employees D) methods of rewarding successful employees E) modes of assessing employee performance
C) tactics for gaining compliance of employees
Power may be categorized as ________. A) informational and personal B) formal and informal C) informal and legitimate D) formal and personal E) direct and indirect
D) formal and personal
The ________ power is based on the fear of the negative results from failing to comply. A) legitimate B) coercive C) punitive D) referent E) abusive
B) coercive
In the last one week, May and Phyllis have been putting in extra hours at work so that the project assigned to them by their manager is completed well within time. Though the manager was due to assign two more people for this project, he had not done so. As a result, May and Phyllis, who were having to do double their routine workload, went and complained to the division manager. May was promptly suspended from work for complaining about her immediate supervisor. This represents the operation of ________ power. A) reward B) legitimate C) coercive D) expert E) referent
C) coercive
________ power represents the compliance that is achieved based on the ability to distribute positive benefits that others view as valuable. A) Legitimate B) Coercive C) Reward D) Personal E) Reflective
C) reward
As a regional sales officer, one of Brandon's job responsibilities is to process the yearly appraisal forms of his subordinates and provide them with increments, bonuses, or benefits based on their performance that year. This job responsibility directly reflects his ________. A) active power B) expert power C) referent power D) reward power E) coercive power
D) reward power
Legitimate power is directly based on ________. A) charisma of the leader B) interpersonal trust and commitment of the manager C) structural position of the manager in the organization D) personality traits of the manager E) ability of the manager to serve his subordinates
C) structural position of the manager in the organization
Which of the following statements is true regarding legitimate power? A) Legitimate power develops out of admiration of another and a desire to be like that person. B) Legitimate power comes from an individual's unique characteristics. C) Legitimate power is broader than the power to coerce and reward. D) Celebrities who endorse products in commercials wield legitimate power over people. E) Legitimate power is a type of personal power.
C) legitimate power is broader than the power to coerce and reward
Which of the following types of power can be categorized as personal power? A) coercive B) legitimate C) reward D) referent E) positional
D) referent
________ power is influence wielded as a result of proficiency, special skill, or knowledge. A) Legitimate B) Reward C) Referent D) Expert E) Coercive
D) expert
At the PR firm where Gerald works, everyone considers him to be very good with his work and depends heavily on his knowledge to help the organization to solve its problems. Gerald is often seen teaching interns a simpler way to present an article, helping project managers with scheduling, and even the CEO often asks him for his opinion on important matter because of his experience and skill. Gerald's specialized knowledge depicts his ________. A) expert power B) coercive power C) legitimate power D) referent power E) reward power
a) expert power
________ power is based on identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits. A) Coercive B) Legitimate C) Referent D) Expert E) Reward
C) referent
Carl believes that he is lucky to be working under a manager like Mr. Parker — conscientious, flexible and easy to work with. It was Mr. Parker who helped Carl learn the demands of the job, gave him opportunities to learn from the mistakes he made, and always provided sound advice. Mr. Parker, who is in the field for over eighteen years, never made Carl feel like a novice and this only increased Carl's personal confidence in his work and his loyalty toward his manager. Carl, who is now doing very well on the job, aims to be a manager like Mr. Parker. From the scenario, which of the following conclusions can be drawn? A) Mr. Parker is an authoritarian manager. B) Carl has a low degree of trust propensity. C) Mr. Parker has a high degree of referent power. D) Mr. Parker engages in a lot of ingratiation. E) Mr. Parker exercises a high degree of coercive power.
C) Mr. Parker has a high degree of referent power
Which of the following is true with regard to bases of power? A) Coercive power involves an identification with and imitation of the person in power. B) Legitimate power is used by companies when they hire celebrities to promote their products. C) Expert and referent power are the two major types of formal power. D) The personal sources of power are most effective for increasing employee performance and satisfaction. E) Reward power is the most common and broad type of power seen in operation in organizations.
D) The personal sources of power are most effective for increasing employee performance and satisfaction
Will Paten was the manager of a team of twelve people in the marketing division of Palmer Inc. Will, who was working in the company for eleven years, was held in high regard and liked by all his colleagues and subordinates. However, Aaron and Abby, two of his subordinates, were noted for flouting his rules and directives frequently. They continued behaving in this manner even after Will had categorically requested them to refrain from upsetting the momentum of the team. Which of the following, if true, would best explain Aaron and Abby's continued noncompliance with Will's requests? A) The promotions and bonuses of the team members depended heavily on Will's performance ratings. B) The company had provided Will with additional duties and he was left with little time to ensure that his team members performed well. C) Will believed that since the job demands in marketing were ambiguous and ever-changing, a supportive approach to leadership would suffice. D) Will was uncomfortable exercising coercive measures to control employees. E) Will was considered an expert at analyzing market trends and making accurate projections about demand and revenue.
D) Will was uncomfortable exercising coercive measures to control employees
Joanna Mills has recently been promoted to the position of a project manager at Palmer Inc., a software development firm. As a project manager, she now has the authority to delegate work, provide supervision and feedback, and monitor employee performance. Ever since her promotion, she has been preparing herself to guide her subordinates in different project activities. However, she feels that the employees do not proactively approach her for help. Which of the following, if true, would best explain this situation? A) Joanna has several years of experience in working on software programs. B) The sole criterion for Joanna's promotion was her effectiveness in meeting individual targets. C) Employees identify with Joanna because she successfully rose from the position of a programmer to that of a manager. D) The managers who promoted her believed that her approachable nature will be a key factor in improving team performance. E) The company follows a 360-degree performance evaluation system.
B) The sole criterion for Joanna's promotion was her effectiveness in meeting individual targets
Which of the following types of power is most likely to be negatively related to employee satisfaction and commitment? A) expert power B) reward power C) legitimate power D) coercive power E) referent power
D) coercive power
Levin and Co. is a group of oil refineries that has been in the news recently. The company had to stop production for over two weeks because their key supplier refused to sell them crude oil at the old prices. Even after rounds of negotiations, the supplier refused to give in to the demands of Levin and Co. and finally, the company had to acquire the raw material from the same supplier because alternative suppliers, though abundant, could not provide the quantities the company demanded at such short notice. This shows the role of ________ in increasing the power one enjoys. A) alternatives B) dependence C) abundance D) substitutability E) exchange
B) dependence
Dependence would be low when ________. A) the goods have very few suppliers B) the goods have low accessibility C) the goods in question are scarce D) the products are important E) the goods have substitutes
E) the good have substitutes
Which of the following power tactics involves increasing the target's support by involving him or her in decision making? A) legitimacy B) rational persuasion C) consultation D) ingratiation E) pressure
C) consultation
Which of the following power tactics uses warnings and threats and is typically the least effective of all the power tactics? A) coalitions B) exchange C) pressure D) rational persuasion E) consultation
C) pressure
The power tactic of using flattery and creating goodwill before making a request is known as ________. A) ingratiation B) consultation C) inspirational appeal D) motivational appeal E) affective appeal
A) ingratiation
Rational persuasion is a power tactic that involves the use of ________. A) formal authority B) logical arguments and factual evidence C) emotions to target the values, needs, and hopes of the other party D) benefits or favors in exchange for following a request E) warnings, repeated demands, and threats
B) logical arguments and factual evidence
Mike Ford is a senior accountant at Coleman and Co., which is a financial management company. Mike has wanted to be on the board of representatives of his company for a long time but the company stipulates a minimum number of years an employee must work at the organization before he makes it to the board. Mike is unwilling to work two more years to reach that stipulated experience and so he found a way to transgress this rule. He met up with one of the existing board members who was having problems accounting for allocated funds that went missing and offered to settle that for him in his department provided he nominate Mike to the board. Which of the following power tactics is being used here? A) ingratiation B) legitimacy C) inspirational appeals D) pressure E) exchange
E) exchange
When the contract with one of their major suppliers was about to expire, the management of Pierre and Collins began seeking tenders from potential vendors. One of the top management executives, Todd Hughes, wanted the contract to go to a vendor he personally knew. In order to do so, he held separate discussions with two key members of the organization wherein he downplayed the potentials of the competing tenders and convinced them to support this offer. At the meeting to finalize a supplier, Todd and his supporters strongly supported the tender of the supplier they had chosen amongst themselves and convinced their CEO to hire this supplier despite the higher price quoted by him. Which of the following power tactics is being used here? A) ingratiation B) legitimacy C) coalition D) pressure E) inspirational appeals
C) coalition
Which of the following power tactics is more effective when the audience is highly interested in the outcomes of a decision process? A) ingratiation B) consultation C) personal appeals D) exchange E) pressure
B) consultation
When the audience does not care about the outcomes, using a combination of ________ can help lessen negative reactions to the feeling that one is dictating outcomes. A) ingratiation and personal appeals B) pressure and exchange C) legitimacy and ingratiation D) exchange and rational persuasion E) inspirational appeals and consultation
C) legitimacy and ingratiation
________ is the only tactic effective across organizational levels. A) Legitimacy B) Inspirational appeal C) Rational persuasion D) Ingratiation E) Pressure
C) rational persuasion
Which of the following power tactics can be used most effectively for exerting lateral influence? A) legitimacy B) inspirational appeal C) coalition D) ingratiation E) pressure
C) coalition
Which of the following power tactics would be considered a soft tactic? A) rational persuasion B) exchange C) coalition D) politicking E) pressure
A) rational persuasion
Which of the following power tactics would be considered a hard tactic? A) rational persuasion B) inspirational appeals C) personal appeals D) coalition E) consultation
D) coalition
Which of the following statements is true with regard to the effectiveness of tactics? A) Soft tactics are less effective than hard tactics when used individually. B) The combination of a soft tactic with reasonable persuasion is more effective than a combination of two hard tactics. C) All tactics are equally effective with regard to upward influence. D) Individuals from collectivist cultures are typically more likely to use soft tactics that reflect personal power. E) Individuals from
B) The combination of soft tactic with reasonable persuasion is more effective than a combination of two hard tactics
For a person to be recognized as having a high degree of political skill, he/she must have the ________. A) ability to recognize that power in an organization does not translate into success B) ability to submit to the demands made by others at all times C) ability to influence others to enhance their own objectives D) ability to respect and consider the needs of others first E) ability to make sacrifices for the betterment of others
C) ability to influence other to enhance their own objectives
Which of the following statements is true? A) The impact of sexual harassment is individual, not organizational. B) A clear understanding of the actions that constitute sexual harassment does not exist. C) Today, the rise of overt forms of sexual harassment presents a major concern for organizations. D) Women in positions of power in an organization are free from sexual harassment by male subordinates. E) Curtailing sexual harassment requires higher-order intervention programs as managers cannot be expected to help in this regard.
B) A clear understand of the actions that constitute sexual harassment does not exist
Political behaviors usually ________. A) lie outside of an individual's specified job requirements B) are counterproductive to individual goals C) are seen only in large organizations D) are sanctioned by organizational leaders E) are expected as part of each job requirement
A) lie outside of an individual's specified job requirements
Which of the following factors contributes to political behavior in the organization? A) presence of pure and objective facts B) existence of uniform goals and interests among all employees C) provision of clear and objective performance outcomes D) presence of limited resources in the organization E) perception that gains of one group are not at the expense of the loss incurred by another group
D) presence of limited resources in the organization
________ occurs when people within organizations use whatever influence they can to taint the facts to support their goals and interests. A) Legitimate political behavior B) Politicking C) Illegitimate political behavior D) Sabotage E) Whistle-blowing
B) Politicking
Employees exhibiting which of the following features are more likely to engage in political behavior? A) lack of organizational investment B) external locus of control C) low need for power D) Machiavellian personality E) low self-monitoring
D) Machiavellian personality
Which of the following is an individual factor that influences political behavior? A) reallocation of resources B) unclear performance evaluation system C) high performance pressures D) perceived job alternatives E) zero-sum reward practice
D) perceived job alternatives
If an individual ________, then he is less likely to engage in illegitimate political behavior. A) has invested a lot in the organization in terms of time and efforts B) possesses a scarce skill or knowledge C) has influential contacts outside the organization D) does not expect any future benefits from the organization E) has an external locus of control
A) has invested a lot in the organization in terms of time and efforts
Which of the following is an organizational factor that increases illegitimate political behavior? A) internal locus of control B) low expectations of success C) high trust D) low organizational investment E) zero-sum reward practice
E) zero-sum reward practice
Which of the following organizational factors encourages political behavior? A) using objective criteria in the appraisal B) using multiple outcomes to measure performance C) allowing significant time to pass between the time of an action and its appraisal D) avoiding the zero-sum approach for resource allocation E) ensuring role clarity
C) allowing significant time to pass between the time of an action and its appraisal
Timothy Jenkins was working for six years at Hartford Mills, a company that takes a strong stand against unionization. Though Timothy's designation was that of a production supervisor, as the company grew, he also took on additional duties like keeping a check on employee safety, ensuring that legal measures are followed, and implementing programs for labor welfare that the company planned. Many believed that Timothy was doing a great job for the company and so it came as a surprise when Timothy was rumored to face severe disciplinary action as he was encouraging the workers to join a union. However, he was let off with a mere warning. Which of the following, if true, would explain this paradox? A) The management had recently instituted a formal employee welfare committee. B) Timothy stressed the fact that he was a meticulous worker who always adhered to company policies. C) The management had recently moved from an open shop mechanism to a closed shop mechanism. D) Timothy claimed that he was only looking to ensure greater employee welfare which was one of the duties the company had assigned to him. E) Timothy argued that allowing unionization had increased the levels of employee satisfaction in one of their rival companies.
D) Timothy claimed that he was only looking to ensure greater employee welfare which was one of the duties the company has assigned to him
Timothy Jenkins was working for six years at Hartford Mills, a company that takes a strong stand against unionization. Though Timothy's designation was that of a production supervisor, as the company grew, he also took on additional duties like keeping a check on employee safety, ensuring that legal measures are followed, and implementing programs for labor welfare that the company planned. Many believed that Timothy was doing a great job for the company and so it came as a surprise when Timothy was rumored to face severe disciplinary action as he was encouraging the workers to join a union. However, he was let off with a mere warning. Timothy claimed that he was only looking to ensure greater employee welfare which was one of the duties the company had assigned to him. Which of the following, if true, would help Hartford Mills avoid such situations in the future? A) ensuring the provision of a retaliatory policy for employees who go against the company B) holding town hall meetings to explain to employees why Timothy was suspected C) enlisting the support of popular employees like Timothy to discharge the employee welfare duties D) engaging in collective bargaining as it is the only way to motivate employees to work efficiently E) specifying the permissible and illegal aspects of an employee's formal role in the organization
E) specifying the permissible and illegal aspects of an employee's formal role in the organization
To avoid politicking during performance evaluations, an organization should ________. A) create role ambiguity B) use democratic decision making C) use a single outcome measure D) use objective criteria E) allow a significant lapse
D) use objective criteria
Under the zero-sum approach, rewards are distributed such that ________. A) rewards are equal and do not increase or decrease with changes in profit margins B) rewards increase for all employees at an identical rate C) any drop in profits reduces the pay of employees by an identical amount D) amount allocated for rewards is variable E) rewards increase for a group at the expense of loss for another group
E) rewards increase for a group at the expense of loss for another group
Reactive and protective behaviors designed to avoid action, blame, or change are termed ________. A) repressive behaviors B) defensive behaviors C) submissive behaviors D) impression management behaviors E) proactive behaviors
B) defensive behaviors
Will Cears works at Mesner Corp, as a middle-level manager. Will recognizes that his firm is plagued by organizational politics. Since he is not good at playing games, he frequently engages in defensive behaviors in order to protect himself and his interests. Will is frustrated because he believes that he has little control over his environment, and his environment is uncomfortable to him. He has had some success at establishing a sense of control for himself by appearing to be cooperative and supportive to his colleagues. However, he continues to hold his reservations against politicking and does not engage in it. This is an example of ________ in order to avoid action, blame, or change. A) buffing B) buck passing C) scapegoating D) misrepresenting E) stalling
E) stalling
Buck passing is seen when an employee ________. A) avoids an unwanted task by falsely pleading ignorance or inability B) prolongs a task to give the appearance of being occupied C) documents his activity rigorously to project an image of competence and thoroughness D) develops explanations that lessen his responsibility for a negative outcome E) transfers responsibility for the execution of a task or decision to someone else
E) transfers responsibility for the execution of a task or decision to someone else
Which of the following defensive behaviors involves rigorously documenting activity to project an image of competence and thoroughness? A) buffing B) justifying C) scapegoating D) stretching E) overconforming
A) buffing
Placing the blame for a negative outcome on external factors that are not entirely blameworthy is known as ________. A) scapegoating B) buffing C) stalling D) justifying E) overconforming
A) scapegoating
Daphne is one of the three project managers at Virgo Inc., an art and design studio. Raymond and Gabriel, the other two project managers, are unhappy working with Daphne as she always selects projects that suit her area of expertise and avoids projects which require more ambiguous work, have tight deadlines, and represent a low probability of success. Raymond and Gabriel feel that they deserve greater credit than Daphne for being open and accepting different work demands and situations, as opposed to Daphne, who always takes a conservative and risk-averse approach. Daphne is using the defensive behavior of ________ here. A) scapegoating B) ingratiating C) stalling D) retaliating E) playing safe
E) playing safe
Which of the following defensive behaviors involves developing explanations that lessen one's responsibility for a negative outcome and apologizing to demonstrate remorse? A) scapegoating B) misrepresenting C) justifying D) overconfirming E) stretching
C) justifying
Which of the following is a defensive behavior that is used to avoid change? A) stalling B) scapegoating C) misrepresenting D) stretching E) preventing
E) preventing
Which of the following differentiates between high self-monitors and low self-monitors? A) High self-monitors are more likely to use defensive impression management techniques, while low self-monitors are more likely to use self-focused impression management techniques. B) High self-monitors are commonly seen in collectivist cultures, while low self-monitors are commonly seen in individualist cultures. C) High self-monitors tend to mold their appearances and behavior to fit each situation, while low self-monitors tend to present images of themselves that are consistent with their personalities. D) High self-monitors prefer to avoid using power and politics at the workplace, while low self-monitors engage in a lot of politicking. E) High self-monitors have an external locus of control as they attribute successes or failures to luck and fate, while low self-monitors have an internal locus of control and believe that they control the outcomes.
C) High self-monitors tend to mold their appearances and behavior to fit each situation, while low self-monitors tend to present images of themselves that are consistent with their personalities
Which of the following is an assertive impression management technique? A) conformity B) apologies C) self-promotion D) flattery E) buffing
D) falttery
Which of the following is a self-focused impression management technique? A) flattery B) enhancement C) apologies D) excuses E) conformity
B) enhancement
Which of the following impression management techniques involves an individual admitting responsibility for an undesirable event and simultaneously seeking to get a pardon for the action? A) flattery B) favors C) apologies D) misrepresentation E) exemplification
C) apologies
Which of the following impression management techniques uses ingratiation? A) flattery B) exemplification C) enhancement D) conformity E) apologies
D) conformity
Recently, Curtis Gibson had an interview for the position of a senior manager at a transit service. At the interview, the interviewer made a passing remark about how policies can make or break the best economy in the world. Immediately, Curtis launched into a discussion of how true the interviewer was, substantiating his claim with stories from real economies around the world. Similarly, when the interviewer suggested that Curtis work the earlier shift because, if selected, he would have to commute a significant bit to reach work, Curtis vehemently agreed saying "you couldn't be more right." Which of the following impression management techniques is Curtis using? A) favors B) exemplification C) enhancement D) self-promotion E) conformity
E) conformity
Winston Mayer is a sales manager for a large company producing beverages and ready-to-eat meals. Winston is often seen working late and on weekends when the company stipulates a five-day work week. Winston justifies his working extra by claiming that "in sales, one cannot afford to waste a minute" and he is often condescending when subordinates take their allotted time off. He frequently speaks to his manager about the the new deals he finalizes when he is working beyond the normal working hours to prove his point. From the information provided, we can say that Winston is using ________ as an impression management technique here. A) flattery B) exemplification C) favors D) apologies E) conformity
B) exemplification
In the last month, Stacey, an intelligent and astute employee, has finished only half the work she was scheduled to complete. In addition, she has been taking frequent leaves citing her ill health being the reason but her manager suspects she has been playing truant. When the manager confronted her about her pending work, Stacey began to give excuses; she said that the work was time-consuming, she was unwell, and that it was not a high-priority project in the first place. In this scenario, Stacey is using a(n) ________ impression management technique. A) self-focused B) assertive C) aggressive D) defensive E) ingratiation-based
D) defensive
Victor Ortiz was a successful and popular manager at the marketing division of a consumer goods company. Many attributed the company's immense success in the last two years to Victor's highly creative marketing plans which cost the company very little but increased the visibility of its products. He also effectively tied up with new retail chains so the demand for their products grow as the new retail chains grow. Recently, a subordinate alleged that Victor had sexually harassed her and stories of similar allegations being made against him in the past resurfaced. The situation was laid to rest when Victor made an appearance with the victim by his side claiming that the allegations were baseless as he was romantically involved with her. Though this announcement did not convince people, the allegations against Victor were withdrawn. From the information provided in the scenario, this outcome can be explained by the fact that ________. A) Victor has a high degree of referent power B) Victor has enough power to get away with his misdeeds C) Victor has abided by the standards of equity and justice D) Victor has used a defensive impression management technique E) Victor has used scapegoating to free himself from the charges
B) Victor has enough power to get away with his misdeeds
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