Poli sci Final Test Answers – Flashcards

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1. Which of the following BEST characterizes the thesis of Benjamin Barber's essay, Jihad v. McWorld,.
D. The forces of Jihad and the forces of McWorld operate with equal strength in opposite directions, the one driven by parochial hatreds, the other by universalizing markets, the one re-creating ancient subnational and ethnic borders from within, the other making national borders porous from without. They have one thing in common: neither offers much hope to citizens looking for practical ways to govern themselves democratically.
. In his discussion of the globalization of the world, Benjamin Barber lists four imperatives: the market imperative, the resource imperative, the information-technology imperative, and the ecological imperative. Which of the following statements about the market imperative is correct?
A. All national economies are now vulnerable to the inroads of larger, transnational markets within which trade is free, currencies are convertible, access to banking is open, and contracts are enforceable under law.
. Which of the following statements about the information-technology imperative does Benjamin Barber make?
C. The information arm of international commerce's sprawling body reaches out and touches distinct nations and parochial cultures, and gives them a common face chiseled in Hollywood, on Madison Avenue, and in Silicon Valley.
Which of the following BEST characterizes Benjamin Barber's assertion about the forces of Jihad or the Lebanonization of the world?
. The mood is that of Jihad: war not as an instrument of policy but as an emblem of identity, an expression of community, an end in itself. Even where there is no shooting war, there is fractiousness, secession, and the quest for ever smaller communities.
. Which of the following BEST represents Benjamin Barber's conclusion about the forces of globalization and tribalism?
. Neither McWorld nor Jihad is remotely democratic in impulse. Neither needs democracy; neither promotes democracy.
Which of the following are components of political consciousness, especially in the classical world? 1. Reason 2. Self-consciousness 3. Deliberate 4. Moral Order
E. All of the Above
Which of the following BEST characterizes the principle of subjectivity?
E. A consciousness of self and of others.
An emerging consciousness of others leads us to be concerned, in our political life, with which of the following?
B. Obligations we have to others.
Tribal societies possess which of the following characteristics? 1. Law 2. Kinship 3. Reason 4. Instinct 5. Custom
D. 2, 4, & 5
. Individuated societies possess which of the following characteristics? 1. Law 2. Kinship 3. Reason 4. Custom 5. Cities
A. 1, 3, & 5
11. Which of the following BEST characterizes the modern nation? (Not modern state)
D. A people who possess a common culture and a conscious identity with that culture.
12. Which of the following BEST characterizes the strengths of tribal societies?
B. They express the social nature of human beings and provide protection & security.
. The questions raised by Greek tragedies include which of the following? 1. What are the sources of war and violence? 2. How has speech been perverted and private & public morality corrupted? 3. What is the relationship between freedom and necessity? 4. How has trust been betrayed?
E. All of the Above
14. The tragic poet Aeschylus is best known for which of the following? 1. A strong suspicion of the gods and, therefore, of divine justice. 2. Developing the use of costumes and a second speaking actor. 3. Innovative use of the chorus and of visual effects. 4. Exceptional language.
D. 2, 3, & 4
. What is hubris?
B. Pride
. I am the sole surviving son of the blood feast of the House of Atreus; I have become Clytaemnestra's lover and a tyrant. Who am I?
D. Aegisthus
. AFor we are strong and skilled; we have authority; we hold memory of evil.@ Who are we?
D. The Furies
. Much of the Oresteia, particularly the first play, Agamemnon, is a search for an explanation of suffering. That kind of inquiry and/or explanation is called which of the following?
E. Theodicy
Yet look upon this dead man; you would not cross him once when with no thought more than as if a beast had died, when his ranged pastures swarmed with the deep fleece of flocks, he slaughtered like a victim his own child, my pain grown into love, to charm away the winds of Thrace.@ Who am I?
C. Clytaemnestra
Which of the following are intimations of democracy that occur in the Oresteia? 1. Athena creates the aeropagus to judge the guilt or innocence of Orestes. 2. Orestes is restored to his legitimate role as King. 3. After Agamemnon's death, Clytaemnestra promises to rule the kingdom by consulting the people. 4. Athena uses persuasion to convince the furies of their rightful place in the new order.
C. 1 & 4
21. The hopeful intimations of civilized behavior that Aeschylus portrays in the character of Orestes are best expressed in which of the following statements? 1. Orestes fears that there has been too much devastation in the victory over Troy. 2. Orestes experiences a moment of hesitation before killing his mother. 3. Orestes needs to know that what he has done in the matricide was right. 4. Orestes ultimately accepts responsibility for the matricide.
D. 2, 3, & 4
22. Athena insists that the Furies have a rightful role in the new order, that fear has a rightful role. What are the components of that fear? 1. Toleration. 2. Internalized guilt. 3 Socialization, particularly in the household. 4. Fear of punishment.
D. 2, 3, & 4
. In her actions and speech, Athena insists that reason must have a rightful role in the new order. What are the components of that reason? 1. Toleration. 2. Proportionality. 3. Righteousness. 4. Fear of punishment.
A. 1, 2, & 3
24. If justice is to be achieved in the Oresteia, which of the following must occur? 1. The psyche of Orestes must be restored to health. 2. Athena alone must decide the guilt or innocence of Orestes. 3. The gods of fear and the gods of reason must come to some reconciliation with one another. 4. The House of Atreus must be governed by its rightful ruler.
C. 1, 3, & 4
My fate is angry if I disobey these but angry if I slaughter this child, the beauty of my house with maiden blood shed staining.@ Who am I?
D. Agamemnon
. The final conclusions, or lessons to be learned from the Oresteia, include which of the following? 1. Out of the savagery of human violence can come some harmony. 2. Authentic harmony must include health of the psyche, the city, and the cosmos. 3. The new order of civilization will bring an end to human suffering. 4. Pathos is part of the human condition, as is the search for some explanation of it.
B. 1, 2, & 4
Are human beings free or determined; are human beings good or evil; are human beings rational or irrational? What branch of metaphysics is concerned with these questions?
C. Ontology
. How do we know anything? Primarily through our senses? Or, through our rational insight? Or, by means of revelation? What branch of metaphysics is concerned with these questions?
B. Epistemology
How should we live? What is good and evil? How can we create a moral code? What branch of metaphysics is concerned with these questions?
A. Ethics
According to Benjamin Barber (Jihad vs. McWorld) the two axial principles of our world include which of the following characteristics? 1. Tribalism 2. Globalism 3. A host of narrowly conceived faiths antagonistic to any notion of interdependence and civic mutuality. 4. A host of economic and technological factors that demand uniformity, conformity, and commercial homogeneity.
D. All of the Above
31. Consider the following ethical situation: "A nation decides to bomb a family gathering, which includes innocent women and children, in order to kill an individual in attendance who is known to be responsible for past acts of terror against the nation and known to be planning future acts of terror." This decision is BEST defended on which of the following ethical grounds?
. If someone refrains from stealing because one of the Ten Commandments forbids stealing, that is called:
B. Deontological ethics.
33. Which of the following is an accurate reflection of Democritus=s response to the question: Is there anything permanent in the universe?
E. Yes, there is, and it is the realm of matter.
34. The emergence of subjectivity leads to estrangement for which of the following reasons?
B. Because we have lost the comfort and security of tribalism.
35. Which of the following is an accurate reflection of Plato=s response to the question: Is there anything permanent in the universe?
A. Yes, there is; and it is the realm of ideas or forms.
. When Aristotle says the question is not what should I do, but what should I be, he is positing which of the following?
. Virtue ethics
Which of the following is an accurate reflection of Aristotle=s response to the question: Is there anything permanent in the universe?
C. Yes, there is, and it is found in the unity of form and substance, or potentiality.
38. In the thought of Karl Marx, which of the following is a component of the superstructure of a society?
B. The laws and politics of a society.
39. Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. This is a statement of what?
D. Kants categorical imperative.
In Platos theory of education, eros plays a fundamental role. What is that role?
B. Eros is a yearning to know what our soul has forgotten when it entered our body.
. Which of the following is NOT an ingredient of Aristotle=s conception of happiness?
. Homo noumenon, or the human as a irrational creatures.
Among the following, which is the BEST definition of zoon politikon?
C. That humans need politics in order to be happy.
According to Kant, the fact that we human beings are homo noumenon (or noumena) makes us distinctive. What does it mean to be the homo noumenon?
. It means that we are capable of using our reason to construct moral rules.
44. Which of the following BEST characterizes Nietzsche=s answer to the question of change and permanence in nature?
D. The universe is essentially comprised of undifferentiated chaos.
45. Which of the following may be included among the political implications of Kants idealism? 1. As moral creatures, human beings are to be valued as ends, not as means. 2. Politics is the legal realization of moral ends. 3. Republican government is best suited to treating human beings as ends. 4. War is permissible only between republican governments.
A. 1, 2, & 3
46. Which of the following BEST characterizes Nietzsche=s theory of perspectivism?
B. There are no truths, only points of view.
47. According to the postmodern perspective, a metanarrative is which of the following?
A. A universal truth claim.
48. The political implications of postmodern thought include which of the following? 1. An embrace of relativism. 2. A suspicion of all metanarratives. 3. A suspicion of toleration. 4. A celebration of diversity.
B. 1, 2, & 4
49. "You are old men; well, you shall learn how hard it is at your age, to be taught how to behave yourselves. But there are chains, there is starvation with its pain, excellent teachers of good manners to old men . . . " Who is saying this?
A. Aegisthus
Which of the following accurately characterizes the Theater of Dionysus? 1. It is a festival wherein citizens donate funds for the building of warships. 2. It is a competition in which tragic poets present their plays to be judged. 3. It is a forum in which Plato and Aristotle, and other philosophers, competed for metaphysical prizes. 4. It is an institution of public discourse, equal in importance to the assembly and the courts.
D. 2 & 4
51. What is pathos?
D. Suffering
52. What is the significance of the setting of the play, The Euminides?
B. This is Aeschylus' insistence that the founding of civilization occurs in sacred places.
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