Physical Science Essay Questions – Flashcards
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Why are organizing and presenting data important scientific skills?
Scientists need to read and find out about other scientists' work so they know what questions to ask and what observations to test. To do this, data must be presented and organized clearly and logically.
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Explain why scientists use scientific notation.
Scientists often need to express data using numbers that are very small or very large. Scientific notation, which eliminates a lot of zeroes and expresses numbers in terms of powers of 10, helps them do this efficiently.
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"That measurement is very precise, but it is still not accurate." Explain how this statement might be true.
Suppose you were measuring a room. You might measure the length at 3.452389 m. This is a very precise measurement. However, if you wrote down the numbers incorrectly and the actual length was 4.452389, your measurement would not be accurate.
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Three children exhaust themselves trying to push a large rock that doesn't budge. Have they done any work? Why?
No, work is considered force times displacement. The rock didn't move.
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Why is light considered a form of energy?
Light is an electromagnetic wave. All electromagnetic waves are a form of energy.
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What is the law of conservation of energy?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
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Where does energy go when it seems to disappear?
It is converted into different energy forms.
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Describe two different forms of electromagnetic radiation and explain their use in technology.
-Radio waves: short wave/long wave radio -Microwaves: Used for communication of space objects (spacecraft, satellites, radar, etc.)
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