Organizational Behavior: Chapter 12 leadership – Flashcards
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5) Which of the following Big Five personality traits has been identified as the most important trait in effective leaders? A) conscientiousness B) openness C) extraversion D) agreeableness E) emotional stability
Answer: C Explanation: C) A comprehensive review of leadership literature, when organized around the Big Five, has found extraversion to be the most important trait of effective leaders but more strongly related to leader emergence than to leader effectiveness. Conscientiousness and openness to experience also showed strong relationships to leadership, though not quite as strong as extraversion.
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6) Emotional intelligence (EI) is critical to effective leadership because one of its core components is ________, which reflects the consideration that leaders must be able to express. A) conscientiousness B) empathy C) optimism D) introversion E) perfectionism
Answer: B Explanation: B) A core component of EI is empathy. Empathetic leaders can sense others' needs, listen to what followers say (and don't say), and read the reactions of others. The caring part of empathy, especially for the people with whom you work, is what inspires people to stay with a leader when the going gets rough.
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7) Trait theories most accurately predict ________. A) distinguishing features of an effective leader B) differences between an effective and an ineffective leader C) success of a leader D) roles to be played by the leader E) emergence of a leader
Answer: E Explanation: E) Traits are more accurate in predicting the emergence of leaders and the appearance of leadership than actually distinguishing between effective and ineffective leaders.
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12) The Ohio State Studies narrowed the independent dimensions of leader behavior to two that substantially accounted for most of the leadership behavior described by employees: consideration and ________. A) employee-orientation B) empathy C) constructing vision D) initiating structure E) charisma
Answer: D Explanation: D) Seeking to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior, the Ohio State Studies determined that two dimensions accounted for most effective leadership behavior: initiating structure and consideration. Initiating structure is the extent to which leaders are likely to define and structure their roles and those of their employees in the search for goal attainment. Consideration is the extent to which a leader's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings.
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13) In the context of behavioral dimensions of leadership identified in the Ohio State Studies, initiating structure refers to the extent to which ________. A) a person's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings B) a leader engages in participative management C) a leader is accepting of and respects individual differences among various team members D) a leader is likely to define and organize his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment E) a leader initiates efforts to communicate personally with employees
Answer: D Explanation: D) As a behavioral dimension of leaders, initiating structure is the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment. It includes behavior that attempts to organize work, work relationships, and goals.
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14) Adrian Atwood, a senior manager at MNC, spends a lot of his time assigning group members to particular tasks and scheduling their work such that deadlines are achievable. Adrian also sets high expectations for standards of performance and holds regular meetings to ensure that productivity and quality are up to the mark. In the light of the Ohio State Studies, this indicates that Adrian, as a leader, is ________. A) low in task orientation B) high in consideration C) relationship oriented D) employee oriented E) high in initiating structure
Answer: E Explanation: E) Initiating structure is the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment. It includes behavior that attempts to organize work, work relationships, and goals. A leader high in initiating structure is someone who assigns group members to particular tasks, expects workers to maintain definite standards of performance, and emphasizes the meeting of deadlines.
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17) The two dimensions of leadership behavior identified in the University of Michigan studies are ________. A) absolute leadership and contingency leadership B) transformational leaders and authentic leaders C) employee-oriented leaders and production-oriented leaders D) initiating structure and consideration E) initiation and completion
Answer: C Explanation: C) Leadership studies at the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center located behavioral characteristics of leaders that appeared related to performance effectiveness: the employee-oriented leader and the production-oriented leader. The employee-oriented leader emphasizes interpersonal relationships by taking a personal interest in the needs of employees and accepting individual differences among them; the production-oriented leader emphasizes the technical or task aspects of the job—concern focused on accomplishing the group's tasks.
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18) The University of Michigan studies define a(n) ________ leader as one who takes a personal interest in the needs of his or her subordinates. A) contingency B) task-oriented C) employee-oriented D) production-oriented E) structure initiating
Answer: C Explanation: C) According to the behavioral dimensions of leaders identified by the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center, the employee-oriented leader emphasizes interpersonal relationships by taking a personal interest in the needs of employees and accepting individual differences among them.
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19) If a leader's main concern is accomplishing his or her group's tasks, the University of Michigan studies label this leader ________. A) employee-oriented B) high in consideration C) relationship-oriented D) low in initiating structure E) production-oriented
Answer: E Explanation: E) According to the behavioral dimensions identified by the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center, the production-oriented leader emphasizes the technical or task aspects of the job, his or her main concern being accomplishing the group's tasks.
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25) Contingency theories focus on the ________ that impact leadership success. A) personality variables B) leader's abilities to inspire and transform followers C) situational variables D) values and ethics E) features of the followers
Answer: C Explanation: C) Numerous studies have shown that predicting leadership success is more complex than isolating a few traits or behaviors, since leadership styles that are effective in very bad times or in very good times do not necessarily translate into long-term success. This idea led researchers to change their focus from trait and behavior theories to situational influences on leadership styles, or contingency theories.
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26) Which of the following theories of leadership is based on situational variables? A) attribution theory B) trait theories C) charismatic leadership theory D) path-goal theory E) behavioral theories
Answer: D Explanation: D) Numerous studies have shown that predicting leadership success is more complex than isolating a few traits or behaviors, since leadership styles that are effective in very bad times or in very good times do not necessarily translate into long-term success. This idea led researchers to change their focus from trait and behavior theories to situational influences on leadership styles, or contingency theories. The path-goal theory is one of the contingency theories.
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27) The least preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire is used to measure whether ________. A) the followers are able and willing B) a leader is task- or relationship-oriented C) the members are in the ingroup or out-group D) employees prefer servant leadership over situational leadership E) the leader is high on the dimension of conscientiousness
Answer: B Explanation: B) Fiedler believes a key factor in leadership success is the individual's basic leadership style. He created the least preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire to identify that style by measuring whether a person is task- or relationship-oriented.
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29) Fiedler's contingency leadership model assumes that ________. A) an individual's leadership style is essentially fixed B) an individual is constantly striving to develop a more productive style C) an individual's leadership is primarily determined by the features of the followers D) an individual's leadership style can be altered much like his or her personality traits E) an individual's leadership style must be task oriented to be effective
Answer: A Explanation: A) Fiedler assumes an individual's leadership style is fixed. This means if a situation requires a task-oriented leader and the person in the leadership position is relationship oriented, either the situation has to be modified or the leader has to be replaced to achieve optimal effectiveness.
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30) Fiedler defines the degree of confidence, trust, and respect that subordinates have in their leader as ________. A) leader-member relations B) task structure C) positional power D) follower variables E) path-goal frameworks
Answer: A Explanation: A) Fiedler identified three contingency or situational dimensions to leadership success, including leader-member relations, task structure, and position power. Leader-member relations is the degree of confidence, trust, and respect members have in their leader.
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31) Trevor Guerney is a manager who believes that those who are to be affected by a change must be involved in the change. Consequently, he always ensures that his subordinates have the knowledge of what is happening around them, and he often holds meetings to obtain employee opinion and suggestions before making any decision that would apply to them. Similarly, Trevor's team proactively approaches him with problems and potential solutions as they know he will not respond by criticizing them. From the information provided in the scenario, we can say that ________. A) Trevor's leadership is primarily task-oriented B) Trevor's team has a low degree of trust propensity C) Trevor's team requires more directive leadership D) Trevor's team has positive leader-member relations E) Trevor's team is unsatisfied with his power position
Answer: D Explanation: D) Fiedler identified three contingency or situational dimensions to leadership success, including leader-member relations, task structure, and position power. Leader-member relations is the degree of confidence, trust, and respect members have in their leader.
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32) Which of the following situational dimensions identified by Fiedler relates to the degree to which job assignments are procedurized, that is, structured or unstructured? A) task reflexivity B) task significance C) task structure D) task complexity E) task orientation
Answer: C Explanation: C) Fiedler identified three contingency or situational dimensions in which certain types of leaders might excel or fail, including leader-member relations, task structure, and position power. Task structure is the degree to which job assignments are procedurized (that is, structured or unstructured). Leaders who are task-oriented, Fiedler proposes, perform best when the situation is very favorable or very unfavorable.
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33) According to the Fiedler contingency model, high managerial control is characterized by ________. A) high task structure, good leader-member relations, and strong position power B) limited position power, good leader-member relations, and low task structure C) less structured jobs, strong position power, and moderate leader-member relations D) broad employee responsibilities, low position power, and moderate leader-member relations E) good leader-member relations, low position power, unstructured jobs
Answer: A Explanation: A) The Fiedler contingency model proposes that effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control. Fiedler states that the better the leader-member relations, the more highly structured the job, and the stronger the position power, the more control the leader has.
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34) Which of the following theoretical approaches in the study of leadership focuses on followers' readiness as a determinant of effective leadership? A) Big Five personality model B) behavioral theories C) Fiedler contingency model D) laissez-faire leadership E) situational leadership theory
Answer: E Explanation: E) Situational leadership theory (SLT) focuses on the followers. It says successful leadership depends on selecting the right leadership style contingent on the followers' readiness, or the extent to which they are willing and able to accomplish a specific task.
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35) According to the situational leadership theory, if employees are unwilling and unable, the appropriate leadership style in this situation would be ________. A) participative B) democratic C) person-oriented D) directive E) supportive
Answer: D Explanation: D) According to the situational leadership theory, if employees are unwilling and unable, the appropriate leadership style in this situation would be directive.
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36) According to the situational leadership theory, a follower with the desired ability and willingness is likely to be ________. A) lacking in the area of motivation B) deficient in the specific skills required C) comfortable in his ability to do the job well D) highly skilled in relevant areas but low on experience E) in need of leadership that is highly task oriented
Answer: C Explanation: C) If followers are able and unwilling, the leader needs to use a supportive and participative style; if they are both able and willing, the leader does not need to do much.
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37) Which of the following statements is true with regard to the path-goal theory of leadership? A) The theory considers leadership to be a set of attributes ascribed to leaders by followers. B) The theory proposes only a passive and supportive role for leaders. C) The theory considers removing obstacles to be a component of effective leadership. D) The theory proposes that leaders must work closely with followers throughout. E) The path-goal theory represents a laissez-faire approach to leadership.
Answer: C Explanation: C) The theory proposes that the leader's job is to provide followers with the information, support, or other resources necessary to achieve their goals. The term path-goal implies effective leaders clarify followers' paths to their work goals and make the journey easier by reducing roadblocks.
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38) In the context of Fiedler's model, the situational dimension termed ________ relates to the degree of influence a leader has over important variables such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases. A) task structure B) leader-member exchange C) position power D) initiating structure E) leader-member relations
Answer: C Explanation: C) In the context of Fiedler's model, the situational dimension termed position power relates to the degree of influence a leader has over power variables such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases.
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39) According to the situational leadership theory, if followers are unable and willing to do a task, then a leader needs to ________. A) follow a supportive style B) engage in participative leadership C) refrain from providing too many inputs D) display high task and relationship orientation E) demonstrate high task and low relationship orientation
Answer: D Explanation: D) If followers are unable and willing, the leader needs to display high task orientation to compensate for followers' lack of ability and high relationship orientation to get them to commit to the leader's desires.
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40) Maura Ruiz has been working in the e-learning industry for over eight years. She is aware of the fact that in this industry, once an employee has learned his or her job, the work becomes fairly automatic and competence can be achieved rapidly. She has been noticing how in her team, this competence has come along with a lot of complacency; the employees, though able, are unwilling to work hard. According to the situational leadership theory, to rectify this situation, Maura would benefit the most if she uses the ________ style of leadership. A) task-oriented B) production-oriented C) participative D) directive E) autocratic
Answer: C Explanation: C) If followers are able and unwilling, the leader needs to use a supportive and participative style.
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43) Leslie is a middle-level production manager at the California branch of ALT Corp. ALT Corp. is an automobile manufacturing company that specializes in the manufacture of heavy motor vehicles. Leslie's job is to supervise his assembly line employees. Leslie has worked in this position for over four years, and he strongly believes that a supportive leadership style is most suitable in his context. Which of the following, if true, would weaken Leslie's approach to leadership in this case? A) The company is planning to lay off some employees in the near future. B) The company has stopped the production of most of its older models as it wants to focus on the most profitable models. C) The assembly line jobs are routine and highly structured by nature. D) The recent round of OSHA inspections revealed that many assembly line employees were not complying with stipulated safety measures. E) The company's workforce is comprised primarily of employees of the baby boomer generation.
Answer: D Explanation: D) The fact that the company is planning to lay off some employees in the near future does not weaken Leslie's supportive approach to leadership. The fact that the company has stopped the production of most of its older models as it wants to focus on the most profitable models does not weaken Leslie's supportive approach to leadership; it may strengthen his approach as the employees, being familiar with the process for assembling these models, would require less directions and supervision. The fact that assembly line jobs are routine and highly structured by nature strengthens Leslie's supportive approach to leadership. The fact that the recent round of OSHA inspections revealed that many assembly line employees were not complying with stipulated safety measures weakens Leslie's supportive approach. This is because the assembly line employees seem to require someone who would ensure their compliance with safety regulations. The fact that the company's workforce is comprised primarily of employees of the baby boomer generation strengthens Leslie's approach as this generation of employees would be highly experienced in their jobs.
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45) The leader-participation model focuses on ________. A) the personality traits of leaders B) the presence of charisma in the leader C) the way decisions are made by the leader D) the mere projection of successful leadership by the leader E) the use of ingroups by the leader
Answer: C Explanation: C) The leader-participation model argues that the way the leader makes decisions is as important as what she or he decides. Victor Vroom and Phillip Yetton's leader-participation model relates leadership behavior and participation in decision making.
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46) Which of the following leadership theories argues that because of time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their subordinates—the ingroup, who are trusted, get a disproportionate amount of the leader's attention, and are more likely to receive special privileges? A) situational leadership theory B) leader-member exchange C) path-goal D) expectancy E) Fiedler's theory
Answer: B Explanation: B) Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory proposes that, because of time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their followers. These individuals make up the ingroup. Members of the ingroup are trusted, get a disproportionate amount of the leader's attention, and are more likely to receive special privileges. Other followers fall into the out-group.
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47) According to the LMX theory, a leader implicitly categorizes followers as "in" or "out" ________. A) after careful performance analysis B) on a temporary basis C) early in the interaction D) because of political pressure E) only after several months of working together
Answer: C Explanation: C) The LMX theory proposes that early in the history of the interaction between a leader and a given follower, the leader implicitly categorizes the follower as an "in" or an "out," and that relationship is relatively stable over time.
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48) In her first few weeks at the marketing division of Rolland Retails, Judith Cox realized that Joshua, Doug, and Carl were closer to her manager, Eric Scott, than the other five team members. Eric, Joshua, Doug, and Carl came to work at the same time, were seen together at the cafeteria, and stayed late and worked when the need arose. In contrast to them, the other five team members did the routine jobs assigned to them, and their interactions lacked the understanding and camaraderie that Eric shared with the others. Joshua, Doug, and Carl make up Eric's ________. A) out-group B) reference group C) nominal group D) ingroup E) peripheral group
Answer: D Explanation: D) Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory argues that, because of time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their followers. These individuals make up the ingroup; they are trusted, get a disproportionate amount of the leader's attention, and are more likely to receive special privileges. Other followers fall into the out-group.
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50) Which theory of leadership proposes that followers attribute heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors? A) situational leadership theory B) path-goal leadership theory C) transactional leadership theory D) behavioral leadership theory E) charismatic leadership theory
Answer: E Explanation: E) According to House's charismatic leadership theory, followers attribute heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors. A number of studies have attempted to identify the characteristics of charismatic leaders: they have a vision, they are willing to take personal risks to achieve that vision, they are sensitive to follower needs, and they exhibit extraordinary behaviors.
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51) According to evidence, what is the first step a charismatic leader takes to influence followers? A) developing a formal vision statement B) engaging in emotion-inducing and often unconventional behavior C) setting an example for followers through actions and words D) articulating an appealing vision E) communicating high performance expectations
Answer: D Explanation: D) Evidence suggests that charismatic leaders follow a four-step process to influence followers. This process begins with articulating an appealing vision, a long-term strategy for attaining a goal by linking the present with a better future for the organization. Desirable visions fit the times and circumstances and reflect the uniqueness of the organization.
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52) The third step in the process of charismatic leadership involves ________. A) the leader conceptualizing a long-term strategy for attaining a goal by linking the present with a better future for the organization B) the leader conveying a new set of values and setting an example for followers to imitate C) the charismatic leader engaging in emotion-inducing behaviors to ensure that employee commitment is generated D) the leader using unconventional behavior to demonstrate courage and conviction about the vision E) the leader providing a formal articulation of an organization's vision or mission to guide his followers
Answer: B Explanation: B) Once the vision and the vision statement are established, the leader, through his or her words and actions, conveys a new set of values and sets an example for followers to imitate. This is the function of the third step.
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53) Leaders who function primarily by clarifying role and task requirements to accomplish established goals exhibit a(n) ________ style of leadership. A) transformational B) transactional C) charismatic D) laissez-faire E) employee-oriented
Answer: B Explanation: B) Recent studies, including the Ohio State Studies, Fiedler's model, and path-goal theory, have focused on the differences between transformational leaders and transactional leaders. In contrast to transformational leaders, who inspire their followers to transcend their self-interests for the good of the organization, transactional leaders encourage their followers to achieve goals by defining specific goals and task requirements.
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54) A transactional leader is likely to ________. A) reward employees for the work that they have done, thus recognizing accomplishments B) help followers trust the leader and develop a loyalty toward the common vision C) stimulate others in the organization to become thinkers of what the organization is all about D) pay attention to the emotional needs of others and consider individual differences E) avoid authoritarian, command, and control behaviors when dealing with employees
Answer: A Explanation: A) A transactional leader is likely to reward employees for the work that they have done, thus recognizing accomplishments.
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56) ________ leaders inspire followers to transcend their self-interests for the good of the organization and can have an extraordinary effect on their followers. A) Transformational B) Transactional C) Task-oriented D) Laissez-faire E) Production-oriented
Answer: A Explanation: A) Transformational leaders can have an extraordinary effect on their followers, inspiring them toward selfless goals that benefit the larger organization. These types of leaders inspire their followers by paying attention to their concerns, helping them rethink old problems in new ways, and encouraging them to achieve goals as a group.
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57) Transformational leaders enhance performance of employees by ________. A) restricting creativity among employees B) focusing on short-term goals for employees C) building consensus among employees D) establishing goals, roles, and requirements E) abdicating all responsibility to employees
Answer: C Explanation: C) Companies with transformational leaders also show greater agreement among top managers about the organization's goals, which yields superior organizational performance that transformational leaders improve performance by building consensus among group members.
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58) In terms of the full range of leadership models, which leadership behavior is the least effective? A) management by exception (active) B) contingent reward C) management by exception (passive) D) individualized consideration E) laissez-faire
Answer: E Explanation: E) According to the full range of leadership models, laissez-faire is the most passive and therefore least effective of leader behaviors. Management by exception—active or passive—is slightly better than laissez-faire.
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59) Which of the following leadership behaviors is likely to differentiate between transactional and transformational leaders? A) management by exception (active and passive) B) contingent reward C) individualized consideration D) micromanagement E) laissez-faire
Answer: C Explanation: C) According to the full range of leadership models, leadership behaviors including laissez-faire, management by exception (active or passive), and contingent reward will not get employees to go above and beyond the call of duty. Only with the four styles of transformational leadership—individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence—are leaders able to motivate followers to perform above expectations and transcend their self-interest for the sake of the organization.
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60) In terms of the full range of leadership models, which leadership behavior represents the most active and effective approach for leaders? A) contingent reward B) idealized influence C) management by exception (active) D) individualized consideration E) laissez-faire
Answer: B Explanation: B) According to the full range of leadership models, idealized influence, wherein a leader provides vision, establishes a sense of mission, and instills pride is the most active and effective leadership behavior. By doing so, the leader gains respect and trust.
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74) Describe the full range of leadership model.
Answer: According to the full range of leadership model, laissez-faire is the most passive and therefore least effective of leader behaviors. Management by exception—active or passive—is slightly better than laissez-faire, but it's still considered ineffective. Management-by-exception leaders tend to be available only when there is a problem, which is often too late. Contingent reward leadership can be an effective style of leadership but will not get employees to go above and beyond the call of duty. Only with the four remaining styles—all aspects of transformational leadership—are leaders able to motivate followers to perform above expectations and transcend their self-interest for the sake of the organization. Individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence all result in extra effort from workers, higher productivity, higher morale and satisfaction, higher organizational effectiveness, lower turnover, lower absenteeism, and greater organizational adaptability. Based on this model, leaders are generally most effective when they regularly use each of the four transformational behaviors.
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77) A long-term strategy for attaining a goal by linking the present with a better future for the organization is defined as a(n) ________. A) transaction B) attribution C) contingent plan D) vision E) substitution
Answer: D Explanation: D) A long-term strategy for attaining a goal by linking the present with a better future for the organization is defined as a vision.
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79) The primary quality produced by authentic leadership is ________. A) efficiency B) reinforcement C) supervision D) trust E) authority
Answer: D Explanation: D) Authentic leaders know who they are, know what they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly. Their followers consider them ethical people. The primary quality produced by authentic leadership, therefore, is trust.
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80) Which of the following is a feature of servant leadership? A) pursuit of the leaders' self-interest B) use of power and authority to achieve organizational ends C) universal appeal and effectiveness across cultures D) focus on growth, development, and well-being of followers E) applicability restricted to the leader's ingroup
Answer: D Explanation: D) Servant leaders go beyond their own self-interest and focus on opportunities to help followers grow and develop. They do not use power to achieve ends; they emphasize persuasion. Characteristic behaviors include listening, empathizing, persuading, accepting stewardship, and actively developing followers' potential.
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103) Which of the following is true with regard to online leadership? A) Identification-based trust is easily established in the case of online leadership. B) Online negotiations are smoother as geographic mobility is not required. C) The demands of an online leader are the same as those experienced by a servant leader. D) For online leaders, writing skills are an extension of their interpersonal skills. E) For online leaders, substitutes and neutralizers have no effect.
Answer: D Explanation: D) Good leadership skills will soon include the abilities to communicate support, trust, and inspiration through keyboarded words and accurately read emotions in others' messages. In electronic communication, writing skills are likely to become an extension of interpersonal skills.
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102) Which of the following is a neutralizer of leadership? A) indifference to rewards B) experience and training C) explicit formalized rules D) cohesive work groups E) highly structured task
Answer: A Explanation: A) Neutralizers make it impossible for leader behavior to make any difference to follower outcomes. Indifference to organizational rewards can neutralize the effects of leadership.
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101) ________ make it impossible for leader behavior to make any difference to follower outcomes. A) Catalysts B) Mentors C) Neutralizers D) Hygiene factors E) Vision and charisma
Answer: C Explanation: C) Neutralizers make it impossible for leader behavior to make any difference to follower outcomes. Indifference to organizational rewards can neutralize the effects of leadership.
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99) Which of the following is true about substitutes for leadership? A) Substitutes are clearly distinguishable from neutralizers. B) Substitutes enhance the need for leader's support or ability to create structure. C) Substitutes increase the levels of identification-based trust. D) Substitutes are factors and conditions that replace formal leadership. E) Organizations cannot provide any substitutes for leadership.
Answer: D Explanation: D) A theory of leadership suggests that in many situations, leaders' actions are irrelevant. Experience and training are among the substitutes that can replace the need for a leader's support or ability to create structure. Organizational characteristics such as explicit formalized goals, rigid rules and procedures, and cohesive work groups can also replace formal leadership.
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98) Which of the following is a substitute for leadership in the theory that suggests leaders' actions are irrelevant in many situations? A) lack of experience B) training C) ambiguous task D) high need for supervision E) external feedback
Answer: B Explanation: B) A theory of leadership suggests that in many situations leaders' actions are irrelevant. Experience and training are among the substitutes that can replace the need for a leader's support or ability to create structure. Organizational characteristics such as explicit formalized goals, rigid rules and procedures, and cohesive work groups can also replace formal leadership.
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97) The president of a small Asian country was hailed as a visionary and a genius when the nation's economy burgeoned during his first term in office. However, when the currency and the stock markets crashed during his government's second term, he was censured as arrogant, elitist, and shortsighted. Which of the following theoretical approaches is reflected here? A) trait theories B) behavioral theories C) path-goal theory D) servant leadership perspective E) attribution theory
Answer: E Explanation: E) The attribution theory of leadership says leadership is merely an attribution people make about other individuals. Thus, we attribute to leaders intelligence, outgoing personality, strong verbal skills, aggressiveness, understanding, and industriousness. At the organizational level, we tend to see leaders, rightly or wrongly, as responsible for extremely negative or extremely positive performance.
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96) According to the attribution theory of leadership, a person aiming to be a leader has to ________. A) gain sufficient experience to be a leader B) possess qualities like charisma and intelligence C) make changes on ground before leading people D) possess many significant actual accomplishments E) shape the perception that he or she could be a leader
Answer: E Explanation: E) Attribution theory suggests what's important is projecting the appearance of being a leader rather than focusing on actual accomplishments. Leader-wannabes who can shape the perception that they're smart, personable, verbally adept, aggressive, hardworking, and consistent in their style can increase the probability their bosses, colleagues, and employees will view them as effective leaders.
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95) According to the attribution theory of leadership, leadership is characterized by ________. A) the significant gains made in the mentoring relationship between the leader and follower B) the act of people ascribing qualities like intelligence or charisma to leaders C) the focus on the actual accomplishments and performance of the leader D) the impact of substitutes and neutralizers in enhancing the role of the leader E) the division of the group into ingroup and out-group members based on the leader's preference
Answer: B Explanation: B) The attribution theory of leadership says leadership is merely an attribution people make about other individuals. Thus, we attribute to leaders intelligence, outgoing personality, strong verbal skills, aggressiveness, understanding, and industriousness. At the organizational level, we tend to see leaders, rightly or wrongly, as responsible for extremely negative or extremely positive performance.
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82) ________ is defined as a psychological state that exists when you agree to make yourself vulnerable to another because you have positive expectations about how things are going to turn out. A) Consideration B) Trust C) Support D) Empathy E) Respect
Answer: B Explanation: B) Trust is a psychological state that exists when you agree to make yourself vulnerable to another because you have positive expectations about how things are going to turn out. Even though you aren't completely in control of the situation, you are willing to take a chance that the other person will come through for you.
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83) ________ is a dimension of trust defined as honesty, truthfulness, and the ability to display consistency between one's words and action. A) Consideration B) Sensitivity C) Support D) Reflexivity E) Integrity
Answer: E Explanation: E) Integrity refers to honesty and truthfulness. It is the most critical characteristic in assessing another's trustworthiness. Integrity also means having consistency between what you do and say.
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84) Which of the following dimensions of trust is defined as an individual's technical and interpersonal knowledge and skills? A) integrity B) ability C) propensity D) reflexivity E) complexity
Answer: B Explanation: B) Ability encompasses an individual's technical and interpersonal knowledge and skills.
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81) Servant leadership reflects the ________. A) traditional view that followers are expected to serve the leaders B) task-oriented approach to leadership C) use of empathy, listening, and persuasion by leaders D) Western prototype of a leader who gives orders to followers E) tendency of leaders to prioritize their interests over the interests of their employees
Answer: C Explanation: C) Servant leaders go beyond their own self-interest and focus on opportunities to help followers grow and develop. They do not use power to achieve ends; they emphasize persuasion. Characteristic behaviors include listening, empathizing, persuading, accepting stewardship, and actively developing followers' potential.
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