Mktg Chaper 16 – Flashcards

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(first appeared in 2004) to describe a new way to utilize the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 does not refer to any technical update of the World Wide Web, but refers to functionalities that make possible today's high degree of interactivity among users.
Web 2.0
is a contraction of "web log," is a web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal and online forum for an individual or organization.
consists of the various forms of online media content that are publicly available and created by end users.
*User generated content*
consist of online media where users submit comments, photos, and videos—often accompanied bya feedback process to identify "popular" topics.
*Social Media*
A single social media site like Facebook or YouTube
Social network
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the degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners—face-to-face communications, say, being higher in media richness than telephone or e-mail communications
Media Richness
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In any type of social interaction, individuals want to make a positive impression to achieve a favorable image with others. This favorable image is affected by the degree of _______ about a person's thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes—where greater _______ is likely to increase one's influence on those reached.
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> *Ability to Reach Both Large and Niche Audiences*-- both can be designed to reach either > *Expense and access*-- social media is normally cheaper and easier to access > *Training and number of people involved*-- sending messages on social media requires limited skill > *Time to delivery*-- social media is WAY quicker > *Permanence*-- Traditional media cannot be changed but social media can be by comments or editing > *Credibility and social authority*-- with social media a sender often simply begins to participate in the "conversation," hoping that the quality of the message will establish credibility with the receivers, thereby enhancing the sender's influence.
Comparing social and traditional media
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a website where users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange comments, photos, videos, and "likes" with them.
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> Facebook Pages were created as a method for brand managers to generate awareness for their product, service, or brand within Facebook. > Allows brand managers to promote their business on Facebook, separate from their private and personal profiles. > Brand managers can use paid ads and sponsored stories within the Facebook advertising platform (1) Make it familiar, but with a twist (2) Keep it fresh (3) Let users get engaged and guide content
Facebook strategy
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a website that enables users to send and receive "tweets," messages up to 140 characters long.
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> Brand managers cannot expect extensive comments on their brands. But they can use social media management tools like CoTweet to see what Twitter users are saying—good and bad—about both their own brands and competitive ones (1) Generate brand buzz by developing an official Twitter profile, recruiting followers, and showing photos of their products. (2) Follow the Twitter profiles that mention their product and monitor what is being said, responding to user criticisms to develop happier customers. (3) Tweet on topics that provide information of value to their consumers
Twitter strategy
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a business-oriented website that lets users post their professional profiles to connect to a network of businesspeople.
*Linked In*
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> Mainly for business-to-business (B2B) image building and networking with industry-related groups. A company can also use LinkedIn for business development to find sales leads and vendors and to organize focus groups > brand managers can demonstrate the organization's expertise and create and moderate discussion groups.
LinkedIn strategy
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a video-sharing website in which users can upload, distribute, view, and comment on videos.
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> Opportunity for a brand manager to produce and show a video that explains the benefits of a complex product > It incorporates a search engine so users interested in a specific topic can find it easily. > In terms of cost advantages, while a brand manager must pay the cost of creating a video, launching a new channel on YouTube is free. (1) Create a branded channel rich in key words to improve the odds of the video showing up in user searches. (2) Target viewers by using YouTube's insights and analytics research to reveal the number of views, the number of visits to your website, and what key words are driving user visits.
Youtube strategy
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Generally use one-way communication from sender to receiver, who the marketer hopes will buy the product advertised. A little word-of-mouth chatting may occur among the "passive receivers" but communications generally end with the receiver.
Traditional Media
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Deliberately seek to ensure that the message does not end with an individual receiver. Instead, the goal is to reach "active receivers," those who will become "influentials" and be "delighted" with the brand advertised. These will then become "evangelists," who will send messages to their online friends and then back to the advertiser about the joys of using the brand.
Social media
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(1) the number of daily visitors to the website and (2) the characteristics of these visitors
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Google and other services provide user profile data for the social networks to help brand managers choose among them. Facebook users are 60 percent female and 40 percent male; 78 percent have at least some college education; and 35 percent are under 35 years old
Audience data for social networks
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Facebook generates its sales revenue by selling ads that appear along the right-hand section throughout the website. Facebook sells ads directly to its advertisers in both cost-per-click and cost-per-thousand metrics
Facebook Ad platform:
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(1) those linked to inputs or costs (2) those tied to the outputs or revenues resulting from social media > the ideal performance measure for both conventional and social media is one that ties actual sales revenues to the cost of the ad or other promotion
Performance Measures
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> this measure ties to the number of times the ad loads and a user might see it—but not whether the user has actually reacted to it. "I will pay $.50 for every 1000 times this ad loads, up to $100 a month."
Cost per action (CPA)
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> this measure ties to the number of times the ad loads and a user might see it—but not whether the user has actually reacted to it. "I will pay a $1 for every visitor who clicks on this ad and goes from your website to mine."
Cost per thousand (CPM)
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> this measure gives the rate the advertiser pays, say to Facebook, every time a visitor clicks on the ad and jumps from that page to the advertiser's website "I will pay $5 for every purchase that originated from an ad on your site."
Cost per click (CPC)
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-Fans -Share of voice -Page views -Visitors -Unique visitor -Average page view per visitor -Interaction rate -CTR -Fan source
Performance Measures Linked to Outputs or Revenues
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a computer-based network that triggers actions by sensing changes in the real or digital world
Smart system
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> is the result of an unlimited proliferation of interlinked smartphones, tablet devices, sensors, special identification tags, databases, algorithms, apps, and other elements
The convergence of real & digital worlds
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are small, downloadable software programs that can run on smartphones and tablet devices
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any marketing activity conducted through several Internet networks to which consumers are continuously connected using a personal mobile device > Price-comparison searches > Location-based promotions: GPS enabled > Loyalty programs
mobile marketing
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Scan product bar codes and research 500,000 stores, synchronizing searches between your computer and smartphone.
Price-Comparison Searches
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Use your GPS-enabled smartphone for location check-ins to receive discounts at stores such as JCPenney.
Location-based promotions
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Win loyalty points for walking into stores like Target or Macy's and receive discounts from them.
Loyalty programs
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> Personalize social media > purchase with smartphone or fob > social network communities > emphasis on ROI
Where to now?
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Social media are online media where users submit comments, photos, and videos—often accompanied by a feedback process to identify "popular" topics. Business firms also refer to social media as "consumer-generated media."
What do we mean by social media?
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(a) Media richness involves the degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners. For example, face-to-face communication is higher in media richness than telephone or e-mail communication. The higher the media richness and quality of presentation, the greater the social influence that these communication partners have on each other's behavior. (b) Self-disclosure involves the degree to which an individual shares his or her thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes when engaged in a social interaction. Typically, this person wants to make a positive impression to achieve a favorable image with others. The greater the self-disclosure, the greater the likelihood that the person will increase his or her influence on those reached.
In classifying social media, what do we mean by (a) media richness and (b) self-disclosure?
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Traditional media can involve days or even months of continuing effort to deliver the communication, and time lags can be extensive. In contrast, individuals using social media can post virtually instantaneous content.
Compare traditional media and social media in terms of time to delivery of the communication.
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refers to the various forms of online media content that are publicly available and created by end users. Facebook is a website where users create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange comments, photos, videos, and "likes" with them. Facebook users today can keep friends and family updated on what a user is thinking, doing, and feeling
How is "user generated content" presented by someone using Facebook?
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Traditional media, like magazine or TV ads, generally use one-way communication from sender to receiver, who the marketer hopes will buy the product advertised. A little word-of-mouth chatting may occur among the consumer "passive receivers" but communications generally end with the receiver. Social media deliberately seek to ensure that the message does not end with an individual receiver. Instead, the goal is to reach "active receivers," those who will become "influentials" and be "delighted" with the brand advertised. These will then become "evangelists," who will send messages—user generated content—to their online friends and then back to the advertiser about the joys of using the brand. So success in social media marketing relies heavily on the ability of a marketing program to convert passive "receivers" of the message to active "evangelists" who will spread favorable messages about the brand.
What is the difference between (and marketing significance of) a "passive receiver" for conventional media and an "active receiver" for social media?
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Social media will increasingly migrate into smart systems, consisting of interlinked smartphones, tablet devices, sensors, special identification tags, databases, algorithms, apps, and other elements
What is an example of how the real (physical) and digital (virtual) worlds are converging?
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Apps are small, downloadable software programs that run on smartphones and tablet devices. They are speeding up the convergence of the real (physical) and digital (virtual) worlds. Many apps are related to social media, such as programs for (1) price-comparison searches, (2) loyalty programs, and (3) location-based promotions.
What are apps and why are they important?
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In terms of global marketing, an ad using social media can go "viral," meaning that thousands or millions of people can view, like, and comment on it—if effective, entertaining, or informative. An example is the Czech Republic T-Mobile TV ad that caused thousands of people to become fans of T-Mobile on its Facebook Page while millions watched it on YouTube. In addition, consumers in Poland and Slovakia loved the ads as well.
How does T-Mobile's Czech ad campaign featuring Chuck Norris show the global marketing reach of social media?
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a blog
What is a web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal and online forum for an individual or organization?
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It is hard to discern the expertise and credibility of many creators of social media sites.
In what way are traditional and social media different?
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cost per action
A fixed amount of money paid to the site for every sale that originated from an ad posted on that site refers to
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share of voice.
A brand's share or percentage of all the online social media chatter related to a product category or topic is referred to as
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The use of a location-based app on GPS-enabled smartphones, which automatically sends an e-mail alert about a sale at your favorite store.
Which of the following reflects the convergence of real and digital worlds?
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Social networks have a unique ability to empower users by connecting with them individually. This shifting mindset will lead to connected users having more __________ in the marketplace.
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using social media
The best method to recruit student volunteers to help freshmen move into the dorms is
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