JROTC Inspection Questions LET 1 – Flashcards

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Name three things we do to respect the flag
Saluting the flag Reciting the pledge of allegiance Displaying the flag correctly Raising and lowering the flag correctly
Demonstrate one protocol for paying respect to the U.S. flag, explaining the rules and steps as you perform them is to
In uniform (outdoors): When colors are approaching and are six steps away from us, a salute is rendered until the colors are six steps pass us. If NOT in uniform: When colors are approaching and are six steps away from you, we place our right hand on our hearts until the colors are six steps pass us. Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance a) In uniform: we come to attention. NOT in uniform: we put our right hand on our hearts, and take off any hats
Why do we pay respect to our flag
Because the flag is the most notable symbol of our nation. It symbolizes justice, unity, and pride in our country. We should honor it with respect and dignity.
What are the colors of our Flag and what do each color means
The colors of the flag are WHITE, RED AND BLUE and they stand for: White: Hope, Purity, and Innocence Red: Hardiness and valor Blue: Reverence to God, Loyalty, Vigilance, perseverance, and justice.
Describe the parts of the U.S. Flag
The Rectangle: is called the "union" and is the emblem of "unity" The 50 stars represent the 50 States The 13 red and white stripes represent the First 13 colonies
What are the three things a leader provides to others to accomplish a mission or task and give a brief description of each
Purpose- Why something should be done Direction- Gives the knowledge or skills to perform tasks Motivation- Gives others the will to do the task
Which of the three things that a leader provides to others needs the most improvement in your ability to lead, and why
I think that Direction needs the most improvement. Sometimes I feel as though I do not have as much knowledge or skills to be a good leader
What is Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is the making of unwanted and offensive sexual advances or of sexually offensive remarks or acts
What is Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault is the following through of the unwanted sexual advances
What steps would you take to prevent sexual harassment/assault in your unit
Step 1. By setting an example of proper behavior in our unit Step 2. By writing a Policy Letter which defines: A) Sexual harassment/assault B) Describing actions taken to investigate the offense C) Describing the consequences of each Step 3. By providing recurring training on sexual harassment/assault prevention Step 4. Providing means/resources to victims of sexual assault
How have the "Winning Colors" helped you and other cadets more effectively
Winning colors described personal strengths in terms of behavior, communication and attributes. All of us have aspects of all four colors, but each profile (the order in which we place our cards) will show dominant strengths. Each cadet WINNING COLORS are behaviors we have now and those behaviors we want to develop in order to obtain our goals successfully. It will be very helpful for all us to be able to identify those behaviors we are strong in, not strong, and those we might want to acquire to be successful in attaining our goals.
What is your winning color profile and what are two of your strengths relating to your color
Green (The Planner/ Fox))- Creative Thinking, Creativity Brown (The Builder/Bull and Bear)- Leadership, Making Decisions Blue (The Relater/Dolphin)- Team Building, Others' feelings Red (The Adventurer/Tiger)- Risk Taking, Action
Compare your winning colors with those of two other cadet's colors
Select a cadet you know and state, what you believe, are the first two colors of the cadet. Explain why?
Give an example of how the similarities and differences in a group of cadets with whom you have worked have helped to solve a problem or complete a task
A) A group would definitely work better if they had an understanding of the personal and communications strengths of all participants. WINNING COLORS help us to understand our own, and other group team member's self-image (how one sees oneself); then self-esteem (how one feels about oneself), perception, learning, and motivation. B) If I know the profiles of each one of the team members, I can assigned responsibilities based on their individual communication, behavioral, and leadership abilities. Using this technique I can also make sub-teams within the group that might have similar profiles
What is the primary type of visual learning tool you have learned about in JROTC
The thinking maps is the primary visual tool we have learned.
What are two specific types of thinking maps you have used in JROTC?
A) Circle Map B) Bubble Map C) Double Bubble Map D) Tree Map E) Flow Map F) Multiflow Map G) Bridge Map.
Can you demonstrate a thinking map?
Cadet demonstrates how to use one of the thinking maps above effectively.
What do we mean about how people learn when we talk about multiple intelligences?
It means that people learn best in different ways
Name the different types of intelligences.
A)Bodily/Kinesthetic B) Interpersonal C) Intrapersonal D) Logical/Mathematical E) Musical/Rhythmical F) Naturalist G) Verbal/Linguistic H) Visual/Spatial
Why is it important for a teacher to understand that all students will not learn equally in the same way?
Drawing a picture, composing, listening to music, or watching a performance -- these activities can be a vital door to learning -- as important as writing and mathematics. Studies show that many students who perform poorly on traditional tests are turned on to learning when classroom experiences incorporate artistic, athletic, and musical activities. Using multiple intelligences provide opportunities for authentic learning based on students' needs, interests and talents. The multiple intelligence classroom acts like the "real" world. Students become more active, involved learners.
Can you tell which one applies the best to you and why?
A) I am visual and special. I like posters and pictures and movies and other visual presentations of new information. I have good skills in drawing, doing puzzles, mazes, and any task that requires fine-motor manipulation. B) I am musical/rhythmical. I love music and rhythmic patterns. I am very sensitive to sounds. I study better with music in the background. I like to create music. I enjoy singing and listening to a wide variety of music. C) I am verbal/linguistic. I enjoy reading, writing and learning languages. I like teaching and explaining things to others. I learn best by reading, taking notes and going to lectures. I also love word games and enjoy writing
Tell about two personal skills that you are targeting for improvement
A) Intrapersonal- self-esteem B) Interpersonal- interpersonal assertion, interpersonal awareness, and empathy C) Career/Life- drive/motivation, decision-making, time management, leadership/sales orientation, commitment ethic D) Personal Wellness- stress management, physical wellness E) Problematic Behaviors- interpersonal aggression/anger management and interpersonal deference/fear management F) Personal Change Orientation- motivation and willingness to change
Of the 5 Skill Dimensions above, tell me about two of them that you are targeting for improvement
A) Physical Wellness - Following a diet, doing more exercise to become healthier B) Time management - Keeping a planner to know ahead of time the tasks that I have to complete and by what date/time. C) Drive motivation - Reminding myself that in order to accomplish my goals I need to work hard in school.
What is the goal of service learning
Service learning enhances learning and allows cadets to gain experience while providing a service to their community. Our service learning project is the canned food drive
How does your service learning project relate to the JROTC curriculum
Service Learning Relates not only relates to our curriculum but to the mission of JROTC, which is "to motivate students to become better citizens." When we participate in Service Learning we are helping the community but at the same time we are learning about our community and about ourselves. Some of the skills that we learn in ROTC can be applied before, during and after our service learning project activities. For examples: A) Planning and management skills can be used to prepare for the events B) Adapting our winning colors knowledge to establish different duties and responsibilities within the groups.
How are you evaluating the effect of your service learning project on the community?
All the cadets participating in the Service Learning project participate in After Action Reviews AAR to evaluate our efforts. We also write essays on our experiences. At the end of the year the SAI evaluates the project making sure we achieved all our goals in accordance with guidance from cadet command
What products have you created or used to show how the project is being evaluated
We have a Service Learning Book which is updated by the Battalion S-3 and includes a log of activities and essays of the cadets
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