Health Quiz 1: Smoking – Flashcards

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Why is nicotine addictive?
It is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream and it causes the brain to release adrenaline creating a buzz; the buzz fades quickly though and leaves you feeling tired, a little down, and wanting the buzz again which makes you light your next cigarette. Your body begins to build up a tolerance to the nicotine and you will need to smoke more and more cigarettes in order to get the pleasurable effects and prevent withdrawal symptoms. This cycle repeats over and over, leading to addiction; addiction keeps people smoking even when they want to quit
Why are cigarettes addictive?
Deliver more nicotine more quickly than ever before; tobacco companies use additives and chemicals to make them more addictive
Why are smokeless tobacco products addictive?
Holding an average sized dip in your mouth for 30 minutes can give someone as much nicotine as smoking three cigarettes; using two cans of snuff a week gives you as much nicotine as someone who smokes one and a half packs of cigarettes a day
What happens when I quit?
You experience withdrawal. When you are going through withdrawal you may experience anxiety, irritability, headache, hunger, cravings for cigarettes and other sources of nicotine
What is second hand smoke?
Combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke exhaled by smokers; contains more than 7,000 chemicals
Can second hand smoke make me sick?
There is no safe exposure to second hand smoke. When you are around a person who is smoking, you inhale the same dangerous chemicals as the smoker; this can cause lung cancer, coronary heart disease and have negative affects on your blood and blood vessels, increasing your risk of heart attack. Heart disease caused by second hand smoke kills approximately 46,000 nonsmokers every year
How does second hand smoke affect pregnant woman, babies, and children?
Pregnant woman around second hand smoke are more likely to have lower birth rate babies than woman who are not exposed; once born babies around cigarette smoke are more likely to get ear infections, develop bronchitis and pneumonia, and die from Sudden Death Infant Syndrome (SIDS); Second hand smoke can cause serious health problems for children including frequent lower respiratory illness, wheezing and coughing, more frequent and severe asthma attacks, ear infections
Is smoking a risk factor for autoimmune diseases?
Smoking compromises the immune system, making smokers more likely to have respiratory infections; Smoking also causes several autoimmune diseases, including Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis; Smoking has recently been linked to Type II diabetes
How does smoking affect my bones?
Smoking is one of many factors, including weight, alcohol consumption, and activity level, that increase your risk for osteoporosis, a condition in which bones weaken and become more likely to fracture; Significant bone loss has been found in older women and men who smoke. Quitting smoking appears to reduce the risk for low bone mass and fractures. However, is may take several years to lower a former smoker's risk; Smoking from an early age puts women at even higher a risk for osteoporosis
How does smoking affect my heart and blood vessels?
The chemicals in tobacco smoke harm your blood cells and damage the function of your heart. They also increase your risk for atherosclerosis, a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque builds up in your arteries; Aneurysms, which are bulging blood vessels that can burst and cause death; Cardiovascular disease (CVD) which includes: coronary heart disease (CHD), narrow or blocked arteries around the heart, heart attack and damage to your arteries, heart related chest pain, high blood pressure; Coronary Heart disease, where platelets, components in the blood, stick together alone with proteins to form clots which can get stuck in the plaque in the walls of arteries and cause heart attacks; Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), a condition in which plaque builds up in the arteries that carry blood to the head, organs and limbs; Stroke, which is sudden death of brain cells caused by blood clots or bleeding
How does smoking affect my lungs and breathing?
Every cigarette you smoke damages your breathing and scars your lungs; Smoking causes: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a disease that gets worse over time and causes wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and other symptoms; Emphysema, a condition in which the walls between the air acs in your lungs lose their ability to stretch and shrink back, your lung tissue is destroyed making it difficult or impossible to breath; Chronic bronchitis, which causes swelling of the lining of your bronchial tubes. When this happens, less air flows to and from your lungs; Pneumonia, Asthma, Tuberculosis; People with asthma can suffer severe attacks when around cigarette smoke
Can smoking affect my vision?
Research has linked smoking to an increased risk of developing age related macular degeneration, cataract, and optic nerve damage, all of which can lead to blindness
Do cigarettes cancer?
Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals and about 70 of them are known to cause cancer. Smoking cigarettes is the number one risk factor for lung cancer. But smoking can affect your entire body, and is known to cause cancer in the: lungs, trachea, bronchus, esophagus, oral cavity, lip, nasopharynx, nasal cavity, larynx, stomach, bladder, pancreas, kidney, liver, uterine cervix, colon, rectum, as well as leukemia
To light cigarettes cause cancer?
There is no such thing as a safe cigarette. People who smoke any kind of cigarette are at an increased risk for smoking related diseases. Although it is no longer legal to sell light cigarettes, people who smoked regular cigarettes in the past are likely to have inhaled the same amount of toxic chemicals as those who smoked regular cigarettes
Do menthol cigarettes cause cancer?
All cigarettes are harmful, including menthol cigarettes; Menthol is an organic compound which can be made in a laboratory or derived from mint oil, and has a distinctive, and for most people pleasant odor and taste. It is used to enhance the flavor, popularity, and ease of use of many food products, candies, and medications
Can smoking cigars and pipes cause cancer?
Cigar and pipe smoke, like cigarette smoke contains toxic cancer causing chemicals that are harmful to both smokers and non-smokers. Cigar and Pipe smoking causes bladder cancer, esophageal cancer, laryngeal (voice box) cancer, lip cancer, lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, tongue cancer
Can smokeless tobacco affect my oral health?
It may cause tooth decay in exposed tooth roots, it can also cause your gums to pull away from your teeth. If this happens your gums will not grow back. Additionally, leathery white patches and red sores are common in dippers and chewers. Those patches and sores can turn into cancer
Does smokeless tobacco cause cancer?
Smokeless tobacco is tobacco that is not burned. It includes chewing tobacco, dip, snuff, and betel quid. At least 28 chemicals in these products have been found to cause cancer including esophageal cancer, mouth cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, lip cancer, mouth cancer, pharynx cancer, tongue cancer
Can smokeless tobacco use cause other health problems?
Scientists are looking at the possibility that using smokeless tobacco might play a role in causing heart diseases and stroke
Can smoking affect my ability to get pregnant?
Smoking affects harmone production and ectopic pregnancy
Does smoking affect male fertility?
Recent studies show that smoking is a cause of erectile disfunction (ED). A man with ED can't have and maintain an erection that is adequate for satisfactory for sexual performance, which can affect reproduction. Cigarette smoke alters the blood flow necessary for an erection, and smoking interferes with the healthy function of blood vessels in erectile tissue; Smoking also damages the DNA in sperm, which can lead to infertility or miscarriages
Is smoking while pregnant harmful?
It is never safe to smoke. Smoking while pregnant affects the placenta, the source of your baby's food and oxygen; lowers the amount of oxygen available to you and your growing baby, increases: your baby's heart rate, the risk that your baby will be born prematurely, the wrist that your baby will be born with low birth weight, your baby's risk of developing respiratory problems, The changes of stillbirth, the risk for certain birth defects like a cleft lip or cleft palate, the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Additionally, children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are at greater risk of: behavioral problems including Attentional Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Learning disorders, Becoming smokers
I am pregnant and I smoke. Is it too late to quit?
If you are pregnant, it is never too late to quit smoking
Shouldn't it be easy to quit smoking while pregnant?
No, quitting smoking is hard for most women
Is it harmful to smoke again after my baby is born?
Yes, because of second hand smoke. Babies who are around cigarette smoke have weaker lungs than other babies, are more likely to have health problems such as infections and more frequent asthma attacks, are at an increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
I smoke. Can I breastfeed my baby?
Yes, you should breastfeed. Breast milk is good for your baby. However, smoking may make it difficult to breastfeed because it changes your breast milk, disrupt your babies sleeping patterns, may cause you to have problems releasing milk
What do Electronic Cigarettes look like?
Battery operated products designed to turn nicotine and other chemicals into vapor. You then inhale the vapor. These products are often made to look like: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, pens
Are Electronic Cigarettes FDA approved?
E-Cigarettes may contain ingredients that are known to be toxic to humans. Because clinical studies about the safety of e cigarettes have not been submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), you have no way of knowing if they are safe, which chemicals they contain, how much nicotine you are inhaling
What are the FDA approved treatments which have been proved safe?
Nicotine gum, Nicotine skin patches, Nicotine lozenges, Nicotine oral inhaled products, Nicotine nasal spray, Zyban, Chantix
Any roll of tobacco wrapped in paper or any substance not containing tobacco; the most widely used tobacco product in the United States
Light Cigarettes/Menthol Cigarettes
You may have chosen light, low-tar, mild, or ultra-light cigarettes in the past because they seemed less harmful. However, if you took long, deep, or frequent puffs, tar exposure from light cigarettes was just as high as that from regular cigarettes
Cigars and Pipes
No tobacco product is safe. Cigars are large rilled bundles or dried and cured tobacco. There are three major types of cigars sold in the United States- lard cigars, cigarillos, and little cigars. While some people still use traditional pipes with a bow, pipe tobacco is often purchased to roll your own cigarettes; Like cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco smoke contain toxic and cancer causing chemicals that are harmful to both smokers and nonsmokers. Unlike cigarettes, cigars sold in the Unites States are permitted to be manufactured with flavors, which can mask the harshness of tobacco and appeal to particularly to the youth and young adults
Bidis are small, thin, hand-rolled cigarettes primarily imported to the United States from Indian and other Southeast Asian countries. They are tobacco wrapped in tendu or temburni leaf- plants native to Asia- that may be tied with colorful string at one or both ends. Bidis can be flavored, such as chocolate, cherry, mango, or unflavored. Flavored bidis are not allowed in the United States, however, because of the ban on flavored cigarettes; No tobacco product is safe. A limited amount of research on the long-term health effects of bidis and kreteks has been conducted in the US. However, research studies from India show that bidi smoking is associated with cancer and other health conditions
Kreteks (Clove Cigarettes)
Imported from Indonesia; Typically contain 60% tobacco and 40% ground cloves; Banned in the US bc of the ban on flavored cigarettes; No tobacco product is safe. A limited amount of research on the long-term health effects of bidis and kreteks has been conducted in the US.
sometimes also called water pipes; used to smoke specially made tobacco that is available in a variety of flavors. Hookahs originated in Persia and India and have been used for centuries. A typical modern hookah has a head (with holes in the bottom) and a metal body, a water bowl, and a flexible hose with a mouth piece. Tobacco smoke is drawn through water or ice in the water bowl and cooled before it is inhaled; While hookah smokers may consider this practice less harmful than smoking cigarettes, no tobacco product is safe. Water pipe smoking delivers the additive drug nicotine and hookah smokers may absorb higher concentration sir the toxins found in cigarette smoke. A typical 1 hour ling hookah smoking session involved inhaling 100-200 times the volume of smoke inhaled from a single cigarette
Who smokes?
Teens and adults
Why is smoking harmful to smokers?
General Health: causes many diseases, deaths due to smoking and second hand smoke exposure; they may live with a serious illness caused by smoking; die earlier Respiratory Health: development of lung cancer; death by COPD, woman who smoke much more likely to develop COPD; increases risk of getting TB and dying from it; more likely to develop asthma, esp as a high school student; slows lung growth in children and teens Cancer: many kinds of cancer caused by smoking; men with prostate cancer who smoke may be more likely to die from the disease than non smokers Children: Many children alive today will ultimately die early from smoking Diabetes: smokers a lot more likely to get type 2 diabetes; Fertility: Smoking causes ED
Why is smoking harmful to non-smokers?
Second hand smoke has the same harmful affects as smoking: General Health: causes many diseases, deaths due to smoking and second hand smoke exposure; they may live with a serious illness caused by smoking; die earlier Respiratory Health: development of lung cancer; death by COPD, woman who smoke much more likely to develop COPD; increases risk of getting TB and dying from it; more likely to develop asthma, esp as a high school student; slows lung growth in children and teens Cancer: many kinds of cancer caused by smoking; men with prostate cancer who smoke may be more likely to die from the disease than non smokers Children: Many children alive today will ultimately die early from smoking Diabetes: smokers a lot more likely to get type 2 diabetes; Fertility: Smoking causes ED
Who uses smokeless tobacco?
high school students, most especially boys, adults, used the most in Wyoming, West Virginia, and Mississippi (Rural areas); suggested that men and young adults ages 18-24 that are less educated with a high school education or less are the most likely to use smokeless tobacco
How is smokes tobacco harmful?
contains 28 cancer causing agents; known cause of cancer esp. oral and pancreatic; strongly associated with leukoplakia, a precancerous lesion of the soft tissue in the mouth that consists of a white patch or plaque that can not be scraped off; recession of gums, gum disease, and teeth decay; use during pregnancy increases the risks of preeclampsia (condition that may include high blood pressure, fluid retention, and swelling), premature birth, and low birth weight; in men causes reduced sperm count and abnormal sperm cells; contains nicotine, and can lead to nicotine addiction and dependence, adolescents who use smokeless tobacco are more likely to become cigarette smokers
poisons, pale yellow oily liquid with a bitter taste (found in the tobacco leaf); the addictive component of tobacco products; a stimulant (speeds up your heart rate)
Drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, heart, lungs, and raises blood pressure; causes pupils to dilate and a decreased appetite; leads to heard attack and stroke
The mater generated by burning tobacco; a sticky brown substance that is the main cause of lung and throat cancer
Cancer causing substances
Carbon Monoxide
A compound found in cigarette smoke- a colorless, odorless, and poisons gas that deprives tissues of oxygen; increases the risk of blood pressure and hardens arteries increasing the risk of heart disease
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