Health Promotion and Health Education-Module 4 – Flashcards

Core Functions of Public Health (IOM)
Assessment Assurance (Program planning, health promotion/education, screening and referral, case management) policy development. Health promotion goals: prevent premature morbidity and mortality, prevent decreased quality of life
Health Promotion Defined (several definitions)
The process of helping people enhance their well-being and maximize their human potential by changing patterns of behavior. Instead of just avoiding illness to enable people to exercise control over their well being in order to improve their health. A planned combination of educational, policy, regulatory, and organizational supports for actions and conditions of living conducive to the health of individuals, groups, or communities. The process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health with a commitment to reducing inequities, extending the scope of prevention and helping people to cope with their circumstances by creating environments conducive to health where people are better able to take care of themselves . Promoting attitudinal, environmental, and behavioral adaptations and adjustments in individuals and communities to encourage maintenance and improvement of the health of populations, by applying wellness principles to organizations and institutions.
Importance of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in the U.S.
Over 133 million Americans have one or more chronic disease 25 Million with disabling chronic conditions 7 out of 10 deaths annually are attributable to chronic disease
The Road to health people 2020
1979 US Surgeon General's report Healthy people 1980 Established Goals for health promotion and disease prevention-measurable targets by 1990 HP 2000 analysis HP 2010 priorities HP 2020 prevention and promotion
HP2020 Strategies to Achieve Health for All
Fostering public participation Strengthening community health services: public health professionals must strengthen and expand their services. Communities must build their capacity to solve their own health problems coordinating healthy public policy public health communications
Health Promoting Activities
All health promotion activities are primary prevention activities: exercise, healthy nutrition, weight management, substance abuse prevention, tobacco use prevention, injury prevention
Primary Prevention
Promotes optimum health Protects against the onset of a health problem Goal is to prevent a health problem from developing examples: fluoridation of water supply, immunizations, Good nutrition
Health Protecting aka Risk Reduction
Health protection focuses on facilitating behaviors that enable people to react to threats to health through early identification and avoidance of risk examples: materials safety data sheets at job sites, immunizations and screenings)
Approaches to Health and Wellness: Wellness Model
four dimensions of focus: physical activity, nutritional awareness, stress management, self-responsibility
Factors that Influence Wellness
Level of health knowledge Personal Behaviors Situations Relationships Decision Making Ability to resist pressure Protective Factors Resiliency abilities Health literacy skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, good citizenship,self directed learning and effective communication
Distinction between promotion and teaching
promotion is the process of helping people enhance their well being and maximize their human potential teaching/education-focuses on health promotion and disease prevention by educating and empowering individuals
Health Education Defined
A process with intellectual,psychological, and social dimensions relating to activities which increase the abilities of people to make informed decisions affecting their personal, family and community well being. Joint Committee on Health Education Terminology Any combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary adaption of behavior conducive to health.
Health education vs Patient Education
the difference between patient education and health education is that health education is directed towards individuals or population who are not experiencing an acuute alteration in health
Health Education Essentials
Principles of health education-philosophical learning perspectives, learning theories, and learning domains populations barriers to education educational process-assessment of community learning needs, learning goals and objectives, select content, teaching strategies exploring effective educational programs
Learning Domains
Cognitive (thinking)-memory, recognition, understanding, reasoning, application and problem solving. Affective (feeling)-the learner receives, responds to, values, makes sense of, organizes, adopts the behavior. Psychomotor (acting)-includes the performance of skills that require some degree of neuromuscular coordination and motor skills.
Factors that influence education
Populations-age and culture Barriers-educator, learner and physical Technological-computerized self learning, evaluation of health educational material on the internet
Educational Process (ADPIE)
Assessment of community/individual learning needs-precede model, experiential readiness, emotional readiness educational goals and objectives content selection-will depend on the learners identified as need, teacher's determination of what the grop needs to know, healthcare delivery system constraints. teaching strategies evaluation of learning.
6 principles that guide the educator
Message:sent a clear message to the learner Format: select the most appropriate learning format Environment: create the best possible learning environment experience: organizing a positive and meaningful learning experience Participation: engage the learner in participatory learning Evaluation: evaluate by providing and soliciting objective feedback to and from the learner
Theoretical Models of Health Behavior Change
Individual-stages of change, precaution adoption individual-interpersonal level-health belief model, social learning theory, and health promotion model
Conceptual Model
Used to describe, predict, explain, health behaviors help us think about the determinants of health problems used to design health promotion interventions-help us create and target our efforts
Stages of change model
Pre-contemplation-Not now aware of thinking of change/service. Contemplation-aware of health behavior or service; considering use Preparation-getting ready to change behavior Action-making health behavioral change Maintenance-have made change avoid recidivism
AKA: Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral change
precontemplation-->maintenance tailor your health teaching to the individual stage of readiness
Precaution Adoption Process Model
7 stages in journey from lack of awareness to adoption/maintenance of a behavior: unaware of issue, unengaged by issue, decising about acting:not acting, decided to act, stage of acting, and maintenance Applications:osteoporosis prevention, colorectal CA screening, MMG, hep B vaccination, and home radon testing
Precaution Adoption Process (Individuals)
The model focuses on the stages involved in making a decision. Examines the factors that influence movement from one stage to the next. Internal factors-culture, religion, age, perceived risk, education environmental factors-media, friends, and family access. stage 1: unaware--> stage 2: unengaged->stage 3:deciding about acting ( stage 4:may decide not to act)--> stage 5:decided to act--Stage 6:acting--->stage 7:maintenance
Health Belief Model (interpersonal)
perceptions +modfying factors(demographic variables, sociopsychological, clues to action_-->assessments ( threat to illness or injury, assessed sums of perceived benefits minus perceived barriers for preventative action)-->likelihood of action. (key preventative)
Social Learning Theory (inerpersonal)
3 main factors that affect the likelihood whether a person will change behavior-self efficacy, outcome expectations, goals people learn from the actions of others in addition to their own experiences
Key Concepts in Social Learning Theory
Reciprocal determinisim behavioral capability expectations self efficacy observational learning or modeling reinforcements
Health promotion Model (interpersonal)
health promotion model that accounts for behaviors that improve well being and potential not merely disease prevention determinants of health promotion-behaviorsL individual characteristics and experiences, behavior specific cognitions and affects, behavioral outcomes
Key Concepts Critical to Community Organization
Empowerment: community competence, participation and relevance, issue selection, critical consciousness community processes to identify problems, mobilize resources and develop strategies Ecologiccal perspectives:multiple levels of health promotion social systems theory: social networks and social support are key
Models to promote community change
Community empowerment-locality: solve own problems, representative group,consensus development and capacity building Social planning:focus is on task goals and problem solving, outside experts provide techinical assistnace Social action: goal to increase problem solving abilities of the community, Achieve concrete changes that redress social injustices
Community Health Promotion Model
step 1:community forum: orientation to community health promotion, philsophy step 2: building the partnership:establishing for community commitment step 3:development of community structure for health promotion step 4: leadership development: consultation, anaylsis of information, conferences, workshops and networking step 5:community assessment step 6: community wide planning for health: identify problems, set priorities, plan actions, secure resources, establish steering groups step 7: community action for health: strategies, programs and policies step 8: providing data based information to policy makers step 9: monitoring and evaluating
Promoting Healthy Environments: the ecological perspective
scientific development, strategic dissemination and evaluation of relevant, accurate, accessible and understandable health information, communicated to and from intended audiences to advance the public's health. Key tactics: tailored messages, targeted messages, social marketing, media advocacy, diffusion of innovations
Key considerations
The keys to effective communication: Audience, Action, and exchange
Know your audience Audience is at the center of every decision begins and ends with your target audience know what you want them to do know what barriers stand in their way know that you are not the target audience
You are asking people to give up or modify an old behavior and accept a new one thus it must be appealing in return there are tangible and intangible exchanges that they see as a benefit to them.
Tailored Messaging
any combination of information or change strategies intended to reach one specific person, based on characteristics that are unique to that person, related to the outcome of interest, and have been derived from an individual assessment purpose: eliminating superfluous information, the information is relevant to the recipient, the recipient will pay more attention, the message will likely be more effective, information which addresses unique needs will help him sustain the desired behavior,
Targeted Messaging
Development of a single intervention approach for a defined population subgroup that takes into acount characteristics shared by the groups' members,based on the advertising principle of market segementation the purpose of targeted messaging is similar to tailored messaging the target population is groups rather indviduals.
What is social marketing?
Use of marketing principles-to influence human behavior, to improve health or benefit society For the purpose of societal benefit rather than commercial profit looks at the provision of health services from the viewpoint of the consumer influencing human behavior on a large scale
Key social Marketing concepts
barriers benefits competition determinants of behavior exchange 4 P'S of marketing Market Research Market Strategy Place Policy Price Product Promotion Target Audience
Social Marketing is
a social or behavioral change strategy Most effective when it activates people targeted to those who have a reason to care and who are ready for change Strategic and requires efficient use of resources integrated and works on the installment plan examples: eat more fruit, fasten your seatbelt, dont text and drive, get a mammogram, move more
Social Marketing is NOT
Just advertising A clever slogan or messaging strategy an image campaign done in a vacuum a quick process
6 phases of social marketing
Describe the problem conduct the market research create the marketing strategy plan the intervention plan program monitoring and evaluation implement interventions and evaluations
The 4 P's of social marketing
Product: desired behavior and associated benefits of behavior change Price: cost( financial, emotional, psychological, or time-related) or barriers the audience faces in making the desired behavior change. Place: Where the audience will perform the desired behavior, where they will access the program products & services, or where they are thinking about the issue. Promotion: Communication messages, materials, channels, and activities that will reach your audience
the 5th p of social marketing
policy: the laws and regulations that influence the desired behavior, such as a requiring sidewalks to make communities more walkable.
Media Advocacy
using mass media strategically to advance public policies assumes people lack the power to change social and economic conditions not just information seeks to balance news coverage by framing issues to emphasize social, economic, and policitical rather than behavioral influences on health ex: tobacco use
Applying communication strategies at multiple levels
tailored messages at individual level targeted messages at group level social marketing at community level media advocacy at policy level mass media campaigns and innovation diffusion at population level
C/PHN role
appraisal and assessment health promotion care planning interdisciplinary collaborative health promotion intervention effective incorporation of patient education expertise in delivering health promotion services to a variety of population Monitoring and evaluating health promotion programs
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Core Functions of Public Health (IOM)
Assessment Assurance (Program planning, health promotion/education, screening and referral, case management) policy development. Health promotion goals: prevent premature morbidity and mortality, prevent decreased quality of life
Health Promotion Defined (several definitions)
The process of helping people enhance their well-being and maximize their human potential by changing patterns of behavior. Instead of just avoiding illness to enable people to exercise control over their well being in order to improve their health. A planned combination of educational, policy, regulatory, and organizational supports for actions and conditions of living conducive to the health of individuals, groups, or communities. The process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health with a commitment to reducing inequities, extending the scope of prevention and helping people to cope with their circumstances by creating environments conducive to health where people are better able to take care of themselves . Promoting attitudinal, environmental, and behavioral adaptations and adjustments in individuals and communities to encourage maintenance and improvement of the health of populations, by applying wellness principles to organizations and institutions.
Importance of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in the U.S.
Over 133 million Americans have one or more chronic disease 25 Million with disabling chronic conditions 7 out of 10 deaths annually are attributable to chronic disease
The Road to health people 2020
1979 US Surgeon General's report Healthy people 1980 Established Goals for health promotion and disease prevention-measurable targets by 1990 HP 2000 analysis HP 2010 priorities HP 2020 prevention and promotion
HP2020 Strategies to Achieve Health for All
Fostering public participation Strengthening community health services: public health professionals must strengthen and expand their services. Communities must build their capacity to solve their own health problems coordinating healthy public policy public health communications
Health Promoting Activities
All health promotion activities are primary prevention activities: exercise, healthy nutrition, weight management, substance abuse prevention, tobacco use prevention, injury prevention
Primary Prevention
Promotes optimum health Protects against the onset of a health problem Goal is to prevent a health problem from developing examples: fluoridation of water supply, immunizations, Good nutrition
Health Protecting aka Risk Reduction
Health protection focuses on facilitating behaviors that enable people to react to threats to health through early identification and avoidance of risk examples: materials safety data sheets at job sites, immunizations and screenings)
Approaches to Health and Wellness: Wellness Model
four dimensions of focus: physical activity, nutritional awareness, stress management, self-responsibility
Factors that Influence Wellness
Level of health knowledge Personal Behaviors Situations Relationships Decision Making Ability to resist pressure Protective Factors Resiliency abilities Health literacy skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, good citizenship,self directed learning and effective communication
Distinction between promotion and teaching
promotion is the process of helping people enhance their well being and maximize their human potential teaching/education-focuses on health promotion and disease prevention by educating and empowering individuals
Health Education Defined
A process with intellectual,psychological, and social dimensions relating to activities which increase the abilities of people to make informed decisions affecting their personal, family and community well being. Joint Committee on Health Education Terminology Any combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary adaption of behavior conducive to health.
Health education vs Patient Education
the difference between patient education and health education is that health education is directed towards individuals or population who are not experiencing an acuute alteration in health
Health Education Essentials
Principles of health education-philosophical learning perspectives, learning theories, and learning domains populations barriers to education educational process-assessment of community learning needs, learning goals and objectives, select content, teaching strategies exploring effective educational programs
Learning Domains
Cognitive (thinking)-memory, recognition, understanding, reasoning, application and problem solving. Affective (feeling)-the learner receives, responds to, values, makes sense of, organizes, adopts the behavior. Psychomotor (acting)-includes the performance of skills that require some degree of neuromuscular coordination and motor skills.
Factors that influence education
Populations-age and culture Barriers-educator, learner and physical Technological-computerized self learning, evaluation of health educational material on the internet
Educational Process (ADPIE)
Assessment of community/individual learning needs-precede model, experiential readiness, emotional readiness educational goals and objectives content selection-will depend on the learners identified as need, teacher's determination of what the grop needs to know, healthcare delivery system constraints. teaching strategies evaluation of learning.
6 principles that guide the educator
Message:sent a clear message to the learner Format: select the most appropriate learning format Environment: create the best possible learning environment experience: organizing a positive and meaningful learning experience Participation: engage the learner in participatory learning Evaluation: evaluate by providing and soliciting objective feedback to and from the learner
Theoretical Models of Health Behavior Change
Individual-stages of change, precaution adoption individual-interpersonal level-health belief model, social learning theory, and health promotion model
Conceptual Model
Used to describe, predict, explain, health behaviors help us think about the determinants of health problems used to design health promotion interventions-help us create and target our efforts
Stages of change model
Pre-contemplation-Not now aware of thinking of change/service. Contemplation-aware of health behavior or service; considering use Preparation-getting ready to change behavior Action-making health behavioral change Maintenance-have made change avoid recidivism
AKA: Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral change
precontemplation-->maintenance tailor your health teaching to the individual stage of readiness
Precaution Adoption Process Model
7 stages in journey from lack of awareness to adoption/maintenance of a behavior: unaware of issue, unengaged by issue, decising about acting:not acting, decided to act, stage of acting, and maintenance Applications:osteoporosis prevention, colorectal CA screening, MMG, hep B vaccination, and home radon testing
Precaution Adoption Process (Individuals)
The model focuses on the stages involved in making a decision. Examines the factors that influence movement from one stage to the next. Internal factors-culture, religion, age, perceived risk, education environmental factors-media, friends, and family access. stage 1: unaware--> stage 2: unengaged->stage 3:deciding about acting ( stage 4:may decide not to act)--> stage 5:decided to act--Stage 6:acting--->stage 7:maintenance
Health Belief Model (interpersonal)
perceptions +modfying factors(demographic variables, sociopsychological, clues to action_-->assessments ( threat to illness or injury, assessed sums of perceived benefits minus perceived barriers for preventative action)-->likelihood of action. (key preventative)
Social Learning Theory (inerpersonal)
3 main factors that affect the likelihood whether a person will change behavior-self efficacy, outcome expectations, goals people learn from the actions of others in addition to their own experiences
Key Concepts in Social Learning Theory
Reciprocal determinisim behavioral capability expectations self efficacy observational learning or modeling reinforcements
Health promotion Model (interpersonal)
health promotion model that accounts for behaviors that improve well being and potential not merely disease prevention determinants of health promotion-behaviorsL individual characteristics and experiences, behavior specific cognitions and affects, behavioral outcomes
Key Concepts Critical to Community Organization
Empowerment: community competence, participation and relevance, issue selection, critical consciousness community processes to identify problems, mobilize resources and develop strategies Ecologiccal perspectives:multiple levels of health promotion social systems theory: social networks and social support are key
Models to promote community change
Community empowerment-locality: solve own problems, representative group,consensus development and capacity building Social planning:focus is on task goals and problem solving, outside experts provide techinical assistnace Social action: goal to increase problem solving abilities of the community, Achieve concrete changes that redress social injustices
Community Health Promotion Model
step 1:community forum: orientation to community health promotion, philsophy step 2: building the partnership:establishing for community commitment step 3:development of community structure for health promotion step 4: leadership development: consultation, anaylsis of information, conferences, workshops and networking step 5:community assessment step 6: community wide planning for health: identify problems, set priorities, plan actions, secure resources, establish steering groups step 7: community action for health: strategies, programs and policies step 8: providing data based information to policy makers step 9: monitoring and evaluating
Promoting Healthy Environments: the ecological perspective
scientific development, strategic dissemination and evaluation of relevant, accurate, accessible and understandable health information, communicated to and from intended audiences to advance the public's health. Key tactics: tailored messages, targeted messages, social marketing, media advocacy, diffusion of innovations
Key considerations
The keys to effective communication: Audience, Action, and exchange
Know your audience Audience is at the center of every decision begins and ends with your target audience know what you want them to do know what barriers stand in their way know that you are not the target audience
You are asking people to give up or modify an old behavior and accept a new one thus it must be appealing in return there are tangible and intangible exchanges that they see as a benefit to them.
Tailored Messaging
any combination of information or change strategies intended to reach one specific person, based on characteristics that are unique to that person, related to the outcome of interest, and have been derived from an individual assessment purpose: eliminating superfluous information, the information is relevant to the recipient, the recipient will pay more attention, the message will likely be more effective, information which addresses unique needs will help him sustain the desired behavior,
Targeted Messaging
Development of a single intervention approach for a defined population subgroup that takes into acount characteristics shared by the groups' members,based on the advertising principle of market segementation the purpose of targeted messaging is similar to tailored messaging the target population is groups rather indviduals.
What is social marketing?
Use of marketing principles-to influence human behavior, to improve health or benefit society For the purpose of societal benefit rather than commercial profit looks at the provision of health services from the viewpoint of the consumer influencing human behavior on a large scale
Key social Marketing concepts
barriers benefits competition determinants of behavior exchange 4 P'S of marketing Market Research Market Strategy Place Policy Price Product Promotion Target Audience
Social Marketing is
a social or behavioral change strategy Most effective when it activates people targeted to those who have a reason to care and who are ready for change Strategic and requires efficient use of resources integrated and works on the installment plan examples: eat more fruit, fasten your seatbelt, dont text and drive, get a mammogram, move more
Social Marketing is NOT
Just advertising A clever slogan or messaging strategy an image campaign done in a vacuum a quick process
6 phases of social marketing
Describe the problem conduct the market research create the marketing strategy plan the intervention plan program monitoring and evaluation implement interventions and evaluations
The 4 P's of social marketing
Product: desired behavior and associated benefits of behavior change Price: cost( financial, emotional, psychological, or time-related) or barriers the audience faces in making the desired behavior change. Place: Where the audience will perform the desired behavior, where they will access the program products & services, or where they are thinking about the issue. Promotion: Communication messages, materials, channels, and activities that will reach your audience
the 5th p of social marketing
policy: the laws and regulations that influence the desired behavior, such as a requiring sidewalks to make communities more walkable.
Media Advocacy
using mass media strategically to advance public policies assumes people lack the power to change social and economic conditions not just information seeks to balance news coverage by framing issues to emphasize social, economic, and policitical rather than behavioral influences on health ex: tobacco use
Applying communication strategies at multiple levels
tailored messages at individual level targeted messages at group level social marketing at community level media advocacy at policy level mass media campaigns and innovation diffusion at population level
C/PHN role
appraisal and assessment health promotion care planning interdisciplinary collaborative health promotion intervention effective incorporation of patient education expertise in delivering health promotion services to a variety of population Monitoring and evaluating health promotion programs
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