GEOL Chp 13 The Atmosphere In Motion – Flashcards

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What process cools air as it rises above the equator? convective cooling conductive cooling subductive cooling advective cooling adiabatic cooling
adiabatic cooling
What is a Hadley cell? a large convection cell of ocean water that rises near the equator due to the Coriolis Effect a large convection cell of ocean water that rises near the equator due to heating of water a large convection cell of air that rises near the equator due to the Coriolis Effect a large convection cell of air that rises near the equator due to heating of air
a large convection cell of air that rises near the equator due to heating of air
What is the intertropical convergence zone? the region of rising air and low pressure near the equator the region of falling air and low pressure near the equator the region of rising air and high pressure near the equator the region of falling air and high pressure near the equator
the region of rising air and low pressure near the equator
What type of weather would you expect to encounter along the intertropical convergence zone? cloudy conditions and high rainfall mixed cloudy and clear conditions and low rainfall cloudy conditions and low annual rainfall mixed cloudy and clear conditions and high rainfall cloudy conditions and moderate rainfall
cloudy conditions and high rainfall
What features are found near the subtropical high-pressure systems? large lake systems large Coriolis systems large organic-material-rich systems large desert systems large rain systems
large desert systems
Where on Earth would you find the trade winds and the westerlies? The trade winds occur in the polar regions of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The westerlies occur between 30º N and 30º S. The trade winds occur between 30º N and 30º S. The westerlies occur in the polar regions of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The trade winds occur in the midlatitude regions of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The westerlies occur between 30º N and 30º S. The trade winds occur between 30º N and 30º S. The westerlies occur in the midlatitude regions of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
The trade winds occur between 30º N and 30º S. The westerlies occur in the midlatitude regions of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Where are the antitrade winds located? below the trade winds above the trade winds behind the trade winds in front of the trade winds next to the trade winds
above the trade winds
What type of weather would you expect to encounter along the polar front? cloudy conditions and little precipitation clear conditions and little precipitation cloudy conditions and abundant precipitation clear conditions and abundant precipitation
cloudy conditions and abundant precipitation
Where are the jet streams located? The subtropical jet is located above the subtropical high, and the polar jet is located above the Polar Front. The subtropical jet is above the boundary between trade winds and easterlies, while the polar jet is above the boundary between westerlies and easterlies. The subtropical jet is located above the subtropical low, and the polar jet is located above the polar high. The subtropical jet is above the boundary between the trade winds and the westerlies, and the polar jet is located above the polar high.
The subtropical jet is located above the subtropical high, and the polar jet is located above the Polar Front.
seasonal changes in wind direction
area of low pressure where winds converge near the equator
intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)
How would a moving object in Earth's atmosphere be deflected as a result of Earth's rotation? to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the right in the Southern Hemisphere to the left in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the right in the Southern Hemisphere to the left in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere
to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere
What is the Coriolis Effect? the deflection of moving objects to the left in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the right in the Southern Hemisphere the deflection of moving objects to the left in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere the deflection of moving objects to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere the deflection of moving objects to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the right in the Southern Hemisphere
the deflection of moving objects to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere
Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the North Pole toward the equator? toward the left toward the North Pole toward the equator toward the right
toward the right
Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the North Pole toward the equator? toward the south toward the north toward the west toward the east
toward the west
Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the West Coast of the United States toward the East Coast of the United States? toward the east toward the north toward the west toward the south
toward the south
Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the East Coast of the United States toward the West Coast of the United States? toward the east toward the north toward the west toward the south
toward the north
Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the east coast of South Africa toward the west coast of South Africa? toward the east toward the west toward the south toward the north
toward the south
Which direction would an airplane deflect if flying across South Africa from the west coast to the east coast? toward the south toward the north toward the west toward the east
toward the north
At which location would you expect air to have the highest density on a typical winter day? Phoenix, Arizona Laredo, Texas Edmonton, Alberta Barrow, Alaska Denver, Colorado
Barrow, Alaska
what is the average sea level pressure?
14.7 lbs/in2 or 1 km/cm2 or 1013.2 millibars or 29.92 in of mercury
does warm or cold air have higher pressure
cold air
Which parameter has the most influence in changing air pressure? vertical movement of air temperature horizontal movement of air elevation
horizontal movement of air
In the evening, the weather forecaster on the radio says that the barometer is rising. What should you be prepared for as you get ready to go to school in the morning? wind and rain cold and snow cloudy, drizzly weather a hurricane approaching clear, sunny skies
clear, sunny skies. When the barometer is rising, it means the air pressure is also rising. A rising barometer indicates the arrival of a high-pressure system and favorable weather ahead.
For many of the early surveys that explored the western parts of North America, an aneroid barometer was an integral piece of scientific equipment. What was the principal use of the barometer on these surveys? Aneroid barometers were used to determine elevations along the survey route. Aneroid barometers were used to determine the shortest route to water. Aneroid barometers were used to determine longitude and latitude. Aneroid barometers were used to predict the weather during the trip. Aneroid barometers were used to determine distance traveled each day.
Aneroid barometers were used to determine elevations along the survey route.
Describe a cyclone in the north
low pressure, counterclockwise, inward/convergence
Describe a cyclone in the south
low pressure, clockwise, inward/convergence
Describe an anticyclone in the north
high pressure, clockwise, outward/divergence
Which of the following is the best description of a Southern Hemisphere cyclone? High-pressure winds move toward a low pressure area and are deflected to the right. Low-pressure winds move toward a high-pressure area in a counter-clockwise direction. Low-pressure winds move toward a high-pressure area in a clockwise direction. High-pressure winds move toward a low-pressure area in a clockwise direction. High-pressure winds move toward a low-pressure area in a counter-clockwise direction.
High-pressure winds move toward a low-pressure area in a clockwise direction.
Which of the following is comparable between Northern and Southern Hemisphere hurricanes? The eye of a hurricane is a low-pressure region. Winds spiral in a clockwise direction. Winds take a straight path from low- to high-pressure regions. Winds are always deflected toward the left. The winds travel from areas of low to high pressure.
The eye of a hurricane is a low-pressure region.
The __________ travel(s) from the subtropical high to the Equator. westerlies polar easterlies trade winds subpolar low intertropical convergence zone
trade winds
Define a Hadley cell. A belt of converging trade winds located near the Equator Air that travels toward the Equator and is deflected by the Coriolis effect A three-dimensional tropic circulation cell where air rises at the Equator and sinks at ~30o latitude An area of dry, subsiding air that produces prevailing winds A region characterized by ascending moist hot air
A three-dimensional tropic circulation cell where air rises at the Equator and sinks at ~30o latitude
Subsiding cold air at the polar high produces the __________. trade winds equatorial low polar easterlies westerlies subtropical high
polar easterlies
What two pressure zones in the Northern Hemisphere are connected by the westerly winds? Equatorial low and subtropical high Polar front and equatorial low Subtropical high and polar front Subtropical high and intertropical convergence zone Pole and polar front
Subtropical high and polar front
The intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is characterized by __________. the convergence of the trade winds and westerlies a latitudinal belt of relative aridity warm, moist air that rises and travels both North and South high pressure dry, cool air that travels both North and South
warm, moist air that rises and travels both North and South
In a mercury barometer, the column of mercury falls when __________. air pressure drops air pressure rises a high pressure system exists the pressure of air and mercury are equal air pressure is greater than the mercury in the tube
air pressure drops
Air pressure measuring ~1040 mb is considered __________. the eye of a hurricane typical air pressure at sea level a low pressure system a mid-latitude cyclone a high pressure system
a high pressure system
Which of the following statements is correct? The lowest recorded pressure at sea level in the world was 1084 mb. Air travels from areas of low pressure to areas of high pressure. Anticyclones are low pressure systems. The eye of a cyclone exhibits high pressure. Air travels from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.
Air travels from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.
When you have finished, answer the questions. Part A Isobars are contour lines that connect __________. points of equal air pressure only low-pressure systems air pressure changes over time different air pressure values only high-pressure systems
points of equal air pressure
How does the Coriolis effect complicate wind patterns? Winds travel in a straight path from high- to low-pressure areas. Winds are deflected from a curved to straight path. The Coriolis effect has no discernible effect on wind patterns. Winds travel from low- to high-pressure areas. Winds are deflected from a straight to curved path.
Winds are deflected from a straight to curved path.
__________ indicate(s) steep pressure gradients. The Coriolis effect Widely spaced isobars Equal air pressure regions Closely spaced isobars Weak winds
Closely spaced isobars
A high and low-pressure system develops over Australia. Which of the following is a likely scenario? Winds move from high to low pressure and are deflected to the left. Winds move from low to high pressure and are deflected to the right. A cyclone with winds moving in a counter-clockwise direction forms. Winds move from low to high pressure and are deflected to the left. Winds move from high to low pressure and are deflected to the right.
Winds move from high to low pressure and are deflected to the left.
A tropical cyclone is characterized by __________ isobars around a __________ system. low-pressure, high-pressure widely spaced, high-pressure closely spaced, low-pressure widely spaced, low-pressure closely spaced, high-pressure
closely spaced, low-pressure
A __________ is another name for winds that blow in an onshore direction during the day. convection cell valley breeze land breeze chinook sea breeze
sea breeze
Which of the following is a true statement regarding land breeze? Air over the land is moving upward, while air over the sea is moving downward. It blows in an onshore direction. It occurs during the day. Air moves from a high-pressure zone at low altitude above the land toward a low-pressure area at low altitude over the sea. It is caused by the land being warmer than the sea.
Air moves from a high-pressure zone at low altitude above the land toward a low-pressure area at low altitude over the sea.
A valley breeze is defined by __________. an air mass that moves downslope and increases in volume rising warm air that triggers cloud formation at high elevations cool air sinking and warm air rising at night rising cool air and cloud formation at high elevations cool air rising and displacing warm air downward
rising warm air that triggers cloud formation at high elevations
A __________ occurs at _____, when cold air travels downslope and warm air rises. valley breeze, night chinook, day mountain breeze, night land breeze, night mountain breeze, day
mountain breeze, night
Which of the following distinguish a chinook from other types of breezes? Chinooks increase in volume and warm up while moving downslope. Chinooks trigger cloud formation and condensation in mountainous regions. Chinook winds decrease in both temperature and volume moving downslope. Chinooks travel in convection cells that blow in an onshore direction. Chinooks carry warm, moist air that causes frequent precipitation.
Chinooks increase in volume and warm up while moving downslope.
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