G BIO – Ch8 LC – Evolution & Natural Selection – Flashcards

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During genetic drift, where do the genes drift to?
The genes do not drift at all—drift is a mathematical metaphor that means gene frequencies are unstable and drift from one number to another.
refers both to the process by which organisms become better matched to their environment and to the features of an organism that make it more fit than other individuals.
Tiktaalik appears to:
represent a transitional species, somewhere between fish and land animals.
To establish that evolution by natural selection is operating in a population, one must demonstrate variability for a trait, heritability of that trait, differential reproductive success based on that trait, and:
nothing else.
Which of the following statements best describes artificial selection?
Artificial selection still exhibits differential reproductive success; however, mating and crossing is directed by humans and not nature.
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Radiometric dating is useful in conjunction with the study of the fossil record because:
it allows a determination not only of the relative ages of different fossils, but their absolute ages as well.
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Which scientist is incorrectly matched to his scientific/evolutionary contribution?
Georges Cuvier showed through genetic experiments that extinction had occurred.
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Which of the following is NOT an important reason that natural selection does not lead to perfect organisms? A) Environments change quickly; natural selection may be too slow to adapt an organism in a population to the constantly "moving target" of the environment. B) Variation is created by random processes and natural selection can only "work" with the variations that show up. C) There are often multiple alleles for a trait; each allele may represent an equally fit "solution" to the challenges of the environment. D) All of the above are important reasons that natural selection does not lead to perfect organisms. E) None of the above is an important reason explaining why natural selection does not lead to perfect organisms.
D) All of the above are important reasons that natural selection does not lead to perfect organisms.
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Which of the following is a primary line of evidence demonstrating the occurrence of evolution? A) Fossil record B) Biogeography C) Comparative anatomy and embryology D) Molecular biology E) All of the above.
E) All of the above.
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When a group of individuals colonizes a new habitat, this is likely to be an evolutionary event because:
small founding populations are rarely genetically representative of the initial population.
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Among the following group of organisms, which of the following would be considered the "fittest" organism?
A small black spider that hatches 100 spiderlings
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Radiometric dating:
makes it possible to determine the absolute age of fossils.
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Most mutations:
are random, meaning they are unrelated to how useful or harmful they might be to the organism in which they occur.
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Which of the following types of selection is INCORRECTLY matched with its example?
Stabilizing selection: Turkeys have been selected based on increased size of their breast muscles.
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Which of the following are true about marsupial mammals? A) They fill many niches in Australia that are occupied by placental mammals in other parts of the world. B) They are less fit than placental mammals. C) They have gone extinct as a result of the greater fitness of placental mammals. D) They are more closely related to each other than they are to placental mammals. E) Both the A) and D) answer choices are correct.
E) Both the A) and D) answer choices are correct.
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Which statement best describes evolution?
A change in allele frequencies in a population
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____________ selection favors organisms that have character values at both extremes of the phenotypic distribution.
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The amino acid chains making up hemoglobin in different species:
differ depending how long it has been since the species last shared a common ancestor.
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Which of the following does NOT cause mutation?
Social Influences
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"Survival of the fittest" is a misleading phrase. Individuals with the greatest __________ ________ are the most fit in any population.
reproductive output
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Which of the following best explains the difference between homologous and analogous structures and traits?
Examples of homologous structures would be a human arm and a bat wing, whereas examples of analogous structures would be a flying mammal and a flying insect.
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The chief concern among conservation biologists trying to protect small populations is:
to preserve genetic diversity.
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Estimates of evolutionary relatedness based on a "molecular clock" are supported by: A) the fossil record. B) observations of comparative anatomy. C) the mutation rate of other genes. D) A) and B) support the molecular clock estimates of evolutionary relatedness. E) All of the above.
D) A) and B) support the molecular clock estimates of evolutionary relatedness.
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An organism's fitness is measured: A) relative to other genotypes/phenotypes in the population. B) only for a specific environment. C) by reproductive success. D) for a given point in time. E) All of the above.
E) All of the above.
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Australia is a largely isolated habitat filled with unique organisms. Given the fact that placental mammals are not commonly found in Australia, which of the following would best explain this phenomenon?
Biogeography best explains this phenomenon since Australia is a large, isolated habitat with an unique biogeographic pattern.
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Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
Molecular biology: Examination of life at the level of atoms and compounds
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Which one of the following is NOT an agent of evolutionary change?
Genetic shift
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During gene flow, where do the genes flow to?
The genes flow into and out of the population due to migration of individuals from one population to another.
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Which of the following proposed methods is most likely to give rise to a large population of smaller-than-average dogs after 20 generations?
1) Start with a large population of dogs of varying sizes. 2) When selecting the dogs to breed in order to generate a new generation, choose dogs in the lowest 20%, with respect to body size. 3) Repeat this for multiple generations.
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In a large population of randomly breeding foxes, a dominant allele results in a soft, brown pelt, while a recessive allele results in a rough, grey pelt. The dominant allele is found in 80% of the population while the recessive allele is found in 20%. There is no migration, drift, or selection in the population. When human beings enter this habitat, they selectively hunt foxes with brown pelts. After many generations of this activity, how will this population change?
The frequency of the recessive allele will rise above 20%, while the dominant allele will decrease below 80%.
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Which of the following best supports the idea that the frequency of recessive alleles does not decrease over time?
Using Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, it can be demonstrated that X allele frequencies will always produce the same genotype frequencies, retaining the allele frequencies.
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Which of the following best describes worldwide views before and after Darwin?
BEFORE: God created all living things. AFTER: Over time, species evolved, but it all started with one organism.
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Which of the following statements about mutations is most accurate?
Whether or not a mutation occurs is not related to how useful or harmful the mutation may be.
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The Pennsylvania Dutch Amish have historically been a small, isolated population in the United States. Within this population, there is a different frequency of alleles than there is throughout the population of southern Germany and Switzerland from which they came. Given this information, how is it possible that polydactyly, or the condition where people have extra fingers and toes, is more common within this group?
The founder effect, a special case of genetic drift, resulted in the fact that the trait caused by the allele for polydactyly occurs more frequently in the Amish.
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Which of the following is considered a result of natural selection?
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Which of the following is NOT an important reason that natural selection does not lead to perfect organisms? A) Environments change quickly; natural selection may be too slow to adapt an organism in a population to the constantly "moving target" of the environment. B) Variation is created by random processes and natural selection can only "work" with the variations that show up. C) There are often multiple alleles for a trait; each allele may represent an equally fit "solution" to the challenges of the environment. D) All of the above are important reasons that natural selection does not lead to perfect organisms. E) None of the above is an important reason explaining why natural selection does not lead to perfect organisms.
D) All of the above are important reasons that natural selection does not lead to perfect organisms.
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