Furagin C10H8N4O5 structure – Flashcards

Flashcard maker : Deloris Connelly

Molecular Formula C10H8N4O5
Average mass 264.194 Da
Density 1.6±0.1 g/cm3
Boiling Point
Flash Point
Molar Refractivity 62.3±0.5 cm3
Polarizability 24.7±0.5 10-24cm3
Surface Tension 75.0±7.0 dyne/cm
Molar Volume 163.3±7.0 cm3
  • Experimental data
  • Predicted – ACD/Labs
  • Predicted – EPISuite
  • Predicted – ChemAxon
  • Experimental Physico-chemical Properties
    • Experimental LogP:

      0.806 Vitas-M STK368597
    • Experimental Solubility:

      10 mM in DMSO MedChem Express http://www.medchemexpress.com/9-dihydro-13-acetylbaccatin-iii.html
      DMSO: 47mg/mL MedChem Express HY-77036
      DMSO:33mg/mL MedChem Express HY-77036
  • Miscellaneous
    • Safety:

      IRRITANT Matrix Scientific 095486
    • Bio Activity:

      Antibacterial MedChem Express HY-77036
      Anti-infection MedChem Express HY-77036
      Anti-infection; MedChem Express HY-77036
      Furagin, nitrofurantoin analog, is an anti-bacterial agent. MedChem Express http://www.medchemexpress.com/9-dihydro-13-acetylbaccatin-iii.html, HY-77036
      Furagin, nitrofurantoin analog, is an anti-bacterial agent. Furagin is 2-substituted 5-nitrofuran, chemically and structurally similar to well-known antibacterial compound nitrofurantoin.;IC50 Value: ;Target: Antibacterial;In vitro: The furagin concentrations in serum remain several hours above the MIC concentrations of many pathogenic bacteria. Despite the high concentrations in serum, the urine levels of furagin were generally lower than those of nitrofurantoin. The 24 hr recoveries in urine were 8–13% for furagin and about 36% for nitrofurantoin [1].;In vivo: A time-independent increase in SCE frequency was found in lymphocytes of children treated with furagin. Total CA frequency did not differ significantly between groups of children with various duration of furagin treatment [2]. Women were randomised into two groups receiving either ciprofloxacin 250mg twice a day for 3 days (n=13) or furagin 100mg three times a day for 7 days (n=14). Median lengths of follow-up were 4 days MedChem Express HY-77036

Predicted data is generated using the ACD/Labs Percepta Platform – PhysChem Module

Density: 1.6±0.1 g/cm3
Boiling Point:
Vapour Pressure:
Enthalpy of Vaporization:
Flash Point:
Index of Refraction: 1.689
Molar Refractivity: 62.3±0.5 cm3
#H bond acceptors: 9
#H bond donors: 1
#Freely Rotating Bonds: 4
#Rule of 5 Violations: 0
ACD/LogP: 0.81
ACD/LogD (pH 5.5): 0.59
ACD/BCF (pH 5.5): 1.65
ACD/KOC (pH 5.5): 49.65
ACD/LogD (pH 7.4): 0.44
ACD/BCF (pH 7.4): 1.17
ACD/KOC (pH 7.4): 35.32
Polar Surface Area: 121 Å2
Polarizability: 24.7±0.5 10-24cm3
Surface Tension: 75.0±7.0 dyne/cm
Molar Volume: 163.3±7.0 cm3

Predicted data is generated using the US Environmental Protection Agency’s EPISuite™

 Log Octanol-Water Partition Coef (SRC):
 Log Kow (KOWWIN v1.67 estimate) = 0.60

 Boiling Pt, Melting Pt, Vapor Pressure Estimations (MPBPWIN v1.42):
 Boiling Pt (deg C): 526.79 (Adapted Stein & Brown method)
 Melting Pt (deg C): 225.11 (Mean or Weighted MP)
 VP(mm Hg,25 deg C): 4.11E-011 (Modified Grain method)
 Subcooled liquid VP: 5.73E-009 mm Hg (25 deg C, Mod-Grain method)

 Water Solubility Estimate from Log Kow (WSKOW v1.41):
 Water Solubility at 25 deg C (mg/L): 2468
 log Kow used: 0.60 (estimated)
 no-melting pt equation used

 Water Sol Estimate from Fragments:
 Wat Sol (v1.01 est) = 108.02 mg/L

 ECOSAR Class Program (ECOSAR v0.99h):
 Class(es) found:

 Henrys Law Constant (25 deg C) [HENRYWIN v3.10]:
 Bond Method : 9.72E-013 atm-m3/mole
 Group Method: Incomplete
 Henrys LC [VP/WSol estimate using EPI values]: 5.789E-015 atm-m3/mole

 Log Octanol-Air Partition Coefficient (25 deg C) [KOAWIN v1.10]:
 Log Kow used: 0.60 (KowWin est)
 Log Kaw used: -10.401 (HenryWin est)
 Log Koa (KOAWIN v1.10 estimate): 11.001
 Log Koa (experimental database): None

 Probability of Rapid Biodegradation (BIOWIN v4.10):
 Biowin1 (Linear Model) : 0.3167
 Biowin2 (Non-Linear Model) : 0.0373
 Expert Survey Biodegradation Results:
 Biowin3 (Ultimate Survey Model): 2.4457 (weeks-months)
 Biowin4 (Primary Survey Model) : 3.3582 (days-weeks )
 MITI Biodegradation Probability:
 Biowin5 (MITI Linear Model) : -0.2636
 Biowin6 (MITI Non-Linear Model): 0.0008
 Anaerobic Biodegradation Probability:
 Biowin7 (Anaerobic Linear Model): -0.0018
 Ready Biodegradability Prediction: NO

Hydrocarbon Biodegradation (BioHCwin v1.01):
 Structure incompatible with current estimation method!

 Sorption to aerosols (25 Dec C)[AEROWIN v1.00]:
 Vapor pressure (liquid/subcooled): 7.64E-007 Pa (5.73E-009 mm Hg)
 Log Koa (Koawin est ): 11.001
 Kp (particle/gas partition coef. (m3/ug)):
 Mackay model : 3.93 
 Octanol/air (Koa) model: 0.0246 
 Fraction sorbed to airborne particulates (phi):
 Junge-Pankow model : 0.993 
 Mackay model : 0.997 
 Octanol/air (Koa) model: 0.663 

 Atmospheric Oxidation (25 deg C) [AopWin v1.92]:
 Hydroxyl Radicals Reaction:
 OVERALL OH Rate Constant = 66.9369 E-12 cm3/molecule-sec [Cis-isomer]
 OVERALL OH Rate Constant = 74.5369 E-12 cm3/molecule-sec [Trans-isomer]
 Half-Life = 1.918 Hrs (12-hr day; 1.5E6 OH/cm3) [Cis-isomer]
 Half-Life = 1.722 Hrs (12-hr day; 1.5E6 OH/cm3) [Trans-isomer]
 Ozone Reaction:
 OVERALL Ozone Rate Constant = 6.825000 E-17 cm3/molecule-sec [Cis-]
 OVERALL Ozone Rate Constant = 13.650000 E-17 cm3/molecule-sec [Trans-]
 Half-Life = 4.030 Hrs (at 7E11 mol/cm3) [Cis-isomer]
 Half-Life = 2.015 Hrs (at 7E11 mol/cm3) [Trans-isomer]
 Reaction With Nitrate Radicals May Be Important!
 Fraction sorbed to airborne particulates (phi): 0.995 (Junge,Mackay)
 Note: the sorbed fraction may be resistant to atmospheric oxidation

 Soil Adsorption Coefficient (PCKOCWIN v1.66):
 Koc : 892.8
 Log Koc: 2.951 

 Aqueous Base/Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis (25 deg C) [HYDROWIN v1.67]:
 Rate constants can NOT be estimated for this structure!

 Bioaccumulation Estimates from Log Kow (BCFWIN v2.17):
 Log BCF from regression-based method = 0.500 (BCF = 3.162)
 log Kow used: 0.60 (estimated)

 Volatilization from Water:
 Henry LC: 9.72E-013 atm-m3/mole (estimated by Bond SAR Method)
 Half-Life from Model River: 9.791E+008 hours (4.079E+007 days)
 Half-Life from Model Lake : 1.068E+010 hours (4.45E+008 days)

 Removal In Wastewater Treatment:
 Total removal: 1.86 percent
 Total biodegradation: 0.09 percent
 Total sludge adsorption: 1.77 percent
 Total to Air: 0.00 percent
 (using 10000 hr Bio P,A,S)

 Level III Fugacity Model:
 Mass Amount Half-Life Emissions
 (percent) (hr) (kg/hr)
 Air 0.00297 1.96 1000 
 Water 44 900 1000 
 Soil 55.9 1.8e+003 1000 
 Sediment 0.0879 8.1e+003 0 
 Persistence Time: 995 hr


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