essay pt civics
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How do political timetables impact the relationship between the president and congress?
before an elected official faces voters for reelection they want to show what they have done. president has a limit to 8 years. lawmakers dont have a limited term so they have longer time tables
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What emergency powers has Congress given to the president in times of crisis?
martial law seized property controlled transportation communication
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What was accomplished by the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act in 1974?
permenant budget committee for each house, set up congressional budget office (CBO), limited president ability to impound funds or refusal to spend money on programs
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What was the legislative veto and the line item veto, and what part has the Supreme Court played in the use of each?
legislative veto was used by congress to overturn actions by executive branch; 1983 the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional line-item veto could reject and reform parts of bill instead of destroying entire bill; however 1998 supreme court struck down line-item veto
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