Strategic Management Essays
Have no time? Stuck with ideas? We have collected a lot of interesting and useful Strategic Management essay topics for you in one place to help you quickly and accurately complete your college assignment! Check out our essay examples on Strategic Management and you will surely find something to your liking!
From its modest beginnings, Carnival has become renowned for providing pleasurable Caribbean cruises. In 1990, Ted retired as Chairman and Micky Arison, his son, became CEO and Chairman of Carnival. Carnival is categorized as a “Controlled Foreign Corporation” (CFC) which exempts the corporation’s shipping operations from income tax. The success of Carnival is largely attributed […]
1 1. Company Profile: Ranked 3rd in the US Athletic shoe industry, New Balance Arch Company as it was known in 1906 begun manufacturing arch support, orthopaedic shoes supports and prescription footwear for people with problem feet. In 1954, the company changed its name to New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc. with a focus on running […]
Introduction: The Indian Railways possesses a capital base of roughly Rs. and has formulated a five-year strategic plan. The Indian railway system is a crucial component of the country’s economy. It is responsible for the transportation of large amounts of freight and passengers across the nation, covering vast distances. With the Indian economy on a […]
After being founded by Ingvar Kamprad in 1943, IKEA opened its first store in Alhult, Sweden ten years later. As of now, the company has expanded to open new franchises and enter new markets. With more than 235 stores currently operating in over 30 countries globally, IKEA has established itself as a major player within […]
Advanced strategic thinking is crucial when applying chaos and complexity theories in strategy, as it requires a clear definition of the terms “strategy,” “chaos theory,” and “complexity theory.” According to Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., strategy is the process of determining an enterprise’s long-term goals and objectives, adopting courses of action, and allocating resources to achieve […]
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Asyla Blended scotch, Oak cross malt, The peat Monster Scotch whisky will be prominent whisky products for people in Singapore. They are the products of Compass Box Whisky, a company operating from London with its distributors around the world. Compass Box products are known for their quality and standards. In July 2005 whisky […]
“In everyday language usage, management refers to the people in organizations who manage, and to the activities they perform. ” (Fulop, Frith, Hayward 1992 p. 187) To be more specific, management is the process of organizing work activities with and through people to ensure the activities are completed efficiently and effectively (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, Coulter […]
Xerox Corporation (Xerox) considers its research and development activity as one of its main profit engines and core competencies. According to Xerox, technology and its development are key links in the company’s value chain. Xerox regularly allocates 6% of its revenues to research, development, and engineering. This significant financial investment indicates that the first link […]
According to Porter, a competitive strategy must align with the opportunities and threats found in the external environment. This strategy should be built upon knowledge of industry and economic changes. Porter identifies five forces that impact all industries, dictating the level and pathway of competition, and ultimately influencing industry profitability. The objective of strategic planning […]
This article presents a strategic analysis of Amazon through a case study. Since its establishment as a small online bookseller in 1997, Amazon has transformed into a successful superstore corporation, though it has experienced losses and faces stiff competition during its period of rapid growth. Amazon’s primary focus is to minimize expenses and bring in […]
The article focuses on the main aspects of Value chain analysis. The activities entailed in the framework are discussed in detail, with respect to competitive strategies and value to the customer. The article includes tips for students and analysts on how to write a good Value chain analysis for a firm. Moreover, sources of findings […]
Problems Identified and Underlying Causes There are three major problems identified in the Trophy Project case study: i)Organisational problems ii)Management and Leadership problems iii)Project Management problems i)Organisational Problems Although there are signs that the company has a matrix structure in place, they do not follow a programme management approach and numerous failures within the structure […]
The approach of a balance scorecard in achieving strategic objectives in organisation. Introduction: In current upsurge in economic condition globally brought on by competition and uncertainty, all organisations are impacted with need for changes to remain viable in performance of duties. This trend have prompt companies in adopting suitable approach which are unique to its […]
The continuous improvement program or continuous improvement process is an effort to facilitate coordination of district planning and to streamline communication between state and local education agencies. This process provides an avenue for districts to engage in an inclusive and comprehensive planning as opposed to multiple disconnected processes. Continuous improvement is the prime competitive strategy […]
Strategic planning focuses on stabilizing the current environment and supports the organization’s business plans and goals. It helps implement new projects, technology, and consolidation efforts. Strategic planning also considers data growth, cost management, and resource allocation for future needs. This process analyzes the business plan and addresses any obstacles or issues in current architecture and […]
Electronic Arts (EA) Currently Electronic Arts (EA) is the leading game developer, publisher and marketer. It developed games for various devices, such as consoles (Sony PS, Microsoft Xbox and Nintendo Wii), wireless phones and handheld devices (Nintendo’s Game Boy and Sony PSP), personal computers and Websites. Its goal is to become the biggest and best […]
Organizational strategy can be defined by examining: the analysis of the strategy, the choice of strategies and the realization of strategies. The analysis of the strategy: the process begins with the definition of the mission and the long-term objectives of the company. Any choice has to predict its future evolution and continuously follow the undergoing […]
More and more, experts in the field of strategic planning and management are advocating for more attention to be paid on strategic thinking, and recommending for it to be considered a separate and distinct stage in the strategy planning and executing cycle. Results from the strategic thinking exercise feeds directly into creation of the strategic […]
What went wrong at AIG? Despite US$110 billion in annual sales and assets in excess of US$1 trillion, on the 16th of September 2008, AIG accepted the Federal Reserve’s US$85 billion rescue package in order to prevent itself from facing a Chapter 11 filing. In exchange, AIG had given a 79. 9% stake in the […]
Introduction I am considering the company I work for Lockheed Martin to develop a modified strategic plan that will focus on responding to the United States governments and Department of Defense’s (DoD) new “Network Centric” initiatives. Lockheed Martin’s Corp. is a publicly-traded private corporation that provides high technology products and services to the United States […]
Background Nestle Company had started off from a single man’s idea, and developed into a giant corporation. In 1866 Henri Nestle, a pharmacist, developed a milk food formula for infants who were unable to tolerate their mother milk . His product became a success, and it created a demand throughout Europe. As Nestle’s popularity grew […]
The aircraft industry is on the higher growth projectile due to the emerging markets in Asia and other developing countries. There is a surge in the growth of aviation industry even though there are concerns of high surge in fuel costs.The two market leaders Boeing and Airbus are gearing up to achieve greater market share […]