Solubility Essay Examples
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The purpose of this lab was to find the theoretical and experimental percentage yields of the double displacement reaction between the solutions Lead (II) Nitrate (PbNO3) and Potassium Iodide (KI). It is important to obtain amounts of Lead (II) Nitrate and Potassium Iodide as close to 1. 44g as possible. This reaction creates Lead (II) […]
Abstract Experiment 55 consists of devising a separation and purification scheme for a three component mixture. The overall objective is to isolate in pure form two of the three compounds. This was done using extraction, solubility, crystallization and vacuum filtration. The experiment was carried out two times, both of which were successful. Background Information: This […]
The chemical industry is involved in reducing waste and pollution while increasing yield. It requires a team of workers, including research chemists who investigate the best methods, production chemists who “scale up” these methods, analytical chemists who test purity, and technical teams who monitor data and conditions. The chemical process involves converting raw materials such […]
To ensure safety and prevent any damage, I allowed the first test tube with substance c to cool down before storage. For the second test tube, I filled it with cold water and stirred it using a glass stirring rod. I then carefully heated the sample over a burner fuel wick, ensuring that the flame […]
In addition to recrystallizing acetanilide, the experiment involved trying to recover the crystals with the least impurities. The major laboratory technique used in this lab was hot vacuum filtration, which involved pouring the heated test tube of acetanilide and water through a Buchner funnel that’s on top of an Erlenmeyer flask.Following the recrystallization, the recovery […]
The purpose of this study is to quantify the sum of sulfate through hydrometric analysis, which involves determining BaSO4 as the total amount of sulfate. The percentage of sulfate was determined by conducting a hydrometric analysis experiment. To carry out this experiment, a diluted solution of Ba chloride was added to a hot, acidified unknown […]
Our experiments have yielded insights into the importance of molecular polarity, which can be utilized to anticipate the compatibility between two substances. We have discovered that polar compounds will solely blend with other polar substances, and non-polar compounds will exclusively mix with non-polar counterparts. Henceforth, this principle is instrumental in assessing a substance’s solubility within […]
Rationalizations is the primary method for purifying solid organic compounds. Compounds obtained from natural sources or from reaction mixtures almost always contain impurities. The impurities may include some combination of insoluble, soluble, and colored impurities. To obtain a pure compound, these impurities must be removed. Each is removed in a separate step in the rationalizations […]
Characteristics of Alkalis soapy feeling turns red litmus paper blue react with acids to form salt & water react with ammonium salts to form ammonia, salt & water Reactions of Alkalis 1. Alkali (a soluble base) + acid salt + water 2. Alkali + ammonium salt salt + ammonia + water Examples of ammonium salts […]
Examples of carboxylic acids are shown below. Phenols are a class of organic acids that contain a hydroxyl group bonded to an aryl roup. When a hydrogen atom is removed from benzene, the new group is called a phenyl group. Like the carbonyl group, carboxyl group, etc. , the phenyl group is a partial structure […]
The purpose of the experiment was to use the crystallization technique to purify the solute sulfanilamide using 95% ethanol as the solvent, to calculate the amount of sulfanilamide that was recovered, and to determine the purity of the final product. Introduction In this experiment, recrystallization will be the method used to purify the solute sulfanilamide […]
Microscale Crystallization of Sulfanilamide Purpose The purpose of the experiment was to use the crystallization technique to purify the solute sulfanilamide using 95% ethanol as the solvent, to calculate the amount of sulfanilamide that was recovered, and to determine the purity of the final product. Introduction In this experiment, recrystallization will be the method used […]
Objective: To separate the components of unsweetened, grape flavored Kool-Aid. Procedure: Using two syringes, inject different concentrations of alcohol to extract red and blue dyes, and artificial flavoring. Data: Conclusion: Different dyes are shown when separated by different concentrations of isopropyl alcohol. Discussion of Theory: Chromatography, resolution and selectivity played major roles in making the […]
Mixtures and Solutions can often become confusing because solutions are mixtures, but not all mixtures are solutions. A mixture can either be homogeneous or heterogeneous. A homogeneous mixture is where the mixture’s components are distributed uniformly within the mixture. A heterogeneous mixture is where the components are not uniform. Mixtures can either be miscible or […]
In column chromatography a mixture is dissolved in a solvent and poured over a column of solid adsorbent then eluted with the same or a different solvent. This method is often used for preparative purposes; when a relatively large amount of the mixture and the components need to be isolated. The two main pigments in […]
Effect of Temperature For some substances to dissolve in a given solvent, heat is absorbed. The reaction is endothermic. In this case, an increase in temperature increases solubility. For some substances, heat is released when they dissolve in a given solvent. The reaction is called exothermic. In this case, an increase in temperature decreases solubility. […]
Purpose: The purpose of this particular lab was to demonstrate the difference in separation of Benzoic acid in water and Dichloromethane. Also the difference in separation of Benzoic acid in bicarbonate and Dichloromethane. By calculating the partition coefficient for each of these separations, it became clear the differences in the separation of the aqueous and […]
INTRODUCTION Lipids are organic compounds found in living organisms that are insoluble or slightly soluble in water but soluble in non-polar organic solvents. Lipids can be classified into four groups which are -fats, oils, and waxes, -compound lipids, -steroids, and -derived lipids. Various experiments are done on lipids. Some tests are for saturation, presence of […]
Abstract Caffeine, (C8 H10 N4 O2) a white, crystalline alkaloid known as a nervous system stimulant found commonly in tea leaves and coffee, can be extracted using the method of sublimation with the use of Methylene Chloride (CH2Cl2) and Sodium Hydroxide; both can repeatedly rinse the green (unroasted) coffee beans from the caffeine. Keywords: Caffeine, […]
How does the ph level of water affect its rate of evaporation? Examples: Almost not all in any normal range of pH values because changing pH has little effect on the total solids dissolved in the water. However, at very high or very low pH levels, say 12 you will see an effect from the […]
The solubility depends on the properties of a solvent that will allow interaction with a solute more strongly than do solvent particles together. Water is the universal solvent. Water, certainly dissolves many types of substances and in greater amounts than any other solvent. The salt is a compound consisting of various minerals, and is one […]
The purpose of this experiment is to become familiar with the separation of mixtures of solids and learn separation techniques based on the chemical properties of a substance. The procedures for this experiment are as follows: 1. Separating out the Iron: a. Use your digital scale to determine the mass of your weighing dish. b. […]