Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Sociology.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Sociology. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Sociology on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Sociology, and much more. Keep on reading!

Freedom To peacefully Assemble Essay Example
1482 words 6 pages

The first amendment states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” (4) Freedom to peacefully assemble allows […]

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Children Democracy First Amendment To The United States Constitution Police Respect Society War
How similar were the regimes of Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler? Essay Example
461 words 2 pages

In this essay, I am going to be discussing and comparing the differences and similarities of three major dictators in Europe in the 1930s that had major influences in the events leading up to World War II. These were Joseph Stalin (dictator of former USSR), Benito Mussolini (dictator of Italy) and Adolph Hitler (dictator of […]

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Adolf Hitler Communism Fascism Law Politics Society
How did Britain defeat France during the Napoleonic wars? Essay Example
1170 words 5 pages

The British victory over the French in the 1793-1815 wars in mainly accredited to the strength of the Royal Navy and the various strategies she put into place during her encounters with the enemy. Other factors that also contributed to this victory include economic and financial factors, the peninsular war, the Russian campaign and the […]

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British Empire Military Napoleon Society War
Fatima Rahim Miss Smith Essay Example
1342 words 5 pages

(b)Using all the sources and your own knowledge, asses the view that popular unrest was the main cause of the fall of the monarchy in August 1792There is evidence that does support the view that the main cause of the fall of the monarchy in August 1792. Source B describes the manner in which the […]

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Attack Democracy French Revolution Internet Law Monarchy Society Technology The view
Why were the major cities of Britain bombed by the Germans in 1940-1941? Essay Example
1768 words 7 pages

Prior to the outbreak of World War II, Hitler’s strategy was to form an alliance with Britain as a means of opposing communist Russia. In spite of initially receiving support in Britain, Hitler’s actions during the 1930s resulted in him losing favor and abandoning his prior beliefs. This was a consequence of his choice to […]

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Adolf Hitler Law Politics Society War
Mussolini’s Downfall: A Tale of Poor Leadership
715 words 3 pages

From 1924 to 1939, Mussolini’s leadership in Italy underwent a transformation from being a resolute and forceful individual to becoming indecisive and unpredictable, with significant influence from Nazi Germany. Mussolini’s disregard for the wishes of the Italian people and his decisions influenced by Nazi Germany resulted in the current situation. Although fascism had been successful […]

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Fascism Nationalism Nazism Society Totalitarianism
Was Mussolini’s Economic Policies a Complete Failure? Essay Example
1086 words 4 pages

Fascist Economic failure can be seen from Mussolini’s entry to power in 1922 as the economy was in a dire state and to rectify the situation would have been problematic. Italy had very few raw materials; also it was divided culturally, between the modernising North and the backward South. Mussolini aimed to create autarky in […]

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Fascism Inflation Italy Society Unemployment War Work
How far is it accurate to describe Hitler as a ‘weak dictator’? Essay Example
1233 words 5 pages

The Third Reich, for Hitler, was supposed to have lasted 1000 years minimum, but it only lasted 12 years and four months. Many historians blame this on an individual that’s Hitler himself. Whether it is accurate or not to describe Hitler as a ‘weak dictator’ has been questioned for decades, leading to the heart of […]

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Adolf Hitler Dictatorship Law Nazi Party Nazism Society
With Longer Provides A Convincing Analysis Of International Essay Example
3217 words 12 pages

This essay will initially start with defining what the basis of thought is for realism as a political world theory when discussing international relations. It will then go on to illustrate with using the aid of examples when realism was predominantly in existence, and the extent, if at all, it exists today as war fails […]

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Cold War Computer Software Database Relation Society Technology
Explain why the United States withdrew it forces from Vietnam in 1973? Essay Example
1729 words 7 pages

There were many reasons, which lead to the extraction of the American Military forces from Vietnam. America had gotten involved with the Vietnam War in order to stop the spread of communism. Considering that the war took place at the height of the cold war and propaganda was quite strong; many people did not trust […]

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Cold War Imperialism Nutrition Society South Vietnam United States Army Vietnam Vietnam War
Was The Decisive Factor In Deciding Its Essay Example
819 words 3 pages

While some might consider America’s involvement in World War I a critical event, I am not entirely convinced that it was the most significant factor in the Allies’ defeat. Nonetheless, I believe that the Germans underestimated the American military’s potential. During an address to the German parliament, Admiral Capelle stated that “America from a military […]

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Belgium International Relations Military Society World War I World War Ii
Michael Moore’s "Bowling for Columbine" – review Essay Example
1583 words 6 pages

Michael Moore’s “Bowling for Columbine” uses a variety of satirical techniques to persuade the viewer of his opinion. Michael Moore tries to persuade the viewing public that the American gun culture is damaging to society, and is dangerously out of control. Furthermore, it also explores how the land of the “American Dream” is riddled with […]

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Documentary film Music Society Violence War
Do you think that Dic Penderyn was unjustly hanged? Essay Example
1844 words 7 pages

In this essay I intend to examine the court case and subsequent execution of Richard Lewis alias Dic Penderyn. I will look at all the evidence presented to the court and decide whether he was guilty as charged or whether the case should have been acquitted for lack of substantial evidence.To begin I will give […]

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Crime Criminal Law Society Violence War
To (1899 – 1902) Lie Essay Example
1489 words 6 pages

Opinions differ on what caused the Boer War. Some argue that it was motivated by Britain’s interest in profiting from gold production in Southern Africa and its aim to overthrow Paul Kruger’s obstructive government. Others highlight British decision makers’ concerns, including safeguarding the Cape Colony, upholding British influence and status, and the influential roles of […]

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British Empire International Relations Principal Society South Africa War
Japanese pre-war imperialistic activities from the late 1890s to 1945 Essay Example
1896 words 7 pages

Japanese pre-war imperialistic activities from the late 1890s to 1945 were motivated by the ambition of expanding the boundaries of its outer territories for resources by colonizing neighboring countries: Taiwan (1895-1945), Korea (1910-1945), Micronesia (1914-1945), China (1931-1945), and southeast Asia (1942-1945) such as the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Burma and other areas. The aim of this […]

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Empire Of Japan Imperialism Society Taiwan War
Why did Britain and her allies emerge victorious in 1918 Essay Example
1059 words 4 pages

In this essay I will try to identify the main reason that gave the British and their allies the advantage that gave them victory in WW1. I will look at all of the sources for and against the argument. In my opinion the main reason was the British naval blockade of Germany. The reason that […]

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Battle Society World War I
How Influential was the Role of Cardinal Wolsey in the Conduct of England Essay Example
1494 words 6 pages

Thomas Wolsey (1465-1530) was born in obscurity, the son of a butcher in Ipswich, a town in Suffolk. He was intelligent and ambitious enough to attend the University of Oxford. Wolsey and Henry VIII became close friends, or as close as one could be to a king. Both men were determined to leave their mark upon […]

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Europe Middle Ages Pope Society War
Privacy in Modern Societies Essay Example
899 words 4 pages

Privacy in Modern Societies Of all the human rights in the global archive, confidentiality and privacy are conceivably the largest problematical human right in this era. Classification of privacy differs commonly by circumstance as well as locality. In countless diverse regions and cultures around the world, countries have involved the right and justification of privacy […]

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Government Law Privacy Society
Are Reason and Emotional Equally Necessary in Justifying Moral Decisions? Essay Example
1125 words 5 pages

Is it essential to use rationality and emotions when making moral judgments? In our daily lives, we encounter ethical predicaments that we typically justify by combining both logical reasoning and emotional responses. As humans, emotions are innate in us and contribute significantly to how we determine our decisions. The way people make decisions can vary […]

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Capital Punishment Cloning Reason Society
Great Gatsby Movie Vs Book Essay Example
2926 words 11 pages

The descriptions of individual characters and settings convey ethical and moral judgments of a society. In the Great Gatsby, the descriptions of the Eggs, the “valley of ashes”, Gatsby, and the Buchanans all convey the judgment that the upper class of the society are shallow, empty and hollow and therefore, lacking morals and ethics and […]

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Ethics Morality Society The Great Gatsby
Jaidyn Leskie Case Essay Example
2470 words 9 pages

I. The Main Facts of the Case The main facts of the Jaidyn Leskie case are as follows: ?Jaidyn Leskie disappeared while in the care of Greg Domaszewicz on the night of 14 June 1997. ?Mr. Domaszewicz said that Jaidyn went missing after being left asleep at his house while he went out to pick […]

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Criminology Murder Society Supreme Court Of The United States Violence
Digital Cinematography Essay Example
893 words 4 pages

For over a century, motion pictures have entertained audiences with larger-than-life portrayals of life. In the beginning, films relied on traditional cameras and film to capture footage. Nevertheless, as technology advanced, the film industry began embracing digital techniques for image and video capturing. As technology continues to evolve, an increasing number of movies are being […]

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Business Camera Company Film Analysis Photo Equipment Recording Society

Popular Questions About Sociology

What is sociology and why is it important?
Quick Answer. Sociology is important because it helps in solving social and international problems, gives better perspective into crime, helps in the study of institutional roles and in the understanding and planning of society. Sociology is basically defined as a study of individuals in relation to their society.
What can you do with a sociology?
Studying sociology can help foster your creativity, innovation, critical thinking, analytic problem solving and communication skills. As a graduate with a sociology degree, you will have a foundation for better understanding and engaging with the globalizing world.
Why is sociology considered a science?
Answers. Sociology is a science every bit as much as biology or chemistry. Social sciences, like natural and biological sciences, use a vigorous methodology. This means that a social scientist clearly states the problems he or she is interested in and clearly spells out how he or she arrives at their conclusions.
What is the best way to study sociology?
Understand a concepts definition (this is where many students stop)Rephrase the concept in your own wordsApply the concept to your lifeCome up with an example of your ownLook for concept pairs (i.e. concepts that are opposites, complementary, etc.)If the concept has a pair, compare and contrast the two.
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