Have no time? Stuck with ideas? We have collected a lot of interesting and useful Revenue essay topics for you in one place to help you quickly and accurately complete your college assignment! Check out our essay examples on Revenue and you will surely find something to your liking!

Company Evaluation Paper – PepsiCo Essay Example
1098 words 4 pages

This paper provides calculated ratios of liquidity, activity, debt and profitability of Pepsi Co for the fiscal years 2007-2008. This information was obtained from the financial statements. Liquidity The current ratio is considered to be the most simplified liquidity test. It essentially signifies a company’s capacity to satisfy its short-term liabilities utilizing its short-term assets. […]

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Debt Inventory Pepsi Revenue
Accounting and Finance Essay Example
803 words 3 pages

The essay for Financial Accounting I is mandatory and must be submitted by November 15th. Its topic will cover both the advantages and disadvantages of employing an accrual basis when creating financial statements. These documents serve to indicate a company’s financial situation at a specific moment in time, which can then be analyzed in terms […]

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Accounting Expense Revenue
Pantaloons Accounting Standard Essay Example
1966 words 8 pages

The Accounting Standards as per their 2011-12 Annual Report are- 1. AS 1: Disclosure of Accounting Policies- It deals with disclosure of Accounting Principles and policies used for preparation of financial statements of the companies. 2. AS 2: Valuation of Inventories- It deals with determination of amount of inventory to be shown in financial statements. […]

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Accounting Income Statement Investment Revenue
Btec Business Level 3 Year 1 – Introduction to Accounting Essay Example
3369 words 13 pages

In the section, I am working as a trainee for one of the retail company mentioned, which has been trading for many years. I have been asked to spend some time in the company’s accounting department. In the purpose of accounting, there are many reasons why accounting is necessary to a business. Recording Transactions Appropriate […]

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Accounting Mortgage Loan Revenue
The importance of cash flow Essay Example
3397 words 13 pages

In this assignment I will be explaining in detail the importance of cash flow, working capital, costs, budgets and breakeven in selected business and also why it is used in selected businesses. In addition all of these factors will help my client make her final decision.Task 1Cash flowCash flow is the amount of money that […]

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Budget Cash Flow Expense Revenue
Accounting for Football Club Essay Example
3618 words 14 pages

Introduction Although all accountants adopt the generally accepted accounting rules, each industry has its own characteristics. This is why analysts need specific knowledge about the industry so as to decide which set of accounting rules to apply to reflect the financial situation of the corporation best. And in the football industry, perhaps the main characteristics […]

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Accounting Income Money Revenue
Home Depot Financial Analysis Essay Example
1563 words 6 pages

 PART 1 There are 3 years covered in the following primary comparative financial statements, namely fiscal years ended 1 February 2004, 2 February 2003 and 3 February 2002: Consolidated Statement of Earnings Statement of Stockholders Equity and Comprehensive Income Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows There are 2 years covered in the Consolidated Balance Sheet, namely […]

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Audit Balance Sheet Earnings Financial News Income Income Statement Insurance Money Revenue
Revenue Recognition for Mcdonald’s Corporation Essay Example
951 words 4 pages

Revenue Recognition Mcdonald’s Corporation Introduction McDonald’s and Burger King have been in competition for over 50 years. Similar companies can choose different revenue recognition methods that can cause them to appear different. This report’s purpose is to explain McDonald’s revenue recognition policies and methods in comparison to Burger King’s. Discussion For Accounting Policies And Methods […]

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Accounting Fast Food Finance Franchising Hamburger Mcdonald's Revenue S corporation
Sun Microsystems Report Essay Example
1733 words 7 pages

Introduction Sun Microsystems is a leading supplier of computer related products, including servers, workstations, storage devices, and network switches. In the 2001 annual report, a letter to stockholders from the President and CEO Scott G. McNealy offered a remark saying that the fiscal year was ended with a significant revenue growth of 16% and that […]

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Business Process Earnings Income Statement Management Revenue Stock Workstation
Xerox Analysis Essay Example
822 words 3 pages

Xerox Corporation (Xerox) considers its research and development activity as one of its main profit engines and core competencies. According to Xerox, technology and its development are key links in the company’s value chain. Xerox regularly allocates 6% of its revenues to research, development, and engineering. This significant financial investment indicates that the first link […]

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Database Revenue Strategic Management Value Chain
Sierra-Online Case Essay Example
454 words 2 pages

In 1992, Sierra On-Line had a significant investment in the research and development of games for both competitive entertainment and educational software industries. Sierra On-Line had initially intended to release its product in time for the holiday season. However, unforeseen circumstances led to a one-year extension of their development schedule. As a result, the company […]

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Business Software Computer Software Finance Revenue
Wal-Mart Formal Case Analysis-Swot Essay Example
2421 words 9 pages

In June of 2007, Wal-Mart conducted a SWOT Analysis to evaluate its capacity for becoming the globe’s largest retailer while preserving low prices. Its strengths encompass its potential to control suppliers and rivals because of its enormous scale, as well as having the adaptability to establish stores in any location. With a significant global economic […]

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Revenue Walmart
Case 6-4 Joan Holtz Essay Example
632 words 3 pages

Will affect the cost of the good by decreasing it, which will affect the net income in the period the product is sold.  Other Income: Net Income would be higher than the other methods. Not taken discount as an expense: Cost of goods sold will be lower as the discount will be counted, however, it […]

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Accounting Earnings Financial Accounting Inventory Outlet Stores Revenue Shopping
Joan Holtz (a) Essay Example
635 words 3 pages

Both conditions for recognizing revenue are satisfied, as the entity has fulfilled its obligations to earn income and can ascertain the precise amount of income earned. Nevertheless, due to challenges in meter reading, the company needs to estimate revenues for December. To accomplish this, it may utilize historical data, specifically electricity usage from the previous […]

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Buying Homes Cost Accounting Revenue
Monsanto: Corporate Annual Review of Financial Statements Essay Example
2605 words 10 pages

In the corporate annual report, a statement reporting the independent auditor’s opinion was included. This opinion shows that the auditor has reviewed the internal controls over financial reporting and it also audits the consolidated financial position of Monsanto. The auditors express the fact that they are independent from Monsanto which means that the report is […]

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Expense Finance Net Income Revenue State
Gap, Inc. Swot Essay Example
1037 words 4 pages

Introduction The Gap, a prominent international retailer, generated revenues of over $15.8 billion in 2007. Like any business, The Gap’s goal is to enhance these revenues. To do so, they must analyze their external environment to identify both existing threats and opportunities. Additionally, as an established company, The Gap aims to safeguard their market position […]

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Brand Brand Management Finance Gap Pricing Revenue
Mapleleaf Gardens Case Study Essay Example
913 words 4 pages

The financial statements of Maple Leaf Gardens serve various purposes for different individuals and entities. Investors, whether they are current or potential, rely on these statements to make informed decisions regarding their investment in the company. Lenders refer to the statements to assess whether they should extend financial assistance to the company. Government bodies review […]

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Asset Expense Revenue Study
Sample Ratio Analysis Between Companies Essay Example
1119 words 5 pages

When comparing all the companies we have here, it is clear that the sector value stands at 6.15. Costco stands out with the highest valuation ratio of 28.59, which indicates substantial growth and low risk. Similarly, Target, Walmart, and Home Depot are also demonstrating strong performance. Our analysis shows that Nordstrom and Macy’s are slightly […]

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Revenue Valuation
Corporate Governance Analysis Essay Example
1367 words 5 pages

The collapse of World affected various parties such as employees, retailers, the government, and bankers. World was a telecommunications company that was founded in 1983 as Long Distance Discount Services (OLDS) and provided long-distance services. The company changed its name to World in 1995 when Bernie Beers became the CEO. Its growth through mergers and […]

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Corporate Governance Finance Revenue
Acc/290 Walmart Essay Example
285 words 2 pages

Walmart is one of the largest merchandising companies in the world. Sam Walton started a small company in 1962, and in just over 50 years, Walmart has become a worldwide name. As of July 31, 2013, Walmart owns over 10,000 retail units, over 4,000 in the United States, and over 6000 stores in 27 countries, […]

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Finance Revenue Walmart
Delaney Motors Essay Example
403 words 2 pages

To enhance the success of Body Shop, it is recommended that they increase their marketing efforts and improve their cost accounting system. The cost accounting system is crucial for accumulating costs related to service provision or product manufacturing. It allows management to determine appropriate service costs, set product prices, and identify opportunities for cost reduction […]

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Body Business Operations Business Process Cost Accounting Costs Earnings Finance Health Marketing Revenue
General Mills Analysis Essay Example
1293 words 5 pages

The consolidated balance sheets of General Mills, Inc. and subsidiaries as of May 28th 2006 and May 29 2005, and the related consolidated statements of earnings, stockholder’s equity and comprehensive income, and the cash flows for each of the fiscal years in the three – year period ended May 28, 2006 and the report dated […]

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Asset Balance Sheet Cost Accounting Earnings Finance Income Statement Revenue Tax
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