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Books Online 18544 Essay Example
4152 words 16 pages

The fast pace of the business world can be attributed to the influence of the Internet and technology. Technology has revolutionized consumer decision-making and consumption processes, greatly improving our culture both online and offline. It has made it effortless for the average consumer to buy retail products, leading to the rise of online retailing as […]

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Popular Questions About Retailing

What is the purpose of retailing?
Retailing, the selling of merchandise and certain services to consumers. It ordinarily involves the selling of individual units or small lots to large numbers of customers by a business set up for that specific purpose. In the broadest sense, retailing can be said to have begun the first time one item of value was bartered for another.
What does retail business mean?
A retail business is defined as a company that buys products from a supplier and resells them for a profit. A retail store can sell one item, such as cars, or carry a range of products to which customers return, such as a convenience store. Retail business share many traits that define their operations.
What is an example of a retail business?
Examples of specialty stores include retail businesses that sell books, women's lingerie, motorcycle parts, sporting goods, vitamins, coffee, cell phones, pet supplies or office supplies.
What is traditional retailing?
Traditional retail refers to these thousands of small, mostly family-owned retail businesses. They are also referred to as the “unorganized” retail sector.
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