Gender studies is a purely academic field that studies genders, their identification, and their representation. Gender roles and identity is a flammable discussion at all levels in society. Writing a gender essay can evoke emotions that need to be curtailed if the writer is objective and detailed. Gender identity essay is about defining the forms of gender and how it is expressed.

While some believe that gender is fixed on physical sex, others believe anyone can identify with any gender they are comfortable with at any given time. Sexual discriminations and gender work pay gap are a great way to begin discrimination on gender roles essay. This category has thousands of essays on gender studies and feminism, providing cultural and historical insights.

Defining the gender phenomena in an academic setting would require a depth of knowledge and facts. If you want to write an essay that would express your stance and convictions on this trendy topic, you need all the resources you can lay your hands on.

Sociology Feminism Essay Example
1002 words 4 pages

1) The difference between Sex and Gender is Sex is nature – we cannot determine the sex that we are born and Gender is nurture – we learn how to act as a male (how to be masculine) and we learn how to act as a female (how to be feminine,) we can also swap […]

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Feminism Gender Sociology Woman
A comparison of Red Room and Farthing Hous Essay Example
1752 words 7 pages

Having read and analysed two short stories which both deal with the un-natural, I now intend to compare them in detail. The Red Room is a short story from the nineteenth century, which is about a man who visits a haunted house to prove that there is no ghost or anything of such a nature […]

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Gender Ghost Literature Room
The Changing Role And Status Of Women Since 1945 Essay Example
1770 words 7 pages

What can you learn from Source A about the treatment of women workers at the end of the Second World War? [6]From Source A, we can learn that at the end of WWII, many women were made redundant. This came after years of propaganda imploring them to go and work to replace the men who […]

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A Hanging Gender Sexism Social Issues
Two perspectives on the psychology of sex and gender Essay Example
1064 words 4 pages

In this essay, the topic of gender identity is examined, with a focus on studies that explore differences between males and females. Biological explanations analyze evidence such as genetics, hormones, and brain imaging studies to reveal disparities between genders. The social constructionist perspective investigates how societal discourses shape our understanding of masculinity and femininity, as […]

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Gender Masculinity Perspective Psychology Sex
Analysis of values with respect to equality Essay Example
2425 words 9 pages

“Careers Education and guidance is a profoundly political process. It operates at the interface between the individual and society, between self and opportunity, between aspiration and realism. It facilitates the allocation of life chances. Within a society in which such life chances are unequally distributed, it faces the issue of whether it serves to reinforce […]

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Discrimination Equality Gender Qualities
Dog Day Afternoon Essay Example
1450 words 6 pages

Dog Day Afternoon was based on a real event that took place in Brooklyn in the early seventies where a Manhattan Bank was held siege by a gay bank robber determined to steal enough money for his male lover to undergo a sex change operation.The film shows first time crook, Sonny Wortzik (Pacino) going to […]

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Film Analysis Gender Health Homosexuality Human Sexuality Lgbt Sexual Orientation Usa
Trends and Issues in Psychology Essay Example
1568 words 6 pages

Henry Ford once said of his automobiles “You can have one in any colour as long as it is black”. Has psychology taken the same approach in its search for a “normal” or standard individual? Are psychologists narrow-minded in their study of humans, accepting the norm as being the white European male as a stereo-typical […]

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Gender Homosexuality Psychology Sexism
How Does The Play Challenge Or Essay Example
2191 words 8 pages

Stereotypes play a crucial role in the representation of groups of people, beliefs, ideas, and places in Caryl Churchill’s play ‘Cloud Nine’, as they are social constructs. It was crucial for Cloud Nine’s first act, set in Victorian Africa in 1879, to feature stereotypical gender roles expected of men and women during that time period. […]

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Challenges Gender Social Issues Stereotypes
Freud and de Beauvoir on gender difference Essay Example
2405 words 9 pages

If one looks at the history of society, one will find that women have almost always occupied the status of second-class citizens. They were granted fewer liberties and agency, and as such, were looked at as inferior. When people in power sought to find out why this was, the argument always seemed to boil down […]

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Gender Masculinity Sigmund Freud
Feminist Challenge to Liberal Political Theory
1341 words 5 pages

Contemporary feminism has served to fundamentally challenge the major assumptions of political theory and traditional definitions of what politics is. My answer will focus on feminist challenge derived from the critique of the theoretical difference liberals make between the public sphere in which the state can legitimately intervene and the private sphere where individuals are […]

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Feminism Gender Politics Struggle
Sex generalisations and stereotypes Essay Example
2433 words 9 pages

The objectification of women based on their appearances has been documented as early as 1847 when women were depicted in terms of physical attributes rather than their accomplishments or character traits. An example of such stereotyping can be observed in ‘Jane Eyre’ with Mr. Rochester’s description of Blanche Ingram as “a strapper, a real strapper, […]

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Gender Mass Media Research Stereotypes
Gender Analysis in the Cement Garden Essay Example
716 words 3 pages

As we can notice, in the novel the cement garden, within the subject of gender, a struggle in the boys, (Jack and Tom) to define their sexuality arises.Although both cases differ in many aspects; they share one same motive: the lack of male role models. The reason for this is that the only possible prospect […]

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Gender Human Sexuality Masculinity Reason
Gender Differences in Family Viewing: An Analysis of David Morley’s Article
682 words 3 pages

David Morley’s article ‘The framework of family viewing in Great Britain’ attempts to interpret the way in which families consume media, in this case through television. The main principles of the text appear to outline the differences between Male and Female media consumption and indeed, why such a difference occurs. Morley puts this difference down […]

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Gender People Television
Compare and contrast the descriptions of Hero and Leander which open Marlowe’s poem Essay Example
1093 words 4 pages

Throughout ‘Hero and Leander’, Marlowe presents an ambivalent attitude towards gender, where the boundaries normally found in male and female stereotypes are explored and often ridiculed. Traditional perspectives of gender become subverted and Marlowe seems to delight in overturning the expectations of the reader and creating confusion. From the outset, the poem introduces the reader […]

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Beauty Gender Hero
You Can Never Have Too Essay Example
993 words 4 pages

Gender roles have been reinforced and installed into our daily lives from the time of birth: “we are born either male or female, and most of us learn to behave in ways consistent with a specific society’s expectations for a particular sex” (Ackley, 2003, p. 374). These expectations of specific gender roles can be seen […]

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Animals Children Gender Masculinity The time
The Development of Gender in the Individual Essay Example
2695 words 10 pages

Gender refers to the psychological and emotional characteristics of individuals. Defined broadly, gender includes such aspects as personality traits but also involves psychological makeup, attitudes, beliefs and values as well as sexual orientation and gender-role identity.In the following assignment I am going to take a look at socially imposed patterns in relation to gender, and […]

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Development Gender Gender Identity
Is gender behaviour learned or innate Essay Example
372 words 2 pages

Gender construction begins early in life, even before birth, according to John Bowlby (1953). A child’s sex can be determined prenatally, leading parents to buy gender-specific clothing and toys such as blue for boys, pink for girls, dolls for girls, and cars for boys. Thus, gender construction starts at birth and maybe even before. The […]

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Gender Socialization
Consider Disciplining The Way In Which Women Essay Example
1809 words 7 pages

The performance of gender refers to the societal norms and expectations imposed on individuals based on their sex. Such standards are often rooted in narrow and limiting stereotypes. The traditional gender roles of men being interested in football, cars, career and beer and women being interested in makeup, housework, family and wine have been distorted […]

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Children Gender Obesity Self Esteem Society
Opinions about gender roles in cultural context Essay Example
1819 words 7 pages

The aim of this research was to investigate opinions about gender roles in cultural context. A short interview was conducted with a White female British Students on her opinions about gender roles. The following themes form the basis of the interview: opinions about the preferred sex of first babies, how household task is divided between […]

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Gender Stereotypes
Construct And Essentialist Beliefs About Homosexual Essay Example
982 words 4 pages

The term “homosexuality” is a relatively modern term, coined in the 19th century by Austrian-born human rights campaigner, Karoly Maria Benkert. Although the label is modern, debates about sexuality and same-sex attraction have ranged from Plato’s Symposium to modern queer theory. Among sex researchers today, and within the LGBT community, few issues create a more […]

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Belief Gender Homosexuality Sexual Orientation
How is the field of international relations gendered Essay Example
2907 words 11 pages

Looking at the representation of war, terror and international relations, feminist scholars such as Enloe and Cohen have suggested we look beyond the politics of diplomacy and foreign policy to consider how international politics may be built around gender relations; reinforcing notions of binary masculine/feminine identity, and how patriarchy may be used to create and […]

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Gender International Relations Masculinity Nationalism
The ways in which gender norms intersect with ideas about race and ethnicity Essay Example
3590 words 14 pages

In this essay I aim to examine how ideological and cultural assumptions and standards of femininity influence the construction of racial identity with regards to black feminine identity.As Cuomo and Hall identify, the concept of race, like gender, is a socially constructed phenomena; ‘Racial categories are socially constructed and contextually defined. These deconstructive and reconstructive […]

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Gender Oppression Racism

Popular Questions About Gender

What are the different types of gender?
Gender is of Four Kinds in English. English divides nouns and pronouns into four genders in this way: Masculine: All males (and only males) are said to belong to the masculine gender. (examples: boy, man, landlord, god, tiger, horse, rooster, stag, he, etc) Feminine: All females (and only females) belong to this gender category.
What exactly is gender?
Gender is what you feel in your mind/brain or presentation. Sex is not always what your born with/assigned at birth in the cases of intersex/Hermaphroditism, but for most it is what your born with or assigned at birth. Sexuality/Orientation is who you have sex/intimacy with.
What is gender defined as?
Gender is defined by FAO as ‘the relations between men and women, both perceptual and material. Gender is not determined biologically, as a result of sexual characteristics of either women or men, but is constructed socially.
How to define gender?
GenderGender versus sex. Gender refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person's biological sex (APA, 2012).Gender identity. Reporting of gender. Transgender and gender-nonconforming people. Sex assignment. Gender and noun usage. Gender and pronoun usage. Terms that imply binaries. Examples of bias-free language.
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