Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Geert Hofstede.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Geert Hofstede. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Geert Hofstede on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Geert Hofstede, and much more. Keep on reading!

Analyzing Spain According To Hallā€™s And Hofstedeā€™s Essay Example
922 words 4 pages

I couldnā€™t find much information on Russia in the book or on the website, so Iā€™m going to base my analysis of Russian culture on my experience. Power Distance Index. I believe that power distance index in Russian culture is quite high, as there is a huge gap between upper and lower classes, and not [ā€¦]

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Future Geert Hofstede Social Psychology Spain
Cross-Cultural Film Analysis ā€“ Gattaca Essay Example
1165 words 5 pages

The movie summary of ā€˜GATTACAā€™ depicts how Vincent, who was conceived naturally instead of through laboratory methods, is predetermined to be a lower ranked member of society. The world he is born into discriminates against genetics, rather than gender, religion, or race. To achieve his dream of going to Titan and gain access to the [ā€¦]

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Film Analysis Gattaca Geert Hofstede Genetics
Hofstede Cultural Dimension Essay Example
1063 words 4 pages

Hofstede Geert Hofstedeā€™s five cultural dimensions are individualistic vs. collectivism, power distance, quality of life vs. quantity of life, uncertainty avoidance and time orientation. Power Distance The term of power distance in the Hofstedeā€™s framework means measurement of power in an institution and organization being distributed where the society able to accept (Bergman et al. [ā€¦]

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Dimension Geert Hofstede Organizational Culture Social Psychology
Exploring New Capabilities and Opportunities Overseas in a Globalized Environment
2565 words 10 pages

Globalization has forced an environment of tight resources and new challenges in which dynamic companies are exploring and creating new capabilities and opportunities overseas. Large international organizations are increasingly turning to organizational development practices to solve problems of inefficiency. However, they often face challenges when operating in the international context, especially when difficulties arise when [ā€¦]

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Business Economic Development Geert Hofstede Nationalism
Nissan & Renault Essay Example
211 words 1 page

As part of our ICN group project, we will be utilizing Hofstedeā€™s or Trompenaarsā€™ theory to guide our analysis. To effectively apply these theories, we will focus on the cultural dimensions that reveal the greatest distinctions. Our group will specifically investigate the 1999 merger between Nissan and Renault, which is noteworthy in terms of cultural [ā€¦]

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Fashion Geert Hofstede Gender Masculinity Portfolio Vehicle Brands
Cross Cultural Communication Essay Example
1099 words 4 pages

Far East Asian Countries This paper gives a short overview of the observed behavioral pattern across some of the far east Asian countries. Understanding these behavioral patterns is important for doing effective communication with people/people groups from these countries. Effective communication holds one of the keys to establishing business and personal relationships in these countries. [ā€¦]

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Cross-Cultural Communication Geert Hofstede Research
Onion to Ocean Essay Example
7444 words 28 pages

Abstract Differing from the dominant bipolar paradigm of analyzing national cultures, this paper champions a dialectical approach that sees each national culture as having a life of its own full of dynamics and paradoxes. The paper calls for shifting our mindset from the Cold War ā€œonionā€ way of analyzing culture to a new ā€œoceanā€ way [ā€¦]

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Geert Hofstede Ocean Science Society
With More Important Than National Culture. Discuss And Essay Example
2402 words 9 pages

The statement that organizational culture will become more important than national culture due to globalization is up for discussion and evaluation. According to Theodore Levitt, globalization involves significant advances in communication and technology which have led to a growing global cultural uniformity (N). In 2002, Asgary and A. Walle discussed the cultural impact of globalization [ā€¦]

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Geert Hofstede Globalization Nationalism Organizational Culture
Cultural Analysis Paper Essay Example
1062 words 4 pages

Although we try our hardest and conduct research, comprehensively understanding all cultures is ultimately unachievable. Nevertheless, by putting in effort and gaining knowledge we can gain insight into multiple cultures. In pursuit of this goal, we interviewed three people who were raised in cultural environments distinct from our own. The following are some significant findings [ā€¦]

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Education Feminism Geert Hofstede Gender Gender equality Sex Society
Cultural Clashes Hrm Essay Example
830 words 4 pages

International Human Resource Management The differences between Swedish managers and Spanish employees are mainly caused by the scepticism arising from the Swedish management style. The absence of formal planning and unwritten manuals leaves Spanish employees feeling uncertain about their tasks. Consequently, instead of taking individual initiatives and fostering a learning culture, they become inefficient as [ā€¦]

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Animals Culture Education Environmental Issues Geert Hofstede Management Social Psychology
Cross-Cultural Challenges When Doing Business in China Essay Example
2803 words 11 pages

With the globalisation of world business, China has become an appealing  market for foreign investors. The problem of cross-cultural management arises as the cooperation between China and its culturally different Western partners continues to increase at an unprecedented rate. This paper presents an understanding on the general cultural differences between America and China by applying [ā€¦]

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Business Challenges China Foreign Direct Investment Geert Hofstede
Cross-Cultural Management Issues: Comparative Study of Finland and Great Britain Essay Example
2555 words 10 pages

Introduction Opening up a subsidiary in another country has to be planned extensively. There are many aspects that the management have to take into consideration before deciding on the feasibility of the operation. Peopleā€™s natural tendency is to try and transplant the skills that work in their home country into the new environment. (Berger, 1998) [ā€¦]

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Geert Hofstede Great britain Management Social Psychology Social Status Study
Tesla, SpaceX and Google Essay Example
1521 words 6 pages

The degree to which members of a culture expect and accept that power is unequally distributed within the society is referred to as ā€œPower distanceā€ (Cooke, A. 2011). There are two types of power distance: High power distance and low power distance. In high power distance culture, the managers and other superior officials are autocratic [ā€¦]

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Business Operations Business Process Geert Hofstede Health Leadership Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs Motivation
Cross Cultural Issues, Walmart in South Korea Essay Example
1006 words 4 pages

Wal-Marts venture into South Korea is yet another example of a company attempting to duplicate its strategies and business model unsuccessfully. Wal-Mart didnā€™t consider how the vast differences in culture could affect their survival and ultimately let their complacency, conservatism and conceit get in the way. Their continued losses forced them to withdraw their investment [ā€¦]

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Business Model Geert Hofstede Walmart
Briefly describe Hofstedeā€™s taxonomy of cross-cultural diversity Essay Sample
353 words 2 pages

High power distance societies may experience a transformation of inequalities into both power and wealth disparities over time. Conversely, low power distance societies strive to minimize these societal inequalities. The text examines the contrast between individuality and Bolshevism, emphasizing how society promotes either personal or collective success and relationships. In a society promoting individuality, interpersonal [ā€¦]

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Civilization Diversity Geert Hofstede Social Issues
The Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas Essay Example
1522 words 6 pages

Major differences between the U.S and Czech cultures There are many differences and incompatibilities between the U.S and Czech Republic cultures and if Steve needs to expand his business here in the Czech Republic he is going to have to consider the differences and take them into reflection in his business decision-making method. According to [ā€¦]

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Business Challenges Geert Hofstede Pizza Restaurant
The structural response of IBM Essay Example
558 words 3 pages

IBM has responded to structural changes by decentralizing and dividing its organization. The establishment of five independent divisions ā€“ mainframes, mini-computers, personal computers, telecommunications and new technology ā€“ has led to each division being responsible for their own product design, production, sales and profits. The ownership of a business determines its goals and operational procedures [ā€¦]

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Employment Geert Hofstede Ibm Outsourcing
Intercultural Cooperation Essay Example
326 words 2 pages

Dr Hofstede is the first psychologist who undertook the most wide-ranging analysis of how good values influenced by culture affect on the working condition of the workplace. As a psychologist working for one of the biggest multinational concerns, he chalked out a model, which enables us to differentiate cultures in the workplace with five primary [ā€¦]

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Cooperation Entrepreneurship Ethics Geert Hofstede
Mainframe market Essay Example
974 words 4 pages

Despite IBMā€™s dominance in the mainframe market, which was assisted by US government contracts and provision of supplies to major companies worldwide, the company failed to adapt to significant changes in other markets. The computer market has become increasingly diverse and has seen the emergence of numerous aggressive new players. These new players have enjoyed [ā€¦]

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Employment Geert Hofstede Market Organizational Culture
Global Leadership And Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Project Essay Example
5202 words 19 pages

Leadership has stimulated 1000s of research surveies for societal scientists for over 60 old ages ( Yukl, 2006 ) . More than four 100 definitions have been proposed to explicate the dimensions of leading ( Crainer, 1995 ; Fleishman et al. , 1991 ) , yet Crainer ( 1995 ) addressed that ā€˜it is a [ā€¦]

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Geert Hofstede Gender Leadership
Cultural characteristics as determinants of management behavior Essay Example
3274 words 12 pages

In the past decade, globalization and diversity have led to an increase in cross-border business. However, this type of business faces challenges from political, socio-economic, and cultural factors. National culture has become important in managing global operations, as research on multinational business strategies recognizes the significance of national cultural characteristics in determining management behavior. Culture [ā€¦]

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Behavior Geert Hofstede Management Research Science
The age of globalization Essay Example
3338 words 13 pages

In the age of globalisation and international enlargement. the constitution of trust as the cardinal basis needed for effectual cooperation and successful partnership. Successful partnerships and new ventures depend upon the integrating of internal formal and informal constituents and their interaction with the external environment. New market entry requires careful analysis of cultural values and [ā€¦]

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Canada Geert Hofstede Globalization Islam

Popular Questions About Geert Hofstede

What is Geert Hofstede model?
Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory is a framework for cross-cultural communication, developed by Geert Hofstede. It shows the effects of a society's culture on the values of its members, and how these values relate to behaviour, using a structure derived from factor analysis.
What was Geert Hofstede known for?
He has become known for pioneering research on national and organisational cultures. Hofstede originally identified four dimensions for defining work-related values associated with national culture: power distance, individualism, uncertainty avoidanceuncertainty avoidanceThe uncertainty avoidance dimension relates to the degree to which individuals of a specific society are comfortable with uncertainty and the unknown. When it comes to the tolerance of unpredictability, the areas which uncertainty avoidance deals with the most are technology, law, and religion.
What are Geert Hofstede's five cultural dimensions?
countries. He identified five dimensions or 'problem areas' which represent differences among national cultures (Hofstede, 1997): power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity and long-term orientation.
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