Dred Scott was an enslaved African American man in the United States who attempted to gain his freedom through legal action. He became a controversial figure in the history of slavery in America and he is remembered today as a symbol of the injustice of slavery and racial discrimination. Born into slavery, Dred Scott worked on numerous plantations throughout Missouri before eventually settling down with his wife Harriet Robinson Scott. In 1846, they filed a lawsuit against their owner, John Emerson ” seeking their freedom on grounds that they had been taken by Emerson into free states (Illinois and Minnesota). The case went all the way to the Supreme Court where it was decided that people of African descent were not citizens under the Constitution and therefore could not bring suit. This decision effectively denied them any chance for freedom through legal channels and reaffirmed Dred’s status as property. The Dred Scott case became one of the most significant events leading up to the Civil War because it highlighted how far apart North and South views were regarding slave rights. It also demonstrated how federal law can be used to oppress marginalized groups since slaves had no access to due process or protection from arbitrary laws that favored white slave owners over black freedmen even if those laws violated moral codes or Constitutional principles related to human dignity. The legacy of Dred Scott is still felt today in discussions about civil rights, race relations, justice reform and more; these issues have become increasingly important as our nation continues its journey towards equality for all Americans regardless of race or ethnicity. Despite being denied justice during his lifetime, Dred Scott’s story serves as an important reminder that this struggle must continue until everyone is treated with fairness under our law system regardless of race or other factors beyond their control.

The United States Supreme Court and Dred Scott Essay Example
307 words 2 pages

In 1857, the United States Supreme Court made a ruling in the Dred Scott case stating that Dred Scott should continue to be enslaved. The court’s reasoning behind this decision was that as a slave, he did not possess citizenship and therefore could not bring legal cases to federal courts. Chief Justice Rogers B. Taney […]

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Dred Scott Supreme Court
History of Race Relations Essay Example
1110 words 5 pages

Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) Facts of the Case In the case, slave Dred Scott argues the terms of being a slave and at the same time being free. According to him, regardless of whether an individual is a slave, as long as they enter a free state, then they cease to be a slave […]

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Dred Scott
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