Chemical Element Essay Examples
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In the periodic table, 80% of the elements are metals. Of the metals, aluminum is the most abundant in the earth’s crust. Aluminum is concentrated in the outer 10 miles (16 km) of the Earth’s crust, of which it constitutes about 8% by weight; it is exceeded in amount only by oxygen and silicon. 1 […]
Scientists and philosophers took many centuries to develop a precise atomic theory. Over a period of almost 2,000 years, there was a dearth of experiments conducted for verifying and endorsing the theories put forth by Democritus in the fifth century B.C. C. Greek philosopher. In 1803, John Dalton, who saw the atom as a small […]
In 1750, Rudder Bishopric challenged the theory that atoms were “uncountable” by proposing that atoms could contain smaller parts, leading down to fundamental building blocks of matter that must be geometric points with no size. Today, many atomic physicists accept this modern idea. In the late 1700s, French chemist Antoine Lavoisier revolutionized chemistry by interpreting […]
The s-block elements of the Periodic Table are those in which the last electron enters the outermost s-orbital. As the s-orbital can accommodate only two electrons, two groups (1 & 2) belong to the s-block of the Periodic Table. Group 1 of the Periodic Table consists of the elements: lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and […]
In any case, only one atomic mass can be an integer because of the difference in mass between a proton and neutron, and the fact that the sum of the particle masses for any isotope is not equal to the mass of the isotope. There are different isotopes of the elements. The atomic weight is […]
There are many ways to examine the subject of alchemy, including alchemy as a source of symbolism, psychology, and mysticism. It has also been an influence on the world view of various writers, artist, and musicians. The focus of this report is alchemy as a pre-chemistry, which gave a new impulse towards the preparation of […]
In this paper I will discuss the element called Radon. I will explain how and when this element was discovered, its’ physical characteristics, the natural environment of the element and the abundance in which it occurs. In addition, I will describe why Radon is important to humans, and other interesting facts related to this element.Radon […]
Objective: To determine experimentally the water of hydration for the hydrate Borax. Theory: In this experiment, we examined and found the water of hydration of the hydrate borax. Borax is derived from the element Boron, which is a metalloid chemical element with properties between those of carbon and aluminum(95CI). Boron is relatively rare, constituting only […]
By: Bill In our modern world, we rely on various chemical breakthroughs without even giving them a second thought. As I write this paper, I am utilizing the advancements made in chemistry. The American Chemical Society (ACS) is an organization consisting of over 150,000 chemists from academia and industry. Their published book, Your Chemical World, […]
Have you ever done the laundry and wondered what was in the detergent you use? Or if you watched a rocket launch into space have you wondered how it can even make it past earth? The answer to those questions is boron (B). Boron is a metalloid element with an atomic number of 5 and […]
I am pleased to announce that cobalt is a unique element with its own gum. While not relevant to my report, I enjoy its juicy, minty, and long-lasting flavor because it stimulates the senses. Moving forward, I will provide more information about cobalt, including its definition and origins. In 1739, Swedish chemist Georg Brandt aimed […]
Joseph Louis Proust was born on September 26, 1754 in Angers, France. Though there is not much information about his family, his father and Joachim, his brother, were pharmicists. Other than being a chemist, Joseph was a teacher at the Chemistry School in Segovia and at the University of Salamanca which were both in Spain. […]
Despite being a scarce gas on Earth, helium is plentiful in the universe. Its discovery was made by Pierre Janssen in 1868 as he examined the sun’s spectrum during an eclipse. Shortly after, it was identified as an element and named by Sir Edward Frankland and Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer. Helium’s atomic number is 2, […]
History of the Periodic Table The periodic table was founded during the 1800’s due to the contributions of three main scientists; John Newlands, Dmitri Mendeleev, and Henry Moseley. – In 1865, John Newlands proposed the ‘Law of Octaves’, which stated that every eighth element shared similar properties (eg. Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium). This allowed him […]
Gunfire residue (GSR) or firearm discharge residue (FDR) is composed of partially burned and unburned propellant powder. It consists of residues from the bullet’s force, the primer, cartridge instance, the firearm itself, and the pulverization from the propellant that are expelled from spreads in the gun’s working parts. Particles including atoms from the ammo primer, […]
Technetium is a chemical element with the symbol Tc and atomic number 43. It consists of 43 protons and has a mass number determined by its 55 neutrons, giving it a total of 98. Technetium is classified as a transition metal and belongs to the d-block in the periodic table. It can be found in […]