Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Argument.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Argument. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Argument on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Argument, and much more. Keep on reading!

Analysis of the Declaration of Independence Essay Example
1002 words 4 pages

As a testament of a nation’s democratic foundations, the Declaration of Independence is arguably the most significant document in American History. Penned by Thomas Jefferson and the parliamentary government at the time, the document persuasively argues for the separation of the united colonies of America from the rule of the British Monarch. The document is […]

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Argument Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson Truth
Wendell Berry Essay Example
988 words 4 pages

Wendell Berry’s essay on his view of computers was an interesting one that comes from an unpopular perspective. He used strong points about the cost of owning a computer, the toll strip mining has on the environment, and his wife’s important role in his life to identify the problems with computers. The writer could have […]

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Argument Children Personal Reason Writer
Populist Movement Thesis and Conclusion Essay Example
280 words 2 pages

Populism was one of the few phenomena to gain real national influence, thus creating many arguments between historians. Populism didn’t start off as an influential political movement. It started out with ranges getting together to try and change their local governments. This evolved into farmers trying to get the attention of the government, and finally […]

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Argument Political Science Tax thesis
The Main Theme of the Story Sister Imelda Essay Example
756 words 3 pages

In Sister Imelda there are many themes that could be presented as the “main theme” of the story, however, there is one point that stands above the rest. The main problem a reader has to address in Sister Imelda is whether or not Imelda is truly dedicated to her vocation as a sister or if […]

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Argument Reason Sister
Summary the Case of Torture Essay Example
567 words 3 pages

Dr. Michael Levin is a philosophy professor at the City University of New York. His areas of research interest include publications on metaphysics, epistemology, race, homosexuality, animal rights, the philosophy of archeology, the philosophy of logic, philosophy of language, and the philosophy of science. In his article “The Case for Torture” published by Newsweek in […]

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Argument Punishment Torture
A Flipped Classroom: Argument Analysis Essay Example
1008 words 4 pages

During class reviewing the three argumentative strategies, Classical, Toulmin, and Rogerian, each of them differed from one another. For this research project an article that seemed like a Classical argumentative style paper. Though it being Classical was fairly successful then again it could also pass for Toulmin’s argumentative style because of how the conclusion was […]

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Argument Classroom Education Science
True Philippine Independence Day Essay Example
406 words 2 pages

A column written in the year 1996 by a “media advocate and founder of the Media Breakfast Club (MBC)” – Bobby Reyes. First of all, I would like to question on how he could confidently and strongly accuse us Filipinos, for assuming June 12, 1898 as our Philippine Independence Day. When in fact in his […]

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Argument Philippines Philosophy Reason
Summary of Deborah Tannen’s the Argument Culture Essay Example
871 words 4 pages

Have we become a world that has forgotten how to listen and debate? Why are people so quick to argue? Everyone wants to prove their point these days. In “The Argument Culture,” Deborah Tannen discusses how today’s society no longer honors the noble American tradition of debate. She explains how we no longer want to […]

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Argument Creativity Truth War
Divorce in the Philippines Essay Example
2764 words 11 pages

The Divorce Bill, also referred to as House Bill 1799, has been under review by the House committee on revision of laws since July 27, 2010 in the Philippine Court. This contentious matter has sparked debates among lawyers, journalists, politicians, and religious leaders regarding its potential inclusion into the Family Code of the Philippine Constitution. […]

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Argument Divorce Marriage Philippines
Peer Review Analysis Essay Example
739 words 3 pages

Comments for Classmate 1: Summary/Response of “Down and Out in Discount America” This summary may be inadequate as it leaves out several ideas by Featherstone and does not address the crucial themes explored by the author. These themes include the connection between Wal-Mart’s target market and their cost-cutting strategy, both of which involve impoverished women. […]

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Argument Arithmetic Employment Law Logic Philosophy Poverty Social Science Walmart
The Analysis for Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Help the Poor Essay Example
820 words 3 pages

The Analysis for “Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Help the Poor” In the article “Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor”, the author Garrett Hardin raised the question that whether the rich countries should help people suffer from poverty. He claimed that the supporting strategies for the developing countries, including the World Food Bank […]

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Argument Developing Country Life Poverty
Danger of Diet Pills Research Essay Example
1320 words 5 pages

Weight loss supplements like diet pills have grown in popularity, but they also pose several questions: Are they safe? Do they deliver what they promise? Are the outcomes lasting? Robyn Melamed, in her piece “Health Controversy Surrounds Diet Pills,” aptly uses logos by providing hard facts, builds ethos with citations from reliable references, and engages […]

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Argument Diet Health Pharmaceutical industry Research
Letter From Birmingham Jail Analysis Analysis Essay Example
931 words 4 pages

Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” after an unjust proposal made by eight white clergymen. Their claims were to be that no Negro “outsider” should be allowed to establish or lead any protest and should leave them to their local neighborhoods. King replied directly to the clergymen, but used religious […]

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Argument Birmingham Christianity
Or not there should be a limit on immigration to the UK Essay Example
733 words 3 pages

Over the last few years there have been massive debates and arguments about whether or not there should be a limit on immigration to the U.K. Before you can make up your mind you should consider opinions on both sides of the argument. It is very difficult to make a choice that will keep both […]

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Argument Immigration Reason
How far are John Donne’s ‘The Flea’ and ‘The Message’ Essay Example
2135 words 8 pages

In the poems/sonnets, there is a shared opposition to love, but they target different types of love. ‘To His Coy Mistress’ and ‘The Flea’ criticize “romantic love” while endorsing “physical love”. Both poems center around a man’s efforts to court a woman who has vowed to abstain from sexual relations. During the 17th Century, when […]

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Argument John Donne Love Message To His Coy Mistress
Are Repressed Memories Valid Essay Example
938 words 4 pages

After reading both arguments, I came to two major conclusions: first, there seems to be inherent differences in what the experts were in fact debating; and secondly, in arguing whether or not repressed memories exist remains not only a possibility but an enigma of how little we still understand about the complexities of the mind. […]

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Argument Memories Psychological Trauma
Marketing Myopia – Critique Essay Example
942 words 4 pages

Critique “Marketing Myopia” Marketing Myopia is an article written in 1960 by Theodore Levitt. Levitt was a marketing professor at Harvard who has published many articles on the subject. This article; however, is no doubt his claim to fame as it has been extremely well read over the years. This is due in large part […]

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Argument Information Marketing
Brutes was a Tragic Hero Essay Example
1462 words 6 pages

Copy and paste the following text into a document or create a document that contains the same information. Using your essay in response to the unit’s writing prompt, complete the following steps to improve your essay. Brutes was a Tragic hero because he is a person of noble birth with heroic qualities. He was also […]

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Argument College Julius Caesar Reason
Is the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Antidemocratic Essay Example
1203 words 5 pages

When determining whether the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is democratic or antidemocratic, one may find trouble coming to a conclusion. Although the Charter does provide an underlying framework for legal standards, it has been interpreted in many different ways. Two Canadian University professors have chosen to share their opposing opinions on the matter. […]

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Argument Democracy Freedom Liberalism
Fallacious Argument Essay Example
1192 words 5 pages

1. Fallacious Arguments Considering the fallacies discussed in Chapter Four of An Introduction to Logic, construct three different arguments that display distinct fallacies. Give an explanation of why each makes a mistake in drawing the conclusion it does. Review your classmates’ examples and see if they, in fact, commit the fallacy identified. Before getting to […]

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Argument Narration Reason
Fallacies of Weak Induction Essay Example
403 words 2 pages

The fallacy occurs since the appeal is made to someone who is unqualified to give support. Example:Theistic physicist: Albert Einstein believed in the existence of God. Given Einstein’s incomparable intellectual stature in the scientific community, I must conclude that God actually does exist. And unless you, in your delusions of brilliance, think you’re smarter than […]

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Argument Business Energy Epistemology Food Logic Premise
Psychology and Multitasking Talent Essay Example
1000 words 4 pages

Issue Analysis Written Response: Multitasking Findings Multitasking is a common practice in today’s society where individuals of all genders attempt to efficiently accomplish tasks. Its impacts are similar to those caused by divided attention. Despite claims that there is a significant disparity in multitasking abilities between genders, researchers have found no evidence to support this. […]

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Argument Gender Psychology World Wide Web

Popular Questions About Argument

Which argument is valid?
An argument is valid if the truth of all its premises forces the conclusion to be true. An argument is valid if it would be inconsistent for all its premises to be true and its conclusion to be false. An argument is valid if its conclusion follows with certainty from its premises.
What is an example of an argument essay?
A thesis statement expresses the main point or argument of an essay. Examples of a thesis statement are typically in the format "A is B because C", such as "Racism [A] is immoral [B] because it is against human equality [C]".
What is an argument style?
Description. Using style in an argument goes beyond simple statement of facts and description of reason and logic. Style moves an argument in to the realms of aesthetics, seeking to touch emotions rather than just intellect. Above all, it makes best use of language.
What is an argument text?
An argument text is a text written about a subject, where the writer is either 'for' or 'against' the subject. Common argument texts written in primary school highlight the pros and cons of subjects such as zoos, school uniform or the use of computer tablets in education. Children study and write argument texts in Key Stage 2.
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