Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Argument.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Argument. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Argument on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Argument, and much more. Keep on reading!

Inductive vs Deductive Arguments Essay Example
337 words 2 pages

Inductive versus Deductive Arguments – can concepts of (strength and cogency) and (validity and soundness) be used interchangeably? Unlike deductive arguments, inductive arguments are not truth preserving. That is, even if an inductive argument has a good logical form, it will never be the case that if the premises are true, the conclusion must be […]

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Argument Mathematics Methodology Truth
Compare and Contrast the Cosmological and Ontological Arguments Essay Example
282 words 2 pages

“Why do I exist? What created the universe? Does God exist? ” Questions which have challenged philosophers for many years. The Cosmological and Ontological arguments attempt to answer these questions. Through this essay I hope to explore the methodology and formation of the arguments in their early stages, and their development through the years. I […]

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Argument Contrast Reason Truth
What Can Be Concluded From The Teleological Argument Essay Example
1967 words 8 pages

The Design Argument, also referred to as the teleological argument, posits that the world is not a haphazard product of randomness but rather an expertly crafted creation by a supreme creator. Paley identifies this mastermind as God who falls under classical theism’s categories of being “all-loving,” “all-powerful,” and “all-knowing.” Throughout the discourse, one can observe […]

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Argument Epistemology God Science
Argument as Inquiry Essay Example
594 words 3 pages

“Sometimes the purpose of an argument is to generate truth, which will then resonate with an audience and be persuasive, but persuasion is the by-product and not the goal” (Weeblog). As a society, the importance of communication and the never ending search for truth has motivated great scholars and thinkers alike to express their ideas […]

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Argument Database Reason Truth
The Design Argument For The Existence Of God Essay Example
1394 words 6 pages

1) Outline the Design Argument for the existence of GodThe Design Argument for the existence of God also called the teleological argument makes the basic assumption that there is order and design in our universe, which everything fits together and all things function to fulfil a specific purpose. The key idea associated with design arguments […]

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Argument Design Epistemology Metaphysics
Should a Price Be Put on the Goods and Services Provided by the World’s Ecosystems Essay Example
886 words 4 pages

The issue within these opposing arguments is on the externalities the environment is facing and the issue of whether or not a priced should be put on the goods and services provided by the world’s ecosystems is focused upon. According to these two arguments, undisturbed ecosystems do many things that benefit us.However the initial argument […]

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Argument Natural Environment Service
Where Have the Good Men Gone by Kay Hymowitz Essay Example
971 words 4 pages

Kay Hymowitz’s article – “Where have the Good Men Gone? ” – that has been posted on the Wallstreet Journal caught many of the readers’ attention, regarding its rather myopic and exaggerated point of view towards the average American men after their adolescence. Hymowitz blatantly states that these men with impaired judgement are in a […]

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Adolescence Argument Men Stereotypes
Compare and contrast the attempts at seduction in To His Coy Mistress and The Flea Essay Example
1751 words 7 pages

Despite sharing the goal of seducing an unresponsive love interest, To His Coy Mistress and The Flea employ distinct approaches to accomplish their objectives. The focus of the speaker in To His Coy Mistress is mainly on time, along with the physical appearance of his mistress. On the other hand, the speaker in The Flea […]

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Argument Poetry To His Coy Mistress
The Teleological Argument Essay Example
1125 words 5 pages

The aim of the teleological argument like so many others is to attempt to prove the existence of God or another ‘Being’ that created the world. This argument is a posteriori meaning that it is based on experience and also inductive meaning that there is no certainty in the outcome. This means that this argument […]

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Argument Metaphysics Science
The Internet should, or should not, be regulated Essay Example
2640 words 10 pages

In this essay I will take the view point that the Internet should not be regulated. I intend to construct a coherent and logical argument based on a chain of premises. I will state each of my premises and give sensible reasons as to why the premises is valid while giving an example to act […]

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Argument Internet Reason
formation of new governing technologies and productions of new norms Essay Example
1003 words 4 pages

In “Formation of new governing technologies and productions of new norms: the danger of preschool voucher discourses,” I-Fang Lee explores the advantages and disadvantages of emerging forms of governance. Lee’s observations are supplemented by the illustration of the utilization of preschool vouchers in Taiwan and Hong-Kong, which highlights the unfavorable implications of recent governing technologies. […]

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Argument Children Education Information Kindergarten Special Education Theory
Desision Support Systems Essay Example
3226 words 12 pages

In recent years, computer technology has been integrated with formal argumentation models to aid in human decision-making. However, this integration raises conceptual and social-ethical questions that still need to be addressed. This article examines these questions by focusing on two current proposals for computer-mediated argumentation and decision-making, specifically assessing substantive quality, inclusiveness, and noncoerciveness in […]

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Argument Database Negotiation Truth
The Problem of Evil according to Plantiga Essay Example
294 words 2 pages

Argument: Premises: 1. God exists, is omnipotent, omniscient, and wholly good 2. The tsunami caused people to suffer 3. An omniscient and omnipotent good being prevents any suffering that it can properly eliminate (that is, eliminate any suffering without eliminating an outweighing good or bringing about a greater evil) that it knows about 4. An […]

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Argument Evil God Metaphysics Problems
Style and Analysis Essay for Soldier
715 words 3 pages

John Ruskin, an English critic of art and society, wrote a passage arguing that we should be giving precedence to the soldier rather than to the merchant or manufacturer. In today’s world many people debate about who deserves to be emphasized in society. Ruskin’s argument is invalid because of his use of generalization, false dilemma, […]

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Argument Ethics Soldiers
Ethos, Pathos, Logos Kings Letter to Birmingham Essay Example
810 words 3 pages

Ethos, Pathos & Logos in “The Letter from Birmingham Jail” Some varieties of inspiration come as passionate love while others appeal as injustice as did Martin Luther King in his “Letter from Birmingham Jail. ” Martin Luther King Jr. effectively crafted his counter argument by first directly addressing his audience, the clergymen, and then using […]

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Argument Ethics Ethos Human Rights
Summary This Essay Is A Summary
46 words 1 page

In William L. Rowe’s paper “The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism” he sets out to accomplish two main goals. The first goal is directed toward theists, while the second attempts to reach the very wellspring of an atheist’s heart.

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Argument Atheism Truth
Response Paper Mccloskey Article Analysis Essay Example
38 words 1 page

In his article, McCloskey examines the concept of God’s existence and how theists often rely on specific “proofs” to support their belief in a higher power. He respectfully challenges these proofs in his scholarly critique.

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Argument Atheism God Research Papers
Affinity argument Essay Example
50 words 1 page

Socrates and Plato discussed the nature of afterlife in the “Phaedo” dialogue. Among four arguments he proposes in the dialogue there is a so-called affinity argument, which later transformed into one of the basic paradigms of western religious philosophy and world-view. The affinity argument concerns immortality of soul.

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Argument Epistemology Metaphysics
Mintzberg’s ideas Essay Example
715 words 3 pages

Henry Mintzberg, in, ‘The Managers Job: Folklore and Fact,” argues that the classic view of what a managers job entails is seriously flawed. Mintzberg examines the reality of a managers work and convincingly backs up his conclusions with a breadth of research into the tasks undertaken by a variety of managers. His argument is a […]

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Argument Evidence Project Management Science The real Theory
Rhetorical Analysis on Kennedy Steel Speech Essay Example
678 words 3 pages

In John F. Kennedy’s speech calling for stable steel prices, many methods are used to persuade. Kennedy uses logos, diction, and rhetorical modes as means to provoke action in his audience. Throughout JFK’s speech logos is poured into it. There is an obvious logical connection that strengthens the argument. In the third paragraph Kennedy gives […]

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Argument Epistemology John F. Kennedy Rhetoric
Gen Y is from Mercury Essay Example
409 words 2 pages

After reading the article “Gen Y is from Mercury” the first thing that came to my mind was how the author uses mature reasoning. Mature reasoning is characterized by well thought out reasons and rhetoric. In order to be a mature reasoned, the author must know exactly what he is arguing about and be able […]

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Argument Education Generation Reason Research
“Thinking Outside the Idiot Box” vs. “Watching TV Makes You Smarter” Essay Example
911 words 4 pages

Television, also referred to as TV, the boob tube, or the idiot box, has been a long-standing presence in our society for nearly a century. While opinions vary regarding its impact, an ongoing debate revolves around whether it diminishes mental acuity or fosters cognitive growth. Since the introduction of cable TV in the 1950s, concerns […]

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Argument Brain Movies Philosophy Television

Popular Questions About Argument

Which argument is valid?
An argument is valid if the truth of all its premises forces the conclusion to be true. An argument is valid if it would be inconsistent for all its premises to be true and its conclusion to be false. An argument is valid if its conclusion follows with certainty from its premises.
What is an example of an argument essay?
A thesis statement expresses the main point or argument of an essay. Examples of a thesis statement are typically in the format "A is B because C", such as "Racism [A] is immoral [B] because it is against human equality [C]".
What is an argument style?
Description. Using style in an argument goes beyond simple statement of facts and description of reason and logic. Style moves an argument in to the realms of aesthetics, seeking to touch emotions rather than just intellect. Above all, it makes best use of language.
What is an argument text?
An argument text is a text written about a subject, where the writer is either 'for' or 'against' the subject. Common argument texts written in primary school highlight the pros and cons of subjects such as zoos, school uniform or the use of computer tablets in education. Children study and write argument texts in Key Stage 2.
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