African American culture is one of the most vibrant and influential cultures in the United States. African Americans have a long and rich history that has shaped their current lifestyle, values, beliefs, and traditions. This culture is something special, unique, and beautiful that can be seen all over the country.The beginnings of African American culture began when enslaved Africans were brought to America from West Africa during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Through this period, African Americans maintained many of their ancestral customs as well as adopting some cultural influences from Europeans who had previously colonized North America. These influences included spiritual practices such as voodoo (or hoodoo), music styles like jazz and blues, dance forms like tap dancing or the jig which originated with Irish immigrants in New Orleans ,and culinary delights such as gumbo or red beans & rice. African Americans also developed their own language called Gullah which was derived from English words combined with various West African languages like Fon or Yoruba dialects. Language is an important part of any culture because it allows people to communicate effectively across generations while maintaining a sense of identity within a community ” even if they are geographically separated by thousands of miles. Gullah continues to be spoken today among certain communities in South Carolina and Georgia islands near Charleston Harbor where early slaves first settled after being brought over from Africa centuries ago . In addition to language, art plays another important role for African Americans by providing an outlet for creative expression through visual works depicting historical events like slavery or everyday life experiences such as joyous family gatherings at church celebrations on Sunday mornings . Art forms include everything from painting murals on buildings to creating intricate quilts made out old fabric scraps sewn together with colorful thread patterns”allowing artists both past present tell stories about life’s struggles triumphs without having speak single word. Music has always been deeply integrated into Black culture too since its power transcends language barriers enabling everyone around world connect emotionally no matter what background they come from . Overall there much admire appreciate about vibrant rich tradition African American Culture here go far beyond just few examples mentioned above It truly unique way living that so inspiring should take time recognize celebrate each day.

Cultural Appropriation of African American Essay Example
1803 words 7 pages

Introduction In the recent past, there have been numerous protests by minority communities complaining about the theft of their cultures by the more dominant cultures. These accusations of cultural appropriation range from African-American rappers accusing white rappers as copying their cultures to sports teams using icons from cultures and religions that they are not believers. […]

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African American Culture Cultural Appropriation
African American Immigrants From a Functionalist and Conflict Perspective Essay Example
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For many years and as the American history points out, African American immigration has become one of the greatest debates. African American immigration has faced critics in the social economical and most importantly, the political era (Swain, 2007). The large African American population has always influenced and contributed towards the overarching debate over the role […]

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African American Culture Atlantic Slave Trade
Black Aesthetics Essay
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As a mother and future African American physician, The African American Literature course has given me a deeper understanding of the values of African American culture and the importance that I continue to embrace in African American pride. To understand and value the uniqueness of the African American culture, we must acknowledge the journey that […]

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African American Culture Atlantic Slave Trade
Exploring the Complexity of Depicting Culture, Ethnicity and Race in Media
885 words 4 pages

Introduction Television and movies often portray culture, ethnicity, and race in ways that can harm certain groups. Each culture has unique characteristics that make it special, but these features can be shown in TV shows and films in a way that reinforces stereotypes or discrimination. Popular culture elements like Hip-hop music have been modified to […]

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African American Culture
Hughes and The Ways of White Folks Essay Example
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Introduction The work basically talks about racism and it affects people, also reveals who black people perceived the white according to Langston Hughes. Definition of the “whiteness” by Langston Hughes and Du Bois. The black thinks that white people are generally bad characters and if there are those who are genuinely good, then they are […]

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African American Culture
Race in the 18th and 19th Centuries Essay Example
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Race is referred to as a group of people united based on common history, nationality and geographic distribution for instance the Africans and the Whites. The whites and Negros differed because they had different colors. The whites viewed themselves as more superior than Negros. This led to emergence of historians with different arguments on how […]

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African American African American Culture Atlantic Slave Trade
Black Art Poem Essay Example
2019 words 8 pages

Introduction In literature there are many of the articles in American history that talk about the given issue of racism, the racial identities of the people and given race as a common concept. One of the literally concepts and works that speak about the above concepts is the poem by Amiri Baraka “Black Art”. This […]

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African American Culture
African-American Art History Essay Example
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Introduction With the trending technology impacting on every aspect of life, the tangible forms of the creative art can seem devalued. Nevertheless, that has not hindered some of the African-American visual artists from honing their craft, generating profit and creating cutting edge artwork. Among some of the famous African-American visual artist are Patrick Earl Hammie, […]

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African American African American Culture
The Impacts of the Black Slaves on America and its Culture Essay Example
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Introduction The enslaved Africans who were brought to America made significant contributions to American culture and lifestyle. They introduced crops, new words, music, and artistic works. The transportation of these individuals across the Atlantic also brought new cultures, languages, worldviews, and artistic works to the New World. Furthermore, they shared advanced farming techniques in cultivating […]

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African American Culture
Cultural Exchange and Cultural Appropriation of African Americans Essay Example
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Cultural exchange and cultural appropriation have been subjects of wide academic discourse especially in multi ethnic nations such as the United States (Lewis, 2007). People from hundreds of different ethnic backgrounds make up the nation’s population, as such they would often interact with each other’s culture resulting in cultural exchange or appropriation. Growing up in […]

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African American Culture
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