EDUC 413 Midterm – Flashcards

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Before IDEA, students with disabilities where often denied which of the following? a) Parental support b) Access to medical assistance c) Access to public education d) Access to institutions
c) Access to public education
Which of the following is true about a full-inclusion model? a) The student spends part of the day in the general education classroom and part in the resource room b) The student spends the entire day in the resource room c) The student does not need any support services d) The student's needs are met entirely in the general education classroom
d) The student's needs are met entirely in the general education classroom
Diana v. State Board of Education, (1970); PARC v. Commonwealth of PA (1972); and Larry P. v. Riles (1977) influenced the drafting of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and addressed the issue of a) Zero reject b) Expulsions c) Nondiscriminatory assessment d) Out-of-state schooling
a) Zero reject
Which of the following court cases determined that "separate-but-equal" education is illegal? a) Honing v. Doe, (1988) b) Diana v. State Board of Education, (1970) c) Brown v. Board of Education, (1954) d) Larry P. v. Riles, (1977)
c) Brown v. Board of Education, (1954)
All of the following are disability categories under IDEA EXCEPT a) At risk students b) Autism c) Other health impairment d) Traumatic brain injury
a) At risk students
Students with other learning needs that are not served under IDEA include which of the following? a) At risk b) Gifted and talented c) Culturally and linguistically diverse d) All of the above
d) All of the above
Which is NOT a disability category served under IDEA? a) Autism b) Emotional Disturbance c) Deaf-Blindness d) Linguistically Diverse
d) Linguistically Diverse
The law passed in 1975 that first established rights of students with disabilities to a free, appropriate public education is called which of the following? a) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act b) The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142) c) The Americans with Disabilities Act d) The Regular Education Initiative
b) The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142)
IDEA contains all of the following provisions EXCEPT a) Nondiscriminatory testing b) Education in the least restrictive environment c) IEPs for college students d) Mandated transition planning
c) IEPs for college students
In order to meet the needs of an infant or toddler with disabilities, the results of an evaluation are used to develop an a) IEP b) ITP c) ISP d) IFSP
The movement suggesting that all students with disabilities be placed and served in the general education classroom regardless of severity or type of disability is called which of the following? a) The full-inclusion movement b) The regular education initiative c) The least restrictive environment d) The continuum of services
a) The full-inclusion movement
When IDEA was reauthorized in December 2004 what was the new abbreviation and title given to this amended legislation? a) IDEAS Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act Services b) IDEAL Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act Legislation c) IDEIA Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act d) IFSP Individualized Family Services Plan
c) IDEIA Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
Supporters of the full-inclusion movement argue that a) All special needs students should be educated in the general education setting b) Only students with learning disabilities will benefit from full inclusion c) Full inclusion is a civil right d) Special needs students should be taught by a special education teacher only
c) Full inclusion is a civil right
Supporters the continuum of services argue all of the following EXCEPT a) A continuum of service option is necessary b) General education teachers are fully prepared and qualified to teach special needs students c) The general education classroom may be stigmatizing d) General education classrooms may not have sufficient resources
b) General education teachers are fully prepared and qualified to teach special needs students
The availability of a range of services and programs for special needs students is commonly called a) The inclusive classroom b) The resource room c) The regular education initiative d) The continuum of services
d) The continuum of services
Legislation that includes provisions for students with special needs includes all of the following EXCEPT a) The Equal Access Act b) Americans with Disabilities Act c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act d) Vocational Rehabilitation Act
a) The Equal Access Act
A plan that includes vocational, college, community, or employment options for a student 14 years and older is called a/an a) Individualized Education Plan b) Individualized Transition Plan c) Individualized Family Service Plan d) 504 Plan
b) Individualized Transition Plan
All of the following are provisions of IDEA EXCEPT a) Zero reject b) Due process c) Free, appropriate education d) Provision of all needed resources
d) Provision of all needed resources
There were several amendments to IDEA in 2004. One of the amendments requires that "If the behavior was related to the disability, a functional behavior assessment and behavior intervention plan be completed for the child". Which amendment is being described above? a) Contents of the IEP b) Discipline c) Identification of learning disabilities d) Accommodations and alternative assessments
b) Discipline
A student who speaks English as a second language is tested for special education placement on an English version of a placement test. This situation would be inconsistent with which provision of IDEA? a) Zero reject b) Nondiscriminatory assessment c) Parent participation d) Individualized education
b) Nondiscriminatory assessment
Which of the following is NOT a major component of the Americans with Disabilities Act? a) Employers may not discriminate on the basis of disability b) New buses must be made accessible c) State and local governments may not discriminate d) Public bathrooms must have an aide to help the disabled
d) Public bathrooms must have an aide to help the disabled
Least restrictive environment means which of the following? a) Educating all students with disabilities in the general education classroom b) Educating all students with disabilities in a self-contained classroom c) Educating all students with disabilities in special schools d) Educating all students with disabilities in the most appropriate setting to meet their needs
d) Educating all students with disabilities in the most appropriate setting to meet their needs
The No Child Left Behind Act has implications for special education students. These implications include which of the following? a) Students will reach Adequate Yearly Progress b) Students will achieve all IEP goals and objectives c) Students will read on grade level d) Students will not be retained in a grade
a) Students will reach Adequate Yearly Progress
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is a reauthorization of which of the following acts? a) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act b) Elementary and Secondary Education Act c) Americans with Disabilities Act d) Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973
b) Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The pull-out model provides which of the following services? a) Students are pulled out for gym class b) Students are pulled out for therapy c) Students are pulled out for special education instruction d) Students are pulled out for IEP meetings
c) Students are pulled out for special education instruction
Which of the following is NOT included as a related service under IDEA? a) Physical therapy b) Transportation c) Free/reduced lunch programs d) Occupational therapy
c) Free/reduced lunch programs
The need for more planning time, additional training, additional resources, and specialized instructional materials for inclusion of students with disabilities is most commonly reported by which of the following? a) General education teachers b) Special education teachers c) Speech therapists d) Principals
a) General education teachers
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142) is now known as which of the following? a) The Americans with Disabilities Act b) The Regular Education Initiative c) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) d) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
c) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
All of the following are on the continuum of services except a) home school b) general education without support c) special education school d) self-contained classroom
a) home school
Which of the following is NOT an argument of proponents of full inclusion? a) Full inclusion is beneficial b) Full inclusion reduces stigmata c) Full inclusion is a civil rights d) Full inclusion makes the continuum necessary
d) Full inclusion makes the continuum necessary
Which of the following is the most common higher-incidence disability? a. Speech or language impairment b. Learning disability c. Intellectual Disabilities d. Emotional disturbance
b. Learning disability
What percentage of students ages 6-21 are those with higher-incidence disabilities of all students with disabilities? a. 65% b. 75% c. 80% d. 95%
c. 80%
Examples of voice disorders include all but which of the following: a. A hoarse voice b. A nasal voice c. A breathy voice d. An accented voice
d. An accented voice
Articulation disorders are characterized by which of the following? a. Difficulty pronouncing words b. Spitting c. Swearing d. Stuttering
a. Difficulty pronouncing words
Difficulty in language comprehension, phonology, syntax, or pragmatics are characteristic of disorders of a. Speech b. Articulation c. Fluency d. Language
d. Language
What is a word to describe the grammatical structure of language that is concerned with word order and noun-verb agreement? a. Semantics b. Pragmatics c. Aphasia d. Syntax
d. Syntax
What is the cause of stuttering? a. A cleft palate b. Infection of the adenoid glands as an infant c. A hypertrophic prefrontal lobe of the brain d. Unknown
d. Unknown
Unaided communication is seen in all of the following EXCEPT a. Manual signing b. Making gestures c. Using a picture board d. Pointing
c. Using a picture board
Which of the following is NOT an example of assistive technology? a. Speech activated computers b. A picture board c. Sign language d. A stick to point with
c. Sign language
Which of the following will facilitate an answer from a student who stutters? a. Calling on them early in the class period b. Finishing their answer for them c. Making an example of them when they answer incorrectly d. Showering them with excessive praise when they answer correctly
a. Calling on them early in the class period
The term learning disability is a general one referring to what? a. A group of learning problems b. Any student who needs accommodations c. Any problem that keeps a student from performing well d. Students who are mentally retarded, but not gifted
a. A group of learning problems
What percentage of students requiring special education services are classified as having learning disabilities? a. 29.5% b. 39.3% c. 44.6% d. 59.7%
c. 44.6%
Which of the following is NOT a term used to refer to specific learning disabilities? a. Dyslexia b. Dyscalculia c. Dysgraphia d. Dysmedia
d. Dysmedia
All of the following have been suggested as possible causes of learning disabilities EXCEPT a. Genetics b. Environment c. Nutrition d. Low self-esteem
d. Low self-esteem
Students with learning disabilities may exhibit problems in which of the following areas? a. Phonemic awareness b. Language and literacy c. Attention and memory d. Only A and B e. All of these
e. All of these
What is metacognition? a. Learning about learning b. Understanding general concepts before specific ones c. Intuition d. Subconscious learning
a. Learning about learning
About what percentage of students served under IDEA are classified as intellectually disabled? a. 9% b. 15% c. 20% d. 25%
a. 9%
What is another term for intellectual disabilities? a. Mental deficiency b. Mentally handicapped c. Slow d. A and B e. All of these
d. A and B
The American Association of Mental Retardation uses what criteria for classifying an individual as intellectual disabled? a. IQ below 100 b. IQ below 80 c. IQ below 55 d. The classification system is not based on IQ
d. The classification system is not based on IQ
Down syndrome is caused by which of the following? a. An extra chromosome b. A lack of oxygen at birth c. Eating an excessive amount of lead paint during the first year d. Metabolic time bombs in the body
a. An extra chromosome
What is the gender ratio of boys to girls in the emotional disturbance category? a. 3.5 to 1 b. Equal ratio c. 8 to 1 d. 5 to 1
a. 3.5 to 1
Depression, social withdrawal, self-mutilation, and excessive fears are characteristics of which of the following? a. Down syndrome b. Emotional disturbance c. Schizophrenia d. Intellectual disabilities
b. Emotional disturbance
Which of the following is NOT a possible cause for emotional disturbance? a. Genes b. Peer pressure c. Cruel teachers d. Video games
d. Video games
According to research student with emotional disorders may function how many years below grade level in reading, math, writing, and spelling? a. 1 year b. 2 years c. 3 years d. 4 years
b. 2 years
Individuals with emotional disturbances may be provided with all of the following general accommodations EXCEPT? a. Behavioral contracts b. Open and accepting environments c. Positive attribution training d. ACC devices
d. ACC devices
Teaching students to monitor their own behavior is a strategy recommended for what disability? a. Down syndrome b. Emotional behavioral c. Learning disabilities d. A and B e. All of these
d. A and B
Which of the following is NOT an adaptation the classroom teacher can make in the classroom? a. The physical environment b. The materials c. The type of clothing students wear d. Help the students focus
c. The type of clothing students wear
According to Kauffman & Landrum (2009) what percentage range of all school-age children may have ADHD? a. 1% to 2% b. 2% to 3% c. 3% to 5% d. 6% to 8%
c. 3% to 5%
For a student to be diagnosed as ADHD, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) suggests the symptomatic behavior must be present for a minimum of how long and must be present before what age to warrant a classification? a. 6 months and present before age 7 b. 12 months and present before age 5 c. 18 months and present before age 7 d. 6 months and present before age 5
a. 6 months and present before age 7
You have a student with ADHD in your class who has trouble blurting out answers instead of raising his hand to be called upon. Since you are working on hand-raising and waiting to be called upon before speaking with this student which of the following would be an example of an antecedent you could use? a. Sneaking up behind the student and whispering his name. b. Calling only on those who raise their hands. c. Ignoring the student when he blurts out the answer. d. Asking a question related to the instruction.
d. Asking a question related to the instruction.
Lower-incidence disabilities can be present at birth or acquired later in life. The terms used to describe these two conditions are which of the following? a. Birth-related and accidental b. Congenital and adventitious c. Birth-related and adventitious d. Congenital and accidental
b. Congenital and adventitious
Lower-incidence disabilities include all of the following EXCEPT a. Visual Impairments b. Hearing Impairments c. Autism d. Learning Disabilities
d. Learning Disabilities
Orthopedic impairments involve damage to which of the following? a. Skeletal system b. Head trauma c. Nervous system d. Cardiovascular system
a. Skeletal system
Physical disabilities are frequently referred to by the affected parts of the body. These designations include a. Quadriplegia b. Paraplegia c. Hemiplegia d. All of these e. None of these
d. All of these
Common physical disabilities include which of the following? a. Cerebral palsy b. Spina bifida c. Muscular dystrophy d. A and C e. All of these
e. All of these
The disability category which includes AIDS, cancer, asthma, and fetal alcohol syndrome is called a. Physical disabilities b. Medical disabilities c. Other health impaired d. None of these
c. Other health impaired
Traumatic brain injury may result in which of the following difficulties? a. Physical b. Cognitive c. Attention and memory d. All of these e. None of these
d. All of these
Traumatic brain injury is often caused by which of the following? a. Congenital birth defects b. Falls c. Infections d. Causes are unknown
b. Falls
Approximately what percentage of boys and girls will sustain a traumatic brain injury before reaching the age of 16? a. 4% of boys and 2.5% of girls b. 3% of boys and 1% of girls c. 2% of boys and 3% of girls d. 2.5% of boys and 4% of girls
a. 4% of boys and 2.5% of girls
Fetal alcohol syndrome can result in which type of developmental disability? a. Intellectual disabilities b. Spina bifida c. It does not cause disabilities d. Alcohol abuse
a. Intellectual disabilities
HIV can be transmitted to an infant through which of the following? a. Saliva b. Kissing c. Unwashed hands d. Breast milk
d. Breast milk
Medication schedules, medication side effects, first aid and emergency procedures, and parent communication should all be elements of a. School nurse's notes b. IEP c. Classroom medical/emergency procedures d. Behavior management plan
c. Classroom medical/emergency procedures
Students with physical disabilities or other health impairments may experience fatigue. These students can be helped by which of the following? a. Frequent breaks b. Prioritized daily schedules c. Shortened school day d. All of these e. None of these
d. All of these
If a child is having a seizure, you should do all of the following EXCEPT a. Help the student to the floor b. Tilt the head to the side c. Hold their tongue d. Put a blanket or pillow under their head
c. Hold their tongue
When adapting instruction for students with special needs, teachers should consider which of the following? a. Schedule extra reading, studying, and instructional time b. Give extra time to respond to questions c. Excuse them from classroom work d. A and B e. All of these
c. Excuse them from classroom work
Individuals are considered legally blind if their visual acuity is _____ or less even with corrective lenses, and partially sighted if their visual acuity is _____. a. 20/100 and 20/80 b. 20/200 and 20/100 c. 20/20 and 20/40 d. 20/200 and 20/70
d. 20/200 and 20/70
Students with severe visual impairments may rely on auditory and _________________ senses rather than visual sense. a. Olfactory b. Taste c. Tactile d. Mobility
c. Tactile
Some students with visual impairments engage in repetitive stereotypic behaviors such as head weaving or body rocking. These behaviors can be addressed through which of the following? a. Special seating b. Reinforcement c. Behavior plans d. One-to-one aide
b. Reinforcement
When making classroom adaptations for students with visual impairments, teachers should consider which of the following? a. Ensure that the classroom has clear and open walkways b. Devise and teach procedures for emergency response c. Assign peer assistants to help the student during emergency evacuations d. All of these e. None of these
d. All of these
Keeping aisles clear, familiarizing the student with the room arrangement, notifying the student of changes made, and planning for extra equipment for reading large print materials are all ways of adapting _________________ for a student who is visually impaired. a. Printed materials b. The physical environment c. Lesson plans d. Assistive technology
b. The physical environment
Children who are born deaf have a congenital hearing loss that is called which of the following? a. Prenatal b. Postnatal c. Prelingual d. Postlingual
c. Prelingual
Causes of hearing impairments include all of the following EXCEPT a. Poor nutrition b. Hereditary c. Prenatal infections d. Ear infections
a. Poor nutrition
Using technology such as adapted phone equipment, FM sound systems, computer-assisted instruction, and the internet are all adaptations for students with which of the following disabilities? a. Learning disabilities b. Visual impairments c. Intellectual disabilities d. Hearing impairments
d. Hearing impairments
When modifying testing and evaluation for students with hearing impairments, which of the following would be beneficial? a. Whole group testing b. Performance-based assessment c. Oral presentations d. Written responses
b. Performance-based assessment
Approximately what percentage of school-age children are identified as having autism? a. .30% b. .21% c. .50% d. 1.00%
b. .21%
A disability which may include difficulty with communication, self-stimulating behaviors, bizarre speech patterns, disruptive behavior, and self-injury is which of the following? a. Learning disabilities b. Cerebral palsy c. Autism d. Behavior problems
c. Autism
To create an environment in which a student with autism feels comfortable, teachers should consider a. Predictable schedule of daily activities b. A pattern of events c. Class routines d. All of these e. None of these
d. All of these
These strategies for working with children with autism involve the use of reinforcement and carefully recording student's behaviors on charts to aid in making decisions. a. Social stories b. Direct Instruction c. Applied behavior analysis d. None of the above
c. Applied behavior analysis
Self-help skills, communication skills, functional academics, daily living skills, and recreation and social skills are all areas of instruction for which of the following? a. All elementary children b. Students with severe and multiple disabilities c. Gifted students d. High school students
b. Students with severe and multiple disabilities
Primary adaptations for students with severe and multiple disabilities include all of the following EXCEPT a. Grade level reading b. Alternative communication c. Allowing additional time to complete activities d. Handling instructional materials
a. Grade level reading
Scope and sequence, objectives, curriculum, and pacing are all important elements of which of the following? a. Assessment b. Lesson plans c. IEPs d. Content coverage
d. Content coverage
Academic engaged time, teacher presentation, practice activities, review, and formative evaluation are all important components of which of the following? a. Assessment b. Lesson plans c. Delivering instruction d. Content coverage
c. Delivering instruction
Objectives specify which of the following? a. What is being taught b. Conditions under which a student's performance will be assessed c. Expected level of achievement d. A and B e. All of these
e. All of these
The breadth and depth of content and the order in which the content will be presented is called which of the following? a. Scope and sequence b. Lesson plans c. Assessment d. Content coverage
a. Scope and sequence
Presenting curriculum in a dynamic manner that is appropriate for each learner is called which of the following? a. Scope and sequence b. Differentiated Instruction c. Lesson Plans d. Content coverage
b. Differentiated Instruction
Distinguishing between "p" and "q" or a "b" and "d" is an example of which type of learning? a. Factual b. Rule c. Discrimination d. Procedural
c. Discrimination
Acquisition, fluency, application, and generalization are types of a. Teaching presentations b. Learning c. Assessment d. Levels of learning
d. Levels of learning
A student answering 9 out of 10 correct when asked to list 10 letters of the alphabet is an example of which level of learning? a. Acquisition b. Fluency c. Application d. Generalization
b. Fluency
The ability to transfer previous learning to new situations is called a. Acquisition b. Fluency c. Application d. Generalization
d. Generalization
Using learned skills or content to relevant contexts is called which of the following? a. Acquisition b. Fluency c. Application d. Generalization
c. Application
A combination of accuracy criteria with a specified amount of time is called which of the following? a. Acquisition b. Fluency c. Application d. Generalization
b. Fluency
A student pointing to a correct answer and responding to matching, true/false, or multiple choice test formats is using which strategy? a. Identifying information learned b. Generalizing information learned c. Producing information learned d. Applying information learned
a. Identifying information learned
Writing, saying, computing, orally spelling, and exhibiting are all example of which of the following? a. Identifying information learned b. Generalizing information learned c. Producing information learned d. Applying information learned
c. Producing information learned
During teacher presentations, if students are actively listening, taking notes, outlining, and asking for clarification they are demonstrating a. On-task teacher behavior b. Off-task teacher behavior c. Off-task student behavior d. On-task student behavior
d. On-task student behavior
Tardiness, daydreaming, attending to inappropriate material, asking irrelevant questions, or interacting inappropriately with peers or instructional materials are examples of a. On-task teacher behavior b. Off-task teacher behavior c. Off-task student behavior d. On-task student behavior
c. Off-task student behavior
Making statements which are directly relevant to the lesson, questioning and giving feedback directly relevant to the lesson, and demonstrating and modeling concepts relevant to the lesson are examples of which of the following? a. On-task teacher behavior b. Off-task teacher behavior c. Off-task student behavior d. On-task student behavior
a. On-task teacher behavior
Making irrelevant digressions, not having student materials prepared, or allowing longer transitions than necessary are examples of which of the following? a. On-task teacher behavior b. Off-task teacher behavior c. Off-task student behavior d. On-task student behavior
b. Off-task teacher behavior
Moving from one location, subject, or group to another is called which of the following? a. Free time b. Transition activities c. Stretch time d. Block scheduling
b. Transition activities
All of the following are ideas to streamline transition time EXCEPT a. Being prepared b. Setting time limits c. Modeling good transition behavior d. Not allowing transitions
d. Not allowing transitions
Inappropriate social behavior, such as passing notes, teasing, arguing, and fighting, should be handled by the teacher in what way? a. Deal with them quickly and efficiently b. Stop the lesson and talk to the student immediately c. Wait until after the lesson, then talk to the student d. Ignore these behaviors
a. Deal with them quickly and efficiently
Lessons are structured when you do which of the following? a. Communicate organization and purpose of the lesson to students b. Display outlines of the lesson c. Emphasize the critical points d. All of these e. None of these
d. All of these
Structure, clarity, redundancy, enthusiasm, appropriate rate, and maximizing engagement are known as a. Good teaching b. SCREAM variables c. PASS variables d. On-task behavior
b. SCREAM variables
Questioning has several purposes. Which of the following is a purpose of questioning? a. Monitoring understanding b. Testing c. Increasing active participation d. A and C e. All of these
d. A and C
Practice that takes place under teacher supervision and is most appropriate immediately after presentation of concepts is called a. Independent practice b. Homework c. Guided practice d. Assessment
c. Guided practice
Practice that takes place with indirect teacher supervision and is undertaken when students' rates of correct responding are very high is called a. Independent practice b. Homework c. Guided practice d. Assessment
a. Independent practice
The type of assessment which refers to testing at frequent intervals so that student progress can be evaluated is called a. Criterion-referenced assessment b. Formative assessment c. Norm-referenced assessment d. Summative assessment
b. Formative assessment
Prioritizing objectives, adapting instruction, using systematic instruction, and implementing systematic evaluation procedures is known as which of the following? a. Good teaching b. SCREAM variables c. PASS variables d. On-task behavior
c. PASS variables
All of the following are characteristics of RtI EXCEPT a. Is a multilevel system b. Provides appropriate intervention c. Considers students' potential and achievement d. Reduces disability identification
c. Considers students' potential and achievement
The 2004 IDEA regulations specified that schools may consider as part of an evaluation process the fact that a. Students did not achieve a high level of discrepancy between ability and achievement b. Students are overrepresented in several disability areas c. Students had not responded well to research-based instructional procedures d. Students had teachers who did not provide effective instructions
c. Students had not responded well to research-based
Which of the following is NOT a commonality between RtI, ESEA, and IDEA? a. Use of evidence-based practice b. Early intervention c. Transition to post-secondary environments d. Careful monitoring of progress
c. Transition to post-secondary environments
Which is NOT associated with increasing intensity? a. more systematic and explicit instruction b. more frequently implemented instruction c. instruction of longer duration d. Consideration of the amount of discrepancy
d. Consideration of the amount of discrepancy
Which is the most common number of tiers involved in RtI? a. Four b. Two c. Three d. One
c. Three
Which tier includes some specific, evidence-based practice in the general education classroom and monitoring of student progress? a. Tier 1 b. Tier 2 c. Tier 3 d. Tier 4
a. Tier 1
Which tier might include standard small group instruction? a. Tier 1 b. Tier 2 c. Tier 3 d. Tier 4
b. Tier 2
What must schools first do to implement RtI efficiently? a. Decide data-based decision making b. Identify and implement screening procedures c. Establish fidelity of implementation d. Establish multiple tiers of intervention
b. Identify and implement screening procedures
What must screening measures possess in order to be effective? a. Possess Sensitivity b. Possess Specificity c. Be Norm-referenced d. A and b
d. A and b
The term fidelity of implementation means a. The measures identifies students who are at risk b. The measures identifies students who are unlikely to have academic problems c. The treatment should be used as intended d. The treatment should be easy to implement
c. The treatment should be used as intended
The following are features of progress monitoring within the context of RtI EXCEPT a. Is conducted in all tiers of instruction b. Are based upon and directly relevant to the curriculum c. Is implemented with fidelity d. Is only one of several sources that inform instructional decision making
c. Is implemented with fidelity
Which progress monitoring is undertaken after an individual student has been evaluated and found eligible for placement into special education, based upon state and district standards? a. Tier 1 b. Tier 2 c. Tier 3 d. Tier 4
c. Tier 3
Which progress monitoring is intended to determine whether individual students are making adequate progress in the general education classroom? a. Tier 1 b. Tier 2 c. Tier 3 d. Tier 4
a. Tier 1
Stecker, Fuchs, and Fuchs (2005) reviewed the literature on the effectiveness of curriculum-based measurement and concluded that progress should be assessed how often during Tier 2 interventions? a. Daily b. Twice per week c. One per week d. Every other week
b. Twice per week
What is the purpose of progress monitoring at Tier 3? a. To satisfy requirements of IDEA b. To determine progress in the general education setting c. To determine whether progress has been made to resume Tier I placement d. To evaluate the effectiveness of the teacher
a. To satisfy requirements of IDEA
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of evidence-based practice? a. Employs rigorous and systematic procedures b. Employs experimental or quasi-experimental research design c. Employs reliable, valid measures d. Employs the review and endorsement of teachers
d. Employs the review and endorsement of teachers
All of the following are specific features of intervention at each tier EXCEPT a. Size of instructional group b. Frequency of delivery of the intervention c. Duration of the specific intervention d. Procedures for calculating slopes
d. Procedures for calculating slopes
The responsibility of teachers during Tier 1 includes timely administration of screening measures, charting and evaluating results over time, identifying students in need of additional assessments or accommodations, and a. Involvement in student study teams b. Participation on multidisciplinary evaluation team c. Determination of composition of small groups d. Provision of information to parents when appropriate
d. Provision of information to parents when appropriate
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Tier 2 instruction? a. Specialized curriculum materials are used b. Instruction include universal screening and monitoring c. Instruction is more intensive and focused d. Progress monitoring is conducted more frequently
b. Instruction include universal screening and monitoring
This approach to implementation of Tier 2 instruction includes a team that meets to consider evidence regarding student academic progress, and when needed to outline a plan to address learning challenges. a. Standard protocol approach b. Problem solving approach c. Direct and systematic teaching approach d. Fidelity of implementation approach
b. Problem solving approach
This approach to implementation of Tier 2 instruction includes grouping students according to instructional needs, and providing research-based intervention. a. Standard protocol approach b. Problem solving approach c. Direct and systematic teaching approach d. Fidelity of implementation approach
a. Standard protocol approach
Over how many weeks is Tier 2 intervention typically implemented? a. 9 to 12 weeks b. The first semester of the school year c. 2-3 weeks d. Based on the needs of the child
a. 9 to 12 weeks
All of the following are elements, suggested by Mellard and Johnson (2008) as important to fidelity of implementation EXCEPT a. The method of evaluating b. The frequency of evaluation c. The support system for implementation d. The duration of implementation
d. The duration of implementation
Which type of fidelity assessment includes checklists of intervention components and a person qualified to observe classroom procedures? a. Direct assessment b. Indirect assessment c. Treatment manuals d. Norm-referenced assessments
a. Direct assessment
All of the following are factors that influence the frequency with which fidelity evaluations are conducted EXCEPT a. The request of parents and/or administrators b. The experience of the teacher c. Teacher request for support on implementation d. Number of special education referrals coming from individual classes
a. The request of parents and/or administrators
Challenges in implementing RtI on the secondary level include scheduling, more varied number of subject areas and a. Limited research on RtI at the secondary level b. Reading as a subject area c. The drop-out rate d. The limited involvement of parents
a. Limited research on RtI at the secondary level
All of the following are similarities between RtI at the secondary and elementary levels EXCEPT a. Screening and progress monitoring b. Data based decision making c. Early intervening d. Multitier implementation
c. Early intervening
Which of the following is NOT a challenge with implementing RtI? a. The role of RtI in evaluating students for placement in special education programs is not agreed upon b. The degree to which evaluations based upon RtI discriminate between LD and other disabilities is not known. c. There are many different versions of RtI. d. The role of RtI in the identification process has been established by IDEA.
d. The role of RtI in the identification process has been established by IDEA.
Classrooms in which students stay on task, feel free to actively participate, take risks, and interact positively with others are considered a. To have small class size b. To be well managed c. To have a good teacher d. To have good students
b. To be well managed
Student behavior is in many ways a response to which of the following? a. The environment b. The administration c. The school behavior plan d. Being yelled at
a. The environment
Effective classroom management and controlling the behavior of others can be achieved by which of the following? a. Establishing positive and caring relationships with students b. Implementing and consistently enforcing rules c. Helping students to learn to make positive choices d. All of these e. None of these
d. All of these
Behavior that is described so that another person knows exactly what is meant is called which of the following? a. On task b. Operationally defined c. Descriptive d. Identified
b. Operationally defined
An operational definition allows others to know exactly what the behavior is, makes creating objectives easier, and a. Allows the teacher to teach all students effectively b. Helps the teacher know whether the behavior has changed c. Helps the teacher to know what good student behavior is d. Helps other students to see what bad behavior is
b. Helps the teacher know whether the behavior has changed
When creating behavioral objectives, teachers should specify all of the following EXCEPT a. The content of the objective b. The conditions under which a student's performance will be assessed c. The criteria of acceptable performance d. The rewards that the child will be receiving
d. The rewards that the child will be receiving
One good strategy for determining the dynamics of classroom behavior is to use an A-B-C chart. A-B-C stands for which of the following? a. Anger-Behavior-Child b. Analyze-Brainstorm-Communicate c. Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence d. Always Be Careful
c. Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence
Asking when and where the behavior occurred, who was present when it happened, and what activities or events preceded the behavior are examples of which of the following? a. Antecedents b. Behaviors c. Consequences d. Objectives
a. Antecedents
Asking what happens after the behavior occurs, what changes after behavior is exhibited, and what the student receives or avoids after the behavior occurs are examples of which of the following? a. Antecedents b. Behaviors c. Consequences d. Objectives
c. Consequences
The first and most important step in effective classroom management is which of the following? a. Establishing rules b. Establishing lesson plans c. Establishing a behavior plan d. Establishing a positive, supportive classroom
d. Establishing a positive, supportive classroom
In order to establish a positive classroom atmosphere, teachers need to do which of the following? a. Project a feeling, caring persona b. Teach with sincerity and enthusiasm c. Allow students to develop rules d. A and B e. All of these
d. A and B
When familiarizing students with rules, teachers should do all of the following EXCEPT a. Post rules where students can see them b. Write them as positively as possible c. Describe the rules to the students d. Ask students if they like the rules
d. Ask students if they like the rules
Many inappropriate behaviors can be effectively attended to by doing which of the following? a. Ignoring and pointing out positive models b. Ignoring and pointing out the inappropriate behavior c. Addressing the inappropriate behavior and pointing out positive models d. Addressing the inappropriate behavior while pointing it out
a. Ignoring and pointing out positive models
Establishing a presence and attracting students' attention by moving around the classroom is known as which of the following? a. Direct appeals b. Proximity c. Reprimanding d. Validating students' feelings
b. Proximity
Asking a student directly to follow class rules more carefully is known as which of the following? a. Direct appeals b. Proximity c. Reprimanding d. Validating students' feelings
a. Direct appeals
Warnings and direct feedback that the student's behavior is inappropriate is known as which of the following? a. Direct appeals b. Proximity c. Reprimanding d. Validating students' feelings
c. Reprimanding
Reinforcing positive behavior, using punishment, overcorrection, and token systems are examples of which of the following? a. Direct appeals b. Proximity c. Reprimanding d. Formal management systems
d. Formal management systems
Which system of reinforcement allows the teacher to provide a tangible symbol to reward positive behavior of an individual student, small groups of students or an entire classroom that can then be exchanged for a backup reinforcer? a. Behavioral Contract b. Token System c. Response cost System d. Self-reinforcement System
b. Token System
Corporal punishment means which of the following? a. Military school b. Behavior management c. Paddling or another method of inflicting pain d. School wide behavior policy
c. Paddling or another method of inflicting pain
Withdrawing previously earned points for serious behavior is known as which of the following? a. Direct appeals b. Response cost c. Reprimanding d. Negative attributions
b. Response cost
Students blaming forces outside of their own control for their behaviors is known as which of the following? a. Direct appeals b. Response cost c. Reprimanding d. Negative attributions
d. Negative attributions
Separating a student from routine classroom environment for inappropriate behavior or noncompliance with school rules is known as which of the following? a. Timeout b. Response cost c. Reprimanding d. Negative attributions
a. Timeout
Timeout in which a student is removed from the classroom activity but can still observe group activities is known as which of the following? a. Contingent observation timeout b. Response cost c. Seclusionary timeout d. Negative attributions
a. Contingent observation timeout
Timeout in which a student is removed from the instructional setting to another setting such as a timeout room is known as which of the following? a. Contingent observation timeout b. Response cost c. Seclusionary timeout d. Negative attributions
c. Seclusionary timeout
Before a student is able to return to the classroom from timeout, which of the following should be implemented? a. Have the student fill out a behavior form b. Have the student state what the behavior was and how such events can be avoided in the future c. Develop a behavioral contract d. Send the student to the principal's office
b. Have the student state what the behavior was and how such events can be avoided in the future
Establishing a written agreement that formalizes the behaviors a student agrees to exhibit and the positive consequences is known as which of the following? a. Timeout b. Response cost c. Reprimanding d. Behavioral Contracting
d. Behavioral Contracting
This form of self-management involves teaching the student to evaluate and modify their own classroom behavior. a. Self-monitoring b. Self- instruction c. Self-recording d. Self-evaluation
a. Self-monitoring
According to Canter and Canter (1993) which sets of steps do they recommend be used to diffuse a confrontation with a students whose behavior is escalating? a. Control your breathing, don't take it personally, remain calm, and take yourself out of the situation by depersonalizing it. b. Take yourself out of the situation by depersonalizing it, remain calm, don't take it personally, and control your breathing. c. Remain calm, control your breathing, take yourself out of the situation by depersonalizing it, and don't take it personally. d. None of the above
c. Remain calm, control your breathing, take yourself out of the situation by depersonalizing it, and don't take it personally.
Kerr and Nelson (2006) provide several suggestions for de-escalating verbal confrontations with students. Which of the following is NOT one of those suggestions? a. "Pick your battles" by declining to fight over inconsequential issues. b. Avoid sarcasm, which often escalates tension. c. Stay in control of your own emotions. d. Bring up past behavioral issues to diffuse the situation.
d. Bring up past behavioral issues to diffuse the situation.
According to Heinrichs (2003) which of the following is a characteristic of a successful bullying prevention program? a. Survey students about bullying b. Supervise high-risk areas during breaks. c. Display classroom rules about bullying d. All of the above are characteristics
a. Survey students about bullying
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