Azure Pricing – Flashcards

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What is the typical preview pricing discount?
50% but this may vary for any given service.
How many hours are used to calculate the monthly dollar amount?
750 hours. Since hours in a month vary, the monthly pricing is always shown with ~.
What is the pricing range for Compute: Windows Virtual Machines in US Regions?
A0: 1 core, .75GB RAM, 20GB Disk, $13/mo. D14: 16 cores, 112GB RAM, 800GB Disk, $1943/mo. A9: 40Gbit/s, 16 cores, 112GB RAM, 382GB Disk, $3646/mo.
What is the pricing range for Compute: SQL Server Virtual Machines in US Regions?
These prices are for the SQL Server image and do NOT include the extra cost for the Windows VM that it runs on. 1 core: Web ($24/mo), Std ($298/mo), Enterprise ($1116/mo). 16 cores: Web ($95/mo), Std ($1190/mo), Enterprise ($4464/mo).
What is the pricing range for Compute: Cloud Services?
A0: 0 core, .75GB RAM, 19GB Disk, $15/mo. A9: 16 cores, 112GB RAM, 1777GB Disk, $3646/mo.
What is the pricing range for Compute: Batch?
Pricing is based on the Cloud Services instance chosen to run Batch on. Add Cloud Services instance price to the prices below that are only for the Batch service: A0-A4: $5.63/mo A8-A9: $22.50/mo
What is the pricing range for Compute: RemoteApp?
Both plans give 40hrs/mo and have an overage fee for hours over 40/mo with a capped total amount. Basic - Task Workers (i.e. simple web apps), $10/mo, capped at $17/mo. Standard - Information Workers (i.e. office), $15/mo, capped at $23/mo. See features.
What is the pricing range for Web & Mobile: Websites?
Free: 10 sites, 1GB Disk, Shared CPU, No Custom Domain, SSL, or SLA. Shared: 100 sites, 1GB, Shared CPU, No SSL or SLA. Small Basic Instance (B1,B2,B3): 1 CPU cores, 1.75GB RAM, 10GB Disk, $56/mo. Large Standard Instance (S1, S2, S3): 4 CPU cores, 7GB RAM, 50GB Disk, $298/mo.
What are the 3 pricing tiers for Web & Mobile: Mobile Services?
Free: Up to 10 services/mo with 500 active devices. Basic: $15/mo, Unlimited Devices and scales to 6 units. Standard: $140/mo, Unlimited Devices and scales to unlimited units. Many other features/limitations apply.
What are the pricing tiers for Web & Mobile: API Management?
Developer: $49/mo, 32K API calls/day. Standard: $699/mo, 6.6M API calls/day. Standard data transfer rates apply.
What is the pricing range for data transfers?
Inbound is free. Outbound is based on zone where data center resides. First 5GB/mo is free. Zone 1: $0.05-$0.087/GB Zone 2: $0.12-$0.14/GB Zone 3: $0.16-$0.18/GB
What are the pricing tiers for Web & Mobile: Notification Hubs?
Free - 1M pushes/mo. Basic - $10/mo, 10M pushes/mo and $1 per 1M over 10M, limits to 10K broadcast Standard - $200/mo, 10M pushes/mo and $10 per 1M over 10M, unlimited broadcast size and additional features.
What pricing tiers are available for Data+Storage: SQL Database?
Basic: 2GB, 5 DTU's, 7 Day Restore, $5/mo. Standard (S0,S1,S2,S3): 250GB, 10,20,50,100 DTU's, 14 Day Restore, $15,$30,$75,$150/mo. Premium (P1,P2,P3): 500GB, 100,200,800 DTU's, 35 Day Restore, $465,$930,$3720/mo.
What is the pricing for Data+Storage: DocumentDB?
Price per Capacity Unit (CU) is $22.60/mo. Each CU gives 10GB of local SSD storage. Scale CU to add capacity. Data transfer rates also apply.
How does storage pricing for DocumentDB compare to SQL Database and plain Table Storage?
SQL Database: 250GB is $15, $45, $75/mo. DocumentDB: $23/mo per 10GB so its $575/mo. This assumes throughput is acceptable. And, this includes compute cost for service. Table Storage: $17.5/mo for 250GB but you need to add Compute cost (A0:$15, A1:$60, A2:$120, ...$3646) to perform storage transactions.
How is storage priced?
Pricing is based on amount of data, type of storage, volume of storage transactions, outbound data transfers, data redundancy option, and region.
What is the price range for storage?
Lowest price is LRS > 1,000TB Highest price is RA-GRS < 1TB Using 1000TB is only a 2-5 cents different per GB. Prices based on average daily usage for the month. Storage transactions: $0.0036 per 100K read/write transactions. Block Blobs - LRS $0.0224/GB to RA-GRS $0.061/GB. Files - LRS $0.04/GB and GRS $0.05/GB. Page Blobs & Disks - LRS $0.045/GB to RA-GRS $0.12/GB. Tables & Queues - LRS $0.07/GB to RA-GRS $0.12/GB.
What is the pricing range for Redis cache?
Basic - A single cache node (ideal for development/test and non-critical workloads). Standard -A replicated cache in a two-node Primary/Secondary configuration. We manage automatic replication between the two nodes with 99.9% SLA. C0, 250MB cache size, Basic-$16/mo, Standard-$41/mo. ... C6, 53GB cache size, Basic-$625/mo, Standard-$1562/mo.
What is pricing range for Managed Cache Service?
Basic: $18/unit - Each unit supports 128 MB Cache size and 1 named cache. Scale up to 8 units on Basic Tier. Standard: $72/unit - Each Standard unit supports 1 GB Cache size and 10 named caches. Scale up to 10 units on Standard Tier. Premium: $290/unit - Each Premium unit supports 5 GB Cache size and 10 named caches. Scale up to 30 units on Premium Tier.
What is pricing range for In-Role cache?
None, its self-hosted. Cloud services rates apply.
How is StorSimple priced?
Its available through two annual subscription plans that include 50TB and 100TB of managed storage capacity. Managed Storage Capacity is measured as the greater of your ingested data and storage consumption in Microsoft Azure. StorSimple 8000 plans must be purchased separately from other Microsoft Azure services. Contact MS Account Team for details.
What are the pricing tiers for Analytics: Machine Learning?
Free: Experience the Machine Learning Studio for free using up to 10GB of your own data. Start using Machine Learning today. Standard: Adds the ability to work over larger data sets from a broader range of data sources and deploy machine learning algorithms into production as Web Services in the ML API Service. The Azure Machine Learning standard tier is a paid production version of the Preview of Azure Machine Learning. The Azure ML Studio service is billed by compute hour for active experimentation and billing is prorated for partial hours. The Azure ML API service is billed per 1,000 API predictions and by compute hour when a prediction is being actively executed. Billing is prorated for prediction quantities less than 1,000 and partial compute hours. Charges are aggregated per workspace for your subscription. Within each workspace you will see charges for the three items: Studio Experiment Hours - this meter aggregates all compute charges accrued by running experiments in ML Studio and running predictions in the staging environment. API Service Prediction Hours - this meter includes compute charges accrued by Web services running in production. API Service Predictions (in 1000s) - this meter includes charges accrued per call to your production web service.
What is pricing for Analytics: Machine Learning?
Hourly MS Studio: $0.38/Experiment Hour ML API: $0.75/Prediction Hour Per Prediction MS Studio: No Charge ML API: $0.18/1,000 Predictions
How is Analytics: Streaming Analytics priced?
Stream Analytics is priced by volume of data processed and the number of streaming units required to process it. Volume of data processed by the streaming job (in GB): $0.0005/GB Streaming Unit (Blended measure of CPU, memory, throughput): $0.016/hr
What is the price range for Data Factory?
Low Frequency First 5 Cloud activities/mo: Free First 5 On-Premises activities/mo: Free Cloud: $0.30/activity On-Premises: $0.75/activity High Frequency Cloud: $0.50/activity On-Premises: $1.25/activity
What pricing tiers are available with Event Hubs?
Basic and Standard - See Service Bus pricing for details.
What pricing tiers are available for BizTalk?
Free Developer ($67/mo) Basic ($357/mo) Standard ($2180/mo) Premium ($4360/mo) Basic, Std, Premium all include high availability.
How is Service Bus priced?
* EVENT HUBS (only) * $0.028 per million events Basic $11/mo per 1MB/s ingress and 2MB/s egress, 1 consumer group, 100 brokered connections Standard $22/mo per 1MB/s ingress and 2MB/s egress, 20 consumer groups, 1000+ brokered connections, additional storage * MESSAGING OPERATIONS * Basic includes queues and event hubs. $0.05 per million operations Standard includes everything plus 10x the brokered connections. $10/mo includes 12.5M ops/mo and $0.20-$0.80 per million depending on volume. * BROKERED CONNECTIONS * First 1K/mo included $0.015-$0.03/connection/mo * RELAYS * Relay hours: $0.10 fory 100 hrs Message: $0.01 for 10,000 msg
How is the Hybrid Integration: Backup service priced?
Its based on the amount of data stored in the Backup service. First 5GB - Free After 5GB - $0.20/GB per Month NO additional charges for bandwidth, storage, storage transactions, compute, or other resources associated with providing the Backup service.
How is Hybrid Integration: Site Recovery priced?
Pricing based on number of instances protected. To customer owned sites: $16/month per instance To Azure: $54/month per instance Separate charges for Storage, Storage Transactions, and data transfers apply.
How is Networking: Virtual Network (VNET) priced?
Setting up a VNET is free. However, VPN gateway is charged when going to on-premises or other VNETs in Azure. VPN Gateway is $27/mo. Inbound Inter-VNET: Free Outbound Inter-VNET data transfers: From Zone 1: $0.035 per GB From Zone 2: $0.09 per GB From Zone 3: $0.16 per GB
Are data transfers over the VPN connection charged separately?
Yes. Data transfers between 2 Virtual Networks are charged at the Inter-VNET rates noted above. Other data transfers over the VPN connections to your on-premises sites or the Internet in general are charged separately at the regular Data Transfer rate.
Is data transfer between Virtual Networks located within the same region charged?
No. Only data transfer between two different regions will be charged.
How is the Express Route Exchange Provider priced?
Exchange Provider is charged based on a monthly dual-port fee with all inbound data being free: Pricing ranges from $145/mo for 200Mbps with 3TB included TO $7,200/mo for 10Gbps with 250TB included Any outbound data transfer beyond the included amount is charged at a rate of $0.025/GB for Zone 1 and $0.05/GB for Zone 2. This would be for data leaving Azure. Once connected to an ExpressRoute location in the US, customers can send or retrieve data to/from any Azure region in the US without additional charge from Microsoft. Similarly, once connected to an ExpressRoute location in Europe, customers can send or retrieve data to/from any Azure region in Europe without additional charge from Microsoft.
How is the Express Route Network Service Provider priced?
Network Service Provider is charged based on a monthly dual-port fee with all inbound and outbound data being free: Pricing ranges from $436/mo for 10Mbps TO $8,700/mo for 1Gbps Once connected to an ExpressRoute location in the US, customers can send or retrieve data to/from any Azure region in the US without additional charge from Microsoft. Similarly, once connected to an ExpressRoute location in Europe, customers can send or retrieve data to/from any Azure region in Europe without additional charge from Microsoft.
What additional charges will I incur from other parties for Express Route?
You may have additional charges from the Exchange Provider or the Network Service Provider. Please contact your Exchange Provider or Network Service Provider to learn about their pricing.
What is the pricing for Traffic Manager:
Per month pricing: 1B DNS queries - $0.375/Million Health Checks monthly pricing: Azure - $0.36/Azure endpoint External - $0.54/External endpoint
How can I reduce my Traffic Manager bill?
Set the TTL value in Traffic Manager to a higher value. The default is 300 seconds, and the minimum is 30 seconds. By allowing you to configure the TTL value, Traffic Manager enables you to make the best choice of TTL based on your application's business needs.
What is the Data Transfer/Bandwidth pricing?
Inbound is free. Outbound data going out of an Azure datacenter: First 5 GB - Free $0.05-$0.09/GB (Zone 1) $0.12-$0.14/GB (Zone 2) $0.16-$0.18/GB (Zone 3)
What enables centralized authentication and authorization for your cloud application by working with standards-based identity providers, including Active Directory as well as consumer web identities such as Microsoft Account, Google, Yahoo!, and Facebook?
IAM: AD Access Control Its free! Use it to manage user accounts, synchronize with existing on-premises directories, and get single sign on across Azure, Office 365 and hundreds of popular software-as-a-service applications including Salesforce, DocuSign, Google Apps, Box, Dropbox, and more.
What is Active Directory pricing tiers?
Free, Basic, and Premium - See Azure Pricing page for features available in each tier. Pricing based on per user. Contact Enterprise Agreement representative for pricing per user.
What is the pricing for IAM: Multi-Factor Authentication?
Multi-Factor Authentication is available under two billing options: per user and per authentication. Both options provide the same set of service features. Monthly Pricing: $1.40/user OR $1.40/10 authentications
What is the price range for Media Services Encoding?
Encoding Monthly Pricing: $1.29-$1.99/GB Storage and Data Transfer rates may also apply to your encoding tasks. Encoding Reserved Units - optional to boost performance: Basic/Standard/Premium $69/$139/$399 per month Indexing - Charged per hour of content that is indexed: $3-$10/content hour
What is the price for Media Services Streaming?
Streaming pricing: $139/streaming unit per month. Each unit gives up to 200Mbps/unit. Live Channel Preview pricing: $0.49/hour per channel Live Channels used with Streaming Units. Storage and Data Transfer rates may also apply to your encoding tasks.
What is the range of pricing for CDN?
Zone 1 $0.02-$0.09/GB Zone 2 $0.07-$0.14/GB When the CDN receives a request for an object that is not at an edge location, it makes a request to Azure Storage to obtain the data. The cost of reading data from Storage and transferring data from Storage to CDN is based on regular Storage and Data Transfer charges.
What is pricing for Visual Studio?
MSDN Subscribers - Free access. Stakeholders - Free access. USER PLANS Basic - Free for first 5 users, then $20/mo/user Professional - $45/mo/user; only 10 users per account Advanced - $60/mo SHARED RESOURCES Shared resource plan is needed for Build and Load Testing: Build: $0.05/min (60 min free) Load Testing: $0.002/min (15,000 min free)
What pricing plans are available for Scheduler?
Free - 5 hourly jobs Standard - $14, 500 hour/min jobs Premium - $140, 50,000 hour/min jobs Standard and Premium are based on units so customer can purchase multiple units to get 1000 hour/min jobs for $28.
What is the pricing for Automation?
Free - Job run time of 500 minutes. Standard $20 per 10K minutes of job run time. Its prorated so only using 5K results in .5 of unit charged.
How is Operational Insights priced?
Prices are with preview discount. Free - Daily data limit of 500MB w/ 7 day retention Standard - $1.15/GB w/ 1 month retention Premium - $1.75/GB w/ 12 month retention
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