CSULB / MKTG 300 – Ch. 16: Marketing Communications
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- Few goods or services, no matter how well developed, priced, or distributed, can survive in the marketplace without effective promotion. 1) Promotion 2) Promotional Strategy 3) Competitive Advantage
The Role of Promotion in the Marketing Mix
The Role of Promotion in the Marketing Mix: - Communication by marketers that informs, persuades, and reminds potential buyers of a product in order to influence an opinion or elicit a response.
Promotion (The Role of Promotion in the Marketing Mix)
The Role of Promotion in the Marketing Mix: - A plan for the optimal use of the elements of promotion: advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion, and social media.
Promotional Strategy (The Role of Promotion in the Marketing Mix)
The Role of Promotion in the Marketing Mix: - One or more unique aspects of an organization that cause target consumers to patronize that firm rather than competitors.
Competitive Advantage (The Role of Promotion in the Marketing Mix)
- When a company develops a new product, changes an old one, or simply tries to increase sales of an existing good or service, it must communicate its selling message to potential customers. - Marketers communicate information about the firm and its products to the target market and various publics through its promotion programs. 1) Communication 2) Interpersonal Communication 3) Mass Communication - The Communication Process 1) Sender 2) Encoding 3) Channel 4) Noise 5) Receiver 6) Decoding 7) Feedback
Marketing Communication
Marketing Communication: - The process by which we exchange or share meaning through a common set of symbols.
Communication (Marketing Communication)
Marketing Communication: - Direct, face-to-face communication between two or more people.
Interpersonal Communication (Marketing Communication)
Marketing Communication: - The communication of a concept or message to large audiences.
Mass Communication (Marketing Communication)
Marketing Communication: - Marketers are both senders and receivers of messages. - As senders, marketers attempt to inform, persuade, and remind the target market to adopt courses of action compatible with the need to promote the purchase of goods and services. - As receivers, marketers attune themselves to the target market in order to develop the appropriate messages, adapt existing messages, and spot new communication opportunities. 1) Sender 2) Encoding 3) Channel 4) Noise 5) Receiver 6) Decoding 7) Feedback
The Communication Process (Marketing Communication)
Marketing Communication: - The Communication Process --- The originator of the message in the communication process.
Sender (Marketing Communication)
Marketing Communication: - The Communication Process --- The conversion of a sender's ideas and thoughts into a message, usually in the form of words or signs.
Encoding (Marketing Communication)
Marketing Communication: - The Communication Process --- A medium of communication — such as a voice, radio, or newspaper — for transmitting a message.
Channel (Marketing Communication)
Marketing Communication: - The Communication Process --- Anything that interferes with, distorts, or slows down the transmission of information.
Noise (Marketing Communication)
Marketing Communication: - The Communication Process --- The person who decodes a message.
Receiver (Marketing Communication)
Marketing Communication: - The Communication Process --- Interpretation of the language and symbols sent by the source through a channel.
Decoding (Marketing Communication)
Marketing Communication: - The Communication Process --- The receiver's response to a message.
Feedback (Marketing Communication)
- Promotion seeks to modify behavior and thoughts. - Promotion also strives to reinforce existing behavior. - Promotion can perform one or more of four tasks aimed at the target audience: 1) Informing 2) Persuading 3) Reminding 4) Connecting
The Goals of Promotion
The Goals of Promotion: - Informative promotion seeks to convert an existing need into a want or to stimulate interest in a new product. - It is generally more prevalent during the early stages of the product life cycle. - Informative messages are important for promoting complex and technical products such as automobiles, computers, and investment services.
Informing (The Goals of Promotion)
The Goals of Promotion: - Persuasive promotion is designed to stimulate a purchase or an action. - Persuasion typically becomes the main promotion goal when the product enters the growth stage of its life cycle. - At this time, the promotional message emphasizes the product's real and perceived competitive advantages, often appealing to emotional needs such as love, belonging, self esteem, and ego satisfaction.
Persuading (The Goals of Promotion)
The Goals of Promotion: - Reminder promotion is used to keep the product and brand name in the public's mind. This type of promotion prevails during the maturity stage of the life cycle. - It assumes that the target market has already been persuaded of the merits of the good or service. - Its purpose is simply to trigger a memory.
Reminding (The Goals of Promotion)
The Goals of Promotion: - The idea behind social media is to form relationships with customers and potential customers through technological ties such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or other social media platforms. - Tools for connection include social networks, social games, social publishing tools, as well as social commerce.
Connecting (The Goals of Promotion)
- The combination of promotional tools — including: 1) Advertising 2) Public Relations ----- Publicity 3) Sales Promotion 4) Personal Selling 5) Social Media - Used to reach the target market and fulfill the organization's overall goals. - The proper promotional mix is the one that management believes will meet the needs of the target market and fulfill the organization's overall goals. - The Communication Process and Promotional Mix 1) Paid Media 2) Earned Media 3) Owned Media
The Promotional Mix
The Promotional Mix: - Impersonal, one-way mass communication about a product or organization that is paid for by a marketer. - Traditional media — such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, pay-per-click online advertising, display advertising, direct mail, billboards, and transit advertising (such as on buses and taxis and at bus stops) — are most commonly used to transmit advertisements to consumers. - Other options include Web sites, email, blogs, videos, and interactive games.
Advertising (The Promotional Mix)
The Promotional Mix: - The marketing function that evaluates public attitudes, identifies areas within the organization the public may be interested in, and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance. - Marketers use public relations not only to maintain a positive image but also to educate the public about the company's goals and objectives, introduce new products, and help support the sales effort. - A public relations program can generate favorable publicity.
Public Relations (The Promotional Mix)
The Promotional Mix: 2) Public Relations --- Public information about a company, product, service, or issue appearing in the mass media as a news item.
Publicity (The Promotional Mix)
The Promotional Mix: - Marketing activities — other than personal selling, advertising, and public relations — that stimulate consumer buying and dealer effectiveness. - Can be aimed at end consumers, trade customers, or a company's employees. - Include free samples, contests, premiums, trade shows, vacation giveaways, and coupons. - It also includes experiential marketing whereby marketers create events that enable customers to connect with brands. - Increasingly, companies such as LivingSocial and Groupon have combined social networks and sales promotions.
Sales Promotion (The Promotional Mix)
The Promotional Mix: - A purchase situation involving a personal, paid-for communication between two people in an attempt to influence each other. - The buyer may need to minimize cost or assure a quality product, for instance, while the salesperson may need to maximize revenue and profits.
Personal Selling (The Promotional Mix)
The Promotional Mix: - Promotion tools used to facilitate conversations and other interactions among people online. - When used by marketers, these tools facilitate consumer empowerment. - These tools include blogs, microblogs (such as Twitter), podcasting (online audio and video broadcasts), and social networks (such as Tumblr, Pinterest, and Snapchat).
Social Media (The Promotional Mix)
The Promotional Mix: - The communication space is increasingly controlled by the consumer, as is the brand message. - Perception is reality as consumers have more control to adapt the brand message to fit their ideas. - Instead of repetition, social media rely on the idea of customization and adaption of the message. - As a result of the impact of social media as well as the proliferation of new platforms, tools, and ideas, promotional tactics can also be categorized according to media type: 1) Paid Media 2) Earned Media 3) Owned Media
The Communication Process and Promotional Mix (The Promotional Mix)
The Promotional Mix: - The Communication Process and Promotional Mix --- A category of promotional tactic based on the traditional advertising model, whereby a brand pays for media space --- Traditionally, this media has included television, magazine, outdoor, radio, or newspaper advertising, display advertising on Web sites, pay-per-click advertising on search engines, and even promoted tweets on Twitter.
Paid Media (The Promotional Mix)
The Promotional Mix: - The Communication Process and Promotional Mix --- A category of promotional tactic based on a public relations or publicity model that gets customers talking about products or services. --- This media is often created when people talk and share content on social media. --- Additionally, search engine optimization (SEO), whereby companies embed key words into content to increase their positioning on search engine results pages (SERPs), can also be considered earned media.
Earned Media (The Promotional Mix)
The Promotional Mix: - The Communication Process and Promotional Mix --- A new category of promotional tactic based on brands becoming publishers of their own content in order to maximize the brands' value to customers. --- This media includes the company's Web sites as well as its official presence on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube channels, blogs, and other platforms. --- This media is controlled by the brand but continuously keeps the customer and his or her needs in mind as it creates videos, blog posts, contests, photos, and other pieces of content.
Owned Media (The Promotional Mix)
- The ultimate goal of any promotion is to get someone to buy a good or service or, in the case of nonprofit organizations, to take some action (for example, donate blood). - A classic model for reaching promotional goals is called the AIDA concept. - The AIDA Model 1) Attention 2) Interest 3) Desire 4) Action - AIDA and Promotional Mix
Promotional Goals and AIDA Concept
Promotional Goals and AIDA Concept: - A model that outlines the process for achieving promotional goals in terms of stages of consumer involvement with the message; the acronym stands for attention, interest, desire, and action.
AIDA Concept (Promotional Goals and AIDA Concept)
Promotional Goals and AIDA Concept: - This model proposes that consumers respond to marketing messages in a cognitive (thinking), affective (feeling), and conative (doing) sequence. - First, a promotion manager may focus on attracting a consumer's attention by training a salesperson to use a friendly greeting and approach or by using loud volume, bold headlines, movement, bright colors, and the like in an advertisement. - Next, a good sales presentation, demonstration, or advertisement creates interest in the product and then, by illustrating how the product's features will satisfy the consumer's needs, arouses desire. - Finally, a special offer or a strong closing sales pitch may be used to obtain purchase action. 1) Attention 2) Interest 3) Desire 4) Action - Most buyers involved in high involvement purchase situations pass through the four stages of the AIDA model on the way to making a purchase. - The promoter's task is to determine where on the purchase ladder most of the target consumers are located and design a promotion plan to meet their needs.
The AIDA Model (Promotional Goals and AIDA Concept)
Promotional Goals and AIDA Concept: - Exhibit 16.5 depicts the relationship between the promotional mix and the AIDA model. - It shows that although advertising does have an impact in the later stages, it is most useful in gaining attention for goods or services. - By contrast, personal selling reaches fewer people at first. - Public relations' greatest impact is as a method of gaining attention for a company, good, or service. - Sales promotion's greatest strength is in creating strong desire and purchase intent. - Social media are a strong way to gain attention and interest in a brand, particularly if content goes viral.
AIDA and Promotional Mix (Promotional Goals and AIDA Concept)
- Ideally, marketing communications from each promotional mix element (personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, social media, and public relations) should be integrated. - That is, the message reaching the consumer should be the same regardless of whether it is from an advertisement, a salesperson in the field, a magazine article, a Facebook fan page, or a coupon in a newspaper insert. - This unintegrated, disjointed approach to promotion has propelled many companies to adopt the following concept: 1) Integrated Marketing Communication
Integrated Marketing Communications
Integrated Marketing Communications: - The careful coordination of all promotional messages for a product or a service to ensure the consistency of messages at every contact point at which a company meets the consumer. - Following the concept of IMC, marketing managers carefully work out the roles that various promotional elements will play in the marketing mix. - Timing of promotional activities is coordinated, and the results of each campaign are carefully monitored to improve future use of the promotional mix tools.
Integrated Marketing Communication (Integrated Marketing Communications)
- A firm may choose not to use all five promotional elements in its promotional mix, or it may choose to use them in varying degrees. - The particular promotional mix chosen by a firm for a product or service depends on several factors: 1) Nature of the Product 2) Stages in the Product Life Cycle 3) Target Market Characteristics 4) Type of Buying Decision 5) Available Funds 6) Push and Pull Strategies ----- Push Strategy ----- Pull Strategy
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix: - Characteristics of the product itself can influence the promotional mix. - For instance, a product can be classified as either a business product or a consumer product. - The costs and risks associated with a product also influence the promotional mix. - As a general rule, when the costs or risks of buying and using a product increase, personal selling becomes more important. - Social risk is an issue as well. - Many consumer goods are not products of great social importance because they do not reflect social position.
Nature of the Product (Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix)
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix: - During the introduction stage, the basic goal of promotion is to inform the target audience that the product is available. - When the product reaches the growth stage of the life cycle, the promotion blend may shift. - As the product reaches the maturity stage of its life cycle, competition becomes fiercer, and thus persuasive and reminder advertising are emphasized more strongly. - All promotion, especially advertising, is reduced as the product enters the decline stage. - Nevertheless, personal selling and sales promotion efforts may be maintained, particularly at the retail level.
Stages in the Product Life Cycle (Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix)
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix: - A target market characterized by widely scattered potential customers, highly informed buyers, and brand-loyal repeat purchasers generally requires a promotional mix with more advertising and sales promotion and less personal selling. - Sometimes, however, personal selling is required even when buyers are well informed and geographically dispersed.
Target Market Characteristics (Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix)
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix: - The promotional mix also depends on the type of buying decision — for example, a routine decision or a complex decision. - For routine consumer decisions like buying toothpaste, the most effective promotion calls attention to the brand or reminds the consumer about the brand. - If the decision is neither routine nor complex, advertising and public relations help establish awareness for the good or service. - By contrast, consumers making complex buying decisions are more extensively involved. - They rely on large amounts of information to help them reach a purchase decision. - Personal selling is most effective in helping these consumers decide.
Type of Buying Decision (Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix)
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix: - Money, or the lack of it, may easily be the most important factor in determining the promotional mix. - When funds are available to permit a mix of promotional elements, a firm will generally try to optimize its return on promotion dollars while minimizing the cost per contact, or the cost of reaching one member of the target market. - Usually, there is a tradeoff among the funds available, the number of people in the target market, the quality of communication needed, and the relative costs of the promotional elements. - There are plenty of low-cost options available to companies without a huge budget. - Many of these include online strategies and public relations efforts, in which the company relies on free publicity.
Available Funds (Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix)
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix: - The last factor that affects the promotional mix is whether a push or a pull promotional strategy will be used. - Rarely does a company use a pull or a push strategy exclusively. - Instead, the mix will emphasize one of these strategies.
Push and Pull Strategies (Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix)
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix: 6) Push and Pull Strategies --- A marketing strategy that uses aggressive personal selling and trade advertising to convince a wholesaler or a retailer to carry and sell particular merchandise. --- The wholesaler, in turn, must often push the merchandise forward by persuading the retailer to handle the goods. --- The retailer then uses advertising, displays, and other forms of promotion to convince the consumer to buy the "pushed" products.
Push Strategy (Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix)
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix: 6) Push and Pull Strategies --- A marketing strategy that stimulates consumer demand to obtain product distribution. --- Consumer demand pulls the product through the channel of distribution. --- Heavy sampling, introductory consumer advertising, cents-off campaigns, and couponing are part of a pull strategy.
Pull Strategy (Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix)