Course 14 SNCOA DLC – Self Awareness (Edition 1 Version 1): Formative Practice Test

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SMSgt Wilson calls TSgt Tilley into his office and says, \"None of us like this tasker; however, I need someone with your skills to make an encouraging imprint on our unit. You have the ability to create interest with all the folks in the unit. Although it may be difficult, we need to show the positive impact of these new procedures.\" TSgt Tilley's behavioral tendencies are MOSTLY aligned with the ___________ dimension. a. steadiness b. influence c. dominance d. conscientiousness
b. influence RATIONALE: According to the PPS chapter, the influence dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. This includes making a favorable impression (make an encouraging imprint), generate enthusiasm (create interest), and creating a motivating environment (positive impact of new procedures). CHAPTER: PPS (SA01) SOB: Identify PPS concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
SMSgt Hightower explains to his team, \"MSgt Martin was designated as the acting First Sergeant because he likes assisting others. Although he likes to have all of the details, even when he doesn't he is sure of his actions when dealing with agitated people in crisis situations.\" Because SMSgt Hightower __________ of PPS, his actions will MOST likely _________ the mission. a. misunderstands the steadiness dimension; hinder b. understands the steadiness dimension; enhance c. understands the conscientiousness dimension; enhance d. misunderstands the conscientiousness dimension; hinder
b. understands the steadiness dimension; enhance RATIONALE: According to the PPS chapter, the steadiness dimension emphasis is on cooperating with others within existing circumstances to carry out the task. This includes helping others (assisting), predictable (sure of his actions), and calming excited people (dealing with agitated people in crisis). Although the conscientiousness dimension includes having all the details, there's more evidence of the steadiness dimension in the scenario and the position calls for steadiness. Understanding this will enhance the mission. CHAPTER: PPS (SA01) SOB: Predict the impact of PPS concepts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
MSgt Sawyer tells SSgt Conner, \"Since you've never been an inspector before let's start by having you inspect as many units as possible for the first three months. We'll set a goal for you to inspect six organizations.\" At the end of the three months, Sawyer congratulates Conner on attaining the goal set for him and then says, \"Let's discuss inspecting the remaining 12 organizations.\" Conner says, \"Okay.\" MSgt Sawyer's _____ will MOST likely _____ his and SSgt Conner's effectiveness. a. effective use of Transactional Leadership; enhance b. ineffective use of Transactional Leadership; hinder c. ineffective use of Transformational Leadership; hinder d. effective use of Transformational Leadership; enhance
a. effective use of Transactional Leadership; enhance RATIONALE: Sawyer correctly used Contingent Rewards, which are a component of Transactional Leadership behavior. According to the FRL chapter, \"CR transactions are like agreements where the leader establishes goals, identifies ways to reach these goals, and supports the follower in meeting these goals. After a subordinate fulfills the leader's expectations, a reward is provided to reinforce the positive behavior.\" If Sawyer continues this behavior, he will enhance his own effectiveness as well as Conner's effectiveness. CHAPTER: FRL (SA03) SOB: Predict the impact of FRL concepts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
One of the air traffic controllers, TSgt Wise, says, \"I'm not sure I can handle the stress of doing this much longer. There's too much airway traffic for the amount of personnel we have on staff.\" SMSgt Black responds, \"I'm only going to ask you to do this for a little while longer...only until we get the new personnel next week. Then we'll get back to a manageable pace.\" Because SMSgt Black __________, his comments will MOST likely _________ mission effectiveness. a. misunderstands coping behavior; hinder b. understands problem B; enhance c. understands coping behavior; enhance d. misunderstands problem B; hinder
c. understands coping behavior; enhance RATIONALE: Because SMSgt Black understands coping behavior, his comments will MOST likely enhance the mission. Effective leaders create environments where they only ask for minimum coping behavior most of the time and only have to ask for maximum coping behavior in times of crisis. It is evident that SMSgt Black understands this by his comments \"I'm only going to ask you to do this for a little while longer... only until we get the new personnel next week. Then we'll get back to a manageable pace.\" Understanding coping behavior will help you accomplish your mission.\" CHAPTER: AI Theory (SA02) SOB: Predict the impact of AI Theory concepts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
MSgt Henderson, the base Public Affairs resource adviser, has received numerous complaints about outdated printers hindering production. He decides to purchase new printers. He asks those who are complaining what features they require and what features would be nice to have. Then he compiles a list of printers that meet their requirements and selects the one that satisfies as many users as possible. However, before actually making the purchase, he runs it by several users and his supervisor. After purchasing the printers, complaints dropped to zero and production improved. MSgt Henderson's actions BEST illustrate how __________ impacts mission a. effectiveness b. Decision Analysis c. Essential Intellectual Traits d. Critical Thinking Hindrances
b. Decision Analysis RATIONALE: MSgt Henderson's actions best illustrate Decision Analysis which, according to the Continuous Improvement chapter, includes 1) decision statement [decides to fix the problem by purchasing new printers], 2) objectives (musts and wants) [what features they require and what features would be nice to have], 3) gathering alternatives [compile a list of printers], and 4) risk analysis [before actually making the purchase, run it by several users and your supervisor.] CHAPTER: Critical Thinking (SA04) SOB: Give examples of Critical Thinking and/or its impact on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.
SMSgt Cruz calls TSgt White into his office and says, \"From my AI theory chapter, I know that you may have a task that requires you to conduct yourself separate from your favored style. You should do this for the least possible amount of time. \"SMSgt Cruz's comments BEST identify ________________. a. the cost of coping b. coping behavior c. actions of a bridges
b. coping behavior RATIONALE: SMSgt Cruz's comments are about coping behavior. According to the AI chapter, coping behavior involves behaving...problem solving...outside one's preferred style by the minimum amount, for the least time. This is evident in SMSgt Cruz's comments when he says, \"you may have a task that requires you to conduct yourself separate from (outside) your favored (preferred) style. You should do this for the least amount of time. \" CHAPTER: AI Theory (SA02) SOB: Identify AI Theory concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
During the medical services squadron's weekly staff meeting the commander tells MSgt Gore, \"I've heard several patients complain about your section's customer service. Please look into it.\" Gore responds, \"I've recently noticed problems as well.\" Leaving the meeting, Gore speculates that the customer complaints are probably due to wait time, professionalism and manners, or patient response time. After reviewing numerous customer surveys, she determines patient response time to be the biggest problem. Gore generates several solutions to accelerate patient support and then implements the one she believes has the greatest chance of reducing patient response time. For the next month, she monitors customer surveys for any signs of change. MSgt Gore's __________ will MOST likely _____________ mission effectiveness. a. ineffective use of System-1 Thinking; hinder b. effective use of System-1 Thinking; enhance c. effective use of System-2 Thinking; enhance d. ineffective use of System-2 Thinking; hinder
c. effective use of System-2 Thinking; enhance RATIONALE: MSgt Gore uses System-2 Thinking. According to the Critical Thinking chapter, System-2 Thinking (reflective) is broad and informed problem-solving and deliberate decision making. It is useful for judgments in unfamiliar situations and when there is time for planning and more comprehensive consideration. Here, Gore takes a good look at the current situation and forms theories about the problem as evidenced by her speculating that the customer complaints are probably due to wait time, professionalism and manners, or patient response time. She then gathers data and information to substantiate those theories by reviewing numerous customer service surveys. Next, she develops solutions to address the problem by generating several solutions. Finally, she implements and evaluates by implementing the solution she believes will have the greatest chance of reducing patient response time. Therefore, her effective use of System-2 Thinking will most likely enhance mission effectiveness. CHAPTER: Critical Thinking (SA04) SOB: Predict the impact of Critical Thinking concepts on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.
SMSgt Henderson calls TSgt Cook into her office and says, \"I'm forming a team to solve a high visibility issue and I think you'd be a perfect fit. It's time sensitive, so your ability to provide original ideas and spur-of-the-moment courses of action is exactly what the team needs. Even though I already have a few people that are experts on the issue, I think your way of looking at things can help us generate more alternatives. I'm counting on you.\" SMSgt Henderson's comments BEST identify the ________________ of TSgt Cook. a. problem solving level b. creativity c. more innovative tendencies d. more adaptive tendencies
c. more innovative tendencies RATIONALE: SMSgt Henderson's comments identify the more innovative tendencies of TSgt Cook. According to the AI chapter, those with more innovative tendencies prefer working with less structure. They're spontaneous and unconventional. This is evident by SMSgt Henderson's comments, \"...provide original ideas (unconventional) and spur-of-the-moment courses of action (spontaneous). CHAPTER: AI Theory (SA02) SOB: Identify AI Theory concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
Before closing an Airman Comprehensive Assessment with his subordinate, MSgt Verble says, \"Due to the critical nature of our career field, I run a tight ship and will be closely observing your work and behavior to ensure you meet all performance and behavioral standards I have laid out for you. If you violate the standards or fail to follow Air Force Guidance, you will be held accountable for your actions. This may sound harsh, but since I've been running this team we haven't had any discrepancies from Quality Assurance Inspections.\" MSgt Verble's actions BEST illustrate _______ and its impact on subordinate effectiveness. a. Situational Leadership b. Transformational Leadership c. Management by Exception - Active
c. Management by Exception - Active RATIONALE: According to the Full Range Leadership chapter, \"This leadership behavior is an effort to prevent problems from occurring by keeping people and processes in control; the leader monitors subordinates' activities by ensuring compliance with rules, regulations, and performance standards.\" (closely observing your work and behavior to ensure you meet all performance and behavioral standards I have laid out for you and you will be held accountable for your actions). When working in dangerous or critical career fields, MBE-A is essential in ensuring obedience to rules and regulations that maintain safety standards, organizational and environmental compliance, and duty performance. CHAPTER: FRL (SA03) SOB: Give examples of FRL concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
SMSgt Conrad calls TSgt Carver into her office and says, \"I notice you like to be the lead on various programs. I have a project tasking that requires you to take charge and will be a fast turn-around, so I think you'd be the perfect person to run it.\" Carver replied, \"I do like to be in charge of making changes.\" TSgt Carver's behavioral tendencies are MOSTLY aligned with the ___________ dimension. a. dominance b. influence c. steadiness d. conscientiousness
a. dominance RATIONALE: According to the PPS chapter, the dominance dimension emphasis is on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results. This includes taking authority (take charge), getting immediate results (fast turnaround), and causing action (be in charge to make changes). CHAPTER: PPS (SA01) SOB: Identify PPS concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
MSgt Gleason, who recently arrived at the SNCOA, meets with SMSgt Kilbride to discuss her training program to become a qualified instructor. Kilbride says, \"Sergeant Gleason, this course has a total of 10 modules varying in length. I have prepared an intensive training process that requires you to teach at least 5 modules during your first class and all 10 modules during the following class.\" After Gleason instructs each module, Kilbride discusses Gleason's performance and provides advice. At the graduation of her first class, Kilbride says to Gleason, \"Congratulations on achieving your goal! For all your hard work, I plan to submit you for Instructor of the Quarter. In the meantime, prepare to teach those remaining modules.\" SMSgt Kilbride's use of _______ leadership behavior will MOST likely _______ MSgt Gleason's effectiveness. a. Transformational; hinder b. Transactional; enhance c. Transformational; enhance d. Transactional; hinder
b. Transactional; enhance RATIONALE: SMSgt Kilbride used Transactional Leadership (with contingent rewards) which, according to the Full Range Leadership chapter, is based on connecting a transaction (or social exchange) to motivation; in other words, providing compensation in exchange for desired follower behavior, or a consequence for undesired behavior. The transaction can involve actual rewards or penalties, or be more interpersonal, like providing praise or criticism. CHAPTER: FRL (SA03) SOB: Predict the impact of FRL on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.
As SMSgt Grey prepares for an upcoming base supply inventory, she calls MSgt Miller into her office and says, \"Our inventory process is ineffective and needs to be updated. Although you are new to the unit, I value your input and believe you are up to the challenge. You will need to think outside of the box and use your resourcefulness. If you run in to any problems or issues, I know you can work them out. I will be available to answer any questions you may have.\" SMSgt Grey's comments BEST explain _____ and its impact on subordinate a. effectiveness. b. Inspirational Motivation c. Intellectual Stimulation d. Idealized Influence
c. Intellectual Stimulation RATIONALE: The statements that SMSgt Grey makes to MSgt Miller best identify Intellectual Stimulation. According to the FRL chapter, Intellectual Stimulation means, \"encourages followers to be innovative (think outside the box); properly valuing the follower's ideas (I value your input); value their intellect and judgment,; provide them support as needed (I will be available to answer any questions), but let them work through problems and gain confidence in their abilities to resolve issues (If you run in to any problems or issues, I know you can work them out).\" CHAPTER: FRL (SA03) SOB: Explain FRL concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
SMSgt Buck says, \"MSgt Landruth, I know you have a strong work ethic and you tend to set aside your self-interests for the good of the group; however, how do you get your team to perform at such high levels so consistently?\" Landruth replies, \"I always provide them with a clear direction and emphasize that what they are doing is important to the unit and the mission. I listen to their concerns and I seek and value their input.\" Buck says, \"Now I know why they work so hard and always speak highly of you.\" This scenario BEST illustrates _______ and its impact on SNCO effectiveness. a. Transformational Leadership b. Management by Exception - Active c. Transactional Leadership
a. Transformational Leadership RATIONALE: According to the Full Range Leadership chapter, the followers of transformational leaders motivates followers by genuinely caring about their concerns (listen to their concerns) and appropriately addressing those concerns through open channels of communication; inspires followers by establishing goals (clear direction), and challenging them to reach and exceed those goals; stimulates creativity and original thinking by respecting and valuing their opinions and perspectives (seek and value their input); and positively influences them by setting the example of high moral character and displaying a strong commitment to organizational values (strong work ethic and you set aside your self-interests for the good of the group). CHAPTER: FRL (SA03) SOB: Give examples of FRL concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
SMSgt Warren explains to his team, \"MSgt Black will be in charge of Quality Control because of his commitment to making sure everyone follows the technical orders. He has a talent for quality and precision which is what the position calls for. \" Because SMSgt Warren __________ of PPS, his actions will MOST likely _________ the mission. a. misunderstands the influence dimension; hinder b. misunderstands the conscientiousness dimension; hinder c. understands the influence dimension; enhance d. understands the conscientiousness dimension; enhance
d. understands the conscientiousness dimension; enhance RATIONALE: According to the PPS chapter, the conscientiousness dimension emphasis is on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. This includes adhering to key directives and standards (commitment to making sure everyone follows the technical orders), and checking for accuracy/concentrating on key details (talent for quality and precision). Since Black's tendencies include more than one aspect of the conscientiousness dimension and is what the position calls for, his actions will most likely enhance the mission. CHAPTER: PPS (SA01) SOB: Predict the impact of PPS concepts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
While receiving a briefing from his supervisor on an issue the team has to work, MSgt Grady says, \"I'm not sure what you mean. Can you break it down in layman terms so I can be sure I know what you are looking for?\" MSgt Grady's comments BEST identify the _____ characteristic of Universal Intellectual Standards. a. Clarity b. Fairness c. Relevance
a. Clarity RATIONALE: According to the Critical Thinking chapter, the universal standard of Clarity helps you to ensure the problem is clear by asking others to elaborate further, provide an example, or reword the problem so it can be understood better. In the scenario, MSgt Grady's comments show evidence of the Clarity standard (I'm not sure what you mean. Can you break it down in layman terms so I can be sure I know what you are looking for?). CHAPTER: Critical Thinking (SA04) SOB: Identify Critical Thinking concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.
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