COC 1 – Flashcard

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A survey extension would be granted for Response : A. Unexpected staff absences or resignations B. Software conversions C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B
D. Neither (A) nor (B) Rationale: Survey extensions are granted for natural disasters (e.g., flood, hurricane) or other disasters (e.g. fire). Extensions are not granted for issues related to registry operations such as delayed abstracting, deficiencies in Standards, software conversion, or the resignation of staff.
SAR is the acronym for Response : A. Survey application report B. Survey application record C. Survey accreditation report D. Survey accreditation record
B. Survey application record Rationale: The Survey Application Record (SAR), provided through Commission on Cancer (COC) Datalinks, is a tool used to document and track the cancer program activity throughout a three year accreditation period. The SAR is completed by various members of the cancer program (e.g., cancer registrar, cancer committee chair) at least 14 days prior to the on-site visit by the surveyor.
What percentage of meetings must all required members of the cancer committee attend? Response : A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%
C. 75% Rationale: Standard 1.3 states that each required member of the Cancer Committee must attend 75% of the meetings per Program Standards Manual 2012 Version 1.2.1. (This percentage had been 50% in prior versions of the Program Standards Manual, Versions 1.1 and 1.2.)
The requirement for the percentage of patients enrolled in clinical trials each year differs by Response : A. The size of the hospital B. The number of cancer patients accessioned C. The program category D. The availability of clinical trials
C. The program category Rationale: Standard 1.9 states that the required percentage of patients accrued to cancer-related clinical trials each year is determined by the facility's cancer program category.
All hospitals are required to enroll a minimum of the following percentage of patients in clinical trials Response : A. 5% B. 10% C. 20% D. None of the above
D. None of the above Rationale: Standard 1.9 states that the required percentage of patients accrued to cancer-related clinical trials each year is appropriate to the cancer program category for the facility.
The requirement for cancer registry staff to attend educational activities is Response : A. All staff must attend one educational program other than cancer conferences B. All staff must attend one state or national educational program C. CTRs must attend one educational program other than cancer conferences D. CTRs must attend one state or national educational program
A. All staff must attend one educational program other than cancer conferences Rationale: Standard 1.11 states that all staff must attend one educational program other than cancer conferences
To receive commendation, the cancer committee must develop and distribute a report on Response : A. Patient outcomes B. Program outcomes C. Either (A) or (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
C. Either (A) or (B) Rationale: To receive commendation, Standard 1.12 requires that the cancer committee develop and distribute a report on either patient outcomes or on program outcomes on an annual basis.
How often is the cancer committee required to develop and distribute a report on patient outcomes or program outcomes? Response : A. Every year B. Every two years C. Every three years prior to a survey D. There is no requirement to develop and publish a report on patient or program outcomes
A. Every year Rationale: Standard 1.12 requires that the cancer committee develop and distribute an annual report on either patient outcomes or on program outcomes.
When the cancer committee completes its report on either patient outcomes or program outcomes, it is required that the report be distributed to Response : A. The public B. Hospital administration and staff physicians C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
A. The public Rationale: Standard 1.12 requires that the cancer committee develop and distribute a report to the public on either patient outcomes or on program outcomes.
The acronym CAP stands for Response : A. Consortium of American Pathologists B. Committee of American Pathologists C. Commission of American Pathologists D. College of American Pathologists
. College of American Pathologists Rationale: The acronym CAP refers to the College of American Pathologists and is referenced in Standard 2.1. The standard relates to the use of CAP protocols in reporting required data elements in pathology reports for surgically treated patients.
The pathologist must use CAP protocols to report the required data items on what percentage of eligible pathology reports? Response : A. 75% B. 80% C. 90% D. 95%
C. 90% Rationale: Standard 2.1 states that the CAP protocol must be used to report required data items on 90% of eligible pathology reports.
Nurses who care for cancer patients must Response : A. Be certified to provide oncology care B. Have specialized knowledge and skills in oncology nursing C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
Have specialized knowledge and skills in oncology nursing Rationale: Standard 2.2 requires that oncology nursing care be provided by nurses with specialized knowledge and skills. Oncology nurse certification, while not required, is strongly encouraged.
The competency of oncology nurses must be evaluated every Response : A. Six months B. Year C. Two years D. Three years prior to the survey process
B. Year Rationale: Standard 2.2 requires that the competency of oncology nurses be evaluated on an annual basis (yearly).
The hospital's deadline for an on-time submission of 2013 cancer cases to the NCDB is Response : A. June 30, 2014 B. November 1, 2014 C. January 1, 2015 D. January 31, 2015
.d. January 31, 2015 Rationale: Per Standard 5.6, the submission window for all 2013 cases to the National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) opens January 1, 2015 and closes January 31, 2015 (due by midnight Central time).
Cancer conference prospective cases include Response : A. Patients who were previously presented at a cancer conference if there is a need to discuss systemic treatment for disease progression following the completion of first course of treatment B. Patients who were previously diagnosed if there is a need to discuss palliative care options. C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
C. Both (A) and (B) Rationale: Eligibility requirement E3 states that the following are some of the patients included as prospective cases for cancer conference: Patients previously presented at cancer conference who completed initial therapy but now need adjuvant care or treatment for recurrence or progression of disease, as well as those who require supportive or palliative care.
The annual call for data specifies that specific years of historic data be resubmitted to NCDB. What requirement(s) must these historic cases meet? Response : A. Established data quality B. Resubmission deadline C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
. Both (A) and (B) Rationale: Standard 5.6 states that resubmitted data starting from January 1, 2003 forward must meet the established quality criteria and resubmission deadline specified in the Call for Data.
When programs receive a three year accreditation with contingencies or provisional accreditation, they must resolve the deficiencies Response : A. Within six months B. Within twelve months C. Within two years D. Within three years, prior to the next survey
. Within twelve months Rationale: Per the guidelines, hospitals awarded either a Three Year Accreditation with Contingency or a Provisional Accreditation had standards that were rated deficient at the time of survey. All deficiencies must be resolved within twelve months.
The percentage of cases presented annually at cancer conference are a minimum of Response : A. 5% of all cases B. 10% of all cases C. 10% of analytic cases D. 15% of analytic cases
D. 15% of analytic cases Rationale: Eligibility requirement E3 states that the number of case presentations at cancer conference is a minimum of 15% of analytic cases seen at the facility.
The minimum percentage of prospective cases presented annually at cancer conference is Response : A. 85% B. 80% C. 75% D. 70%
B. 80% Rationale: Eligibility requirement E3 states that the percentage of prospective case presentations is 80%
The Quality Improvement Coordinator Response : A. Is usually the cancer registrar B. Reports findings to the cancer liaison physician C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
D. Neither (A) nor (B) Rationale: Standard 1.2 states the quality improvement coordinator reports annually to the cancer committee. The standard also indicates a cancer registrar who is abstracting cases cannot be selected to fulfill this role.
The Cancer Registry Quality Coordinator Response : A. Cannot be a cancer registrar who is abstracting cases B. Monitors data quality C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
D. Neither (A) nor (B) Rationale: Standard 1.2 states within the paragraph under Cancer Registry Quality Coordinator that a cancer registrar who is abstracting can be selected to fill this role. The standard also indicates that the Cancer Registry Quality Coordinator uses the registry data as a basis to monitor the quality of patient care.
Cancer program goals Response : A. Are established to ensure that the program meets CoC standards B. Must be completed by the end of the year in which they were established C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
D. Neither (A) nor (B) Rationale: Standard 1.5 states that goals are not to be a restatement of a CoC standard because compliance with a standard is required. While new programmatic and clinical goals are to be established annually, these goals do not need to be completed within the year and may be carried forward into the next year.
The cancer committee is required to implement how many clinical goals for cancer care on an annual basis? Response : A. It depends on the number of cases accessioned annually B. It depends on the hospital category C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
D. Neither (A) nor (B) Rationale: Standard 1.5 states the cancer committee must establish, implement, and monitor at least one clinical goal related to cancer care annually.
The activities related to clinical and programmatic goals set by the cancer committee must be documented in the cancer committee minutes A. At each cancer committee meeting B. Twice a year C. Four times a year D. Annually
B. Twice a year Rationale: Standard 1.5 states that activities related to goals do not have to be completed each year, but a report of activities related to those goals must be documented in the cancer committee minutes at least twice a year.
The cancer registry quality control plan is established by Response : A. The quality control coordinator B. The cancer registry supervisor C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
D. Neither (A) nor (B) Rationale: Standard 1.6 requires that the cancer committee annually establish and implement a plan to evaluate the cancer registry data.
Prevention or screening/early detection programs must be monitored and those activities are reported to the cancer committee Response : A. Twice a year B. Annually C. Every two years D. Every three years
B. Annually Rationale: Standard 1.8 states that community outreach programs (prevention or screening/early detection) must be monitored and reported to the cancer committee annually.
The community outreach coordinator must be a Response : A. CTR B. Person who is affiliated with or employed by the program C. Member of the outreach department D. Physician
B. Person who is affiliated with or employed by the program Rationale: Standard 1.8 says the community outreach coordinator may be a physician or non-physician. It may be the director or staff member of the outreach program. But whoever is appointed MUST be a person who is affiliated with or employed by the program.
The cancer registrar is required to Response : A. Implement a procedure to follow-up on positive findings from screening programs B. Work with organizations such as the local American Cancer Society to develop and implement screening programs. C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
D. Neither (A) nor (B) Rationale: According to Standard 1.8 it is the community outreach coordinator who is required to work with local community outreach programs such as the American Cancer Society to develop, implement and monitor community outreach activities. This person is also required to ensure that a follow-up procedure is established that addresses the positive findings from the screening/prevention program.
The cancer committee is required to present one clinical educational meeting annually. This meeting must focus on Response : A. Prospective case presentation B. Discussion of treatment options C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
D. Neither (A) nor (B) Rationale: Standard 1.10 states that the annual clinical educational meeting must focus on a particular cancer treatment including evidence-based national guidelines currently used in treatment planning. This meeting can also address the use of AJCC or other appropriate staging in the clinical setting.
Registrars required to attend a cancer-related educational program other than cancer conference, include Response : A. Non-CTRs B. Contract CTR staff working for at least two consecutive months C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
A. Non-CTRs Rationale: Standard 1.11 says all registry staff, CTRs and non-credentialed staff are required to attend a cancer-related educational program. The standard also specifies that contract CTR staff working for at least three consecutive months must attend at least one educational program.
Activities that fulfill the requirements of Standard 1.11 as a cancer-related educational program include Response : A. Cancer conference B. American Cancer Society committee meeting C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
D. Neither (A) nor (B) Rationale: Standard 1.11 requires attendance at an educational meeting other than cancer conference. The American Cancer Society committee meetings are held to plan activities. These are not considered qualifying educational meetings
CAP protocols must be followed to report the required data elements for Response : A. Cytology specimens B. Diagnostic biopsy specimens C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
D. Neither (A) nor (B) Rationale: Standard 2.1 says diagnostic biopsy specimens, cytology specimens and reports of in situ tumors (except for ductal carcinoma in situ) are excluded from the CAP protocol requirement.
CAP protocols are required for resected specimens of A. In situ bladder cancer B. In situ ductal carcinoma C. Both (A) and (B) D. Neither (A) nor (B)
B. In situ ductal carcinoma Rationale: Standard 2.1 states that CAP protocols are required only for DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) resected specimens. Resected specimens for all other in situ tumors are excluded. The standard also excludes all cytology and diagnostic biopsy specimens from reporting using the CAP protocols.
To assess compliance with the standard that requires data items be reported using CAP protocols, a quality control activity is to be completed annually that consists of a Response : A. Random 10% of eligible pathology reports B. Random 15% of eligible pathology reports C. Maximum of 200 cases D. Minimum of 200 cases
A. Random 10% of eligible pathology reports Rationale: Standard 2.1 states that a random 10% of eligible pathology reports must be reviewed annually to ensure that CAP protocol is being used to report the required data elements. You may also review a maximum of 300 cases to meet the requirements of Standard 2.1.
The following percentage of eligible pathology reports must follow the CAP synoptic format to receive a commendation rating Response : A. 95% B. 90% C. 85% D. 80%
A. 95% Rationale: The commendation rating for Standard 2.1 requires that 95% of eligible pathology reports follow the CAP synoptic format.
What resource(s) is used by CoC accredited hospital registries as the basis of the data collection effort for their facility? Response : A. International Classification of Disease for Oncology (ICD-O), 3rd Edition B. SEER Coding and Staging Manual C. Both (a) and (b) D. Neither (a) nor (b)
D. Neither (a) nor (b) Rationale: The Facility Oncology Registry Data Standards (FORDS) manual is the basis of the data collection efforts for all Commission on Cancer (CoC) accredited cancer programs. Every governing agency produces a data collection manual containing the rules and instructions for the data to be collected for inclusion in their database. The SEER registries, for example, follow the data collection efforts described in the SEER Coding and Staging Manual.
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