Chapter 10: Bad-News Messages – Flashcards

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How you deliver bad news strongly impacts your credibility. Perceived dishonestly can damage credibility. Honesty and openness are key. Trust and long-term success in business are built on honesty in bad news situations. It shows character on your part to tell people the truth, even when it's hard on all parties involved. It shows caring when you do all you can do to lesson the impact of bad news on others. Shows competence when you have a track record of success in tough situations and having a plan to overcome the challenges you face.
Maintaining Credibility When Delivering Bad News
Bad-news recipients are hurt less by the bad news than by how long it took to receive it. 1) Deliver the Bad News in a Timely Manner-The adage no news is bad news applies when colleagues, clients or customers know you are in the process of making decisions that can impact them. The worst is assumed with no information provided. You can loose credibility if others think you have wrongfully withheld information. Don't deliver bad news when you don't have all the details this could create anxiety. 2) Choose the Right Mix of Channels-Generally bad news is delivered in person. You can use verbal and nonverbal cues to show concern and sensitivity. You can get immediate feedback from those receiving bad news and can respond to their discomforts right away. However, delivering bad news in writing has its advantages. You can control the message more and ensure you state the news precisely and accurately. Researchers have identified three aspects of the bad news that impact how you approach delivering it. *Severity* is how serious or detrimental the bad news is. *Controlability* is the degree to which the bad-news message receiver can alter the outcome. *Likelihood* relates to the probability of the bad event occurring. As controllability decreases and likelihood and/or severity increases richer channels of communication are most appropriate. When bad news becomes more controllable, less-likely and/or less severe less richer channels of communication are most appropriate. One choice you'll make when delivering bad news is whether to make your message direct or indirect. *Components of a Indirect Message* -Ease in with a buffer -Provide a rationale -Deliver the bad news -Explain impacts -Focus on the future -Show goodwill *Components of a Direct Message* -Ease in with a buffer -Deliver the bad news -Provide a rationale -Explain Impacts -Focus on the future -Show goodwill 3) Sympathize with the bad-news recipients and soften the blow-when recipients of bed-news messages know you are concerned with them, they respond without antagonism and even appreciate honesty. For written messages, using a neutral subject line gives the recipients time to momentarily adjust and accept the bad news. You may use a buffer to soften the blow. A buffer is a statement to establish common ground, show appreciation, state your sympathy, or express goodwill. When you show sympathy to your readers, you let them know you share their sorrow or trouble. Limit expressions to one or two sentences, and make them sincere and professional. You can choose another form of a buffer, teaser message, this message prepares recipients emotionally yet does not reveal specific information. A neutral subject line subject line and short buffer can soften the blow and show sympathy. Make the statement short and deliver the bad news quickly. 4) Provide a simple clear rationale-Customers that received a full explanation or rationale consider the organizations credible. Clear, specific, and simple language built trust, whereas vague, general, and legal language created suspicion and anger. 5) Explain immediate impacts-Resist the impulse to minimize to minimize negative impact. By honestly describing these impacts--you address the foremost concern in the recipients' minds--themselves. If you skip this step it can be bad for two reasons. First, they can't process other topics. They are only fixated on the potential impacts themselves. Second, they may be annoyed if you move immediately to what you consider the silver lining. 6) Focus on solutions and long-term benefits-Most bad news isn't permanent. Once you have described the immediate impacts, move to a constructive, forward-looking approach. 7) Show goodwill-In the process of delivering bad news don't burn bridges.
Guidelines for Bad-News Messages
The power of delivery often outweighs the content of your message in feedback situations. When you write your messages, carefully consider tone, style, and design. Aim for a tone of genuine concern in a professional manner. Provide positive direction, but don't provide false hope. Use a writing style that is simple, accurate, and jargon-free. This helps people process information quickly and accurately. Maintain a simple design. If your message looks too slick, recipients may believe the message is designed to impress rather than meet their needs.
Getting the Tone, Style, and Design Right
A characteristic of high-performing organizations is that employee's volunteer information, even when it's bad news. In many organizations, however, employees are reluctant to share bad news. They don't want to disappoint others or be blamed. When many employees in an organization avoid sharing bad news, the result is the mum effect. This occurs when the chain of messages within an organization is filtered at each level to leave out or inaccurately state the bad news. When most employees deliver bad news and negative feedback to one another in open, honest, caring, and rich environments, organizations tend to exhibit hire morale. Using impersonal communication channels to give bad news is very poor business form. The employees will feel that the company has no respect for them.
Delivering Bad News in Writing to Colleagues
This can include suppliers, consultants, or joint-venture partners. Most often you are better off breaking bad news to them in a richer communication channel-face-to-face or by phone. When you break bad news in writing, you will generally follow up with a phone call or a visit.Writing makes sense, however, when you are providing a formal notice (rejecting a bid or proposal), when the bad news is not severe, or when your audience prefers corresponding in written form.
Delivering Bad News in Writing to External Partners
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When writing a bad-news message, you want to emphasize the options available--solutions the customer has control over. In most bad-news messages, customers are interested only in solutions. Use neutral language (Avoid you-voice and use passive verbs) to point out mistakes.
Delivering Bad News in Writing to Customers
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In most performance appraisals, you are evaluating excellent or or good performers. When evaluating poor performers, however, you should be clear about the need for improvement. -Adopt a team-centered orientation-even when evaluating a poor performer maintain a mentality that you are working together as a team. Maintain a constructive, forward-looking tone. -Avoid sugarcoating the bad news-make sure she/he realizes improvement is needed -Explain the impacts of the individual's poor performance on the organizational performance -Link to consequences-help them understand how poor performance impacts their employment opportunities at the organization as well as their career goals -Probe for reasons performance is not higher-ask employees to discuss their perspective on their poor performance -Emphasize problem solving rather than blaming- adopt a positive, forward-looking tone. -Be firm-Remain firm that the employee must improve Use statements that offer clear and targeted feedback, focus on actions and results rather than attitudes and intentions, and establish measurable and realistic expectations. When providing feedback for poor performance, many managers want to soften the bad reviews so they employee the sandwich approach of good-news-bad-news. This could encourage poor performances, instead reviews should emphasize the bad news so that the employees know it's critical to improve. Provide feedback only on that which is observable. It is a more accurate scale. Reviews without measurable and realistic expectations can demoralize employees. Make sure to discuss how they can improve in specific ways. You can even set up a development plan that includes action steps, timelines, and specific goals, training, and resources needed.
Delivering and Receiving Negative Performance Reviews
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Seeking to receive feedback even when it is negative, will help you develop skills you need to make an impact on the workplace and move into new positions. Accepting negative feedback requires high emotional intelligence.
Receiving Negative Feedback
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This is extremely important. Since recipients can take bad news the wrong way, make sure you review your written and oral messages carefully so you can deliver the news respectfully. Getting Feedback and Reread-Reread them several times. place yourself in the position of the recipient. Extra 10-30 minutes of proofreading can lead to constructive work together in the future and avoid time lost resolving an unnecessary escalated difference. You can also asked trusted colleagues, but be cautious not to reveal any confidential information. Applying the FAIR Test -Make sure you have been as fair as possible
Reviewing Bad-News Messages
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