Chaper 32 – Speech Codes Theory – Flashcards
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6 Propositions of Speech Codes Theory: Proposition 1
Wherever there is a distinctive culture, there is to be found a distinctive speech code.
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6 Propositions of Speech Codes Theory: Proposition 2
In any given speech community, multiple speech codes are deployed Speech community: a group sharing the rules for the use and interpretation of at least one linguistic variety. example: many diff ways of using english as a language (Coutu speaks diff when shes in Boston vs when shes in Seattle)
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6 Propositions of Speech Codes Theory: Proposition 3
A speech code involves a culturally distinct psychology, sociology and rhetoric psychology: who are people? What is the nature of individuals? sociology: What is society? Rhetoric: How are people and society linked through communication?
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6 Propositions of Speech Codes Theory: Proposition 4
The significance of speaking depends on the speech codes used by speakers and listeners to create and interpret their communication
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6 Propositions of Speech Codes Theory: Proposition 5
The terms, premises and the rules of a speech code are inextricably woven into speaking itself. A. social drama B. Totemizing ritual
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6 Propositions of Speech Codes Theory: Proposition 6
The artful use of a shared speech code is a sufficient condition for predicting, explaining, and controlling the form of discourse about the intelligibility, prudence, and morality of communicative conduct *speech codes guide how we talk about talk
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Social Drama
a public confrontation in which one party invokes a moral rule to challenge the conduct of another party ex: Gerberding makes racist comment at public university event
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Totemizing rituals
a careful performance of a structured sequence of actions that pays homage to a sacred object ex: "communication ritual" 1. initiation 2. acknowledgement 3. negotiation - selves 4. reaffirmation (of who you are in relation to each other) *sacred object: self, ex: wedding, graduation
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Criticisms of Speech Codes Theory (according to Griffin)
-Some ppl don't like Philipsen's desire to make generalizations about cultures -this theory does not prioritize power and dynamics, he should analyze them -his goal was to look at a few small communities and try and find generalizations -he will take power and dynamics into consideration IF they become apparent
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Speech Codes Thoery
-Gerry Philipsen -Interpretive -Socio-cultural tradition
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