CH 8 (Early Childhood: Biosocial Development) – Flashcards

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During early childhood, children slim down as the lower body lengthens and fat turns to muscle. BMI is lower at age 5/6 than at any other time in life. The center of gravity moves from the breasts to the belly, enabling cartwheels, somersaults, and many other motor skills. Increase in height/weight accompany this growth.
During early childhood, children slim down as the lower body lengthens and fat turns to muscle. BMI is lower at age 5/6 than at any other time in life. The center of gravity moves from the breasts to the belly, enabling cartwheels, somersaults, and many other motor skills. Increase in height/weight accompany this growth.
Over each year of early childhood, well-nourished children gain about 4.5 lbs and grow almost 3 inches. By age 6, the avg child in a developed nation weights 40-50 lbs, is a least 3.5 ft tall, look lean, has adult like proportions (legs constitute half of body)
Over each year of early childhood, well-nourished children gain about 4.5 lbs and grow almost 3 inches. By age 6, the avg child in a developed nation weights 40-50 lbs, is a least 3.5 ft tall, look lean, has adult like proportions (legs constitute half of body)
True or False. Height differences are greater WITHIN ethnic groups than BETWEEN ethnic groups.
Children eat the way their culture teaches them to. They also eat whatever their community presents, establishing lifelong tastes that might predict health as well
Children eat the way their culture teaches them to. They also eat whatever their community presents, establishing lifelong tastes that might predict health as well
True or False. Culture, income, family customs, nutrition, ethnicity, and genes all affect children's growth
Why does appetite decrease from ages 2-6?
b/c young children need fewer calories per pound. This is especially true for the current generation since children get much less exercise than before
Instead of accepting the generation gap (young children eat less b/c they need fewer calories per lbs), many parents foolishly fret, threaten and cajole their children to overeat. Most parents believe that relatively thin children are less healthy than relatively healthy ones, a false belief that leads to overeating,
Instead of accepting the generation gap (young children eat less b/c they need fewer calories per lbs), many parents foolishly fret, threaten and cajole their children to overeat. Most parents believe that relatively thin children are less healthy than relatively healthy ones, a false belief that leads to overeating,
Why are pre-school children at a greater risk of malnutrition than children of any other age?
b/c it is easy to satisfy their small appetites /w unhealthy foods, leaving no room for the nutrition that they need
True or False. Though most children in developed nations consume more than enough calories, they don't always obtain adequate iron, zinc, calcium
Malnutrition beginning in infancy and continuing through early childhood contributes to 1/3 of all child death and slows later growth, including growth of the brain. But the well-intentioned tradition of encouraging children to eat becomes destructive when food is abundant. Weight also increases as family income decreases and as children get older, suggesting that eating habits, not genes, were the cause
Malnutrition beginning in infancy and continuing through early childhood contributes to 1/3 of all child death and slows later growth, including growth of the brain. But the well-intentioned tradition pf encouraging children to eat becomes destructive when food is abundant. Weight also increases as family income decreases and as children get older, suggesting that eating habits, not genes, were the cause
What are some complications to getting adequate nutrition?
-some children are allergic to specific food--almost always a healthy one: shellfish, milk, egg, soy, wheat, etc. -sugar--> Many customs entice children to eat sweets. And sugar is often found in cereals/drinks
Too much sugar (as in sugary fruits drinks/sodas which also contain acid) and too little fiber causes _____.
tooth decay
True or False. Tooth decay is the most common disease of young children in developed nations.
Tooth care should not be postponed until permanent teeth erupt. Severe tooth decay in early childhood harms those permanent teeth and causes jaw malformation, chewing difficulties, and speech problems
Tooth care should not be postponed until permanent teeth erupt. Severe tooth decay in early childhood harms those permanent teeth and causes jaw malformation, chewing difficulties, and speech problems
True or False. Teeth are affected by diet and illness, which means that a state of a child's teeth can alert adults to other health problems
''Just Right'' or ''Just So'' Phenomenon
-a strong preference for rigid routines -peaks at about age 3 when children prefer to have things done in a particular order or in a certain way, had strong preference to wear (or not to wear) certain articles of clothing, had a strong preference for certain food, and prepared for bedtime by engaging in a special activity, routine, or ritual -fades at 6 yrs of age
What is the following an example of? Meal time becomes a time for certain foods, prepared and placed in a particular way on a specific plate. Or, many children are compulsive about daily routines, insisting that bedtime be preceded by toothbrushing, a book, and prayers or a snack. Whatever the routine, children expect it and are upset if someone puts them to bed without it.
''Just Right'' or ''Just So'' Phenomenon
____may be a sign of pathological OCD in older children/adults; however, a wish for continuity and sameness is normal and widespread among young children
''Just Right'' or ''Just So'' Phenomenon
True or False. The best reaction to the ''Just Right'' or ''Just So'' Phenomenon is patience. A child's insistence on a particular routine or a preferred pair of shoes can be accommodated for a year or 2.
True or False. Social context of early childhood (TV commercials, store displays, other children's eating habits) encourages overconsumption, yet childhood obesity leads to later illness.
Those functions of the brain that make us human, not merely apes, begin in infancy but develop notably after age 2, enabling quicker, better coordinated, and more reflective thought. The size of the cortex is a crucial difference between humans and other animals.
Those functions of the brain that make us human, not merely apes, begin in infancy but develop notably after age 2, enabling quicker, better coordinated, and more reflective thought.The size of the cortex is a crucial difference between humans and other animals.
the process by which axons become coated /w myelin, a fatty substance that speeds up the transmission of nerve impulses from neuron to neuron
Which areas of the brain show the greatest early myelination?
motor/sensory areas
Between ages 2-6, the brain grows from 75-90% of its adult weight, with increases particularly in the areas that allow advanced language and social understanding
Between ages 2-6, the brain grows from 75-90% of its adult weight, with increases particularly in the areas that allow advanced language and social understanding
the outermost layer of the brain, where planning, thinking, and language occurs
Explain the importance of myelination.
-The more myelination there is, the faster the info processing. Speed of thought from axon to neuron becomes pivotal when several thoughts occur in rapid succession -Extensive myelination allows children at age 6 to name letters/objects rapidly, catch a ball, write ABCs in proper sequence.
True or False. Everything is done more slowly by a 6 year old than a 16 year old b/c the younger children's brains have less myelination, which slows information processing.
corpus callosum
a long, thick band of nerve fibers that connects the left and right hemisphere of the brain and allows communication between them -this is one part of the brain that grows/myelinates quickly during early childhood
-literally, ''sidedness'' -the specialization in certain functions by each side of the brain, /w one side dominant for each activity. The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa
True or False. The 2 sides of the brain/body are not identical. Each side specializes.
Failure of the corpus callosum to develop results in serious disorders: this is one of the several possible causes of autism
Failure of the corpus callosum to develop results in serious disorders: this is one of the several possible causes of autism
This makes communication between hemispheres more efficient, allowing children to coordinate the 2 sides of the brain or body.
corpus callosum
What is the function of the left side of the brain?
-controls the body's right side as well as areas dedicated to logical reasoning, detailed analysis, and the basics of language
What is the function of the right side of the brain?
-controls the body's left side and areas dedicated to emotional and creative impulses, including appreciation of music, art, and poetry
True or False. No one is exclusively left-brained or right-brained (except severely brain damaged ppl). Moreover, the brain is flexible, especially in childhood, so a lost function of one hemisphere is sometimes replaced in the other hemisphere
pre-frontal cortex
-an area located in the front part of the brain's outer layers (cortex), just behind the forehead -called the ''executive'' of the brain b/c the planning, prioritizing, reflection, and the selecting/coordinating of thought that occurs in the pre-frontal cortex govern the rest of the brain. -also specializes in anticipating and impulse control -sometimes called frontal cortex/ frontal lobes
By what age do children have a dominant hand used for scribbling and throwing?
Age 2
Handedness is partly genetic, but many cultures have tried to make everyone right-handed. Even today, many cultures endorse the belief that being right-handed is best, and example of ______
the difference-equals-deficit error
Why do some developmentalists advise against switching a child's handedness?
-doing so causes adult-child conflicts and may create confusion in the brain -left lateralization is an advantage in some professions, especially those involving creativity and split-second actions.
When left-handed children were forced to use their right hands, most learned to write right handedly, by neurological success was incomplete: their brains were only partly reprogrammed.
When left-handed children were forced to use their right hands, most learned to write right handedly, by neurological success was incomplete: their brains were only partly reprogrammed.
In what ways are advances in neurological control between ages 2-6 evident?
-sleep becomes more regular -emotions become more nuanced/responsive -temper tantrums subside -uncontrollable laughter/tears are less common
Describe the ''shape-color task'' and possible explanation of results.
-Children are given a set of cards /w clear outlines of trucks or flowers, some red and some blue. When asked to sort by shape, 3-yr old succeeds; but, when asked to sort by color they fail. Instead they sort by shape as they had done before. If they were first asked to sort by color, they succeed. But when later asked to sort by shape, they still sort by color. 3-yr old tend to sort however they did originally--either by color or shape -this suggests that something in the cortex must mature before children are able to switch from one way of sorting objects to another.
What evidences maturation of the prefrontal cortex?
-when older children can think before acting (as opposed to impulsively doing what they see/hear) -when older children can stop one action in order to begin another -when older children can pay attention
2 kinds of neural impulses
on-off or activate-inhibit. -each is signaled by biochemical messages from dendrites to axons to neurons
the tendency to persevere, or stick to, one thought or action for a long time.
Impulsiveness and perseveration are opposite manifestations of the same underlying cause: _________.
immaturity of the pre-frontal cortex
What is the following an example of? Some children play /w a single toy for hours; young children repeat one phrase/question again and again; child throws a tantrum when told to stop something he or she was doing. Child may get stuck in the emotion that triggered the tantrum and crying becomes uncontrollable.
True or False. Both activation/inhibition are necessary for thoughtful adults, who neither leap too quickly nor hesitate for too long. A balanced brain is most effective throughout life.But many young children have not yet fund the balance: They're impulsive, flitting from one activity to another (incapable of sustained attention)
the major region of the brain for emotions -the 3 major areas: amygdala, hippocampus and hypothalamus
limbic system
An imbalance between the left/right sides of the pre-frontal cortex and abnormal growth of the corpus callosum seem to underlie and perhaps cause ____.
a tiny brain structure that registers emotions (both positive and negative), particularly fear/anxiety -responds to comfort not logic
a brain structure that is a central processor of memory, especially memory for locations
Why do some children have terrifying nightmares or sudden terrors?
b/c of increases amygdala activity, which overwhelms the pre-frontal cortex and disrupts reasoning
-a brain area that responds to the amygdala and the hippocampus to produce hormones that activate other parts of the brain/body. Ideally this hormone production occurs in moderation -controls maintenance functions such as eating, helps govern endocrine system, linked to emotion/rewards.
The ____responds to the amygdala by ______. A child can remember, for instance, whether previous elevator rides was scary or fun.
hippocampus; summoning memory
Every experience (elevators, fire engines, animals at zoo, police officers, etc) is likely to trigger a range of emotions, without much reflection.
Every experience (elevators, fire engines, animals at zoo, police officers, etc) is likely to trigger a range of emotions, without much reflection.
-Memories of location are fragile in early childhood b/c the hippocampus is still developing. Nonetheless, deep emotional memories from early childhood can interfere /w expressed, rational thinking: an adult might have a panic attack but not know why -The interaction of they amygdala/hippocampus is sometimes helpful, sometimes not; fear can be constructive or destructive.
-Memories of location are fragile in early childhood b/c the hippocampus is still developing. Nonetheless, deep emotional memories from early childhood can interfere /w expressed, rational thinking: an adult might have a panic attack but not know why -The interaction of they amygdala/hippocampus is sometimes helpful, sometimes not; fear can be constructive or destructive.
What are some ways that stress can be helpful instead of harmful?
-some stress aides memory -emotionally arousing experiences--meeting new friends, entering school, visiting strange place--seem beneficial if child has someone or something to moderate the stress -context is crucial-->stress can facilitate memory/cognitive growth if adults are reassuring
Effects of stress on the limbic system in early childhood: -too much cortisol may flood the brain and destroy parts of the hippocampus -children whose early experiences were highly stressful and who lacked nurturing caregivers may have impaired limbic system. This puts children at risk for variety of problems in childhood, including physical/mental disorders, poor emotional regulation, and cognitive impairments, which may impair health decades later. -limbic system can be permanently damaged, blunting or accelerating emotional responses lifelong. -limbic system can become less reactive, brains less lateralized, suggesting less specialization/less efficient thinking
Effects of stress on the limbic system in early childhood:-too much cortisol may flood the brain and destroy parts of the hippocampus -children whose early experiences were highly stressful and who lacked nurturing caregivers may have impaired limbic system. This puts children at risk for variety of problems in childhood, including physical/mental disorders, poor emotional regulation, and cognitive impairments, which may impair health decades later. -limbic system can be permanently damaged, blunting or accelerating emotional responses lifelong. -limbic system can become less reactive, brains less lateralized, suggesting less specialization/less efficient thinking
What do improved motor skills involve?
maturation of the pre-frontal cortex improves impulse control while myelination of the corpus callosum and lateralization of the brain permits better physical coordination
True or False. At every income level, children spend more time playing than doing anything else.
True or False. Gross motor skills advance every year as long as children have space to play, older children to emulate and freedom from environmental toxins. Pollution and fear of strangers reduce the opportunity many contemporary children have to develop gross motor skills.
Mastery of gross/fine motor skills is one result of _____.
extensive, active play of young children
What is this an example of? 5 year olds can ride a tricycle, climb a ladder, pump a swing, throw, catch, kick a ball.
gross motor skills
What conditions allow for gross motor skills to advance each year?
-children need to have safe spaces to play, time, and playmates. Skills will then follow -according to the sociocultural theory, children learn best from peers who demonstrate whatever skills the child is ready to try--from catching ball to climbing a tree.
True or False.Culture and locale influence which gross motor skills children display--some small children learn to ski, others to sail
What are impediments to the advancement of gross motor skills?
-lack of play space -urbanization. Crowded, violent streets impede development of gross motor skills b/c there's no safe space to practice and younger children may have fewer playmates. Parents now fear strangers, cars, stray animals and keep their children inside. It also adds to the natural fears of the immature limbic system. -pollution and harmful substances in the air, food, water affect the brain and impede balance, finger dexterity and motivation
_____do more harm to young, growing bodies/brains than to older more developed ones. They are of particular concern for urban young children.
Respiratory problems are not the only early childhood complications caused by pollution. Some substances--including lead in water/air, BPA in plastic, pesticides in soil, and secondhand smoke--are already proven to be harmful to any child. Lead has been found to decrease intelligence and increase behavior problems in young children
Respiratory problems are not the only early childhood complications caused by pollution. Some substances--including lead in water/air, BPA in plastic, pesticides in soil, and secondhand smoke--are already proven to be harmful to any child. Lead has been found to decrease intelligence and increase behavior problems in young children
What are the following examples of? pouring juice, cutting food /w knife and fork, and achieving anything more artful than a scribble .
fine motor skills
Fine motor skills, esp of the hands/fingers, are harder to master than gross motor skills. Why?
-fine motor skills require a level of muscular control, patience, and judgement that are beyond most 2 year olds. -many fine motor skills involve 2 hands and thus both sides of the brain so an immature corpus callosum/pre-frontal cortex may be the problem -short stubby fingers add to the problem Thus, as /w gross motor skills, practice/maturation are key
True or False. Fine motor skills prepare children for many of the requirements of formal education. They typically mature 6 months earlier in girls than boys.
What do most children die of?
Violence, either accidental or deliberate
How does immature fine motor skills relate to artistic expression.
Immaturity of the prefrontal cortex allows creativity w/o anxiety. Young children are imaginative, creative, and not yet self-critical. They love to express themselves and all forms of artistic expression during early childhood: 2-6 year olds love to dance, draw, build.
Why are 2-6 years olds so vulnerable to injury?
-immaturity of the pre-frontal cortex makes young children impulsive; they plunge into danger -unlike infants, their motor skills allow them to run, leap, scramble and grab -their curiosity is boundless, their impulses are uninhibited. If they do something forbidden, such as playing /w a match and causing a fire, their limbic systems might cause them to hide instead of getting help
injury control/harm reduction
-practices that are aimed at anticipating, controlling and preventing dangerous activities -these practices reflect the belief that accidents are not random and that injuries can be made less harmful if proper controls are in place -this term is preferred over accident prevention
Why is ''accident prevention'' less preferable to developmentalists?
accident implies that an injury is random, unpredictable event. If anyone is at fault, it's a careless parent or an accident-prone child. This is called the accident paradigm--as if injuries will occur despite our best efforts, allowing the public to feel blameless
Fatal accidents in early childhood often involve ___, ____, or _____
poison, fire or drowning
What are some age-related dangers?
-Falls are more fatal for the very young (under 24 months old) and the very old (over 80 yrs old) -motor vehicles deaths peak from age 15-25
What are 2 types of analyses that developmentalist use to uncover the primary causes of injuries?
accident autopsy /statistics
primary prevention
-actions that change overall background conditions to prevent some unwanted event or circumstance, such as injury, disease or abuse -makes harm less likely -fosters conditions that reduce everyone's chances of injury -before injury has occurred -most effective -ex: laws/customs can protect everyone. sidewalks, speed bumps, streetlights, pedestrian overpasses
secondary prevention
-more specific -actions that avert harm in a high-risk situation (such as stopping a care before it hits a pedestrian) or for vulnerable individuals -supervision, forethought, and protective care can prevent harm to those at risk -ex include: flashing lights on school buses, school crossing guard, warning signs before curves, walk signals at busy intersection, and spotting warns signs
tertiary prevention
-most visible -begins after injury has already occurred, limiting the damage it might cause. -actions, such as immediate/effective medical treatment, that are taken after and adverse event (such as illness/injury) occurs and that are aimed at reducing the harm or preventing disability (/getting worse) -includes speed, speedy ambulances, efficient ER/rehabilitation
Most ppl think that the first strategy to prevent injury to young children is to educate the parents. However, research finds that laws that apply to everyone are more effective than education.
Most ppl think that the first strategy to prevent injury to young children is to educate the parents. However, research finds that laws that apply to everyone are more effective than education.
How do ''we all contribute'' to child maltreatment?
-we all contribute in the sense that the causes of child matreatment are multifaceted, involving not only the parents but also the neighbors, the teachers, the medical community, the culture and even the maltreated child themselves
True or False. People used to think child maltreatment was rare and consisted of a sudden attack by a disturbed stranger. But maltreatment is neither rare nor sudden and 80% of perpetrators are one or both of the child's own parents.
Which group is at a risk of being maltreated?
-difficult babies (fragile, need frequent feeding, cry often) esp if their mothers are depressed and feel they have no control over their lives. Financial stress adds to the risks.
child maltreatment
intentional harm to or avoidable endangerment of anyone under 18 yrs of age -includes both child abuse and child neglect
child abuse
deliberate action that is harmful to a child's physical, emotional, or sexual well-being
child neglect
failure to meet a child's basic physical, educational, or emotional needs
reported maltreatment
harm or endangerment about which someone has notified the authorities
substantiated maltreatment
harm or endangerment that has been reported, investigated and verified.
What 3 factors attribute to the overall 3:1 ratio for reported vs substantiated cases?
1.) each child is counted only once, even if repeated maltreatment is reported. 5 reports that are verigied can lead to one substantiated case 2.) substantiation requires proof in the form of unmistakable injuries, severe malnutrition, or a witness willing to testify. Such evidence isn't always available 3.) a report may be deliberately false or may describe a circumstance that was not the result of maltreatment
Physical abuse is the most obvious form of maltreatment, but neglect is more common and more harmful. Health, learning, and social skills are all impeded by abuse/neglect not only during childhood but decades later.
Physical abuse is the most obvious form of maltreatment, but neglect is more common and more harmful. Health, learning, and social skills are all impeded by abuse/neglect not only during childhood but decades later.
No one knows how often maltreatment occurs. Not all cases are noticed, not all are reported, not all reports are substantiated. Similar issues apply in every nation/city/town, /w marked variation in reports and confirmation. Just because reports have increased doesn't mean that abuse has increased.
No one knows how often maltreatment occurs. Not all cases are noticed, not all are reported, not all reports are substantiated. Similar issues apply in every nation/city/town, /w marked variation in reports and confirmation. Just because reports have increased doesn't mean that abuse has increased.
Some other explanations for a decline in child maltreatment over the past decade include :-whether or not a person reports maltreatment is powerfully influenced by culture and in a personal willingness to report -few children report their abuse; many don't know they were abused until later when they compare their experiences /w a friend -some adults who were slapped, hit or kicked during childhood don't think they were abused (different reinterpretation of childhood memories--controversial)
Some other explanations for a decline in child maltreatment over the past decade include :-whether or not a person reports maltreatment is powerfully influenced by culture and in a personal willingness to report -few children report their abuse; many don't know they were abused until later when they compare their experiences /w a friend -some adults who were slapped, hit or kicked during childhood don't think they were abused (different reinterpretation of childhood memories--controversial)
The # of victims of child maltreatment in US has declined in the past decade. (Physical/sexual abuse declined but neglect increased). The legal and social-work response to serious maltreatment has improved over these years, which is a likely explanation for the decline. Other less sanguine explanations are possible however.
The # of victims of child maltreatment in US has declined in the past decade. (Physical/sexual abuse declined but neglect increased). The legal and social-work response to serious maltreatment has improved over these years, which is a likely explanation for the decline. Other less sanguine explanations are possible however.
an anxiety disorder that develops as a delayed reaction to having experiences or witnessed a profoundly shocking or frightening event, such as rape, severe beating, war, or natural disasters. Its symptoms include flashbacks to the event, hyperactivity and hyperviligance, displaced anger, sleeplessness, nightmares, sudden terror or anxiety, and confusion between fantasy and reality
PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
What are some signs of child maltreatment?
-one of the first signs is delayed development, such as slow growth, immature communication, lack of curiosity or unusual social interaction -maltreated children may seem fearful, startled by noise, defensive and quick to attack, and confused between fantasy/reality (symptoms of PTSD)
Additional signs of child maltreatment include the following: -injuries that don't fit an ''accidental'' explanation, such as bruises on both sides of face/body, burns /w a clear line between burned/unburned skin, ''falls that result in cuts not scrapes -repeated injuries, esp broken bones not properly tended -slow physical growth, esp /w unusual appetite or lack of appetite -fantasy play /w dominant themes of violence or sexual knowledge -ongoing physical complaints (headache, can't sleep, stomachache) -reluctant to talk, play or move, esp if development is slow -no close friendship;hostility toward others, bullying smaller children -frequent absence from school and change of address -expression of fear rather than joy at seeing caregiver -turnover in caregivers who pick up the child or caregiver who comes late, seems high -hyperviligance
Additional signs of child maltreatment include the following: -injuries that don't fit an ''accidental'' explanation, such as bruises on both sides of face/body, burns /w a clear line between burned/unburned skin, ''falls that result in cuts not scrapes -repeated injuries, esp broken bones not properly tended -slow physical growth, esp /w unusual appetite or lack of appetite -fantasy play /w dominant themes of violence or sexual knowledge -ongoing physical complaints (headache, can't sleep, stomachache) -reluctant to talk, play or move, esp if development is slow -no close friendship;hostility toward others, bullying smaller children -frequent absence from school and change of address -expression of fear rather than joy at seeing caregiver -turnover in caregivers who pick up the child or caregiver who comes late, seems high -hyperviligance
The 3 levels of prevention apply to every childhood health/safety issues, including neglect, abuse, and injuries.
The 3 levels of prevention apply to every childhood health/safety issues, including neglect, abuse, and injuries.
The consequences of maltreatment include:Health, learning, and social skills are all impeded by abuse/neglect not only during childhood but decades later. -impact of child-rearing practices is affected by the cultural context. Certain customs are considered abusive in some cultures but not others. Their effects on children vary accordingly.
The consequences of maltreatment include:Health, learning, and social skills are all impeded by abuse/neglect not only during childhood but decades later. -impact of child-rearing practices is affected by the cultural context. Certain customs are considered abusive in some cultures but not others. Their effects on children vary accordingly.
a legal, publicly supported system in which a maltreated child is removed from the parents' custody and entrusted to another adult or family, which is reimbursed for expenses incurred in meeting the child's need.
foster care
a form of foster care in which a relative of a maltreated child usually /w a grandparent, becomes the approved caregiver.
kinship care
permanency planning
an effort by child welfare authorities to find a long-term living situation that will provide stability/support for a maltreated child. -a goal is to avoid repeated changes of caregiver or school, which can be particularly harmful to the child
Tertiary prevention of child maltreatment may include what?
-often the caregiver needs to help to provide better care. Sometimes the child may need another care -the placement of a child in foster care, including kinship care. Adoption is much less common, but often the best solution for the child. Permanency planning is required b/c frequent changes are harmful to children
a legal proceeding in which an adult or couple unrelated to a child is granted the joys/obligation of being that child's parents -it is the preferred permanent option when a child should not be returned to a relative.
What are reasons why adoption is so difficult?
-judges/biological parents are reluctant to release children for adoption -most adoptive parents prefer infants -some agencies screen out families not headed by a heterosexual married couple -some professionals insist that adoptive parents be of same ethnicity/religion as the child
How come adequate support is not typical in foster care/kinship care?
-many children move from one foster home to another for reasons unrelated to child's behaviors/wishes, Foster children average 3 placements before permanent placement is achieved. Each move increases the risk of poor outcome -kinship care is sometimes used as an easy, less expensive solution. (But we need not forget that grandparents are the parents of the abusive parent)
Affects of maltreatment on children decades later: -social skills are even more crippling. Children continue to hate themselves and everyone else too. They regard other ppl as hostile/exploitative and so they are less friendly, more aggressive and more isolated than other children -may become bullies, victims or both -they tend to dissociate--to disconnect their memories from their understanding of themselves -as adults they often abuse drugs or alcohol, enter unsupportive relationships, become victims or aggressors, sabotage own careers, eat too much or too little, and engage in self destructive behavior -higher risk of emotional disorder and suicide attempt.
-social skills are even more crippling. Children continue to hate themselves and everyone else too. They regard other ppl as hostile/exploitative and so they are less friendly, more aggressive and more isolated than other children -may become bullies, victims or both -they tend to dissociate--to disconnect their memories from their understanding of themselves -as adults they often abuse drugs or alcohol, enter unsupportive relationships, become victims or aggressors, sabotage own careers, eat too much or too little, and engage in self destructive behavior -higher risk of emotional disorder and suicide attempt.
Why are neglected children likely to have greater social deficits than abused ones?
b/c they were unable to relate to their parents. (the best cure is warm/enduring friendship)
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