Posts by Patricia Smith:
question petrified fossil answer fossils in which minerals replace all or part of an organism question mold answer a hollow area in sediment in the shape of an organism question cast answer a solid copy of the shape of the organism question carbon film answer an extremely thin coating of carbon on rock question trace […]
Read morequestion What factors helped bring about the Scientific Revolution? answer People questioned traditional learning and observed nature for themselves. Translations of classical texts exposed scholars to new ideas,. Discoveries by explorers showed that accepted ideas could be wrong. question How did the work of Copernicus lead to a new view of the universe? answer It […]
Read morequestion Health answer The state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Not just the absence of disease or “feeling sick” question Physical health answer The overall condition of a living organism at a given time question To maintain physical health, you can: answer Eat healthful meals and snacks Participate in 60 minutes of physical […]
Read morequestion IPCC answer Intergovernmental Panel on CC Established 1998 by WMO and UNEP Runs under auspices of UN 195 member countries Purpose is to be policy neutral and policy relevant but NEVER POLICY PRESCRIPTIVE WG1 = physical science basis WG2 = adaptation WG3 = mitigation Most recent publication = AR5 – publications every 5 years […]
Read morequestion State of agriculture in 1700 answer -Standard of living for peasants and artisans was about the same as in the Middle Ages -80% of Western Europeans were farmers; higher percentage in Eastern Europe Low agricultural output –midieval open field system –people were malnourished and susceptible to illness -science was a branch of theology–no application […]
Read morequestion *Enclosure* answer The movement to fence in fields in order to farm more effectively, at the expense of poor peasants who relied on common fields for farming and pasture. question *Proletarianization* answer The transformation of large numbers of small peasant farmers into landless rural wage earners. question *Cottage Industry* answer A stage of industrial […]
Read morequestion A client is diagnosed with osteomyelitis. This is most commonly caused by which of the following? a) Staphylococcus aureus b) Proteus vulgaris c) Escherichia coli d) Psuedomonas aeruginosa answer Staphylococcus aureus Explanation: Staphylococcus aureus causes over 50% of bone infections. Other organisms include Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as E. coli. question […]
Read morequestion What is the meaning of the statement “correlation does not imply causation”? A. Just because two variables vary in a similar pattern does not mean that changing one variable causes a change in the other. B. It is not possible to demonstrate a correlation between two variables. C. When a change in one variable […]
Read morequestion accounting procedures that can quantify the true profitability of different activities by identifying their actual costs. answer Activity based costing question when consumers arrive at an initial judgment and then make adjustments of their first impressions based on additional information. answer Anchoring and adjustment heuristic question groups a person hopes or would like to […]
Read morequestion in the disk, 2/3 of the way out from the center answer sun’s position in the milky way question contains Globular clusters spherical in shape, contains pop II stars and very little interstellar gas and dust answer Halo question -flattened shape -spiral arms -both pop I and pop II stars -interstellar gas, and dust […]
Read morequestion Lookback-time answer The idea that the more distant an object is, the longer the light from that object takes to reach us. Therefore looking at back in time. question Protostar answer The Contracting mass of gas that represents the young stage of a star formation. question The Strong-Force answer Is the force that keeps […]
Read morequestion Unicellular purpose of cell division answer only way to reproduce question Mulitcellular purpose of cell division answer Replaces dead or damaged cells and more than one way to reproduce question Why is cell division important to an adult organism? answer Skin + Digestive system cells are continuously renewed; normal cell turnover & to heal […]
Read morequestion Adjuvant chemotherapy answer The administration of antineoplastic drugs after surgery or radiation therapy. The purpose of adjuvant chemo is to rid the body of any cancerous cells that were removed during the surgery or to treat any microscopic metastases that may be developing question Anti-emetics answer Drugs used to treat nausea and vomiting question […]
Read morequestion Emerging adulthood key characteristics answer 18-25 Extended role exploration Higher education question Age of identity exploration answer Explore romantic and career choices question Age of instability answer Change in jobs, romantic partners, and living arrangements question Age of self-focus answer Exceptionally self focused as they are free to take mature decisions question States of […]
Read morequestion What is the simplest amino acid? answer glycine question The averafe life span of a skin cell is about _________. answer 30 days question The process of messenger RNA being made from a template of DNA is known as _________. answer transcription question The action of hydrochloric acid in the stomach on protein results […]
Read morequestion *Acanthosis nigricans* Hyperpigmented velvety plaques in axilla and neck answer Gastric adenocarcinoma and other visceral malignancies (but more commonly associated with obesity and insulin resistance) question *Sign of Leser-Trélat* Sudden onset of multiple seborrheic keratoses answer GI adenocarcinomas and other visceral malignancies question *Hypercalcemia* PTHrP ^ 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D3 (calcitriol) answer Squamous cell carcinomas […]
Read morequestion _________ marks the break in the cell cycle between the end of mitosis and beginning of the synthesis stage. A. Gap 1 B. cytokinesis C. DNA synthesis phase D. Gap 2 E. None of the above. answer A. Gap 1 question Programmed cell death, or __________, takes place particularly in parts of the body […]
Read morequestion 1. How does progressive nephrons injury affect angiotensin II activity? a. Angiotensin II activity is decreased. b. It is elevated. c. Angiotensin II activity is totally suppressed. d. It is not affected. answer ANS: B Angiotensin II activity is elevated with progressive nephron injury. This selection is the only accurate identification of the effect […]
Read morequestion kidney answer The english term for the combining form ten/o is question disease answer The english term for the combining form path/o question eye answer The english term for the combining form ophthalm/o is question to cut answer The english term for the combining form sect/o is question nose answer The english term for […]
Read morequestion Which of the following strategic framing decisions frames or produces a guideline for the physical connections required for the marketing efforts? answer Channel question an organization’s ____ statement is a determination of what actions need to be taken or what things have to occur for the corporate objectives to be achieved answer Objective question […]
Read morequestion It occurs when an individual is exposed to an allergen for the first time answer All of the following are true of hypersensitivity EXCEPT… question Found in basophils and mast cells answer The chemical mediators of anaphylaxis are… question Bone Marrow Transplant answer Graft-versus-host disease will most likely be a complication of a(n) question […]
Read morequestion T staging for lip cancer answer T1: less than 2 cm T2: between 2 and 4 cm T3: greater than 4 cm T4a: Invades bone, inferior alveolar nerve, floor of mouth, skin of face. T4b: Invades masticator space, pterygoid plates, skull base, or encases internal carotid. question T staging for oral cavity cancer answer […]
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