James Storer

City: Hattiesburg, Mississippi
University: University of Mississippi

Posts by James Storer:

Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia Drugs 2-12 – Flashcards
30 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Explain the regulation of parathyroid hormone release answer Ca binds to Ca sensing receptor (CaSR) on PT gland which inhibits secretion of PTH question Explain the role of the following in calcium and phosphate homeostasis: 1. parathyroid hormone answer 1. increases bone resorption, kidney reabsorption *causing increased Ca, decreased P* question Explain the role […]

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Group Counseling Terms – Flashcards
27 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Group process answer pertains to the dynamics such as the norms that govern a group, the level of cohesion in a group, how trust is generated, how conflict emerges and is addressed, the forces that bring about healing, intermember reactions, and the various stages in the life of a group question Group techniques answer […]

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Final History Exam! – Flashcards
26 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question In 2010, this person became the first woman to be elected president of Brazil. answer Dilma Rousseff question Following his election to the presidency of Iran in 2005, this radical issued a statement publicly calling for the destruction of the state of Israel. answer Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. question Which of the following statements is not […]

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T11 Genetics Stem Cell therapy and gene therapy – Flashcards
26 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question What is a stem cell niche? Cell types found here? answer Stem cell niche- area where stem cells survive and close to vascular beds and supportive tissues True stem cells are only present in stem cell niche with supporting cells question Stem cells -potentcy? – what is the function of the product sof self […]

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Test – Flashcard Test Questions
26 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question A behavior therapist working with a client would most likely answer begin with a comprehensive assessment question All of the following are characteristics of behavioral approaches except for answer behaviors therapy requires treating every client with a particular dysfunctional behavior with identical treatments question The theorist associated with dialectical behavior therapy is answer Marcia […]

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Chapter 3: Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT) – Flashcards
24 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Contributors answer Andrew Christensen Neil S. Jacobson question view of distress answer Even the healthiest couples will face areas of difference and disagreement. question cause of distress answer Caused by the destructive ways that some couples respond to inevitable incompatibilities. question Four destructive patterns frequently characterize distressed couples’ conflicts over their differences: answer 1. […]

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Chapter 7 Key Issues – Flashcards
23 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question How is ethnic cleansing different than normal warfare? answer because it involves the removal of every member of the less powerful ethnicity. Usually happens within the same state question When boundaries were redrawn in Europe after WW2, what was the effect on various ethnic groups? answer People were forced to migrate. East Germany became […]

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B4 – Flashcard
23 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question _____ is the conscious, systematic process of making decisions about goals and activities that an individual, group, work unit, or organization will pursue in the future. A. Buffering B. Benchmarking C. Budgeting D. Planning E. Forecasting answer D question Which of the following is the first step in a formal planning process? A. Goal […]

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Fuel Science 431 Test Questions – Flashcards
21 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question GLOBAL CARBON CYCLE answer see diagram question PHOTOSYNTHESIS MECHANISM answer see diagram question the link joining two cyclic sugars is called ___, ___, and ___ answer acetal linkagesaccharide linkageglycoside linkage question catalyst answer enhances the rate of the rxn without being consumed or permanently altered question catalysts usually work by… answer …reducing activation energy, […]

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Fin Chapter 1 – Flashcards
18 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Limited liability companies are primarily designed to: answer provide limited liability while avoiding double taxation. question Which one of the following statements about a limited partnership is correct? answer There must be at least one general partner. question Which one of the following applies to a general partnership? answer Any one of the partners […]

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Models Terminology-Narrative Therapy – Flashcards
18 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Working Through answer From psychodynamic therapy, insight leads clients to engage in new and more productive ways of behaving and interacting. question Vulnerability Stress Model (Diathesis Stress Model) answer The notion that while some people have a predisposition or inherited vulnerability to a mental illness, the actual manifestation of the illness is determined by […]

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Chapter 14 – Sales – Flashcards
17 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question {3} basic sales tasks answer 1. order-getting 2. order- taking 3. supporting question {1.} Order-getting answer seeking possible buyers with a well‑organized sales presentation designed to sell a product, service, or idea. question Order getters answer -are concerned with establishing relationships with NEW customers and developing NEW business. -Establishes relationships -Develops new customers -Uses […]

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European Studies Final – Flashcards
17 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Atlanticism answer a belief in the important of cooperation between Europe and the United States and Canada about political, economic and defense issues question gaullism answer a French political stance based on the thought and action of Resistance leader (and later President) Charles de Gaulle. Serge Bernstein writes that this is “neither a doctrine […]

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Low Level Laser Therapy Solaris 880 Infrared Cluster Probe – Flashcards
17 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Lasing technique we use answer Gridding: light skin contact @ 90 deg. angle in 1 cm squares. question Energy transduction answer Radiation question Depth of energy absorption answer Direct effect: superficial tissues = 1-2 cm Indirect effect: deeper tissues = 5 cm question Physiological effects answer *** PRIMARY EFFECTS OCCURRING AT CELLULAR LEVEL *** […]

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Chapter 10 – Negotiation – Flashcards
16 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question conflict answer process that involves people disagreeing question intrapersonal conflict answer conflict that happens within a person question interpersonal conflict answer conflict that happens between two or more people question intergroup conflict answer conflict that happens between groups question Potential Causes of Conflict answer 1. organizational structure 2. limited resources 3. task interdependence 4. […]

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Negotiations Final Exam – Flashcards
16 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question -A negotiating dyad -Negotiating teams -Agents and constituencies -Bystanders and audiences -Third parties answer What are the basic possible roles for parties in a negotiation? question When two isolated individuals negotiate for their own needs and interests answer What is a Negotiating Dyad? question A negotiator is not acting for himself but for others. […]

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Chapter 9: Civilization in Eastern Europe – Flashcards
16 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Why did Vladimir feel he had to choose a major religion for his people? answer Vladimir was nearly blind at the time, and when he was baptized, he recovered his sight. Calling it “a miracle of god,” Vladimir spread Christianity to his people for hope that the baptisms would improve their lives. question What […]

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MGT300 Test 2 True/False Questions – Flashcards
12 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question The career path that most resembles the traditional view of climbing the stairs in a corporate hierarchy is the linear career answer TRUE question A steady-state career entails a slow-but-steady growth in level of responsibility and compensation. answer FALSE question Individuals who don’t want the responsibility that comes with promotion may follow a transitory […]

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The Spread of Islam – Flashcards
12 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Shade in areas of a map; Track dates of Muslim rulers and dynasties from the time of Muhammad to the present day answer What are the 2 ways to map territory of different Muslim political groups or illustrate the expansion of an empire? question Most people in the region call themselves Muslims, or follow […]

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Lumbopelvic – Flashcards
12 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question What are 4 components that may contribute to why LBP pts don’t get better answer -core -multifidi -transversus -muscles that control specific segmental motion that regulates the shearing question Threats to quality care for LBP answer -overuse of ineffective treatments -under-use of effective treatments -misuse of potentially effective treatments question How can you correct […]

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Nursing Pharm Ch 35 Diuretic Therapy – Flashcards
12 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question A client has severe protein malnutrition and is taking a drug that is 99% bound to albumin. What alteration in the concentration of this drug in the urinary filtrate will occur? 1. An increase in the amount of drug actively secreted across the walls of the renal tubule 2. A decrease in the amount […]

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CSUF Psych 341 Exam 2 – Flashcards
12 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Stress answer organism’s internal biological and psychological responses to external demands A by-product of poor coping question Stress Factors answer Children are extremely vulnerable genetic makeup exposure to early childhood stressors individual stress tolerance stressful experiences (someone who is constantly stressed might change their way of thinking or evaluating a situation) question Characteristics of […]

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