Posts by alex:
In the story “Shame” by Dick Gregory, the author uses mood and tone to develop the main character as a shameful person, which ultimately teaches the reader that people have to find themselves over time and also how stylistic techniques create the story and its plot. The narrator demonstrates this throughout the short story, influenced […]
Read morePositive and productive relationships with families establish a strong connection for the benefit of nurturing and educating the children entrusted to my care. I know how important it is for the parents to know about their child’s day, upcoming school events, and progress in all areas of the children’s learning and development. I know that […]
Read moreOne of the main benefits of artificial light is that you can control how many hours of light per day your plants receive. This way, those living in northern or southern latitudes can provide their plants with light for growth and development even when the sun sets early, in essence tricking the plants into believing […]
Read moreIn John F. Kennedy’s speech calling for stable steel prices, many methods are used to persuade. Kennedy uses logos, diction, and rhetorical modes as means to provoke action in his audience. Throughout JFK’s speech logos is poured into it. There is an obvious logical connection that strengthens the argument. In the third paragraph Kennedy gives […]
Read moreVirginia Woolf’s essay on Mary Wollstonecraft in the Common Reader is essentially, an active continuation of the experimental method on which Mary Wollstonecraft based her life. “The high-handed and hot-blooded manner in which she cut her way through life” is in essence what Woolf is trying to replicate in this essay, in particular through her […]
Read moreHaving a career in law enforcement can be a very rewarding endeavor, but at times there are hard ethical decisions that need to be made. When I left the Sheriff’s Office it was so I could be able to start my PhD and be able to dedicate my summers toward the requirements of the degree. […]
Read morePiaget – Intellectual, Freud – psychoanalytic, Maslow – Humanist, Bandura – Social Learning, Skinner – Operant Conditioning, Watson – Behaviourist. Also explain how you holistically use these theories to work together e.g. EYFS – Holistic approach to learning is known as social pedagogy. The theorist whose theory is physical development is Arnold Gesell. His theory […]
Read moreThe movie Thirteen Days directed by Roger Donaldson is about the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. It is often referred to as a docudrama as it is very entertainment oriented but still remains close to the roots of what actually happened. Since it was produced at a later date than many other films portraying the […]
Read moreHuman life is evolving and so is technology. Healthcare, which is one of the major concerns in the 21st Century, is entering a phase where technology is becoming an enabler. In the near future, say technologists and doctors, robots will help us a great deal in bringing down the northbound costs of healthcare and improving […]
Read moreThis study aims to analyze the impact of a specific factor on enzyme activity and explore the function and mechanism of enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts, increasing the rate of chemical reactions without being altered themselves. They interact with specific substrate molecules due to their unique shapes, which are determined by […]
Read moreTeenagers can exhibit a variety of “lazy” behavior that makes parents scratch their heads in frustration. One common behavior that afflicts many adolescents is a lack of motivation. While some parents may brand this as laziness, there can be several reasons why a teenager is not accomplishing goals and tackling life with gusto. Learned Helplessness […]
Read moreJ.M. Coetzee’s ‘Disgrace’ literates Lurie’s attempt and failure of the seduction of a schoolgirl, Melanie. This is a campus novel about the first flirtation between a university lecturer and a student. The aptly named novel suggests the possible overall outcome of having a relationship with a student. ‘Disgrace’ is written from a third person in […]
Read more1. If you were consulting with the HTE board of directors soon after Harold started making changes, what would you advise them regarding Harold’s leadership from a transformational perspective? Transformational leadership aims to change and transform people to be able to grow and have a connection between the leader and the follower. It engages people […]
Read moreWhether you cannot be a pine tree on the hill or not, aim to be the best small scrub next to the stream. Even if you cannot be a tree, become a bush instead. If you can’t be a bush, then be a bit of grass and make some highway happier. If you can’t be […]
Read moreStrong culture is said to exist where staff respond to stimulus because of their alignment to organizational values. In such environments, strong cultures help firms operate like well-oiled machines, engaging in outstanding execution with only minor adjustments to existing procedures as needed. Conversely, there is weak culture where there is little alignment with organizational values, […]
Read moreBackground: Thanks to Almighty Allah, who bestowed us with courage & ability to achieve this opportunity. We have collected the data from our research through survey method and questionnaires and we are in no confusion for saying that this activity has enhanced our knowledge about the research work. We hereby take this opportunity to thank […]
Read moreThe mahogany tree is a symmetrical tropical tree renowned for its valuable heartwood. It is commonly utilized in various applications such as multistory systems in the Philippines, boat and ship construction, and pattern-making. Additionally, the tree is highly regarded as a visually appealing and functional street tree. With its fast growth and graceful appearance, the […]
Read moreTill today, males still dominate the government in most countries. Women still face cultural barriers in achieving representation in the govt. I think that more women should be represented in the parliament, as a 2011 study in the American Journal of Political Science found that women are more effective lawmakers than men despite being underrepresented […]
Read moreIntroduction According to Ger, Belk and Lascu (1993), advances in communications and information systems technology have shrunk distances, thereby linking markets through flows of information across markets. These trends enhance the management of global operations and drives up the need to deal effectively with global competition. As firms enter international markets, branding plays an important […]
Read moreI come before you all, perhaps at fault, perhaps condemnable, but in mourning of this portentous matter, just as you, nonetheless. Such a lamentable day as this has never yet existed, and on no account will another as tragic befall Verona in such pernicious splendor. Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague, brought to Death by blind […]
Read moreIlliteracy is a danger to the democratic society because the number of eligible voters that are illiterate is by far enough to sway a vote. This could lead to the electing a president that is not as politically fit as another candidate. Kozol states that, “The answers to these questions represent a reasonable test of […]
Read morePeople are always asking me what’s the biggest difference between the education systems of china and the us. They always wonder why they say that the schools in America are the best even though china has the highest education standard in the world. This should be able to answer a big part of that question. […]
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