Astronomy Chapter 15 – Flashcards

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What is the diameter of the disk of the Milky Way Galaxy? The thickness?
The diameter is 100,000 light years and the thickness is 1,000 light years.
What are the three main parts of our galaxy? Describe them.
The disk, bulge, and halo [Spiral arms and global clusters]. The disk surrounds the bright central bulge. The entire disk is surrounded by a dimmer halo.
How do the stars in the various parts of our galaxy move?
Stars in the disk follow roughly circular paths whereas the stars in the bulge and halo soar high above and below the disk on randomly oriented orbits.
How do the stars located in the halo of our galaxy differ from the stars of the disk?
The stars in the halo do not follow an orbit whereas the stars in the disk have a generally circular orbit.
What is the interstellar medium?
The clouds and interstellar gas and dust.
Where does most star formation occur in the Milky Way galaxy today?
In the spiral arms.
What are the various stages of galactic recycling? Describe each one of them.
Star formation - nuclear fusion - returning gas - hot bubbles - atomic hydrogen clouds - molecular clouds. All stars return most of their original mass to interstellar space through the stellar wind and explosions. The wind sweeps the material creating a bubble of hot, ionized gas. The bubble breaks out of the disk and ejects gas. The gas cools which becomes atomic hydrogen gas. Gravity will draw blobs of gas together into tighter clumps which radiates energy. The molecular cloud will give birth to a cluster of stars.
What evidence supports the existence of a black hole at the center of our galaxy?
Several stars have been observed to rotate an object in the center of our galaxy. The only possibility of having such a large mass in such a small volume is a black hole.
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