APW Strayer Chapter 6 Big Picture – Flashcards
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What is the difference between class and caste?
Evd 1- Class was a meritocracy where individual achievement is incorporated into the social class Evd 2- Caste was base on religion while class was more focus on governmental power. Conclusion- The difference between caste and class is that caste is closed, while class is open. Caste is closed because it based on religion like the caste system in India where power is only obtain based on the caste the people were part of. The caste was formed from the religion. Class in opened because any one could obtain political power as long as they had either wealth or education or both.
Why was slavery so much more prominent in Greco-Roman civilization than in Indian or Chinese civilization?
Evd 1- Romans and Greek needed the manpower to maintain the growth of their empires Evd 2- India and China own few slaves with a majority of their population as the low class that did the same work as the slaves Conclusion- The Indians and Chinese were not prominent in slavery as the Greco-Romans because they had their people doing the work that the slaves did. The chinese and indians in a sense did have slaves it was just that the slave were called something else and held a higher social status than mere slaves.
What philosophical, religious, or cultural ideas served to legitimate the class and gender inequalities of classical civilizations?
Evd 1- In China, Confucianism was used to justify both the class system and patriarchy Evd 2- Aristotle developed the notion that some people were "slaves by nature" and should be enslaved for their own good and for that of the larger society. Conclusion- Every classical system drew up ideas to legitimate and justify class and gender inequalities. For example Aristotle of Greece came up with the notion that some people were "slaves by nature" and should be enslaved for their own good and for that of the larger society. While in India the caste system was the reason that inequalities was justified.
"Social inequality was both accepted and resisted in classical civilizations." What evidence might support this statement?
Evd 1- The people who disagreed with confucianism fought back with daoism Evd 2- Spartacus rebelled by attacking head on with the Roman empire Conclusion- Social inequalities did lead to conflict among the people. Evidence are shown throughout history through wars that are lead by the slaves or the one treated unfairly.
What changes in the patterns of social life of the classical era can you identify? What accounts for these changes?
Evd 1- Strong states like China or Rome served to strengthen social inequality and patriarchy. Evd 2- the development of classical belief systems, including the caste system in India, Confucian and Legalist philosophies in China, and Greek rationalism in the Mediterranean region. Conclusion- The classical era brought no dramatic changes in the social structures of societies. Rather, it brought further strengthening of cultural traditions and institutions that reinforced social inequality and patriarchy.
6. "Cultural and social patterns of civilization seem to endure longer than the political framework of states and empires." Based on Chapters 4, 5, and 6, would you agree with this statement?
Evd 1- Chapter 4 traces and followed the rise and collapse of classical Eurasian empires, not one empire survived beyond 550 C.E. Evd 2- Chapter 5 covers the creation of many cultural traditions that continue to have relevance and attract followings todays. Such as Confucian and Daoist ideas from China; Buddhist and Hindu traditions from India; and Zoroastrian, Jewish, Greek rational, and Christian traditions from the Near East and Eastern Mediterranean. Evd 3- Chapter 6 covers the several features of classical social hierarchies that persisted long after the collapse of the classical empires. Conclusion- Chapters 4, 5, and 6 offer much evidence to support this statement. Examples are the social hierarchy of China and the caste system of India, both which continues to influence society today. Slavery is another that continued to be a major social phenomenon in many regions into the late nineteenth century. The civil wars of America. Lastly, elements of patriarchies that evolved during the classical era remain influential today.