Workbook 5-8 – Flashcards

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If agencies were guaranteed a particular percentage of the overall budget for their own, would they be more likely, about as likely, or less likely to withhold information from other agencies compared to the way things are today? about as likely more likely less likely
less likely
The tendency of bureaucratic agencies to hoard information and avoid communication and cooperation with other agencies is which of the following? a phenomenon that occurs in state agencies a phenomenon that occurs in neither state nor federal agencies (the fallout from 9/11 remedied this bureaucratic problem) a phenomenon that occurs in federal agencies a phenomenon that occurs in both state and federal agencies
a phenomenon that occurs in both state and federal agencies
Why does it make sense for the Environmental Protection Agency to handle the creation of fuel efficiency standards? The bureaucracy is organized by task, and fuel efficiency standards are associated with one of the EPA's tasks. All of these options are correct. The EPA's mission is to protect the environment, and raising fuel efficiency standards should reduce air pollution and protect the environment. Congress prefers to delegate the technical aspects of policymaking to the federal bureaucracy.
All of these options are correct.
Let's suppose that Congress and the president agree to pass legislation to further reform health care laws in order to help reduce the rate of growth in the cost of health care. Which federal agency or department is most likely to be charged with implementing this law? the Department of Health and Human Services the Department of Housing and Urban Development the Department of Commerce the Treasury Department
the Department of Health and Human Services
Without looking at their webpage, which of the following is most likely the mission statement of the Department of Commerce? to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation to promote and develop the welfare of wage earners and job seekers; improve working conditions; and assure work-related benefits and rights to promote economic growth through policies to support job creation, investment, and economic stability, as well as to oversee coins and currency and disbursement of funds to run the federal government to promote job creation, economic growth, sustainable development and improved standards of living for all Americans by working in partnership with businesses, universities, communities and our nation's workers
to promote job creation, economic growth, sustainable development and improved standards of living for all Americans by working in partnership with businesses, universities, communities and our nation's workers
Which of the following is NOT associated with an accurate definition of the federal bureaucracy? The federal bureaucracy is organized by task. The federal bureaucracy does not have the power to make its own laws or rules. The federal bureaucracy carries out or implements the law. The federal bureaucracy consists of 15 cabinet-level departments and dozens of other agencies.
The federal bureaucracy does not have the power to make its own laws or rules.
One criticism of the federal bureaucracy and its power to issue rules is that it is undemocratic. How is the rule power of agencies still subject to popular influence? An agency can subject its employees to direct elections by the people to ensure responsiveness. Congress can act to overturn the rule if it disagrees with it, or otherwise write more detailed legislation. The public comment period allows direct involvement by citizens to influence the content of a rule and whether it passes, AND Congress can act to overturn the rule if it disagrees with it, or otherwise write more detailed legislation. The public comment period allows direct involvement by citizens to influence the content of a rule and whether it passes.
The public comment period allows direct involvement by citizens to influence the content of a rule and whether it passes, AND Congress can act to overturn the rule if it disagrees with it, or otherwise write more detailed legislation.
Which act of Congress created the civil service system? the Pinkerton Bureaucratic Reorganization Act the Patronage Prevention Act the Party Machines Act the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
Which of the following BEST describes the intent of the civil service? Political appointees are to be hired and promoted based on merit. Career bureaucrats are to be protected from termination for partisan reasons. Career bureaucrats are to be hired and promoted based on merit. Career bureaucrats AND political appointees are to be hired and promoted based on merit.
Career bureaucrats AND political appointees are to be hired and promoted based on merit.
Patronage appointments are still common for which of the following purposes? ensuring that party machines stay in power ensuring that expertise trumps partisanship in cabinet-level positions ensuring that the president can select members of his own cabinet ensuring that qualifications are the primary determinant of a nominee's successful appointment
ensuring that the president can select members of his own cabinet
Which of the following statements BEST describes the political appointment process today? The Senate prioritizes delay and partisanship when it "advises" the president concerning the hiring of career bureaucrats. The Senate prioritizes the timely appointment of career bureaucrats to high-level government positions. The Senate prioritizes the timely appointment of qualified individuals to high-level government positions. The Senate prioritizes delay and partisanship when it "advises" the president concerning his executive branch appointments.
The Senate prioritizes delay and partisanship when it "advises" the president concerning his executive branch appointments.
Which of the following positions would be considered a patronage position today? a manager of a division within the Department of Education a lawyer who investigates voting rights abuses in federal elections an ambassador appointed to represent the United States in Ireland a field agent who works for the Central Intelligence Agency
an ambassador appointed to represent the United States in Ireland
Does the Constitution specify that courts have the power of judicial review? yes no
Which of the following is an argument in favor of judicial review? It allows the Court to follow public opinion. It allows the Court to resolve conflicts between two citizens. It prevents the Court from having too much power. It allows the Court to give voice to minority interests.
It allows the Court to give voice to minority interests.
Which of the following decisions by the Supreme Court is considered unpopular by contemporary standards? desegregating schools forcing President Nixon to give up some of the recordings he made in the oval office affirming the First Amendment rights of the Westboro Baptist Church allowing Congress to set a minimum wage for all workers
affirming the First Amendment rights of the Westboro Baptist Church
In what year did the Supreme Court decide the case of Marbury v. Madison? 1803 1789 1923 1854
Which of the following would be an exercise of judicial review? the Court resolving a contract dispute between a state and one of its citizens the Court telling the president that NSA surveillance programs violate citizens' Fourth Amendment rights the Court holding a major corporation liable for the defective products it sold the Court denying review of a prisoner's appeal
the Court telling the president that NSA surveillance programs violate citizens' Fourth Amendment rights
The power of judicial review rests on which of the following assumptions? Judges are smarter than legislators. The Court represents the will of the people. The Court has the power to interpret the Constitution. The membership of the Court changes often.
The Court has the power to interpret the Constitution.
Which method of selecting judges is called the Missouri Plan? merit selection nonpartisan elections legislative appointment partisan elections
merit selection
Which method of selection most closely resembles the federal method of selecting judges? partisan elections legislative appointment merit selection gubernatorial appointment
gubernatorial appointment
Which method of selection gives judges the greatest judicial independence? partisan elections nonpartisan elections legislative appointment the federal method
the federal method
Which of the following BEST describes the federal system for selecting judges? The president can select nominees who must also be pleasing to the Senate. The House of Representatives has the final say in who becomes a judge. The president can select whomever he pleases. The Supreme Court has to approve all federal judges.
The president can select nominees who must also be pleasing to the Senate.
What is a retention election? an election in which the candidates cannot disclose their affiliation with one party or the other an election held at an unusual time of the year an election to determine whether someone who currently holds a position may keep it an election in which citizens vote for or against specific policies
an election to determine whether someone who currently holds a position may keep it
Which of the following is an example of a tort? a dispute over one person holding up his side of a contract a claim that a state law violates the U.S. Constitution a dispute between neighbors over a property line a car accident caused by one driver's negligence
a car accident caused by one driver's negligence
Why are some people critical of tort cases? You should be responsible for your own actions. The large monetary damages are a windfall for plaintiffs and raise the costs of many consumer products and services. Monetary rewards to the plaintiffs are usually so low that they barely cover the costs of litigation. Judges are corrupt and often collude with plaintiffs to get more money.
The large monetary damages are a windfall for plaintiffs and raise the costs of many consumer products and services.
What are compensatory damages? monetary awards that compensate the plaintiff for his or her direct losses monetary awards meant to penalize defendants by making them feel a financial pinch the physical or financial damage that leads the plaintiff to file suit money a plaintiff pays a defendant when the plaintiff loses his or her case, meant to compensate the defendant for court costs
monetary awards that compensate the plaintiff for his or her direct losses
The Fourth Amendment protects us from what kind of searches and seizures? negligent unreasonable intrusive all
Katz v. United States was decided in what year? 1975 1927 1967 1875
A search occurs when the police invade a space in which you have which of the following? a subjective expectation of privacy a formal expectation of privacy an objective expectation of privacy both a subjective and an objective expectation of privacy
both a subjective and an objective expectation of privacy
Why is it okay for police to search the trash you leave on the curb, even if it's in sealed, opaque bags? You have abandoned those items and no longer have an expectation of privacy in them. Trash bags are easy to open. It's not okay for the police to search trash you left on the curb unless it's in a clear bag The police can search anything you plan to throw out, even if it's still on your property.
You have abandoned those items and no longer have an expectation of privacy in them.
What percentage of criminal suspects decline to ask for an attorney during questioning? about 75 percent over 80 percent less than 40 percent about 50 percent
over 80 percent
The Norfolk Four were accused of rape and murder. Why did the police keep looking for additional accomplices? They were convinced that it would have taken more than one man to commit the crime. The had eyewitness testimony describing seven men leaving the scene of the crime. They failed to get a DNA match with any of the suspects who confessed They couldn't get any of the suspects to confess.
They failed to get a DNA match with any of the suspects who confessed
Among other things, the Fifth Amendment protects which right? the right to privacy the right to remain silent the right to an attorney the right to bear arms
the right to remain silent
While the original purpose of the privilege against self-incrimination was to allow criminal defendants to remain silent during their actual trial, now the concern is primarily with the possibility of coercing a confession. Why is that a concern? Coerced confessions undermine the legitimacy of the courts and are sometimes false. Coerced confessions allow criminal defendants to sue the state for large amounts of money. Coerced confessions undermine the legitimacy of the courts. Coerced confessions are sometimes false.
Coerced confessions undermine the legitimacy of the courts and are sometimes false.
Some people argue that the death penalty makes people less likely to commit murder. What is this called? defenestration retribution rehabilitation deterrence
In which case did the U.S. Supreme Court first state that the requirements of the Eighth Amendment would change with "evolving standards of decency"? Roper v. Simmons Trop v. Dulles Stanford v. Kentucky Atkins v. Virginia
Trop v. Dulles
In which case did the Supreme Court rule that a person who commits a murder when under the age of 18 cannot be executed for his crime? Atkins v. Virginia Trop v. Dulles Roper v. Simmons Stanford v. Kentucky
Roper v. Simmons
Recent changes in our understanding and approval of the death penalty may lead the Supreme Court to do which of the following? reduce the use of the death penalty expand the use of the death penalty eliminate the death penalty reaffirm the death penalty
eliminate the death penalty
If a criminal defendant decides to represent himself during his trial, we say that he is doing which of the following? proceeding in situ proceeding res ipsa proceeding sua sponte proceeding pro se
proceeding pro se
If a court of appeals determines that a criminal defendant did not have effective assistance of counsel at his trial, that defendant is entitled to which of the following? an acquittal two lawyers for his appeal money damages a new trial
a new trial
True or false: Even guilty criminal defendants are presumed innocent when their trial begins. true false
In order to convict a criminal defendant, the prosecution must provide evidence proving that the defendant is which of the following? guilty beyond any doubt whatsoever guilty beyond a reasonable doubt more likely guilty than not guilty by clear and convincing evidence
guilty beyond a reasonable doubt
True or false: If your lawyer falls asleep during your trial, that automatically means your counsel was ineffective. true false
When did the U.S. Supreme Court first begin to require appointment of counsel to indigent criminal defendants in some cases? 1856 1932 1795 1963
When did the U.S. Supreme Court conclude that indigent criminal defendants are entitled to court-appointed counsel in all cases? 1856 1932 1963 1795
Will the wages of white men be reduced if pay equity is implemented? Yes, employers will reduce wage of men to erase the wage gap. No, men will leave their job if their wages are cut to address wage gap. Yes, employers will both reduce men's wages and increase women's wages until the two meet in the middle. No, the law prohibits reducing wages to address pay equity.
No, the law prohibits reducing wages to address pay equity.
What is the current wage gap between men and women? 77 cents 18 cents 41 cents 23 cents
23 cents
Based on the rate of the narrowing gender gap in pay, what will the gap be in 2020? greater than 77 cents lower than 23 cents greater than 41 cents but lower than 77 cents greater than 23 cents but lower than 41 cents
lower than 23 cents
Under the Equal Pay Act, is it legal or illegal for companies to allocate a larger proportion of their profits to their male employees as long as the wages that their male and female employees earn are equitable? It is illegal to allocate a larger share of the profits only to male employee, as this constitutes a form of compensation. It is illegal because the Equal Pay Act gives the government the power to set wages and benefits. It is legal because companies are free to allocate benefits in any manner they prefer. It is legal as long as the base pay is equal.
It is illegal to allocate a larger share of the profits only to male employee, as this constitutes a form of compensation.
In the context of pay equity, is it more important to protect companies' rights or employees' civil rights? In a capitalist system, it is more important to protect the rights of companies from unwarranted intervention. In a democracy, it is more important to protect the right to equal treatment. All of these options are correct. It is important to find a balancing act that protects the civil rights of groups and protects the rights of companies to profit.
In a democracy, it is more important to protect the right to equal treatment.
Where in the Constitution are civil rights first addressed? Civil rights are included in the Bill of Rights. Civil rights are addressed in Article II of the Constitution. Civil rights are introduced with the 14th Amendment. Civil rights are not addressed in the Constitution.
Civil rights are introduced with the 14th Amendment.
What is the focus of civil rights protection? ensuring equal rights limiting the government's power over individuals limiting the government's power over individuals AND ensuring equal rights guaranteeing economic opportunity
ensuring equal rights
Civil liberties are concerned with which of the following? limiting the government's power over individuals ensuring equal rights guaranteeing economic opportunity limiting the government's power over individuals AND ensuring equal rights
limiting the government's power over individuals
The Naturalization Act of 1870 extended naturalization rights to what individuals? whites and blacks all individuals regardless of race or ethnicity whites and Latinos whites only
whites and blacks
Which of the following BEST describes the difference between civil rights and civil liberties? Civil liberties require the government to take action, while civil rights do not. Civil rights limit government intervention on certain rights, while civil liberties do not limit government intervention. Civil rights require the government to take action, while civil liberties do not. Civil rights are found in the Bill of Rights, whereas civil liberties are located in later amendments to the Constitution.
Civil rights require the government to take action, while civil liberties do not.
What non-white group was the first to be granted U.S. citizenship? Asians African Americans Mexicans Puerto Ricans
The majority of the public ________ same-sex marriage in 2001, and the majority of the public ___________ same-sex marriage in 2014. opposed; supported supported; opposed opposed; opposed supported; supported
opposed; supported
Which group is most supportive of same-sex marriage? They are all equal. Democrats Independents Republicans
Which group is least supportive of same-sex marriage? Democrats Independents They are all equal. Republicans
The majority of Independent respondents _____________ same-sex marriage. had no opinion on oppose support participated in a parade for
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