Ch 12 Diagnosing – Flashcards

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seconds step in nursing process purpose- identify how a person, group, or community responds to actual or potential health problem, identify factors that contribute to or cause health problems (etiologies), identify resources or strengths that the person, group, or community can draw on to prevent or resolve problems nurse intreprets and analyzes data gathered from nursing asessment data helps nurse identify patient strengths and health problems
health problem
condition that necessitates intervention to prevent or resolve disease or illness or to promote coping and wellness
health problems central to role as nurse - Lefevre
Recognizing safety and infection-transmission risks and addressing these immediately. Identifying human responses—how problems, signs and symptoms, and treatment regimens impact on patients' lives—and promoting optimum function, independence, and quality of life Anticipating possible complications and taking steps to prevent them Initiating urgent interventions—you do not want to wait to make a final diagnosis if there are signs and symptoms indicating the need for immediate treatment.
assessment - clinical reasoning- diagnosis
assessment: collecting data, identifying cues and making inferences, validating data, clustering related data, reporting and recording data clinical reasoning- analyzing, synthesizing, reflecting, drawing conclusions diagnosis- creating a list of suspected problems, naming actual and potential problems/diagnosis determining risk factors that must me managed
significant information that is helpful in making decisions denote significant data and data that influence this analysis "raise a red flag"
data cluster
groups of patient data or cues that points to the existence of a patient health problem help form nursing diagnosis ex- woman recovering from gall bladder surgery Ineffective coping related to refusal to eat, preferring bed rest, reporting increasing discomfort, crying
nursing diagnoses
actual or potential problems that can be prevented or resolved by independent nursing intervention provide basis for selecting nursing interventions that will achieve valued patient outcomes focus on unhealthy to health can change from day to day as the patient's responses change clinical judgment about individual, family, or community responses to actual or potential health problems ex- pain and comfort, tissue integrity and perfusion problems
Predict, Prevent, Manage, and Promote (PPMP)
In the presence of known problems, predict the most common and most dangerous complications and take immediate action to (a) prevent them, and (b) manage them in case they cannot be prevented. Whether problems are present or not, look for evidence of risk factors (things that evidence suggests contribute to health problems). If you identify risk factors, you aim to reduce or control them, thereby preventing the problems themselves. In all situations, ensure that safety and learning needs are met, and promote optimum function and independence.
medical diagnoses
identify diseases describes problems for which the physician directs the primary treatment as long as the disease is present
example of nursing diagnosis vs medical diagnosis
medical- myocardial infarction nursing- fear, altered health maintenance, deficient knowledge, altered tissue perfusion
collaborative problems
managed by using physician-prescribed and nursing-prescribed interventions certain physiologic complications that nurses monitor to detect onset of changes in status PC (potential problem): ______ related to _______ ex- PC: paralytic ileus related to anesthesia
clinical reasoning
needed to implement each step of the nursing process nursing diagnoses best used by nurses who have strong interpersonal and communication skills
examples of nursing diagnoses
Pain (alteration in comfort) related to inflammation as evidence by patient reporting on scale of 8 to 10 Risk for alteration in circulation related to immobility (no evidence- risk diagnosis have 2 parts
diagnostic error
labeling selected patient health problems as unhealthy
norm generally accepted rule or pattern data can be compared too
examples of how standards can be used to identify significant cues
changes in patient's usual health patterns that are unexplained deviation from appropiate population norm behavior that is nonproductive behavior that indicates a developmental lag or evolving dysfunctional pattern
four steps of data interpretation and analyze
Recognizing significant data: Comparing data to standards to see what is abnormal Recognizing patterns or clusters Identifying strengths and problems Identifying potential complications Reaching conclusions Prioritize!
Conclusions after interpreting data
no problem- no nursing response needed, reinforce health habits possible problem- collect more data to confirm actual or potential nursing diagnosis- evaluate care designed before planning and implementing clinical problem other than nursing diagnosis
Formulating nursing diagnosis statements (components)
problem- what is unhealthy about the patient (ex- bathing self care deficit) etiology- factors maintaining to the unhealthy state (what is causing the problem) (ex- RELATEDTO fear of falling in the tub and obesity) Defining characteristics- identifies subjective and objective data that signal existence of problem; cues (ex- manifested by strong body and urine odor, unclear hair)
A patient who admits to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day is diagnosed with lung cancer based on his symptoms and a series of test results. Which of the following is the etiology in this scenario?
smoking cigarettes
types of nursing diagnoses
Actual- problem has been validated by major defining factors Risk- clinical judgements that there is a vulnerablity to develop the problem Possible- suspected problem, need additional data to confirm or rule out Wellness- clinical judgements about transition from a level of wellness to a higher level of wellness Syndrome- cluter of actual or risk diagnoses that are predicted related
four components of a diagnosis (actual problem)
Actual problems have all 4 components- ex- Label- imbalanced nutrition- more than body requirements Definition—intake exceeds metabolic requirements Defining characteristics-eats 5 large meals a day, snacks throughout the day, eats when stressed Related factors: excessive caloric intake, minimal physical activity each day
benefits of nursing diagnosis
Individualizing patient care Defining domain of nursing to health care administrators, legislators, and providers Seeking funding for nursing and reimbursement for nursing services
common errors in writing nursing diagnosis
Writing diagnosis in terms of needs and response; ex needs assistance with bathing related to bed rest- bathing self care deficit related to immobility Making legally inadvisable statements - do not use due to Identifying as a problem a patient response that is not necessarily unhealthy; ex mild anxiety related to impending surgery Identifying as a problem signs and symptoms of illness; ex cough related to long history of smoking- ineffective airway clearance related to 20 year history of smoking Identifying as a patient problem or etiology that cannot be changed Identifying environmental factors rather than patient factors as a problem; ex- deficient knowledge related to alteration in parenting- impaired parenting related to knowledge deficit
Which of the following nursing diagnoses is written correctly? A. Child Abuse related to maternal hostility B. Breast Cancer related to family history C. Deficient Knowledge related to alteration in diet D. Imbalanced Nutrition related to insufficient funds in meal budget
D. Imbalanced Nutrition related to insufficient funds in meal budget
A registered nurse is writing a diagnosis for a 28-year-old male patient who is in traction due to multiple fractures from a motor vehicle accident. Which nursing actions are related to this step in the nursing process? Select all that apply. The nurse uses the nursing interview to collect patient data. The nurse analyzes data collected in the nursing assessment. The nurse develops a care plan for the patient. The nurse points out the patient's strengths. The nurse assesses the patient's mental status. The nurse identifies community resources to help his family cope
b, d, f. The purposes of diagnosing are to identify how an individual, group, or community responds to actual or potential health and life processes; identify factors that contribute to or cause health problems (etiologies); and identify resources or strengths the individual, group, or community can draw on to prevent or resolve problems. In the diagnosing step of the nursing process, the nurse interprets and analyzes data gathered from the nursing assessment, identifies patient strengths, and identifies resources the patient can use to resolve problems. The nurse assesses and collects patient data in the assessment step and develops a care plan in the planning step of the nursing process.
A nurse is caring for an older adult patient who presents with labored respirations, productive cough, and fever. What would be appropriate nursing diagnoses for this patient? Select all that apply. Bronchial pneumonia Impaired gas exchange Ineffective airway clearance Potential complication: sepsis Infection related to pneumonia Risk for septic shock
b, c, f. Nursing diagnoses are actual or potential health problems that can be prevented or resolved by independent nursing interventions, such as impaired gas exchange, ineffective airway clearance, or risk for septic shock. Bronchial pneumonia and infection are medical diagnoses, and "potential complication: sepsis" is a collaborative problem.
After assessing a patient who is recovering from a stroke in a rehabilitation facility, a nurse interprets and analyzes the patient data. Which of the four basic conclusions has the nurse reached when identifying the need to collect more data to confirm a diagnosis of situational low self-esteem? No problem Possible problem Actual nursing diagnosis Clinical problem other than nursing diagnosis
b. When a possible problem exists, such as situational low self-esteem related to effects of stroke, the nurse must collect more data to confirm or disprove the suspected problem. The conclusion "no problem" means no nursing response is indicated. When an actual problem exists, the nurse begins planning, implementing, and evaluating care to prevent, reduce, or resolve the problem. A clinical problem other than nursing diagnosis requires that the nurse consult with the appropriate health care professional to work collaboratively on the problem.
A nurse assesses a patient and formulates the following nursing diagnosis: Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity related to prescribed bedrest as evidenced by reddened areas of skin on the heels and back. Which phrase represents the etiology of this diagnostic statement? Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity Related to prescribed bedrest As evidenced by As evidenced by reddened areas of skin on the heels and back
b."Related to prescribed bedrest" is the etiology of the statement. The etiology identifies the contributing or causative factors of the problem. "Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity" is the problem, and "as evidenced by reddened areas of skin on the heels and back" are the defining characteristics of the problem.
nurse is counseling a 60-year-old female patient who refuses to look at or care for a new colostomy. She tells the nurse, "I don't care what I look like anymore, I don't even feel like washing my hair, let alone changing this bag." The nurse diagnoses Altered Health Maintenance. This is an example of what type of problem? Collaborative problem Interdisciplinary problem Medical problem Nursing problem
d. Nursing Problem, because it describes a problem that can be treated by nurses within the scope of independent nursing practice. Collaborative and interdisciplinary problems require a teamwork approach with other health care professionals to resolve the problem. A medical problem is a traumatic or disease condition validated by medical diagnostic studies.
A nurse makes a clinical judgment that an African American male patient in a stressful job is more vulnerable to developing hypertension than White male patients in the same or similar situation. The nurse has formulated what type of nursing diagnosis? Actual Risk Possible Wellness
b. A clinical judgment that an individual, family, or community is more vulnerable to develop the problem than others in the same or similar situation is a Risk nursing diagnosis.
A nurse is writing nursing diagnoses for patients in a psychiatrist's office. Which nursing diagnoses are correctly written as two-part nursing diagnoses? (1) Ineffective Coping related to inability to maintain marriage (2) Defensive Coping related to loss of job and economic security (3) Altered Thought Processes related to panic state (4) Decisional Conflict related to placement of parent in a long-term care facility
d. Each of the four diagnoses is a correctly written two-part diagnostic statement that includes the problem or diagnostic label and the etiology or cause
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